The diary of Minnie C. Burton
The woman behind the man behind the camera: re-discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun
Back to introduction

H. to Valley in morning. Back for
lunch. Miss B. left for Nile trip
after lunch. Walk with H. by cult. after tea.
Leónie & Mr de Casson to lunch. They
came back to tea. Also the Mackintoshs &
Miss Hamersley. H. to Valley in morning
Back to lunch. Tomb opened to public. Mr
Darke in charge. Walk after tea with H. by cult.
Mrs Armstrong & Dr Worthington to
lunch. Planting bulbs after. H. to Valley,
but back for lunch on donkey. After tea
with Mr & Mrs W. & H in Nedbert to Der el
Medina & walked to French diggings. Mr
Mond & Miss Le Manach called in morning.
Horrid dull cloudy day. Looked like rain,
but cleared up about 1 o’clock & was fine.
Mrs Firth, Diana & their cousin came to
lunch. After Mrs W. & I took them in bus
to the Temple & then to the Ramesseum.
Back here for tea. M. Bruyère & M.
Czery also, & Mr Darke who had come
to call on me. Walk round Temple
We were to have lunched with Mrs A. but
she put us off as she has Influenza. H &
I to Luxor after lunch in Nedbert. Miss P. &
Frances to river. To Toby Mansur & bought
necklaces. Tutankhamen stores. Met
Dr Worthington. We had tea with Mrs
Mond in her bedroom, & she was in bed.
The Bisson de la Roques there & Miss Le
Manach. Left at 5. Us at Davieses after
H to Valley. I went over in hedbert at 12 to bring
him back to lunch. Walk after tea with H. to old
dig to gather pebbles for bulbs.
Mrs Firth, Diana & Miss Drage to lunch.
Walk with H after tea gathering pebbles. H
very hysterical about my films.
The Lacaus here after lunch & their
friends the Maynards. I didn’t see them
as they went off with the Winlocks. H & I
gathering pebbles by Pylon, & walk by cult.
To river in bus in morning with Mrs
W. & Miss Perry. After lunch Lady Neumann
Guy & Rosie to call. Walk with H. by cult.
After lunch Mrs W. & I went over to Luxor
& I gave H’s photographs of Tutankhamen to
Diana Firth to take down to Cairo to Mr Carter.
Pohoomull’s & met Mrs Mond & Miss Le Manach
also Mme Lacau, & we went to see Mrs
Armstrong in bed. Back for tea. Nice
sailing breeze. Walk with H. by cult.
After tea walk with H. up rocks & down the
tourist path. Fire after dinner.
Mr W. to Luxor early to Merkus. After lunch
to call on me Mr & Mrs Elgood, Miss Dight &
Mrs Molesworth from Mrs Phillips. H. & I
went to Luxor at 2.20. H. played tennis
with the Davieses & Miss Le Manach, & I
shopped & went to see Mrs Armstrong &
called on Lacaus. Tea with the Neumanns
Countess Blücher & Mrs Mond. BackLeft
with Davieses soon after 5. Very cold.
With Mrs W. to Luxor. Children & Miss P. to
river. Very cold, but bright. Mrs W. tea with
Mrs Mond. I tea with Mrs A. Absurd fight.
Talking to the Elgoods & Wiggins. Miss
Bowditch arrived from Aswan & she
Mrs W. & I back, arriving about 6.30 in
the dark. Splitting neuralgic headache.
Fire in dining room after dinner.
Dr Munthe & Countess Behague to tea.
Afterwards a crowd of Russells, Lamonts
& Robinsons from the Asswan boat. Walk
with Mrs W. & Harry round cultivation.
Tent up today. Mr Carter to tea. He
got back from Cairo yesterday. Walk after with
H. by cultivation. Saw the death of Lily Dalgairns
in the Morning Post Dec. 28.
Mr Newberry arrived in morning to stay.
Walk with H. after tea by cultivation.
Mr & Mrs Victor Bouney came to early tea.
Also Mr Newberry. Walked round cultivation
after with H. &and Mr N. Upset about Mr W.
having told H. that Mr Carter complained
that I had told Mrs Armstrong things I
never said.
After lunch with Mrs W. & Miss B. gathering
pebbles & Nile onyx.Colonel & Mrs Mathieson
to tea & also Mr & Mrs Harewood & Miss
Griggs. H. to Mr Carter’s.
Mr Newberry, Miss B. H & I to Luxor at
11. In shops. Mr N. & H & I lunched
with the Bonneys. Talking to Dr Munthe &
Mr Mond. Miss B. waited for boat to see
a maid, so left to come back about 5.20.
Mr N. dined with the Davieses. Mr
Hauser lost his temper badly at dinner.
After lunch H. & I drove to Cemetery & after
to the Sug.
Planting bulbs. Gathering pebbles by big
pylon after lunch with Mrs W. & Miss B.
Walk with H.
The Bonneys to lunch. Some friends of
the Harknesses called after. Mr Carter
to tea & dinner. Walk with H. by cult.
Mrs H. & Miss. B. to lunch with the
Harwoods at Luxor. Walk with H. cult.
Lord & Lady Leitrim to lunch. Mr W & Miss
B. took them after to the Tombs of the
Queens. I had to stay behind to meet
Mrs & Miss Addison who came for tea.
Walk with H. by cult.
To Luxor in morning. Mrs W. & Miss B. in
car to meet Mrs Armstrong. Lunched with
Mrs & Miss Addison at Luxor Hotel. Talking
to Mr de Bildt, the Douglas-Mathesons.
After lunch to Mohassib’s with Mrs &
Miss A., Gaddis, & back to the W. Bank
at 3.45. Walk round Temple with
H. Mr Carter at Luxor with Merzbach.
Expected Mr de Bildt but he didn’t turn up.
Walk with H. round Temple. After dinner
movies. The Davieses came in. Warm day.
H & I to Luxor at 2.30. To Gaddis. Then to
the Luxor & with Mrs & Miss Addison to the
shops. Back to the Winter Palace for tea
with the Leitrims on the terrace. Mrs &
Miss Roberts & Mr Robert Hichins. Saw Mr
de Bildt who had twisted his ankle yes-
terday. The Winlocks lunched with Dr W.
& Mr Aubrey Le Blond, & Mr Newberry with
Mrs Armstrong. He came back with us.
H. went to Mr Carter’s in evg. so I walked
alone up the hill & down the tourist path
& then to Mrs Davies!
Mr, Mrs & Miss Russell from Chicago to
lunch. Miss B. left for Cairo to the
dentist at 3. Mr Newberry left early
in the morning to go to Abydos with Sir
John & Lady Maxwell. After tea Mr W. drove
Mrs W. Harry & I to Tombs of Kings in hedbert.
Mrs W. & I to Luxor about 12 from here.
Lunched with Mrs Armstrong. Talking to Mrs
Mond, & afterwards Mr Aubrey Le Blond.
Dr Worthington & Miss Heywood. Then to
Indian, Dayaram Bros. Mrs W. had tea with
friends & I had tea with Mrs Armstrong.
