The diary of Minnie C. Burton
The woman behind the man behind the camera: re-discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun
Back to introduction

Sewing all day for Mrs Mace’s
room. After tea with Harry & Mr
Hall for walk on cliffs by moonlight.
Dra abul neggar.
Mr Hall, H & I over to Luxor. Pottering
about the shops. Talking to Dr Deacon
& the Contessa. Mr H. lunched with
the Blumenthals, & we lunched with
the Russells. Also Mrs Wright, Miss
Lattey, Mr Fitzgerald & Miss Dorrien-
Smith. Mr Carter & Mr Lucas with
Mrs Merton. After lunch our party
with Mr Percy White went to the
derelict gardens of the Grand CHotel
to see Moussa catch snakes. He
caught 2 cobras & a small viper.
Tea with Miss Lattey. Mrs W. & Mr
H. & back by moonlight. Frances
laid up too.
Dr Deacon over to lunch to see the
invalids. Letter from Edwina &
parcel yesterday. Walk twice round
Der el Bahari after tea. Headache
all day. Mrs W. to tea & dinner. F. ill.
Mr Mace dined at the Davies’. to
meet Alan Gardiner. Mr Wilkinson
sleeping here.
The Russells & Miss Dorrien Smith
here to tea. Afterwards walked round
Der el Bahari & to the Davieses. Met
Dr Alan Gardiner.
Mr & Mrs Macy & their son &
daughter to lunch. Dr Gardiner to tea.
Walked round Der el Bahari.
Writing all morng. After lunch to
Tombs of Kings & Mr Carter showed me
the things in Seti II. Walked back
with Mr Mace & Harry. Walk after
tea with Mr Hall round by culti-
vation. Mr Morton Howells, American
Minister in Cairo, his daughter Mrs
Turner, her small son. Dr & Mrs
Phillips. Am. Missionaries at Assiut
& their small daughter to tea.
Dr Howell & Mrs Turner to lunch. Mr
Carter & Mr Lucas to tea. They came over
in the car bringing Harry & Mr Mace.
Walk after tea with H. round cultivation.
Washed my hair. Dr Gardiner dined here.
With H. after tea to see Dr Fisher.
H & I rode Mr Carter’s donkeys to his
house, & then with him in the new
Ford Car to the river bank. To Winter
Palace for a moment & then shopping
& to lunch with Mrs Wright, or rather
at her table. Mr C. with the Contessa.
We all had tea with the Contessa
also Mrs Merton, wife of the “Times”
Correspondent. Mr C. brought us
back in the Ford to the door. Mr
Hauser & Mr Wilkinson also at
the Luxor Hotel for lunch. 8 months.
Nine months. Mr & Mrs Mc Clellan
to tea. Also Mr Carter. Walk after
with Mr Hall.
Mr & Mrs Mc Clellan to lunch. He
was Mayor of New York. Walk after
with H. to Temple. Mr Davies there.
Dark & thundery over Luxor.
Dark & thundery. Walk with H.
Dr Deacon to lunch. Fine again.
Miss Cushing to lunch. With her to
Der el Bahari & then back for tea.
Miss Cushing to lunch & afterwards
with her to Menna, Ramose, Userhat,
Khaemhat & another. Back for tea.
Dr Deacon for lunch.
Miss Astberry, a nursing sister,
came to nurse Frances. After tea
H & I for a walk to the Cathedral.
After tea I by Der el Bahari. Monsieur
Lacau here after lunch. Didn’t see him.
Mrs & Mr Karl von Wiegand &
Mr Mills here in morning. Dr
Dolby at lunch, & he & his brother
Roger & Mr & Mrs Brett Young & Miss
Ely to tea. Walk after by Der el Bahari.
I went over to Luxor alone. Met
Miss Cushing & Mrs Wright. Lunched
with the Bernards who arrived
from Khartoum last night. Packing
to Mr Roger Dolby & Miss Ely & Dr Dolby
at lunch. Also Mr v. Wiegand. To
the Gymkhana after, & back to tea
with the Bs. Col & Mrs Wilson. Met
Col. Lloyd Jones & Colonel Owen. In
morning walked with the Bs to the
Engelbachs & paid Mrs E. a visit. Hailed
the Timsah which arrived on Tues. but
the Allans out. Home after dark.
The Dolby party to tea again, also
Miss Forbes-Smith. Walk after.
H. had tea at Mr Carter’s. Mr Mills
here to tea. Der el Bahari. Saw the
tattooed lady.
The Bernards to lunch, & took them
to the Temple & then back here for
Colonel & Mrs Wilson to lunch &
back to tea. Also to tea Prof. Jackson
of Harvard & Mr Brown & 2
women. Walk after with Mr Hall
by Gurnet Murrai & Cathedral.
The car for us at 11. & to pick
up Mr Carter & Mr Lucas. To Luxor.
Lunched with the Allans on their
dahabyah the TunisahTimsah. Then for the
Contessa & to tea with her at the
Winter Palace. Also at tea the Allans,
the Winlocks, Mrs Wright & Mr Carter.
Talking to Mr Weigall, Mr Engelbach,
the Brett Youngs, Wilsons etc. Very
warm heavy day. Car back to
Mr Carter’s & walked home.
Went over to the Tombs of the Kings
in morning to see the Couch being
brought out. Harry with “movie”, &
I took some snapshots. Crowds of
people. The Wilsons, Mr Weigall,
Mr Engelbach, Miss Forbes-Smith, Mrs
Murray Graham, Mr Allan etc.
Back in the car with Mr Hauser &
Mr Hall. Very hot. Miss Hayward to
lunch. Mr Carter to dinner.
In no. 15 in morning & saw the
glove, & the reconstructed sandals.
The two Mr Allans & Miss Hopkinson
to lunch. H & I dined at the Davies to meet the Mallins. The Contessa & Mrs Merton
to tea on Friday 26th.
Mr Mace &
Mr Carter went down to Cairo on the 26th
Friday. Mr Hall & I went to call on Mr Fisher.
Mr & Mrs Lythgoe arrived in th time
for lunch. Also Mr Mace. After tea
for a walk round Der el Bahari with
Mr Mellin & to the Davieses after.
Very hot day.
Cooler. Blouses arrived from Harrod’s.
Walk to top of cliffs before tea. Mending
sheet most of day.
H & I started to go over to Luxor
this morning & going down the hill
by the hamlet Harry’s stirrup broke.
He was thrown forward on the
donkey’s neck & his leg tripped the
donkey who fell & Harry was
flung on to his face. He skinned
it badly. We came back here & Dr
Derry, who had just come up from
Cairo to stay here for a few days,
helped to clean him up. Looks
very nasty, & very sore & painful.
Mrs Austin in after lunch. Helping
H. with prints all the afternoon.
H & I for walk after tea round the
cultivation. Met Mr Carter & Mr Mace.Lucas.
In bed late. General & Mrs Crozier
to lunch. The Lythgoes went over to
the Valley after an early lunch.
Walk after tea by Der el Bahari. Dr
Derry dined with Mr Carter.
Mr Hauser told us the dreadful news
at lunch that Mr Travers Allan had
been murdered on Tuesday night off
the Karnac road.
Went over to Luxor after breakfast
& to dahabyah. Waited till 1 for
Mr Allan who was at the Merhus.
Then Fariq came & told me he was
at the Luxor Hotel. Went there & had
lunch with him & the Contessa in
a private room. Afterwards we &
Mrs Wright to part of the funeral
service in the little Church in the
garden. He didn’t want us to go to the
Cemetery, & he & the clergyman went
alone. To the Contessa’s room & heard
all about it. Home by 5. Very
windy stormy day & rather cold.
Dined in my room. Dr Derry left.
Saw him at the Winter Palace Hotel.
Colonel Thompson & Colonel
Hetherington to tea. Afterwards walked
round Der el Bahari with Mrs Lythgoe.
Mr Carter to dinner.
Mrs Winlock & Frances laid up. Miss
Larkin & Mrs Clarence Fisher to lunch &
Miss Hopkinson in after. Mrs Davies
in after tea. Walk to Der el B. alone.
Lord & Lady Swatheling, Mr Montagu,
Mr Oscar Raphael & Sir Hercules Read
to tea. Also Miss Hayward & Miss
Harper. Walk after & to Mrs Davies’.
H & I to Luxor & lunched with Mr
Allan on the dahabyah. H, the
Contessa & Mrs Wright had tea with
us at the Luxor Hotel. Mrs Lythgoe
laid up. Miss Hedges, nurse, arrived.
Mr Sieger to lunch. Col & Mrs
Hetherington & Col & Mrs Thompson
in after. Mrs Lythgoe still in bed.
Dull grey day. The Thompson party
with 2 other women to tea. Walk alone.
To the Valley with Mr Lythgoe in
morning, over the hill. Very hot. To
Seti II & saw everything splendidly.
Mr Carter asked me to stay to lunch,
but didn’t want to, so came back
alone. Mrs Lythgoe up. Der-el-
Bahari after tea.
Lesson from Musa in morning.
Professor Hall & his son to lunch.