Mrs Garvice. Horrid cold windy day.
Mr Newberry got back from Abydos &
brought Eric Maclagan back to lunch. Hadn’t
seen him for 20 years. He stayed to tea.
Very cold wind.
Mr Newberry came for a walk with us
after tea to the top of the hill opposite Der
el Medina. Mr Winlock left for Cairo
for the opening of Dr Reisner’s Tomb
H. & I went by car to Mr Carter’s house
starting at 2. & then to the top of the
hill where the Coptic temple is. Hard pull &
very hot in sun & out of wind. Down
the S. face of hill, one or two jumpy
bits, into Priest-King’s Valley by water
course. Up another water course to top of
hill & down Harry’s old path into Valley
of Kings. Up path opposite Western Valley
on to the WE. side of Valley, down again & up
on to our hill & down the tourist path. Got
back at 6.45 dark & Mrs W. anxious. Mrs
Davies to dinner.
Mr Aubrey Le Blond & Miss Hayward to lunch.
After tea H & I round cultivation.
Mr Winlock returned from Cairo. Mr
Bannard to lunch & a lot of people in
after. I went to see Neferu with Harry. After
tea we met Mr Carter & he took us back to
his house. We walked home. Warm day.
Mr & Mrs Maclagan to tea. Walk with H. by
Temple after. Mr Davies in.
Sir John & Lady Maxwell to lunch. Lady
M. went home early but Sir John stayed
until nearly 6. Baroness Ramsay, Mrs
& Miss Barker to tea. Walk with H. by cult.
Mrs Ronald Greville & Bogey Harris to
lunch. Mr Newberry lunched with the
Maxwells. Walk after tea with H. by cult.
The Davieses & Miss BMoss to dinner.
Sir Robert Watson Smyth to lunch. Walk
with H.
H. & I to Luxor at 11.30. Gave Mr Davies
& Miss Moss a lift to Drab el Naggar. The
High Commissioner’s boat passed us as we
were crossing the river - arriving from
Khartoum. Met Dr Worthington, & Sir
Robert Smyth who introduced me to Lady
S. The girl laid up with measles. We
lunched with Mrs Ronald Greville &
Bogey Harris. She had asked Sir R.
Horne & his sister but they were lunching
with the Lloyds. Talking to the Maxwells,
Mrs Scott, Mrs Mond, Miss Fisher, Mrs
Marshall, Col & Mrs Brassey. We had
tea with Baroness Ramsay & Mr Mrs
& Miss Barker. Mrs Davies & Miss
Moss teaing with Mr Darke & we
brought them back at 5.45. Wonderful
Dr & Mrs Flexner of the Rockafeller Inst.
to lunch, & stayed to tea. Walk with H.
Mrs Marshall & Miss Fisher to lunch.
Some people called Cutler to tea. Walk round
cultivation with H. Mr Hauser left for Cairo.
Mr Newberry didn’t dine, with headache.
Mr Weyer laid up all day - nothing much.
Mrs Winlock & I to Luxor after lunch to tea
with Mrs Armstrong. Talking to the Brasseys,
Mrs Flexner, Mr Darke, Col Matheson, Mr
Hichens, also called on the Britannia to
find the Hopkinsons, but out. Saw Foucart
with the Snarey’s.
To Luxor & lunched alone with Sir Fred-
erick & Lady Hopkinson & Sir Hardman &
Lady Lever. Introduced Mrs Armstrong. Her
birthday & gave her Talbot Kelly’s book &
Mrs Quibell’s. Tea with the same party. Talking
to Sir John & Lady Maxwell, Mrs Marshall, Miss
Fisher, Barkers, Mr Carter, Merzbach, Miss
Le Manach. Met the Monds on river bank
Left 5.30. Mrs W. & Miss B. to meet me in
Mr & Mrs W. lunched at Luxor with the
Flexners to meet Dr Prichett. H. & I to Mr
Carter’s after tea. He leaves for Aswan to-
morrow. Miss Moss in after dinner. Warm.
Mr Darke called for us at 12.20 & took
us across in Mr Carter’s car. We lunched
with Mrs Marshall & Miss Fisher. Sir
John & Lady Maxwell, Miss Leigh, Mrs Wren
Mr Hichens. Afterwards to Mrs Armstrong,
& we had tea with Mrs Scott. The Prichetts
lunched here & saw them before we left.
Sir Robert Watson Smyth & Mary to lunch.
Mr Darke to tea. The Winlocks & Miss B
at Luxor for tea. Walk with H. after
by cultivation. Letter from Maria to say
Esther incinta. Wrote & told Mme J. to
get rid of her.
To-To died 4 years ago. Dr Breasted & Dr
Nelson to tea. Walk after with H.
Walk with Mrs W. after lunch by Der el
Medinet & Medinet Habu. After tea with
H. by Temple. Miss Moss in after dinner.
Mr W. & Mr Newberry left at 8 A.M. for
El Kab. Packing their food after breakfast
for Osman to take later. Mr W. Miss B
& I to Luxor & had tea with Mrs Armstrong
who looked ill & depressed & wept.
Walk with H. by cult after tea. Mrs W. to tea
with Miss Aldrich. Workpeople moving front
Mr Hauser & Mr Wilkinson returned. Cold
wind. Mrs Winlock lunched at Luxor. Brought
back to tea Miss Aldrich & Miss Macfadden.
Mrs Colley Rowan & Lord James Stewart
Murray. Walk after by cultivation with H.
H & I to Luxor at 12. Lunched with Mrs
Armstrong. Mr Hichens. Afterwards in
Mrs A’s room. Tea on the back Terrace with
Mrs A., Mrs Winlock, Miss B. Dr Worthington
& Mr Prescott. Talking to Lady Leitrim
Maxwells. Rather chilly day. Mrs W. &
Miss B. came over to meet the “Egypt”
bringing the Berkeleys, but ended by
dining at the W. P. & when they left at
9.30 P.M. the boat hadn’t yet arrived.
The Berkeleys expected to lunch, but boat
not in. Mr & 2 Miss Bartlots to tea.
Walk after with H. by cultivation. Big fire
in sugar plantation.
The Berkeleys here in morning. Mr & Miss
Warren called. Miss B. lunched at Luxor.
Mr & Mrs Krech lunched here. Walk with
H. by cult after tea.
Lord & Lady Berkeley to lunch. Afterwards
Mrs W. & I to Luxor & had tea with Mrs
Scott. Saw Mrs Armstrong. Mr W. & Mr
Newberry arrived from Aswan, & stayed
in Luxor for the evg. dining at Karnac
with Berkeleys, Mrs W. & Miss B.
Saw first flight of storks hovering over
the cliffs in morning. Walk with H.
After lunch at 3. with Mrs W. & Miss B.
up tourist path, back of hump, & round
cliffs to Der el Medina. Saw Bruyère &
Czerny. To Chicago House & had tea
with the Nelsons, Miss Wills & Dr Breasted.
Mr Hichins & Mr Prescott to tea. Afterwards
Mrs W. & Miss B. left for Palestine. Mr
W. went to see them off. Walk with H. by
H. & I to Luxor at 11. Lunched with Mrs
Armstrong. Mr Prescott. Talking to Mrs Brassey
& Col. B., Mrs Mond, Dr W. Maxwells etc. Tea with Mrs
Scott. Miss Moss. Back at 6. Lord Leitrim
here while we were out. Also Harrimans.
H. talking to Phelps Stokes.
Lord Leitrim to lunch. Took him afterwards
to Menna, Sennefer, Ramose & Kha em hat.
Met Mr Mond & Miss Le Manach in Ramose
superintending work there, also Sir John
& Lady Maxwell, who came back to tea
here, also Lord L. Madame Lortet
& Marchese Umberto Strozzi. Warm day.
Walk with H. by cult.
After tea for drive to Valley of Kings & back
by canal ghissa with H., Mr W. & children.
Met Mrs Mond & niece. Mr Lucas dined
here, Mr Carter too seedy to come. Grey &
overcast in morning. After lunch wind &
rain storm & 6 degrees drop in ½ hour.
Mr Newberry lunched with the Maxwells, back
for tea & came for a walk with us round the
cultivation. Maddison Grants in morning.
To Luxor in aft. Children & Miss P. to river.
Had tea with Mrs Scott, Miss Burgess &
Count Bruno Corra. Talking to Monds,
Mme Lortet, Marchese Strozzi. Back at
W. bank at 5.30 & met children & Miss
P. Mr W. left for Cairo. Mr Newberry
at Valley & lunched with Mr Carter.
Miss Burgess & Count Corra to lunch.
Took them to the Temple after. They stayed for
tea. After for a walk with H. by cultivation.
Mr Winlock back from Cairo. Mrs Moore
& Miss Harris to lunch. After H & I to Luxor
also Mr W. Miss P. & the children. Bayumi’s
wife had miscarriage last night. We
had tea with Miss Burgess & Count Corra
also Mr Lucas & Mr Carter. Back with
Winlock party. Speaking to the Berkeleys.
Miss Moss arrived at 12. Barbara
with me all the morning. Mr Newberry
knocked up & no tea or dinner. Walk
with H & Miss Moss after by cultivation
Horrid day, dark, gloomy, high wind & cold.
Lord & Lady Berkeley to lunch. Walk after
tea with Miss Moss & H. by cult. Lovely day.
To Luxor in morning & lunched with
Mrs Armstrong. Dr Strong & Dr Worthington
Also tea with them. Warm day. Mrs A’s
arms very inflamed with infected insect bite.
Mrs Winlock arrived. Mme de Cramer in
morning, & also to tea bringing Count
Caccia Domenini with the Contessa, 2
daughters, a friend & Jarsa Bey Beschari
Walk with H. by cultivation. Very cold day.
Windstorm in early morning.
Bitter cold wind. Professor Steindorf to
lunch. Afterwards Mrs W. & I to Luxor to
tea with Mrs A. in bed with arms bad.
Mr Carter & Mrs Lucas to dinner. Very cold.
Miss Moss & Mr Newberry left for Abydos.
Miss M. to Fayum, & Mr N. to Mena House.
Walk with H. by cult. after tea.
Mr Lee Simonson to lunch. At 2.30 H
& I with the Winlocks & Miss Perry to Luxor.
Mrs W. & I to Luxor Hotel to see Mr Prescott’s
portrait of Mrs Armstrong. The porter spilt
ink on my dress. Tea with Mrs A. Also
Mr Winlock. Back at 5.45. Speaking to
Mr Darke. Last Tutankhamen day.
St Patrick’s Day. Walk with H. after tea by cult.
Mrs W. & I to Luxor in morning. Children
to river. Lunched with Mrs A. also tea.
To Hampton, Gaddis & Tutankhamen store.
Warm aft. Dr Worthington at tea.
M. Benedite & M. Foucart in morning.
H & I for walk after tea by cult. & Mrs W. too.
Mrs W. & I to Luxor at 3. Children to river.
Tea with Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Murray. Met
Miss Helm, Mrs Strealfield & Mrs Gordon. Left
at 5.45. Mrs A. leaving for Cairo on
Monsieur Bénédite & M. Foucart to lunch.
Walk after tea with H. by cult. & sitting on hill
In morning to Rek ma re’ with H. Mr
Mond turned up & I went back to lunch
with him & Mr Emery at their place. Mr
Knittel turned up after, & H. came at 2.
Walk with H. after tea by cult. & on hill. The
Winlock’s dined on board the “Scarab”.
A wire came from Mrs Phillips at 7.15 A.M.
to say she was arriving this morning. So H.
went over after breakfast to meet her. She stayed
there for lunch with Lady Horne. H. brought
back the news that Monsieur Bénédite died
this morning at 7. from sunstroke con-
tracted at Karnac yesterday. Mr Williams,
Mr Cravath, Mr Cruger, Miss Brush & Mrs
Whitehouse to lunch. Afterwards H & I to
Luxor with the Winlocks. To see Mrs Scott,
seedy in bed. We had tea at Winter Palace
with Robert Hichens. Then to Luxor Hotel
to pick up Mrs Phillips. Met Lady Horne.
Talking to Mr Mond, Mr Emery, Mr Knittel,
Dr Worthington. Brought Mrs Phillips back.
Lady Horne called for Mrs P. & me at 10.
& to Valley of Kings. Seti, Amenhotep II &
Meremptah, Back for lunch & then to
Tombs of Queens in Lady H’s car. Mrs
W. joined us there, & to Medinet Habu.
Lady H. back to Luxor from there, & Mr W.
drove Mrs P. & me home. Mr Welch to lunch.
After tea, H. Mrs P. & I walked by cultivation.
Mr Hawes to tea. Walk after with H. & Mrs P.
by cult. Warm. Winlocks to Luxor in aft.
Admiral & Mrs Welles, Commander & Mrs
Carpender to lunch. After, Mrs Phillips &
I to Luxor. Tea with Mr Hodge, Welles,
Carpenders & Colefields (?) & after to the
Grand Hotel to see Musa catching snakes.
Then with Mrs Scott, & Mr Hodge saw us
off. Talking to Dr Worthington. Schwartz
The Welles here in morning. Mrs Scott
to lunch & tea. Mrs P., Mrs W. & children
with her to the river. Walk with H. by
cult. Mr Carter & Mr Lucas here. After
dinner H. walked to Temple with Mrs P.
& Mr Weyre.
Wire from N. Y. announcing the death
of old Mrs Harkness. After lunch Mrs
P., Mrs W & children to Luxor. Mrs P. & I to
station & to tea at Winter Palace. Mrs
W. home before us. H. in car to meet us.
Very windy crossing. Talking to Mr Cravath
& Dr W.
Miss Helen to tea, after which Mrs P. H
& I to Luxor to see Mrs P. part of the way
off. H. & I started back at 6. The
Winlocks to Mr Carter after dinner. Mrs
Phillips & I to Mrs Davies in morning.