After lunch Nelly Khayatt, & the
other two, Miss Wissa & young
Alexan. To tea, the Contessa,
Mrs Wright, Mr Allan & Mrs Merton.
Walk after with Mr Hall. Wind
storm. Nine months.
10 months. Mr Carter & Lord
Carnarvon to tea. Walk after & to Mrs
Davies’ with Mrs Lythgoe & Mrs Winlock.
Mr & Mrs de Forrest came to stay & brought
Mr James, Mrs Barney & Mrs White to
lunch. Walk after tea with Mr Hall,
Miss Hedges & afterwards alone.
After dinner Mr & Mrs Davies & Mr W in &
Mr Carter to dinner.
H & I to Luxor at 11.15. all morning with
the de Forrests. Lunched at Winter Palace
Hotel with Mrs Scott. Mrs Topliffe &
Mr Morton (Daily Express). Talking to
Lord C., Sir John Maxwell, Mr Weigall,
Dr Deacon etc. Mr Lucas, Lady Evelyn Herbert. Shopping afterwards
& to tea at the Luxor Hotel with the
Contessa. Mrs Wright & Mr Allan. Met
Mr & Mrs Thomas. The de Forrests left.
Mr Lythgoe with them to spend the
night at Luxor.
The Macy party to tea. Walk after alone.
Mr Breasted & Mr Bull arrived to stay.
They, with Dr Gardiner went over to the
Tombs of the Kings, & only Mr Bull back
for lunch. Mrs Blumenthal, Mme
Mühlfeld & Gaston Rion to lunch.
Ld. C. with invitations to the opening of
the sealed door on Sunday. Walk
after tea to Der-el-Bahari.
With Mr Bull to the Ramesseum
in morning. Two ladies to tea (the
author of “Rain”). Didn’t see them.
After tea by Der-el-Bahari. The
sealed door was opened today. Mr
Lythgoe & Mr Winlock & Mr Breasted went over &
Harry & Mr Mace there. 15 (?) people
present. Great excitement! Mr
Carter dined here & Mr Gardiner
in before. Very interesting talk.
I walked over the hill & Mrs W.
rode & the Lythgoes drove, & we three
had a private view of the inner
chambers. Enormous gold & blue
faïence catafalque inside the door.
Difficult to get in. Small 4th
chamber full of caskets & boxes.
Very thrilling. Lovely things. Lord
C. & Mr Maudesley. I walked back
in time for lunch. Monsieur Capart
here after.
Lunch at 11.30. The Macys here.
Afterwards I walked to the Valley for the
official opening with Mr Hauser, Mr
Hall & Mr Bull. Very hot with fresh
breeze. Long wait for the Allenbys
& the Queen of the Belgians, & Prince Leopold. The
Macys went after the Allenbys. Cold
buffet up near Seti II. Lady Evelyn
Herbert received. The Maudesleys,
Thomases, Miss Putnam, Thompsons,
Hetheringtons, Dr Breasted, Capart,
Allan Gardiner, the Davieses Mertons etc
etc. Drove home with the Macys.
Everybody dead tired. 1 year since To-To died.
Stayed in bed late. Mr Seager here
in morning. Harry here for lunch.
Mr Seager, Mrs Scott & Mrs Topliffe to
lunch. With them to Der el Bahari
after. Mrs Nestor & her son to tea
but didn’t see them. Miss Hedges
left to go to Lady Evelyn’s maid who
was operated on this morning by Madden.
H & I to Luxor. At Hotel first.
Talking to Mme Mühlfeldt on terrace.
We lunched with the Macys on their
dahabyah. Also the Winlocks, Mr
Lythgoe, Mr & Mrs Phelps-Stokes, Mrs
Milton, & 6 of the Macy party. After
wards other people came on board.
Miss Putnam etc. I went on to
see Contessa at 3. & we all had
tea with Mr Allan in the garden.
Mrs Wright leaving by night train.
Major Gayer-Anderson & Dr
Phillips in. Mr Breasted left,
also Miss Hedges yesterday.
Met the Contessa at the Ramesseum
& drove with her to the Valley. Took
her to Seti II & then Mr Carter
took her down the tomb. The
Wiggins there, Mrs Merton etc.
Had a row with Mr Carter! He
was very rude. Drove back
with the C. Very hot & dusty. Got
back in time to change for lunch. The
Queen of the Belgians, Prince Leopold,
Countess Caraman-Chimay, Dr Capart
& Colonel Watson lunched here. After-
wards the Queen & Ctsse C. lay down
for an hour & then they all went
off to the Valley. Mr Hauser, Hall,
Wilkinson, Bull & Frances lunched
in the Sunporch & came in afterwards
to be presented. Mr & Mrs Phelps-
Stokes to tea. Very hot day. After tea
with H up to a tomb where he
took a flashlight photograph.
Mr Wainwright, Sir Hercules Read
& Mr Raphael to tea. Walk Der-el-Bahari.
Mr Quibell arrived to stay. Mr &
Mrs Bowen & Mrs van Renselaer to
lunch. Dr Mc Clanahan to tea.
Harry didn’t go to Valley today. Walk
with me after tea by cultivation. Mr
Carter to dinner. Sandy yesterday &
Sir James & Lady Wilson to lunch.
Mr & Mrs Brunton & Mr Moore to tea.
H at home for lunch. Miss Nolan to lunch. She, Capt.
Wilson, Mr Martin, Mrs Phillips,
Barbara, Miss Correy, Mme Riag Bey,
Bessima & Brinet Fouad to tea.
Walk after with Mr Hall by Ramesseum
& cultivation. Harry at home for lunch.
Washed my hair in morning.
The tomb was closed today. Harry here.
To hill tomb with H. to photograph.
H. & I to Luxor & lunched with the
Wilsons. Col. & Mrs Burgess also.
Watching tennis after. Then to the
cemetery to see the graves of Travers
Allan, Mr Foster & Harold Jones. To
the Engelbach’s for tea & he took us
back to the W. P. in his side car.
Home at 7 by moonlight.
Mr Mace left for Asswan in
morning. Mr Quibell left for
Cairo after tea. H at Mr Carter’s.
Mr & Mrs Harris to lunch (Pres. of
some railway in U.S.A.).
After tea walk to Der el Bahari & to Mrs
Davies, but she was here, so came back.
Mr & Mrs Blumenthal to lunch. After-
wards Gaston Rion, Dr Bouchety &
Mr & Mrs Stern (Mrs B’s sister) Mr Carter
motored the Lythgoes to Luxor & he
dined here. Bed early.
Revd Mr Hinton to lunch & after-
wards Col. & Mrs Donovan.
Mr Hall laid up & nursing him
all day. Walk with Mrs L.
Dr Mc Clanaghan for Mr Hall &
he lunched here. Miss Christie, Lady
Lucas, Major Stewart, Col & Mrs Burgess
to tea. Walk after with Lythgoes. The
Davieses dined here.
Nursing Mr Hall. Mrs Chapin (Mrs
Cumming’s sister) & her son lunched
here & stayed to tea. Mr Whittamore
also for tea & Lady Clowes & her
H & I to Luxor & lunched with
Col. & Mrs Burges. Tea with Mrs Scott.
Mr & Mrs Warren to lunch (Pres. of
a Railway in U.S.A.) afterwards Miss
Mc Knight, Mr & Mrs Hey (Mr Rideout’s
friends) & Mr & Mrs & Miss Lehmann
to tea. Mr L. gave Mr Lythgoe 1000
dollars for the expedition. Harry &
Mr Mace over at the Valley again.
Still nursing Mr Hall.
Sir John Maxwell to lunch. MDr
Mc Clanaghan & Miss Hedges after, &
they decided that Mr Hall had better
go in to hospital at Cairo & Miss H.
would take him down tonight. Sent
for Ld. C’s motor & Mr Hall was
packed off soon after 4. With the
Dr Mrs Bulland, Mrs Heard & Mrs
Silsby to tea. Bed early.
Mr Wilson & Mr Williams to tea.
Walk after with the Lythgoes.
Lord Carnarvon & Lady Evelyn
to lunch. Took the Lythgoes to see
Mehenkhwetrè after tea. Then to the
Mr Kendall to lunch.
Walk with Mrs L. round cultivation
Mr Lucas & Mr Callender to dinner. Three
men to tea.
Mr & Mrs Bashford Dean arrived to
stay. He is curator of the Armoury Dept
at the Met. Mus. H & I to Luxor to lunch
with Mrs Scott & Mrs Topliffe. Tea with
them too. Mr Carter to dinner.
The Lythgoes left in morning.
Mr & Mrs Webb here. Mr Winlock lunched
at the Valley. Ld. Carnarvon & Mr
Bethell here to say goodbye. The Deans
left after lunch. Mr & Mrs Mapham, Miss
Thomas, Mr & Mrs & Miss Wolfing to
tea. They came at 1.30 & stayed on.
Very hot.
To see Mrs Davies after my walk.
Windstorm last night & so cooler.
St. Patricks Day. Mr Nevins to lunch.