The Winlocks & Miss P. to Luxor early. Back
at 2.30. We went over at 3. Talking to
Mr Hichens. We had tea with Mr Prescott at
Winter Palace. Margaret Strong was having
tea with Mr Hichens. Back at 6.
Mr Carter at tea time, & afterwards the Ws
H. & I in his car, Mr W. driving, & children
& Miss P. following in our car, accross the
desert behind Medinet Habu, & back by
ghissas to Mr C’s house. H & I & Miss P.
walked home. Mr W. to Davies after dinner.
Mr Balfour to tea. With H. to Davies’ &
saw their El Amarna drawing. Then round
by the Temple.
Mr Balfour to tea. Walk with H. by cult.
Mr Balfour to lunch. Walk with H. by cult.
Hamper of vegetables & fruit from Mrs Phillips.
In morning with H. & movie camera to
take weavers & spinners near Menna. Hot.
High wind & wind in aft. not khamseen.
Mrs W. for walk by cultivation in aft. The
Children to dinner.
H went to Kena by 10.30 train to do
some movies of potters. Miss Perry, Frances
& I to Luxor in aft, & I to station to meet
H. by 4.30 train arrived at 5. Tea at
Luxor Hotel. Mr Prescott leaving that night.
H & I for walk after tea. Lovely cold
day. Went up the hill opposite, along top &
overlooking Western Valley, & back by tourist
Mr Winlock drove Mrs W. H & me to
Mr Carter’s. Left H. there, & we went to
river bank & back to Mr C.’s for Harry.
Quite chilly.
M. Bruyère & Cerny after lunch to
say goodbye. Then Mrs W. Miss P. children
& I to Luxor & shopping. Said goodbye to
Mr Lucas at Luxor Hotel, leaving that night.
Back for tea at 5.30. & walk by Temple
with H. Dr Nelson & Mr Kellogg in after
Fourth anniversary of Papa. H. began
working again for Mr C. photographing the
jewellery. Back after lunch. After tea for
walk with him by cult. Still cool. The
Frankforts & Davieses to dinner.
H. back after lunch from Valley. Mrs
W., Miss P., children & I out in car at
4 & along Erment ghissa. Back at
5.30. Walk with H. by cult. Warm day.
Mr Carter to dinner.
Hot day. 96°. Walk with H. after tea.
He got back from Valley for tea. Last day
of Ramadan, but couldn’t see new moon.
Servants all went to Mosque at Luxor
in morning. First day of Bairam. Hot.
On hill top with H. No walk. Not to Valley.
Mr Williams in morning. Mr Callender
arrived for lunch. H. back from Valley
about 3. 101°
Mrs W. & I to Luxor in aft. With Mr W
who left for Cairo at 6. P.M. Tea at
Luxor Hotel. Mr Williams & sisters. To
Pohoomull’s after to buy silks. Very hot
102°. Back late. H. to Valley.
Mr Callender left in morning. Hot 100°.
H. back from Valley. 2.30.
Mr Winlock back in morning. Dr Nelson
to tea. The Winlocks to Luxor to see Lacau.
Mr C. here, everybody out. H. & I round
Temple & on hill.
Lacau to tea. Walk with H. by cultivation
& on hill.
Mr Speleers in morning. Mrs Winlock,
children & Miss P. left on the 26 April.
for Cairo. On the 27th, 28th, 29th out with
Mr W. in aft in car, H. Mr Weyre & I.
Thermometer every day 103, 105, 103 for 6
Walk with H. after tea to hilltop.
Left Qurna at 3. & Harry & I had
tea at Luxor Hotel with Mrs Scott. Left Luxor
by 6 P.M. train. Dined on board.
Arrived Cairo 7 A.M. after almost sleepless
night from the heat. To Continental Hotel, 131.
Washed my hair. Slept after lunch. We had
tea with the Russells. Mr & Mrs Pearce, &
Prince Jellaleddin. From there to the
Garrys. After dinner Mr Roberts.
Balchin lunched with us.
Shem-en-nessim. Most of shops shut, but
H. & I did some shopping & also to Groppi’s
Tea with the Phillips. Mrs P. wanted to
take us to the Loutfallah’s big lunch
but refused. Mrs Scrivener at the Phillips’s.
The Garrys dined with us & afterwards with the
& Persian
Minister & his English wife.
Shopping all morning with Mrs Harry.
Very hot. Mrs Winlock in from Mena
House in morning. Also Dr Reisner,
Monsieur Baraize, Dr Garry. Prof. Steindorff
& Mr Hauser. The Phillips for us at 4
& motored us out to see the restored
Sphinx & we had tea in the car.
Khamsin & beastly. In to Mena House
on our way back & saw Miss Perry & the
children. Also Miss ? At Sphinx met
Prince Amr Ibrahim (son of married
Mlle Yousri, a sister of Hassanein’s wife.
Is a nephew of Seif ed din). Back to
Phillips. Madame Wickefort van Crommelin
there. Also Mrs Scrivener. Dr P. drove us back
to town. Packing after dinner until late.
Left Cairo for Alex by the 9.30 A.M.
train. Mr Boys in carriage. At Tanta
Léonie & the Courvoisiers came to the train
to see us through & brought us lemonade.
Arrived Alex 12.45. Sent luggage to boat &
to Claridge’s for lunch. The Monds & Miss Le
Manach, also manager of Semiramis.
After lunch to Khedevial mail boat
Famaka. & sailed at 4.15 P.M. ¼ hour
late. Mr & Mrs Hardy or Harding at table (the Delco
Traveller). Mr Richardson & Mr Carr on
board who came down from the Sudan
in our train from Luxor. Calm.
Calm & muggy. Passed Crete at tea-
Arr. Piraeus about 8.30 A.M. (instead
of 10). Not allowed on shore as Turkey
had put Greece in quarantine on account
of plague. Had our Greek visas in Cairo.
2 English men (on board). of business from Smyrna on
visit to Athens had to go to Egypt in
order to get back to Smyrna on account
of quarantine. Mr Carr & Mr Richardson
& the Hardys disembarked. Also most of
the passengers. Much cooler & clearer.
Sailed about 4.30. Passed Cape Colonna & Temple
of Poseidon & then
between Mikronisi & Kea.
Arrived Smyrna 8 A.M. We went ashore
& motored up to Mount Pagos, by American
Institute & back by the Bazaars. Mr
Campling & Mr Montgomery left us. Three
old Scotch people on board - a couple & an-
other woman, & also a very self - satisfied
young Jackanapes, also Scotch. The
Captain Scotch also.
Four years since Mamma died.
Got up at 4 A.M. while boat stopped
at Chanak for pratique, & stayed on
deck until we passed Gallipoli town
at 6, & saw the whole of the Dardanelles.
It was dark when we passed Cape Helles
So could not see the War Memorial.
Very lovely approach to C’nople, beauty-ful
day, & got into port about 3 P.M.