To say goodbye to Mrs Davies who left
this evg for Cairo. Walk after tea with
Harry by cultivation & to Mr Davies.
Very hot.
Monsieur Baraize to lunch. Walk
with H. after tea. Mr Carter had wire
from Lady Evelyn saying Ld. C. was very ill.
Harry had a day off, & rested all
the afternoon. Walk with me after
tea. Mr Carter went to Cairo.
Musa here for a lesson in morn.
Left here a year ago. Major Gayer-
Anderson to lunch. Miss Moir after,
& back for tea. With H on hill side.
Mr Hauser had 2 Swiss girls to tea.
Miss Boveri & ? H. working here
every day since Tues. Ld. C. better.
H to Valley again. Monsieur Bruyère
& Kuentz & Madlle Bruyère to dinner.
Mr Frothingham here in morning.
Aeroplane over the house. Walk alone.
Two men in morning. Also Mr &
Mrs Little, Mr & Mrs Harrison & 3 other
ladies. Hot & heavy day. Walk after
tea with Mrs Winlock & Frances.
H & I started at 10.15 for Luxor.
H. with the movie. He took water wheel near
Ramesseum, while I rode back for
some money he had forgotten. Got
to bank long before him & crossed
with theMrs Winlocks & Mr Mace Mr
Callender & Mr Lucas. H arrived at
1. We lunched with Mrs Topliffe &
Mrs Scott & sat in the garden. They
had tea with us. Back by moonlight.
Splitting headache. Very hot.
Crowd of American tourists at the
Hotel. Last party for the season.
Arrived in Florence a year ago.
Mr Engelbach here in morning.
Mr Mace had a wire from Mr C. to say
that Lord Carnarvon was worse. Walk
after tea with Mrs Winlock & Frances
by the cultivation. Hot day.
Mr Engelbach & Mr Anthony here
in morning. Walk Der-el-Bahari.
Mr Davies & Mr Callender to dinner.
Monsieur Baraize to lunch. The
Winlocks had picnic lunch dinner at Ramesseum.
H. & I upon hill to watch moon
rise after walk round the cultivation
Sug day. Everyone at home. Walk
with H. over Dra’bul Nagar hill.
Mr H. & Mr W. to Luxor before lunch.
H. at home. Wire from Mr C. to
say Ld. Carnarvon died last night. the 4th.
A year since Panà told me Papa could
not live.
Hot day. Windstorm at night. (spent
all day running about trying to find
a place for Papa, this day last year.
(Moved them up to the Villa Bettania
at 12. & Miss Whytlaw met us there.
Walked round cultivation with H after
tea. This day last year went for Panà
who came at 7.
Papa died a year ago. Stayed in
bed in morning. Seedy. Walk after tea
with H. as far as Ramesseum. He
did not go to the Valley. Mr Mace went.
Walk to Der el Bahari with H
after tea. A snake outside my room in evg.
Walk with H. by cultivation & Khokha.
Walk by cultivation with H. & back the
same way. Very cool day.
Monsieur Lacau, Baraize & Mr
Engelbach here in morning. Walk alone.
Mr Carter came back. Mr Engelbach
to lunch. & tea Mr Carter sent me (given by
someone, who ? Bernards.) a group of G. H. Q.
taken in Cairo 1907 ? with Papa in
it & Gen. Bullock. Walk with
H. to see tomb of Khêti.
Mr Engelbach to lunch & tea. Mr
Wilkinson left for Cairo. Harry here
all day. Mr Mace teaed & dined with
Mr Carter. Walk alone after tea by
Der el Bahari.
Walked alone after tea
Walked alone after tea. Packing.
Mr Hauser left at 4. Walk
alone. Mr Carter, Mr Lucas &
Mr Callender to dinner.
The Winlocks left after tea for Luxor.
H & I on to hill & then round
Der el Bahari. We & Mr Mace
alone at dinner.
H. back for lunch. My baggage
left at 10 A.M. We left at 3.30.
Tea at Luxor Hotel. Mrs Scott &
Mrs Topliffe. Mrs Winlock & Frances
& H. & I to station soon after
5, & Harry went back to Qurna
before our train left at 6. Mrs W. F. &
I dined together. Mr Winlock got
on at Baharia at 9. He had been
spending the day at Abydos with
Mr Wainwright. Musa & Monsieur
Baraize & a lot of the servants
to see us off.
Arrived about 7. & to the
Phillips’, Kasr el doubara. In
Barbara’s room. Breakfast on the
train & another here at 8. Pottering
about all the morning unpacking
& in Mrs Phillip’s room. Lunch
alone with Katherine. Dr & Mrs P. lunching
with Col. & Lady Sybil Grant upstairs.
After tea with Mrs P. into town. She
went to a Committee meeting at
Connaught House & I to the Continental
to see the Contessa. Saw Mr Hall,
the Bruntons, Winlocks & Miss
Jefferies. Called for Mrs P. at 6.30
& had to wait in the dogcart.
Met the Gordon Clays. Dined with
Diana & Catherine. The Ps dining
Drove into town with Mrs P.
in morning. To Lawrence & Mayo
Cicurel & Groppi & back. Lunched
alone Mrs P. Mme Cerveau to tea
& she drove me to Continental to
see Contessa. Mrs Winlock there.
Said goodbye to Mr Hall, Hauser &
Wilkinson & Mr Winlock. Mrs P.
& the children called for me at
67.15. Dr & Mrs P at dinner.
Children at home today. In
garden taking snapshots. With Mrs
P. in afternoon to Gezira to get the
children. Looked at the swimming.
Met Mrs Gunter. All of us to tea at
Miss Lattey’s. Mrs Wright there.
With Mrs P. to town in morning.
Met Miss Warner. To Bank & saw
Mustacchi. To an auction at Dr
Murison’s house. To Indian shop
& bought some silk for dresses.
Hotchand & Groppi’s. Miss Lattey &
Miss Devonshire. Then to Miss
Nicholl’s. To tea with Mrs P. at
the Coxon’s at Maadi in the car.
Very hot. Afterwards to Mme Arslan
Cattaui. Lots of people. Mme Neguib
Khyatts, Mrs Mandesley, Baroness
Pfyffer etc.
Hot out in morning. Dusting &
arranging books. After tea drove
with Mrs P. to Heliopolis & called on
several people, out, & Mrs Plumtre (in)
Mrs P. & the children & I to see the
Coxons off for England. Mrs Rogers
(Miss St John.) etc at the station. Then
to Mme Cerveaux to see their collection.
Very hot. Mrs P. to tea at the Residency
& I went for a walk with the
children along the river. Mrs P. met
us later & round Kasr el doubara.
Met the Gordon Clays.
Out shopping with Mrs P. in
morning. Chemla & Cicurel etc.
Met the Devonshires. the Harry
Russells, Shoucair Pashas & daughter,
Mr Dolby & Dr Derry to dinner.
To Ld. C’s memorial service at 4. After
Lady Stradbroke
& Mrs Claude
Allenby to tea.
Helping Mrs P. to dismantle
house. Went to the Continental
after lunch. Our old room. Miss
Lattey & Mrs Wright to tea & Mrs
Harry Russell after. Dr Garry.
Strolled round shops with Mrs W.
Mr Bull, Mr Breasted & Alan Gardiner
To the Garry’s after tea. Met Mrs
Merton. Out shopping in morning
To the Contessa after dinner.
To Lepiroglon in aftmorning.
Saw Col. Bury. Talking to the
Crabites & Sir Robert Drummond-Hay.
Met Mrs Wright at the dressmaker’s
& for a walk with her to the Phillips
to get my camera. Drove back.
To dressmaker in morning.
Dined with the Phillips’ & went
with them to Kursaal to see Maud
Allan dance. Also Miss Lattey.
To Contessa’s garden party at
Boulac Dacrour. Drove with
Galarza there & motored back
with the Russells. Charming place.
Col. & Mrs Wilson. The Allenbys &
Stradbrokes, Lady Oakes, Mme de
Cramer. Etc. Etc.
Harry arrived before 8. After
breakfast out with him to Musky etc.
Bought 2 Bokhara curtains. After
tea drove to Phillips with books &
sweets for their journey tomorrow, &
walked to Sporting Club. With Mr
Breasted & Bull after dinner.
After tea with H. to Gezira, then
taxied to the Garrys. Mrs Austen
& Mr Briggs after dinner.
With H. to Arts & Crafts & then
to dressmaker. Met Mrs Thomas &
Mrs Wright. Mme Foucart & Mr
Thomas to tea. Afterwards with H.
to Nahmann. Mr Lucas & Mr
Fitzgerald to dinner.
Mamma died a year ago.
To dressmaker in morning & paid
her. H. had Mr Balchin to breakfast.
After tea Dr Garry & Miss Burgess
came. Then to the Contessa’s. Mrs
Merton Wilson there. After dinner
with Mr & Mrs Merton & Mr Winlock.
Left Cairo by the 9.45 A.M. special
train for the Esperia. Mrs Topliffe
& Dr & MrsBreasted, Mr Bull, Mr Godard
the Winlocks etc. on board. Kathleen
Gunn on the platform & the Dunhams.