Edwina sent the Embassy Cavass to
meet us & get us ashore & through
the Customs & up to the House at 8
rue Minaret, Pera. Tea with her alone
then Mrs Wylie who is staying in the
house, & Edwin later. Dinner 8.30.
After tea we walked to the Embassy
& wrote our names in the book & walked
through the Garden, also about Pera
& taxied back.
Left the house with E. Mrs W. & H.
at 10.30 & first to sleeping car office where
we met the Hinds. In Mr Hoar’s car
(chancellor). Then to Museum & saw
Alexander’s Sarcophagus & Shepherd boy.
Mrs Leeper & Miss Somervell.
Then to Sta. Sophia. After lunch H &
I to be photographed for permit de sejour
Then tea, & to see the great cistern
with Edwina & Mrs W. She left us, &
E. H & I went to the Sultan Ahmed
Mosque. In the morning also the
Hippodrome. After the Mosque we
walked to the Bazaars & spent a little
time there. Mr Helm to dinner,
Mr Knoblet to lunch every day - a
young cousin of Edwin’s.
Mr Hoar’s car, & E. Mrs W. H & I to
the Yeni Kouli (Seven towers) & on the
walls etc. Then to the Mosaic Mosque,
& a long way back round by the
country over an awful road for lunch
at after 2. At 2.30 on to the
Seraglio, & from there to the fur shop
in the bazaar, Edwina having left
us after the Seraglio. Back for tea
at 6. Very tired. Mr & Mrs Waugh &
her mother, Mrs Hugh Jones to dinner.
Left house at 10.45 & by steamer up
the Golden Horn to Ayub Mosque.
Lunch late & just caught the 2.30 boat
with Edwina up the Bosphorus to the
Black Sea, Roumeli Hissar. The
Hinds on board. Bitterly cold.
With H. Edwina & Mrs D. W. to the Bazaars
in morning. Bought some Turkish towels
After lunch with H. to Wagon Lits. Back
for tea, & Kenny & Ruth Whittall, Arthur,
Miss Dodd, & Canon & Mrs Whitehouse.
Left by 10 A.M. boat for Prinkipo &
spent the day on Edwin’s yacht the “Eaglet”.
The Edmunds, Mrs Hadow, Miss Hampson,
Mrs D. W. Chilly but fine. At the
Hampson’s villa later & for a walk
as we missed the 5.15 boat. Caught
the 7.15 boat back to C’nople & got
back at 9.
Left C’nople by the Orient Express at
11 A.M. The Edwins came to see us off.
Beautiful view of the Golden Horn &
Golden Gate etc.
Passed through Belgrade at 2.30
P.M. Good view.
Arr. Trieste 10 A.M. 2½ hours late.
To the Savoy. Excelsior Hotel. Room 5_6
with bath. Left again at 11.30 for Postumia
to see the Stalagtite Caverns. Very wonderful.
Got there 1.45. & entered grottoes at 2.15.
Two hours in, & walked 3 miles. Got
the 4.40 P.M. back & changed at San
Pietro in Carso. Arr. Trieste 6.45.
Dined early, & bed, very tired. Rained slightly
Left Trieste 10 A.M. Had a coupé
to ourselves in through carriage, & bought
cestini for lunch & dinner. Saw
floods in upper Italy - Adige, Po &
Piave. Giuseppe Pasqui to meet us.
Unpacking. Ada in morning & to
tea. To Ethel’s at 6.30. P.M. for
clothes’clothes' patterns. Maria in in morning.
Gisela here & then Forca. With H
shopping after tea & to Dori. Ada
to dine. Cloudy & cold.
Maria P. in morning. Sunny & warm.
H & I to tea at the MacDougalls & Baroness
de Kerbrech. Lots of people, & Mme Sabelvelt
sang. Afterwards to the Buttles, & walked
home. The Kirks there & Miss Lafarge.
also Miss Wilson.
To Milliner & then to lunch with Ethel
where I met H. Met Mrs Norman. Mrs
Ryle & Angela staying with E. also Mrs
Anstey, & Count Frassinetto to lunch.
Afterwards to see Miss Goode who had
been in bed 12 days. After tea shopping
with H. Met the Courvoisiers.
H & I to tea at the Firth’s. Drove in
Bianchi’s carriage. Marchesa Scarampi.
We dined with Miss Hutton. Miss
Latley in afterwards.
H. & I to Empire Day Service at Holy
Trinity at 11. Lots of people after. After
tea with H. to the Reddies’. Marchese
Gordi, & Madame & young Beldimano.
Walked home by Viale & Via S. Leonardo.
To Gisela in morning. Met Hunter-
Smiths. Mrs Julian Story at Gisela’s &
her sister Mrs Making. Shopping with H.
after tea.
Met H. at Mr Procter’s in morning. Mrs
Duncan. To tea with Miss Ryerson. Signa
Abetti, Buttles & Miss Lafarge. Mrs Howes, Mrs
Austen Leigh etc. Walked back.
Flower market with H. in morning. To
tea Ethel, Mrs Anstey, Mrs Baird, the Firths,
Mrs Ryle, Marchesa Scarrampi, Miss Latley
& Miss Hutton. Also Mrs Reddie.
To the Allori in morning with H. in
Attilio’s car. Took Madonna lilies. After
to Gisela. To tea at the de Robecks. Miss
Feilding, & the Courvoisiers. Walked both
ways. Met Mr Rathbone. Maria in after
dinner. Met Miss Durst.
We had tea here, then with Ethel, Mrs Anstey
& Mrs Baird to the Maclean’s at home.
Everybody in Florence there. We went on to
Mrs Lindley’s. Some other people there.
The Pasquis to dinner & we took them
to “Boris Godonnoff.” Very good. The
Dursts, Mme Courvoisier etc there. Back at 1.
To tea with the Spelmans & met Tim's
mother. Mrs Cox & a friend & Mrs Durst
& Giovanna. H. dined with Ada.
Baroness Faverot & Isabel lunched here.
We had tea with Mrs Murray-Baillie.
Miss Goode & Mrs Hayes-Sadler & Mr Procter.
H. & I to Consulate to have Egypt. Trib
signatures witnessed. To milliner. To
tea at the de Cossons. Mrs & Miss Evans,
the Bramleys, Mrs Turner etc. Also Addie
& Isabel. They motored us back to Piazza.
Norton etc. Ethel, Mrs Anstey & Mrs Baird
dined here.
H & I motored Mrs Murray Baillie out
to Mr Proctor’s at home. Everybody in Florence
there. 300. Fine, but chilly, though
pouring wet morning. Miss Latley,
Mrs Hook, & Ada to dinner.
Col & Mme Courvoisier & Mr Procter to
lunch. To tea with Ethel Harter.
Duca del Monte, Carlo Placci, Haslips
Mrs Sturt, etc.
Mr & Mrs Jennings Bramly & Sir George
Dick Lauder to lunch. I had tea with
Miss Robbins. Mrs Robbins & another
woman there. Found Jim and Mr
Whitehead here when I got back. We dined
with them at the Baglioni.