Arrived Alexandria docks 1.15 & straight
on board the Esperia. Sailed at 3 P.M.
The Ex-Sultan of Turkey & his little
boy on board. We shared a table
with Dr Breasted, Mr Bull, Mrs Topliffe
Mr Holmes & Mr Botterell. Cabin 42.
Lovely day. On deck all the afternoon.
Lunch on the train.
Lovely calm day. On deck with
our party. H. playing shuffle-board
with Mr Holmes & Mr Botterell.
Arrived at Syracuse at 1 P.M.
& went ashore with H. Mr Holmes &
Mr Bottrell & drove to the Roman
& Greek amphitheatres, Latonia
quarries & Museum. Back at 4
& sailed soon after. Mr Breasted,
Mr Bull & the Winlocks stayed in
Arrived Naples 7 A.M. Went
ashore at 9 with H., Mr Holmes, & Mr
Botterell. Chartered a car & went to San
Martino & thence to Posilipo & to the
Acquarium. Mrs Topliffe got off
at Naples. H. met the Misses Gervois
& Miss Curt who had embarked at
Syracuse. Sailed at 11.45 A.M. Lovely
day until dinner time when it
got rather rough.
Arrived Genoa at 8 A.M.
Disembarked at 8.45 & to station.
Left Genoa at 9.55. Mr Holmes
left for Cannes & Mr Botterell for
England. Arrived Pisa 1.35 P.M.
&, having 1 ½ hours to wait, we drove
out to the Duomo & saw it &
the Battistero.
We dined with Ethel Harter &
Mme Bagnani.
H & I to the Allori to see their
grave with flowers.
To flower market with H. & bought
plants for the terraces. Ethel &
Mme Bagnani to lunch. Miss Mackern
called. After tea H & I to Miss Graham’s
& Mrs Newman’s.
H. & I to tea with Mrs Willis &
Miss Mackern. Mrs Morrison & another
Giuseppe to tea & to see the small
flat with him. Shopping after with H.
Lunch with Ethel. Mrs Sturt.
E. H. & I in car to tea with the
Firths. The Scarrampis there &
Marchese S. back to town with us.
Mr & Mrs Reddie called late.
Called on the Macys at the Grand
Hotel after dinner. Mr & Mrs Davis.
Furniture arrived after lunch.
More things arrived. Out with
H. after tea.
Empire Day. Had flags out. Out
with H. in morning. H. lunched
with the Macys’ & shopping with them.
We had tea with Miss Maude. A
lot of people there. Then called on the
Quibells & Dr Todd at the Palace Hotel.
Mr & Mrs Macy, Dr Breasted & Mr
Bull came to lunch. H & I to tea
at the Observatory with the Abettis &
saw Galileo’s telescopes. The Miss
Hopkins there. H went to see Miss
Koon after dinner.
H & I out after tea. Mrs Pemberton
& Miss Maude to dinner. Forca in aft.
We met Ethel in her Piazza at
12.30. with Alice Montefiore &
to lunch at Mrs Sturt’s. Back for
tea & the Macys, the Quibells, the
Reddies, Dr Todd, Prof. Breasted,
Prof. Hale & Mr Bull came.
H & I to tea with the de Robecks.
Gina & the Prices.
H & I lunched with the Lawlesses.
Lady Coote & Miss Gibbs. I to Casini
in morning. H with Macys’, &
I to a party at the Mc Dougalls.
Everybody there. Miss Train singing
& Mrs Scott playing.
We lunched with the Macleans.
Motored up with Ethel. Mrs Goldsmith
(Miss Bullock) staying there. Mr
Landor & Mr Turner. To a party at
Mrs Earle’s. Mrs Montefiore & Signore
Rimediotti singing. Also Cecilia.
Lots of people. We dined at Ethel’s.
The Normans & niece, young
Orvieto & Mrs Montefiore. Miss
Good in after. Very tired.
Ethel, Mrs Montefiore & the
Sturts to lunch. Miss Hutton to
tea & dinner. H & I called on the
Macys after tea. Mrs Pemberton in
after dinner.
Mrs Maclean & Mrs Goldsmith to
tea. Also Miss Hutton who dined
here also. After tea H & I to Mrs
Landor’s. The Prices there & the
daughter of the von Lutzows’.
Tea with Ethel. Lots of people. Marchesa
Torrigiani, young Sergio, Cantagalli,
Mrs Underwood etc.
Stayed in bed late. Bad night &
very tired. H & Ethel, Macys & Miss
Hutton to tea at Mr Proctor’s. I stayed
away & after tea walked round
Tappezziere in morning. Cloudy
& showery. Mrs Pemberton & Dr Todd
to tea. Then out with H. H to Mrs
Newman after dinner.
Shopping with H. after tea. Miss
Hutton & Dr Todd to dine.
H & I dined with Mrs Montefiore
& Ethel at Betti’s.
Mr Cunningham to tea & he took
us in his car to the de Robecks &
back to town. Shopping & walk with
In morning to Fosca’s. Met Ethel
at Duomo & to tea at the Normans’.
Lots of people there. Mrs Firth motored
us down. Tramontana & cold.
To tea at Ethel’s. Lots of people.
H & I to tea at the Prices’. Lady
Rogers & her brother Canon? Mme
Turi, Mrs Sturt etc. Very hot.
The Macys here later.
Harry alone to the Russian Concert.
Mrs Norman, Ethel Harter,
Mr Cunningham & Mr Procter to
lunch. Mr Landor in afterwards.
Tea at Mrs Lewis’, at Anglo-
American afterwards. Crowd. H
took Ada to dine at Lapi’s.
Ada to lunch. Out with H. after
Papa’s birthday. To the Allori
in morning with flowers. H & I
had tea with Helen - the Gibbs
etc & Miss Spencer Stanhope. Walk
round the Viale afterwards. We
dined with Ethel. Mrs Underdown
& Mr Cunningham.
Ada to lunch. Tea at Ethel’s.
Mrs Underdown & Mr Cunningham
who motored us out to the Bondi
villa to the Fiera di Beneficenza.
After dinner to see Ada & on to the
Cinema. (“Mussolini in Florence”.)
Mrs Willis & Miss Machern to tea.
To station to see Ethel off at
2. Miss Sergio there. H & I to tea
with Miss Richardson. Mrs Cox
there & many others. Walk round
Viale. After dinner H. to see
Miss Koon.
With H in morning to Casucci
& San Marco. Drove to Mr
Procter’s to tea. Knotts & Mrs Evans
& Cassons etc. Ada to dine.
Miss Moller in after.
Ada to lunch. Tea with the
de Robecks. Mme Cantagalli & Signora
Farini there. Left my bag in cab
& had to pay 100 lire as a reward
to get it back. Poured.
Mrs Lewis & Miss de Noon,
Mrs Gaillard & Mrs Stoney, Miss
Koon to tea & Miss Bezier after.
Also Ada. who dined here.
Mussolini in Florence all day &
the Town decorated for him. We
saw him drive past at 10. P.M.
Mrs & Miss Gibbs, Lady Glyn,
Miss Fernie, Mme Hoeltzke &
Miss Francis & Ada to tea. Walk
after round Viale. After dinner
to cinema - Mussolini, & across
India (Duke of Connaught’s journey)
H & I lunched with Miss
Whittuck. Mr Procter & Mrs Wiffie
Bramly. Poured. Afterwards
walked to Viale & had tea with
Mrs Cunningham. Mr & Mrs
Houghton, Mrs Willis & Miss
Mackern dined with us. The
Dursts & sister & Ada in after.
H & I to tea with Miss
Fernie. Motored out. Mr Barr
sang. Walked back to Piazza Cavour.
Ada to dinner.
Walked round Viale with H.
Ada to dine.
The Waltons, Miss Richardson
Comtesse de Battines, Mr Bond, Mrs
Cox, Ada also the Abettis to tea. A to dinner.
Ada & Mrs Firth to lunch. Met
Nesta at top of Poggio & with her
to tea at the Cantagallis. Mme
Farini & Signa Bettilungo.
Back with Nesta to dine at the
Villa Capponi, & walked home.
Baroness de Cosson, Mrs Bramly,
Miss Whittuck, Miss Good, Helen
& Ada to tea. A. to dinner. & to
cinema after. Eruption of Etna.
To see Ada off by the 10.55
train with Mrs Harter’s maid. Then
with H. to tax office in Via
Cavour. Helped H. stone cherries
for jam after lunch. After tea to
Via dei Benci & to the Reddies at
the Young’s flat. The Belledimanos there.
Not out all day. Bonis’ husband
came for material. To tea Mme
de Kerbrech, Miss Mc Dougall,
Mr Offner, Col & Mrs Payson,
Mr & Mrs Reddie, Mr & Mrs Beldi-
mano, Mr Niccoli, & later
the Waltons. H to Mrs Newman
after dinner, & I sent the servants
to see the “Eruption of Etna”.
H & I to Pitti in morning to see
argenteria & porcelains & afterwards
to pictures. Mrs Mason Jones to tea.
Then H & I for walk round Viale.
Warm & lovely day.
H & I to tea with Mr Bond. Mr
Spelman & the Am. vice consul.
H & I to tea in Cortile of Antinori
with Mrs Topliffe. Mr Houghton joined us
& Maria Pacini. We dined with Miss
Sheldon. The Spelmans, Mr Lawton, Mr
Mühler, Mr de Weertdt, Miss Wilson &
Miss Denby. Miss S. sent us back in her
Very tired & not out. H. to tea with
Mrs Kenyon Cox alone. Motored back with
Miss Tiffany.
After tea we called on the Nevilles,
Scotts, Teagues. All out. Then to Mrs
H & I to tea at Miss Penrose. Several
people. Miss Fuller. Met Miss Whittuck
Mr Perkins to lunch. Mrs P. in after.
H. to bathe in the Spelman’s swimming
bath & I up later to tea. Mr Lawton
played for us after, also Mr Spelman’s
Algerian Suite.
To Murray’s in morning with H.
to see the Bellini & Raphael Mr Macy
bought. Shopping & H bought a hat.
We dined at the Bolognese & to the
Savoia cinema.
Miss Sheldon to tea. Mr Procter to dine.
With H in morning to Veneziani’s &
bought a chest of drawers. After tea
Mrs Cunningham took me for a turn
in her car to the Cascini. Mr Bond
to dinner.
H & I to tea with Miss Whittuck.
Mr Erenheim & a woman - Mme
Mazzuchelli? Walked back. 95°.
H & I to tea with Mrs Newman.
Mr Sargent in after dinner. 96°
Mr & Mrs Winlock to tea. Motored to
Mr Procter’s for dinner ½ hour late.
Mrs Willis & Miss Mackern there. Mrs
Evans & her daughter in after. We
brought Miss M. & Mrs W. back in the car.
We had tea at the de Cossons.
Wiffie Jennings Bramly there, also
Nesta. Baron de Cosson & Mr
Bramly in after dinner.
Packing up house. H. to swim at
the Spelmans & I to tea later. 96.
Called on the Lawlesses. Out.
H. with me to the Allori in morning
to tidy up their grave & put large daisies.
Nesta came after tea. Then with H.
to pay Boni.
Packing away things. After tea out
with H. shopping.
To say goodbye to Mrs Newman with
H. Left the house at 10.20 P.M. &
left Florence by sleeping car at 11.10.
Breakfast in train. Arrived at Bogen
at 10.10. Changed trains & left at
10.35. Mr Ashburner with us as
far as Waidebrück from Bogen.
Arrived Innsbrück at 3.30 P.M. I
left my jacket in the train & H had
to go back to the station & get the station-
master to wire along the line for it.
I got it back at 7.50. At the
Tyrolerhof. Walked round the
town after tea & to the Hof-Kapelle
to see Maximilian’s tomb.
Left Innsbrück at 10.36 A.M. in
omnibus train. Express too early. (7.30)
Changed into Express at Schwarzenach
& on to Salzburg where we arrived at
about 7. Lovely scenery all the way.
Pouring with rain when we got here.
At Oesterreichischer Hof.
H & I to Hellbrunn in afternoon
& coffee there. Met Miss Fuller & Cte Gheradesca. Very lovely. Walked up
to the Monat Vaillla & saw the stone
theatre. Dined at the restaurant at
Morgz. Miss Fuller here.
H & I to the Dom in morning to
Organ recital. Bach’s C. min fugue
& a free improvisation to show off
the solo & group registers of the organ.
Very fine. Then St. Francis Church &
St. Peter’s Stift. After lunch to the
Festung. Had coffee at the restaurant
there & walked back by the Rainburg.
To the Staat museum in morning
& after lunch Mozart’s Geburthaus. After lunch
up the Mönchberg & round by the
Festung. Dined at the Mirabell
garden & walked nearly to station after.
Morning in Mirabell gardens & saw
the gardener about petunia seeds & lunched there.
Left by the 1.54 tram for Parsch &
the Gaisbergbahn. Arrived Had coffee
on top & walked about. Lovely trip
& fine day, but rather misty in the
distance. Got back latish & dined
at the Mirabell.
To Dom for service & St. Peter’s Stift.
To the Mönchberg by the lift at 5
& had coffee there. Walked down &
got caught in terrific downpour at
the Franciscan church. Drove home.
Dined at the Mirabell indoors.
9.31 tram to Berchtesgaden, changed
into train & on to Königsee. Crossed
the frontier into Bavaria & had to
show passports. Took motor launch
from Königsee to the end of the lake
& back. Coffee at Königsee & then
walked back by the river to Berchtes-
gaden. Lovely scenery. H. changed
30/0 at Königsee & got 4½ million
marks. Arr. here at 6.56 P.M. &
dined here. Talking to Mrs Clarke &
Mme Turri after dinner.
Miss Fuller came to see us in morng.
We lunched together at the Traube.
Slack day. Walked over to Red church
to find “White Bear” & failing, went
to the Kurhaus for coffee. Then walked
to the station, down to the river from
there & home along the bank & only
got back just in time before the
rain came down heavily. Dined here.
H. met Mr Dent & Mr Cooper here in
morning. They are here in connection
with the International Musical
Poured all night & morning.
Indoors writing letters. Lunch here.
Miss Fuller to see me. She & we
went up to the top of the Capuziner-
berg from here at 4. Lovely afternoon.
Met Mr Dent & Herr [ ] after we
got back. Dined here.
Left by 11 A.M. train for
Reichenhall. Passports examined at
Salzburg station. Changed at Freilassing.
Arrived at Reichenhall at 12.20 &
drove to police station, but closed,
so went to the Kur-garten pension
& had lunch. Back to police station
at 2 & had our passports police
viséd. Then to the Salinen-
Gebäude & went down underground
to see the Saline springs. Then
to Kur-gardten & listened to the
music & to the Gradir-Haus,
& back by the 5 P.M. train. Changed
at Freilassing & arrived Salzburg
(where passports examined again)
at 5.50. Drove to Hotel. Had
coffee at adjoining caffé & then back
to change. Met Miss Fuller at the
Mozarteum & in box with her for
the International musical Festspiel.
Mr Dent gave a short speech in
German. Then Streichquartett
op 3 (in zwei Sätzen) by Alban
Berg by the Havemann quartet
from Berlin; “Die Hängenden
Gärten, op 15. 15 songs, by
Arnold Schönberg (Stephan Georg)
sung by Martha Winternitz-Dorda
of Hamburg; & violin & piano
sonata by Bela Bartók Hungarian. Alma
Moodie from Melbourne & Manfred
Gurlitt from Hamburg. “Futurist”
music all. Back at 9 for dinner
here. With Miss Fuller after.
H & I for stroll about the town in
morning. Very hot. We & Miss Fuller
lunched at the Birne. Met Mr Cooper.
Came on to rain at lunch & poured
until about 6.30. H & I to tea
at the Kurhaus. At 7. to the
Mozarteum with Miss F. for the second
Zukunft concert. Sonata for violin
& piano (livre en deux parties enchainées)
by Florent Schmitdt. (French). Violin
Alphonse Onnou (Brussels) & piano
Gil-Marchex (Paris). First part wasn’t
bad, but second part awful. Then Fünf
Hafis-lieder by Othmar Schoeck (Swiss)
Composer at the piano, & Heinrich
Rehkemper (Stuttgart) singer. Very
good & recalled 3 times. Instead
of Miaskowsky’s III Sonate for klavier
we had Sonata for violin alone by
Eduard Erdmann. Miss Moodie played.
Then some songs of Kilpinen. At
the piano R. Schulz Dornburg (Bochum)
the singer:
Then a Streich quartett III by
Ernst Krenek (German) the Amar-
Quartett from Frankfurt. This was
simply frightful & hideous. We & Miss
F. to supper at the Traube.
H & I walked up to the Festung &
had lunch out on the back terrace.
Lovely day. Walked down. H went
off to Maria-Plain in aft. & I stayed in
writing letters. Coffee here, & then to the
concert. 1 Serge Prokopiev (Russian).
Overtüre über hebräische Themen für
Klarinette, Streichquartett & Klavier.
Amar Quartett, clarinet: Dreisbach,.
Piano: Andrée Vaurabourg. 2 Fidelio
Finke Tcheko-Slovac.: Eine Reiterburleske für
Klavier, Bruno Eisner. 2 Roland
Manuel (? French) “Délie” for song
& piano. Mme Caron (Paris.
4 Karol Szymanowski Pole: 2 Hafis-
lieder, & 5 Manuel de Falla (Spanish)
2 lieder. Mme Caron. 6. Paul Pisk Austrian:
2 geistlicher Gesänge, Martha W-
Dorda, & the Dom-Organist, Salzburg.
7. W. T. Walton (English) Streichquartett
Mc Cullagh Quartette from Liverpool.
H & I back here for dinner. Miss
F at concert & after dinner.
H. & I to cathedral in morning & to
hear the Glockenspiel. Great crowds out
for the Trachtenfest. Back for a bit &
then to the Goldene Birne for lunch.