We had tea with the Spellmans. Mrs
Cox. Miss Ferine, Mr Forbes (playwright)
& some other people. H. dined with Ada.
We lunched with the Dick-Lauders.
Lady Ross, Vicars, Ethel, & Munari
Roccas. We called on Mrs Crown-
inshield. Mrs Mason Jones & a Miss
Robinson there. H. went to see Miss
Koon after dinner.
We lunched with Ethel. The Carrères
there & Mrs Haslip.
H & I called on the Nunns, out. Met
Mme Courvoisier & shopped. We dined
with the Spellmans. Mr Temple.
We lunched with the Lawlesses. Lady
Coote & Capt Williams. Nesta, Marchesa
Scarampi, Miss La Farge & Ada to
To Mrs Van Millingen's tea party. Lots
people. Abettis, Mr Bell, Miss Penrose etc.
Ada dined here.
Mrs Robbins, Miss Latley, Miss Whytlaw
the Hills, Mr Bond, Miss Saxe, Mrs Cox
& some others to tea.
Papa’s birthday. Could not go to
Allori as torrents of rain all day
until 6. The Nunns sent their car
for us & we went there for tea & they
brought us home by the Viale dei Colli.
We dined with Ada. Miss Latley there.
We left by 10 A.M. train for Bologna.
Arr. 13.20. Jim met us & we lunched
at Majestic Hotel & left again by car
at 2.45. Arr. Florence at 5.45.
Came by the Futa Pass. but we were
in the clouds, & it rained from there
on. Jim & Mrs Lindley to dinner.
To tea with the de Robecks. Also Jim
& back by Piazzale. Mme Maraini &
Miss Harrison. Jim, the Vicars, Ethel
& Sir George D-L. to dinner & Nesta.
With Jim & H. to Miss Latley's in morning.
Then to Cascini. Jim & Mr Perkins to
lunch. After to Inciso & San Donato
with J. in car, & back by Pontassieve.
Lovely drive. Jim to tea, & with him
to dine at the Baglioni.
In aft. doing books. New shelves all
I had lunch with the Van Millingens,
Mrs Earle & Mrs J-Bramly. Mrs Earles drove
me home. To tea at the Normans.
Ethel, Mr Procter, Miss Good & another
woman. Ethel & Ada to dinner.
Attilio took us out to tea at the Evans.
then had to go. Miss Frost motored us back
& we called en route on Mrs Keppel. Out.
Maria in after dinner with embroideries.
We lunched with Ethel. Lina went to
cook the soufflé. The Vicars, & Monsignore
Giuliairi. To tea at the Prices. The
Pirries, Munari-Rocca, Maria Pia,
Marchesa Capponi, & Miss Cotterell who
motored me down. Harry walked. He
dined at Ada’s.
With H. to station to see Ethel off
We had tea with Mrs Myburgh at
Giacosa’s. Mr Ashburner & Mr Harvey.
H. called on Mr Ehrenheim after.
H. & I lunched at the Prices.
Walked up, very hot, felt seedy. Lady
Rogers & Mrs Herbert. Lady R. motored
us down. To tea with the Dursts
Two women there.
I lunched with Mrs Earle. Miss
Turner, the 2 Macquays, Mrs Norman
& Mrs Fisher there. Mr Procter to
dinner here, but I had a temp. of
102° 4’, so went to bed before
In bed all day with temp.
In bed all day with temp. 101.4.
Dr Ancona came, & said there was
much of this fever, but they couldn’t
diagnose it as all the blood tests
were negative. H. to Fiesole in
morning & had Mr Davis to tea & Ada
to dinner.
My temp. from 99.8 to 101.4.
H had the Evans, Mrs Harvey Miss Good &
Ambrosetti to tea, & Ada to dine.
My temp from 99. to 102.4. Rash
all over my body. Miss Latley looking
after me, & Ancona coming every
day. He gave me an injection of. Ada to dinner.
Miss Lascelles & Miss L. to tea.
H. took Mrs Russell to the Uffizi in.
the morning & she had tea here
& came to my room. Then H. took
her to Sto Spirito & the Carmine
Temp. 99.4 to 102.4. H met
Mrs Russell at 11. 7. P.M. & took her
to Grande Bretagne. She was to have
stayed here, but Ancona wouldn't let
Temp. 100.2 to 100.6.
Ancona gave me an injection of Om-
nadine. H. took Mrs R. to the Uffizi
etc. & in aft to Carmine & S. Spirito
99.8 to 100.6. Another inj.
Miss L. here till 7. Ada here to
dinner & also in morning.
Mrs R. to tea & H. out with her.
99. to 99.4. Ancona took a
blood test. Ada to lunch & dine
Mrs R. to tea, also Normans.
98.4 to 99.4. H went with
Mrs R. to Paglio at Siena & San
Gemignano. Left at 8.15 A.M. &
got back at after 10. P.M.
Temp. 98. to 99.2. H out
with Mrs R. & she here in aft.
Giuseppe after dinner.
H. to tea at the Spelmans with
Mrs R. They lunched at the
Normans. Up for 2 hours.
Mrs R. to lunch. I up all
day. Very cheap.
Mr Muller to tea - & he & H
went on to tea at Miss Fernie’s.
Miss Latley to dinner.
I went to station with H. to see Mrs
R. off in luxe at 2.10. Also Mrs
Lindley. H. dined with the
Spelmans. 19 people.
Miss Latley to tea. Out with her to
picture framer’s after. Also H.
To Mrs Crowninshield’s after tea &
H. picked me up there.
H. & I to tea at the Lawlesses. Then
to Ada’s & Sbisa.
H. to swim at the Spelman’s.
I there after tea. Lots of people.
H. to tea at the Normans. I had
tea at home & then to the Teague’s &
H. picked me up there.
The Normans, Spelmans,
Fernies, Miss Whittuck, Mr
Burke & Miss Harrison to tea.
Mrs Evans to tea. With H. to
fumista after.
With H. & the Fernies’ in Attilio's
car to tea with Mrs Kenyon Cox.
Miss Nixon etc there. Ada to dine.
To Gisela’s in morning. H. & I to
tea with Miss Latley. Then to stuff
shop in Via dei Tintori & Nonnini.
& trunk shop, Porta Rossa. Very muggy
Shopping with H. after tea. We dined
with the Normans. Mrs Sturt & Mr
Burke. Very hot.
Packing house. H. to the Spelmans to
bathe. We dined with Ada. Miss Latley.
To the Allori, with H. in Attilio’sAttilio's car.
I left by the 1.25 train. Forgot my keys &
H. had to rush back for them. Fearfully
hot. Train very empty. Miss Whittuck
& Miss Gardiner in my coach. Dined
Arrived Paris 2.30. ? Cook’s man
met me & took me across to Gare des
Invalides. Hot, but much cooler than
Florence. Left for Bagnoles at 5.10 &
arrived 10.40 P.M. Frances V. M. was
waiting up for me at the Villa Sylvabelle.
Luggage came at 10 A.M. Got up late.