To the restaurant here to see the
Procession at 2. Counted over 80
bands, military, towns, & country bands.
Decorated carriages & everyone in
costume. Very pretty indeed. In
morning after Cathedral to the
Mirabell gardens to hear the military
bands compete. Lovely day. Rested
after lunch.
Tram to station. Then walked to
Maria Plain. Very hot & a lot of
horse-flies. Up the Pilgrim way & to
the church. Then to Gasthof for
lunch. Walked back to station. Rested
till tea-time. Tea here. Then to
concert. Arthur Honegger (Swiss)
Sonate for Bratsche & Klavier. Viola
Prévost & piano Mlle Vaurabourg.
Malipiero: Zwei Sonette (Berni) Miss
Helmrich. Alois Hába (German) II
Streichquartett in quarter-tones.
Amar-Quartette. Perfectly frightful.
Ravel: Sonata for violin & cello. Violin
Halleux, Cello, Maas. (Pro-Arte).
Busoni: Fantaisia Contrapuntistica
for 2 pianos. Prof. Kwast & his
daughter. Frau Kwast-Hodapp.
Dined here.
H. to dentist, & I to Mozart concert
at 11. A.M. H. came after. Streich-
Quartett E. moll. Pro-Arte.
Susannen - Arie & Gräfin Cavatine
from Figaro. Miss Joy Mc Arden.
Klavier-Quartette. Pro-Arte & Herr
Gieseking. Sheer joy! Mr Cooper
& Miss Fuller. Lunched at the Birne.
No food! Tea here. Then to concert.
Milhaud: IV Streichquartett. Pro-Arte.
Poulenc: “Promenades” for Piano.
Gil-Marchex. Koechlin. Sonate
for Klavier op 51. Nr 5. Gilmarchex.
Gurlitt (German) 5 songs with
Kammer Orchestra op 17.18. Marie
Hartow (Hamburg) The composer con-
ducted. Kodaly (Hungarian) Sonata
for ‘cello alone op 8. Paul Hermann,
(Budapesta aged 21.) Composer appeared.
Hindemuth (German) Quintett for
clarinet & Streichquartett. Amar-
Quartett. & Paul Dreisbach. After concert
to the Traube for dinner. Miss Fuller, &
then on to the Residenz-Hof to hear the
combined musicians play the
Haffner-Serenade of Mozart by torch-
light. To the café with Miss F.
Mr Dent & Dr Paumgartner joined us.
home at 12.45. Hot day. Bed 1.15 A.M.
Lunched at the Traube. Started at
4.30 & walked up to the top of the
Capuzinerberg & coffee at the Franziski-
Schloss. Then walked down at the back
of the mountain. Dined here. Mr
Cooper & Miss Fuller joined us. The
Hubbards arrived. Very hot day.
Mr Cooper left for Vienna. Lunched at
(To organ recital in morning )at the Dom).
the Mirabell. Went up to Hoher Festung
in the lift & had coffee there &
walked down. Took Mr Dent with us
to the Marionetten. “Rotkäppchen und
die Hexe”. Very good. Then we all
dined at the Traube. Home late.
Miss F. & the Burbridges at the Traube.
Left by 9.31 tram for Berchesgaden.
1½ hours journey. Drove to the
“Bergwerk”- saltmine. Had to dress
up in breeches etc. & went over the
mine & on the salt lake. All very
interesting. Back to Bertesgaden to
lunch & walked round the little
town. Very pretty, but appallingly
hot. Back by the 3&30 tram. Tea
here & to concert at ¼ to 8 in
Mozarteum. “Zeitgenössische
Musik oesterreichisher Compositen.”
Franz Schreker: Kammersymphonie
in einem Satz für 23 Soloinstrumente
(1916). Dr Paumgartner conducted.
Hans Gáls: Five pieces from the music
for Levetzow’s “Ruth” (1920). Nilius
conducted. Wilhelm Gross: Rondels,
3 songs with orchestral accomp. (1921)
Op 11. Sung by Hans Duhan.
Overture to an opera-buffa op 14 (1922)
by Nilius & conducted by him.
E. W. Korngold: Suite from the music
to Shakespeare’s “Viel Lärmen um
nichts.” for Kammerorchester. Op 11
(1918) Nilius conducted. Last piece
“Mummentanz” repeated. Korngold
among audience bowed.
Strauss - 2 songs, Wiegenlied &
Liebeshymnus, & 2 Songs of
Paumgartner sung by Duhan. (1923
Strauss: Dinermusik from “Der
Bürger als Edelmann Op 60. (1912)
Dined here at 11 P.M. All the
musicians present dining also.
With Miss F. in box. Romain
Rolland near us in another box.
Lunched at the Mirabell. The
gardiner came with petunia seeds.
Slept for 2 hours after lunch. Tea at
the Corso cafè & walk along river
bank. Came on to pour, so we
hurried back. Dined here.
Left Salzburg by the 12.30 train
& arrived at Linz at 3.15. Bought
lunch at S. station. To the Hotel
Weinsinger on the river bank. Then
took tram to Pöstlingberg. Had
coffee there. Visited the Pilgrimage
Church, the Diorama & back again
to the town. Walked about until dinner
time in the Hotel. Nice room on
the Danube.
Started by river boat at 10 A.M.
for Vienna. Lovely trip. Arrived
at 7.20, over an hour late. Drove
to Erzherzog Carl Hotel on the
Kärtnerstrasse. Dined & walked after. & to bed.
Talking on boat to 2 American & an Englishboy.
H & I to Imperial Museum in morning
& saw the pictures pretty thoroughly.
Back to hotel for lunch, & I rested
after while Harry went to see Jaffè.
He came back at 15 & we went
out to Schönbrunn. Had tea at a
Cafè there & walked about grounds
& up to the Gloriette. Dined at the
Ritz. In the morning also the Cathedral.
To the Academy in morning &
then to the Kaisergruft. Lunch at the
Ritz & back to Hotel at 2. Met Mrs
& Miss Burbridge. Left Vienna at
3. & arrived at Salzburg 10.10 P.M.
Very hot all the time at Vienna &
in train. Pouring here when we
Raining all morning & in
writing letters. To Traube, no room,
& on to Birne where we met Miss
Fuller & had lunch together. Drunken
man! Buying at hat for H. after.
H. & I walked up to the Festung in
the aft. for coffee. Visited the Church
of St. George in the castle yard.
Walked back by the Gisela Brücke.
To the Traube to find Miss F. not there
so came back to Hotel to dine. Fine
afternoon. Very cool all day.
Shopping in morning with H. & to
Mirabell for lunch. To Hellbrunn for
tea. Dined here & then to the Don-
Kossack concert. Miss F. with us.
Bortniánsky: “Te Deum Laudamus”.
David’s Psalm, uraltes motiv der
Kiewer Lawra. Tschaikowsky:
“Gepriesen sei der Herr”, & “In der
Kirche. Lwówski: Herr, Erbarme
Dich. (gospody pomuiliu)
Abendglocken. Arr. by conductor
Serge Jaroff. “Bandura” by
Dawidowsky, “Der Kuckuck ruft”
(Lied der in türkischer Gefangenschaft
schmachtenden Zaporojer Kosaken).
Echo, by Weber, “Um den Wald
herum” (Kosaken-Lied) also a dance
for an encore. They had a tremendous
Lunched at the Birne. To Parsch
by tram & walked from there to
Aigen for coffee & back. Dined
at the Traube. Also Miss Fuller.
Great storm late at night.
Very chilly. Raining most of day.
Lunched here. Coffee at Keaimnel’s[?] in
pouring rain. Then walked through
Kursaal grounds & to the Panorama
& Mirabell gardens. Dined at
Münchener Hof, & walked along
the quais before turning in. Over
Gisela Brücke.
Started at 8. A.M. in motor omni-
bus. Very good seats. Tour through
the Salzkammergut. By St. Gilgens
on Lake Fuschl at 10 for coffee. Left
at 11.15 alongside St Wolfgang’s lake
to Ischl where we arrived at 12.15.
Lunched (very good) at the Kaisarin
Elaizabeth, & then walked about &
saw the Traun. Left at 2 and round
by Attersee to Mondsee, where we had
coffee. Left at 4.30 & arrived Salzburg
at 6.30. Threatening weather all
day & some slight showers, but
nothing could spoil such perfect
scenery as we passed through. From
Mondsee back (1½ hours) poured,
& had to have the hood up, but it
was high & didn’t spoil the view.
Dined here & to bed early.
Fine but cloudy. Miss Fuller
lunched with us at Mirabell. We
dined at Mirabell. Aft at Hellbrunn
Saw waterworks & walked up to the
top of the hill. Lovely day.
Left Salzburg at 10.30 A.M. Changed
at Schwarzach St. Veit into personen-
zug, & arrived Innsbrück at 6.30.
Old Russian Professor from Prague all
the way. To Tirolerhof.
H & I in morning to the Italian
prisoners’ cemetery & photographed the
grave of Cencetti’s son. Saw
Harry off for England, via Zürich
& Basle at 11.54. Back to Hotel
for lunch & left myself for Brixen
by the 12.54, which was 45 minutes
late in getting in. Nice woman
in train. Miss Fry. Arrived Brixen
about 5.30. The Baroness met
me in her car & brought me here
to Pension Gasser. The Macdougalls,
the young Baroness Faverot & her
2 sons here. After dinner. the
B. & her daughter in law, Roland, Miss
Mc Dougall & I motored to the
Mc Nutt’s villa. Mrs French, &
Baron & Baroness
Letters to Harry, & with Roland to
Post Office & round the town. Warm
& breezy. Tea in my room. The others
went to Mrs Austen Leigh’s. After for a
walk to the vivario.
Walk in the town. Met Mr Mc Nutt.
Wire from H. at 3.30 with Miss Mc D.
The B. & Roland to Elvas on foot, & coffee
there. Lovely day & walk. Home at 7.
Mr & Mrs MacNutt called in morning.
At 4.30 the Baroness, MacDougalls & I
went for a trip in the car up the Pus-
terthal valley & back & round by
Franzensfester. Coffee at a Gasthaus
on the road. For a walk afterwards
along the river with Miss Mc. D. &
the dogs. Lovely day.
Roland & I walked to the station &
the B. Nella & Claude went in the car.
Caught the 11.36 train to Klausen, &
then on by the little mountain train
to St. Ulrich. Took our lunch & ate
it on the hillside, then walked in the
village. Ran into Col. Courvoisier &
Léonie & Mr & Mrs Miller (from Rome)
who are at Seis. Back by the 3.54
train to Klausen where the car was
waiting for us. 12 kilometres home.
Wire from H. at Bailey’s. Lovely day,
but rather warm.
Out in morning shopping with the
Baroness. After tea went to call on Mrs
Clarke & Mme. Turri & met them at the
P.O. Chilly day & cloudy. Bed early.
Out to P.O. in morning, & in afternoon
with the Baroness to the library. Met
Mr Carnegie Johnstone & the Miss
Brights. Walked with the B. after to
the Cloisters & along the river. Had
a wire from Harry saying his father
died yesterday.
Out with the Baroness & Roland in
the morning. Met Contessa Albertoni.
After coffee for a walk to the Vivario
with the B. & MacDougalls.
To the Cloisters & St. Clarissa in
morning. Met the B. & Miss M. after
coffee the MacNutts here, also Contessa
Albertoni & Miss Bradstreet. The B. &
I walked back to Elefant with Contessa A.
& her son.
Out shopping, shoes, books, cigarettes &
chocolates. Poured. After lunch the
young Baronne & the 2 boys left
by car for Meran. Fine aft. but cold.
To the Mc D’s room after tea. Miss
Bradstreet there, & walk afterwards with
the B., alone, & with Miss Mc D. They in
my room after dinner.
Up course of Rienz in morning. To
tea at the MacNutt’s with Miss Mc D.
Motored up with the B. & Mrs Mc D.
Mme de Gresti, Baron Stiepel, Mme
Turri & the Duchesse de Richelieu &
another man there. Walked back.
Lovely clear day. Band in evg.
Tea at the Tirolerhof with the Mc Ds &
Mme de Kerbrech & Mr Johnstone. Then
walked to the station with the Baroness.
To P.O. in morning. Met Contessa
Albertoni & for a walk with her to the
station. The Baroness & MacDougalls left
for Meran by car soon after 4. After
tea I walked along river bank (Eisack)
to distant bridge & back on this side.
To the station to meet Harry at 9.30
P.M. but he didn’t come.
Up at 6 & to meet 7.5 A.M. train
but no H. & again at 11.35. He
came this time! We walked back
here. At 4 round the town, Dom,
Cloisters etc & to tea at the Tirolorhof
& then to Library. Mr Carnegie Johnstone
& Miss Bradstreet. Also to Banks with
Herr Gasser. Then a walk round by
the Rienz. Bed early, tired.
To P.O. to send a wire to the Baroness.
Met Mr McNutt. H & I caught the
11.35 A.M. to the Brenner to get the
Cinema Camera. Took lunch with us
in train. Very cold at Brenner. Walked
up one hill, & then the other side.
Coffee at the Inn (where Goethe slept)
& back by the 4.40 getting here at
5.45. Nice family in carriage -
Mitchell of Hampstead. Packing in evg.
Packing all morning. Left Gasser 11
A.M. Train 40 minutes late. Arrived
Meran 3.30. The Baroness met us in car
& motored us to Hohenwart, Obermais.
Afterwards with her along the promenade
& she & the MacDougalls had tea with us
at the Kursaal gardens near the band.
Walk after in town. Miss Maude arrived
In the morning H & I to the Gilf
& into the town down the Laubengasse
to the market. Back in train. After
lunched the whole party motored to
Trautmansdorf & all had tea with
us there. For a drive after, & H & I into
town shopping.
In morning H & I to Meran. Miss
Maude & Baroness met us & to the
Burg, churches etc. Then to band.
After tea the Baroness motored us to the
station & we left by the 4.55 train.
Changed at Botzen into the wagon-lit
& left at 6.30.
Good night. Arr. Florence 6.15 A.M.
Working all day in house getting things
into order.
Working all day. Out in eg. with H.
to tappezziere in Piazza Spirito etc. Hot.
To the Allori in morning with purple
asters for their grave. H had tea with
Mrs Newman. Then out with me to
Nonini etc. Met Prof. Abetti.
Harry’s birthday. Gave him a pair
of Zeiss glasses. Out with him after
tea to Cencetti, Bartolozzi, Doney etc.
Tappezziere doing sofa cover. Dusted
gallery books after lunch.
Dusting books all morning. After
tea to Dori & then to Mrs Newman.
Rained heavily.
With H after tea shopping & to Hotel
Florence - Washington to ask for Courvoisiers
then walked to Cascine & back.
H & I to tea with Mr Procter. Drove
there & back with Bianchi. Mrs Evans,
Normans, Lee Matthews, Lady Bateman,
Grace, Lady Newborough & the Prince
of Georgia, Mr Weldon etc. In
morning with H. to Uffizi.
With H after tea. Mr Bond & Ada
to dinner. Mme Bagnani called.
Mrs Evans, Mme Bagnani & Mr
Procter to lunch. Ada to tea. With
H after to fumista, Dori etc.
Miss Sheldon, her niece, & Mme B.
to tea
With H. in morning. Mme B. to tea.
Miss Bright in. H. & I walked with
Mme B. to her pension. Mme Nadalini
& her mother to see the flat (?)
H & I to tea with Mrs Kenyon Cox.
Walked up from the Cure. The
Lansings & Fishers there. Mrs F. motored
us down. Mme. Bagnani & Ada to dine
Out with H morning & afternoon.
The Nadalinis came to tea & took the
flat for the winter. Ada to tea too. With
H. after tea.
Shopping with H. after tea. Ada to dine.
With H after tea. Berardi. Miss
Minasi called in the morning.
To Brogi to look at carpets with H. etc.
Post office, Ginori in morning . Tappezziere here
last few days making covers. Working
in box room in afternoon. H & I to
tea with the Scotts. Col & Mrs Payson,
Mr Bond & Mr Ashburner. To buy
hooks after & then home. Ada to dine.
Miss & Miss Fisher, the Wilkins & daughter.
Miss Koon & Mme Hoeltzke to tea. Also
Mme Courvoisier.
Out with H in morning & bought a
blotter for Lady Evelyn’s wedding. To
tea with Mr Bond. Mme Tassinari,
the Godfrey Pearces & Miss Hutton.
Called on Mrs Clarke at the Italie
Miss Minasi to tea. Then shopping
with H. & to Ada’s.
Moving bed. We lunched with the
Courvoisiers’ at Hotel Washington. After
tea to the de Robecks. Ada dined here.
To Papi in the morning. In afternoon
with H. shopping.
H. & I to the Allori in morning.
After tea to Dori, Cook’s (Miss Good)
Bartolozzi etc & Ada’s. Bad headache.
Giani redid the gallery & made an
awful mess.
Helping to put gallery right. After tea
with H. to Falcini etc. H. had tea with
Mrs Newman. Ada to dinner.
Lunch at R. & with Harry to station
to see him off by the 1.26 to Rome. Train
12 minutes late. Ada there too &
walked back with me. To Peyron. Forca here After
tea to Casini & walked back. Anglo-
American Stores etc. Ada to dinner.
Maria Pasqui here in morning. Then
to Ciani the Magliaia. Poured with
rain all the afternoon, thunder & lightening
& no electric light. Cleared up about 7.
To Dentist (Dr Simmonds) in morning
but he had forgotten my appointment. To
Macquay’s for Mrs Clarke’s address. Met
Juliet Grimwood. Then to Bella &
Office, & to Mrs Newman with grapes &
yellow crocusses. After tea to Papi
for a fitting. Dusting books after
lunch. P.C. from H from Rome in evg..
Not out all day. Working in box room etc.