Much cooler. Frances took me to Dr
Quiserne’s after lunch, but he was too
busy, & so came to see me at the
Sylvabelle at 7. Said I was all right.
Bad headache all day & Mrs V. M. horrified
at my appearance! With the V. M’s
to tea at the “Roseraie”. In bus both
ways. Walk after dinner with Ms in forest.
With Mrs V. M. to the Bath Etablissement
& had her bath after she came out.
20 minutes at a temp of 35°. Back
to the Sylvabelle & in bed for 2 hours.
Up for lunch. Have to drink a glass
of mixed Vittel & Vichy before & after the
bath. My baigneuse’s name Andrée.
Had tea in the V. M’s rooms while
they packed. Rested after lunch &
then out to village with F. to do some
shopping & to Bank. The exchange
213 to the ₤. After tea with F
to register their baggage, but office shut,
so we went again after dinner with Mrs
V. M.
The Van Mills. left at 6. A.M.
Bath every day. To P.O. after lunch
with H’s letters every day, then sleep
till tea time. Walked through Etabl.
grounds after
No baths on Sunday. After tea walked
for 1¼ hours. To P.O. after lunch.
Bath. Go down in car with M. &
Mlle. Beer. Sit next Madame Villers
Swiss from Berne. Pouring in morn.
Cleared up after & went for same
walk as yesterday.
To Bath. Bank after lunch. Got
191. After tea crossed the railway
line & walked back towards
Bath. Visit from Quiserne who said
30 minutes now. Generally stay longer.
Walked to Gui des Biches & back
by Manoir du Lys.
Harry arrived at 3.30 P.M. Went
to meet him. Couldn’t write my diary till he
came as I had left it behind. We had
tea at the pension & then walked round
by Tessé la Madeleine & back by the
Etablissement grounds. Another short
walk after dinner.
To bath as usual & bed. Had tea in
& then H. & I walked to Manoir du
Lys by road & back through the woods.
We left at 3.30 & walked to
Vallée de la Cour by road. Tea there
(The Le Tourneurs there) & back by road.
Very warm.
Bath. H. goes to the swimming bath
every day. Started at 3.30 & we
walked to St. Michel des Andaine.
Church & met the curé who knew
Lord Lloyd. Tea at an inn garden Poured
while we were there & had to go in &
wait some time. Walked back by
Gui des Biches.
Bath, & H. swum. Started (in a car
we hired) at 2. to Mont St. Michel
110 kilometres. Had tea at a place
up the hill, then visited the Abbaye.
Then watched the haute marée come
in (not the Grande Marée). Dined at
the Poulard’s & left at 9. Got back
at 11.
We took the 3.30 train to Couterne
taking Mme van Hagendorne with us.
Tea there & walked back by the Château
de Faye.
After lunch H & I in charàbanc
(Anglo-French) to FaPulanges & Falaise
Went over the Castle of Robert le diable
or magnificent (Father of William the
Conqueror). Tea at the hotel. Got
back at 7. Very hot.
We left Bagnoles at 12.10. & ate
a picnic lunch in the train. Arr.
Paris 5.20. & to the Terminus
Hotel. Had tea & then took taxi
& drove round by Champs Elysées to Pte
Dauphine, visited tomb of unknown
soldier, Trocadero, Eiffel Tour etc.
Dined in Hotel. Bad service.
Left Paris 10 A.M. Arr. Dover
3.20. Lovely crossing. Pulman & tea
& arr. London 6.25. Queen’s Gate
Hotel 7.10. We dined with Ethel
& Barney, Sir Seymour Fortescue &
Mr Baird.
With H. in morning to Westminster
Exchange, then to Customs House.
Back for lunch. Hurt my leg & had
to lie up all aft. With H. to see the
“Ghost Train” at the Prince of Wales’s
Very thrilling.
After lunch to S. Kens. Mus. to see
The City Companies’ Plate. Tea at
Russian Tea rooms & then in taxi to
the Park & after to Kens. High St.
After dinner on top of bus to Turnham
Green & back.
With H. to stores & then he went to
see Dr Laing. Tea in house & then
with H. to Deb. & Freebody & Marshall &
Snelgrove. Met Mrs Granville. After
dinner to see “The Last of Mrs Cheyney ”
Gerald du Maurier, Gladys Cooper,
Ellis Jeffreys etc.
To Harrods with H. in morning
After dinner to see the “Ringer” very
H. left in morning to go to see
his people at Stamford. I left by an
aft. train for Headley to stay with
Ethel T. Had to change at Guildford.
She met me & motored me 2 miles
to her house. Mrs Wynne there. Tea
at Guildford Station. Short walk with
E. before dinner.
With E. in morning for longish
walk. Lovely country & heavenly
heather. Back in bus. Bordon.
Early tea & Ethel & Mrs Wynne
motored me to Farnham where I got
the train back to London, via Aldershot.
Lunched with the Lythgoes at the
Burlington Hotel, & back to Q. G.
Then to tea with Edie Bell. Back
for dinner & found Harry back.
With H. to Harrod’s in morning.
Then Cameron etc. Tea in house &
then to call on the Robinsons,
Berkeley Hotel. We dined with the
Bairds. Capt & Mrs Martyn (Cold-
Stream Guards). Won 4/3 at
Vingt et un!
Shopping with H. in morning. In
afternoon to Zoo & tea there. To see
“Ask Beccles.”
We had tea with the Contessa. Mrs
Lythgoe there who motored home with
us. Also Major Gayer Anderson, M. The Lythgoes & we
Laptew, Mrs Millward, Mrs Wyllie,
Hassanein etc.
dined at the Pall Mall Restaurant
then to see “Rookery Nook”.
We had tea with the Granvilles. Mr
Tweedie & Mrs Peckitt. After dinner
on top of busses to Richmond & back.
Spent the day with the Newberrys at
Ightham. Train to Sevenoaks where
their car met us. Mr Carter there.
10.20 P.M. back & arr. London 11.30.
H. to Guildford to the Williamsons
to sleep. I had tea with Trice.
H. got back at 10 A.M. & we went
to his tailor Cameron. Met Mrs Lythgoe.
Left Victoria at 12.5 for Hayward’s
Heath. Arr. 1.15 & Mrs Mace met
us & motored us to the house where
we had lunch. Left at 3.10 & arr.
Clapham Junc. 4.10. To Williamson
& Cole. Had tea in the High St.
After dinner to see “The Queen was
in the Parlour” at St. Martin’s. Madge
Titherage. Etc.
To Bank with H. saw Gillam. To
Stores. We had tea with the Contessa
(see Aug 27th for guests) To the
“Ambassadors” to see Galsworthy’s
To see “Rose Marie” at Drury Lane.
To Tate Gallery with H. in morning
After tea to National Gallery. Called
on the Macdonalds.
We left Victoria at 10.50 A.M. Mr
Temple on train. Arr. Paris 6.20 P.M.
Stayed at Lyon Palace Hotel & then
walked to Châtelet by rive gauche
& dined at Dreher’s. Mr Davis there
We went to Cluny Mus. in morning.
Slept after lunch. Very hot. Left by
5.10 P.M. train de luxe. Mr Temple
& Mr Davis in our coach.
H. got out at Modane (4.30 A.M.)
to see about luggage. Customs men
came into carriage at 8 A.M. arr.
Florence 5.30. 5 mins late. Ada
met us.
H. to Dogana to get luggage. After
tea out shopping with H. Ada to tea.
Ada here to do silver. With H. shopping
after tea.
Mr Rideout arr. by 5.30 train to stay.
After tea with H. & Mr R. to San Miniato
With H. & Mr R. to tea with Mr Procter. Miss
Bradstreet, Col & Mrs Hammersley Smith &
the Roeshovens. We dined with Ada.
Harry’s birthday. After tea he, Mr R. &
I walked from Piazzale to Pta Romana.
Taxied up & drove back.
Mr R., H & I in Attilio’s car to Volterra
Left at 8.45 A.M. via Colle going &
back by Castelfiorentino. Saw Municipio,
Cathedral, Museum & San Francesco,
& bought some pottery in alabaster.
Mr Procter to lunch.
The Hammersley Smiths, Mrs Hervey
& Ada to tea.
Mr R., H & I in Attilio’s car to tea
with the de Robecks. Walked back. Mr
Temple, Mr Davis & Ada to dinner.
Ada to tea.
We dined at Ada’s.
H. & Mr Rideout went to Siena.
They got back at 6.30 P.M.
Mr R., H & I in Attilio's car to
Fiesole & round by Vincigliata after
Mr Rideout left by the 9 15 A.M. train for
Milan. Sent off my Jutland Bonds.
Ada to tea. After out shopping with H.
Ada, H & I to Mrs Tobin’s funeral
at the Allori. Took flowers to my grave.
The Mustacchis to dinner, & the Pasquis
& Capt. Fedele in after.
Out with H. after tea, & after dinner
to Savoia to see “Notte Nuziale”.
Miss Aitken & her niece & Miss
Bradshaw & Ada to tea. Also Mr Bond.
We dined with Ada.
H. went early to the de Robecks for
the Vendemmia & I went up later
for tea. Miss Pilkington, & her brother
& Ada.
Mr Carrère & Mr Hervey to lunch.
After tea we called on Mrs Scott. Mrs
Rhodes. Afterwards shopped.
To Dori with H. after tea & then to
Ethel’s (who arrived on the 27th)
H. to Ethel’s in morning. She & Lady
Houston Boswell to tea. Out after with H.
Ethel, Lady H-B. & the Normans to
lunch. Ada to tea. Later H & I
called on the Buttles. Saw Janet.
Overhauling boxes after lunch. The
Herveys to tea. Rainstorm after while
H & I were out trying to find tumblers
& getting clock. Ada to dinner.
Overhauled guarda roba cantina in
morning. Had Attilio’s car & we went
up to call on Lady Sybil Scott. Indisposed.
From there by Maiano to Mrs Firth for tea & walk
round the garden. Back at 7. & dined
with Ada. Lovely day.
Dinner early, & with H. Ethel, &
Lady Houston-Boswell to the Teatro Verdi.
to see “The Four Horses of the Apocalypse”
Rudolph Valentino & Alice Terry.
We lunched with Ethel. Cuckoo & Lady
H. B. Young Orvieto came in after.
The Bagnanis, Baroness de Kerbrech,
Isabel McDougall & Ada to tea.
They left late. We dined with the Spelmans.
The Bagnanis dined here. We called
on Miss Ryerson, out, & Giulia Marucelli.
The Bagnanis here for us at 3.45
& took us in their new car to the
de Robecks, then back to Ethel’s for
tea. The Normans there. Ada
dined here.
With Harry to the station to see him
off by the 1.25 train for Rome &
Egypt. Ada there. Young Knollys
going by same train. Canon & Miss
Knollys seeing him off. To the Sudan.
From the station to Luisa’s to see
about frocks for the children, & she
came with me to Gisela’s. Back
home & Fosca here. Then after tea to
milliner’s. Not in. Rained slightly.
P. C. from Rome from Harry. Says it was
hot in the train. Joined forces with
young Knollys at the restaurant. To
Marranini in morning to buy foulard
& then to Bella & then to milliner (having
come back here to get hat.) Cloudy
& warm. Writing all the afternoon. Ada
to dinner. Very warm.
Working all day, linen cupboard &
boxroom, & writing in aft. Not out.
Slight rain in aft. & cloudy & warm.
To call on Miss Latley. Out. Then to Helen’s. In morn.
out with Luisa
To maglaia in morning & Pineider &
seed shop. Tea with Ethel. Mrs Pirie, Lady
H. B., Baroness de Kerbrech & Isabel & Ada
Wire from Harry from Cairo.
To Sbisà with my glasses. Post office,
& Magliaia in morning. Met the Nunns.
Fosca all afternoon.
After tea to post office, then Sbisà, Dori,
Coppini & to Mrs Crowninshield. Miss
Koon there.
In morning to Bella & for flowers.
Ethel to lunch. To tea with Helen. Met
Miss Latley & Mrs Cairns on the way.
Mrs Clive Wilson & her girl Thetis there,
also Mrs Sturt, the Van Millingens,
Vivian & her sister, walked back with
the V. Ms. & to Ethel’s .Mrs Sturt there.
To Gisela’s, American Express. (Paoletti)
Casardi’s Bank, & magliaia. Drove
home from P. Santa Croce. Streets very
slippery. In afternoon with notes
to Dursts & Reddies & Mrs Sturt.
Ethel & Ada to dinner.
Met the de Robecks at St. Mark’s at
12 & drove up with them to lunch.
Col. Payson calling. Talking to Sir
George D-L. outside Church, also Miss
Latley & Cairns. Walked down, &
went with Ethel in Attilio’s car to
Mr Procter’s. Lots of people. Mr
Acton, Collinson‘s, Munari Roccas,
Prinze Djordjantze etc.
A letter from Harry in morning &
another in the evg. from Cairo. In morn.
to Roberts to order Thymol. Met Mr Norman
& Mrs Hayes Sadler. Cook’s. Then to Lorelle
Fossi. One of them came to fit me after
lunch. To fumista. To tea with the
Normans. Ethel, V. Millingens, Helen
Mrs Clive Wilson, Contessa Munari Rocca
Mr Procter, Imperialis, Signa Maraini
Mr Sargant, Walpoles etc. A Signor
Angelelli played the piano. Afterwards
for cigarettes, Pineider & Sbisà.
In morning to magliaia. To lunch
with Ethel. Back for tea. Then to Fosse
Lorelle, glove shop, Dijerini etc. Cold
In morning to dentist, then to
D’LGiorgi & Bella. Met Dick-Lauders &
Mr Scott. Fosca in aft. Ada, Mrs V.
Millingen, Mrs Collinson, Col. Payson,
& Mrs, Mrs Durst, Miss Latley & Mrs
Cairns to tea. Cold.