To Ada’s in morning, then took books
back to Mr Procter, Dori, Falcini, fruit,
& to enquire for Mrs Newman. Putting
away H’s things & paper in drawers.
After tea to Maria at Haskard’s & to
Via Cavour about bead bag. Back to
Maria, Doney’s & home. Rained. Ada
here to dinner. Letter from H. in morning
from Brindisi & P.C. in evg. from boat.
Dusting books in drawing room
morning & after lunch. After tea to
Sbisà & for bag for Edwina. Fine day.
In morning with Tilde & Miss Amherst’s
parcel to the UfizziUffizi. Miss Richardson
there. Then to Post Office. Flower market.
Before tea to Pitti Post Office & tea at Ada’s.
Miss Dougall & Mrs Gilbertson. Ada
& Miss Dougall dined here.
To Papi, & magliaia in morning.
Not out all aft & finishing books, &
dusting bottles in old kitchen. Léonie
rang me up. Warm day. My bottle
leaked last night & I had to change
In morning to Bank, for linoleum, &
to Magliaia. Gardening after lunch.
Fosca after tea. Also Nesta.
To Giorgi & Digerini in morning.
The Courvoisiers, Mme. & Léonie, &
Baroness de Kerbrech & Isabel McD.
to tea. Later Mr Bond. Terrific storm
in morning.
Letter from H. To Cook’s about my
sleeping car ticket. Pitti P.O. Inquire
for Mrs Newman, with spirit-lamp
stopper. Giorgi. Warm. Fumista on
roof. The Clapps to tea. To Ada’s in
To Bank in morning to see Berti, then
Cook about excess fare, then to Papi.
Letter with Egyptian money from H. &
another letter later. After tea to Pia[?]
Ancora, Dori, Seeber, & Bella.
To tea with Miss Ryerson. Miss
Frost, Lady Murray, the Courvoisiers &
the Nuns. To Papi in morning.
Miss Whittuck called.
To P.O., seedman, magliaia in morning.
Writing inventory all the aft. After
tea to Ciani & then for Tilde & to the
Courvoisiers. Miss Young called.
Léonie here in morning. Then to
Cook’s & to buy stuff for cushions. To
milliner & Catastini. To tea with
Mme Hoeltzke. The Rathbones, Miss
Mansfield etc. Then to magliaia.
Mrs Godfrey Pearce & Mr Allen called
while I was out.
To tea with Mrs Pearse at Doney’s. Then
to see Mr Allan (Hotel da la Ville) out, &
to Mrs Crowninshield.
Mamma’s birthday. To the Allori in
morning with chrysanthemums. Then
to see Mrs Newman. Not out after.
Signor Bicchi to see me about his son.
To Cook’s, Bella & Papai, Corsani in
morning. Met Mr Procter. To tea
with Mrs Willis & Miss Mackern. Mrs
Reddie there. Then for cigarettes.
Fosca in afternoon. Warm. &[?]
Mr Allan dined here.
Ada dined here. Very hot day.
To P.O. in morning, & bought scarf.
Met Mr Dearbergh. To Palazza Antinori
at 4. & Mrs Godfrey Pearse, Mrs Mason-
Jones, Mrs Crowninshield & Mr Allan
had tea with me. Walked afterwards
as far as the Cascine with Mr Allan.
Hot day.
To lunch with the de Robecks, & then
on to see the Dick-Lauders. Back here
for tea. Ada here. Then with her to
leave notes for Mrs Crowninshield & Mr
Allan & as far as the Gellatlys.
Rained a little after lunch, & again after
Signor Nadalini to tea. Dined with
Mrs Mason Jones. Mrs Crowninshield.
To Haskard’s bank in morning. Mr
Prim. Met the Waltons. Fantecchi.
Mr Allan for me at 2.30 & for Nesta
at Miss Davis’. Then motored to San
Clemente & back by Sieci. Lovely day
& drive. Tea on top of hill near
San Clementi, in thermos. Back at
6 & to see the Buttles at Hotel d’Italie.
Mrs Coppinger. Ada to dine. Mus-
solini arrived at 9. & city en fêté, &
rockets from San Giorgio. Romiti[?]
in morning to move plants.
To Bank, about Harry’s rubber gloves &
cigarette holder. Fantecchi in morning.
Mrs Mason-Jones called in aft. hot
out, packing. The Nadalini’s things arrived.
To the Allori in morning with
chrysanthemums, & bought 2 large
pots of deep rose ones to go on either
side of the stone. The facchino came
at 1.30 & roped & sealed the boxes &
took them away. Very busy all day.
Up before 7. & left the house at
9. Took Tilde to station. When we got
there we were told there was no train
at 10, so I went to Ada’s. Met her on
the way to station. To Centrale to
send wire to the Bagnanis, & to Cook’s.
Met Mrs Tiffany. Lunch with Ada at
12. & to station to catch 1.25 train.
Very crowded, but got corner seat.
Arr. Rome 7.25 (½ hour late). Looked
for Bagnanis, but couldn’t find them
so to the Brindisi train & put my
things in. Then to buffet where I
found the Bagnanis & had dinner
with them. Back to my train & left
at 8.30. Great crowds of troops &
Fascisti at the station disbanding after
the Marcia su Roma festivities & no one
but travellers allowed on platform. Had
my sleeper to myself.
The Conductor brought me caffè latte
at Bari. Saw the Stirlings on train,
I think. They got off at Bari. Arr.
Brindisi 12. To hotel & had lunch
& spent rest of day writing up letters,
& walked to station to post them before
6. Lovely day.
Poured all morning. Lunch at
hotel, & went on board about 1.
The Firths on board, & Mme de
Cramer & Signor Adamoli, Mr
Kingsford. Lot of Sudan officials.
Sailed at 3 in floods of rain. Had
tea, & unpacked. Began to be rough
& was sick. However went to dinner.
Hardly anybody in dining saloon &
I was the only woman. Sat next a
young American. Bed early, & slept
well. Spent most of day on upper
deck. Fine day & calmer. Sat with
the Firths at meals.
Calm & hot. On upper deck all
day. Cabin 70, single-de-luxe.
Arrived late. 5 P.M. Head wind
all the way. First through pass-
port office. Got Continental man to
take charge of my luggage & through
to train to take seats. Then back to
custom house. Started at 8, &
had dinner at once, with Firths.
Arrived Cairo 11.20 & to hotel
Continental. Cup of caffè au lait
& to bed at 12.
Up late & breakfast at 10. Mr &
Mrs Merton, Mr Percy White etc. To
bank, but closed at 12, & shopping.
Saw Diana Phillips. Lunch at
1.30 & had the Archers & Mr
Fraser to lunch. Mr Balchin to
call in morning. After lunch,
Bank & shopping again. Tea, &
then to see the Contessa. My boxes left
at 6, & with Mrs Merton & Mrs
Crabitees until I left at 7. Mr
Slater came to see me off & gave me
a sleeping compartment to myself,
but a Mrs Lady Russell (Sudan) got in
at Wasta & if I hadn’t given her
my spare bed she would have had
to sit up all night in the dining
Arrived Luxor about 8.30 A.M.
Harry met me. Mr Mellin &
Mr Hamilton Grierson on train.
H & I to Luxor Hotel for breakfast
& then across river. Found the
Winlocks, Mr Hauser & Mr Wilkinson
installed. Unpacking. Very hot &
tired. 87°. Mr L. Smith to lunch
Couldn’t sleep for the heat. 89°.
Busy all morning putting things
away. Mr Lyndon Smith to lunch.
Mr Callender to tea. Hot out
all day.
After tea on Wed not Thursday. we all went out on
the new motor presented to the
Expedition by Mr Blumenthal - a
sort of omnibus, which carries
10 people. Up to the Valley of the
Kings. 90°
Harry & I motored over to Der el Medinet
to the tomb of Apui. Very hot on
hillside. Mrs Winlock, Frances
H & I walked round Der-el-Bahari
after tea. About 90°.
90°. After tea H & I walked to Mr
Carter’s house (he in Cairo) to see Mr
Callender. Mrs Davies called at tea.
Mr Lyndon Smith to tea, & Mrs Brunton
arrived (to stay) soon after. H & I
went to feed the old dog after tea &
then by Der el Bahari to see the Davieses.
Very hot.
Mr Winlock left for Cairo. They all motored
to river with him. H. & I to feed dog
& for walk by cultivation.
Out with Harry snapshotting in cul-
tivation from 2.30 to 4, also
Ramesseum. After tea in bus with
Mr Hauser & MrW. to Medinet Habu.
Electricians in drawing room all day.
Mr Mace arrived from Cairo in morn-
ing & back again to Cairo with Mr C.
in evg. Mr Lyndon Smith to lunch.
After tea H & I to feed dog on hill
& walk round Der-el-Bahari. Cooler.
After dinner we all sat in dining room.
Letters from Tilde & Ada & Aunt Lisa.
H & I in bus to Medinet Habu in
morning. Electricians in dining
room, & we are feeding in dismantled
drawing room. After tea H & I with
others in bus as far as Mr Callender’s
& walked back, Mr C. coming part
of the way. Much cooler.
H. to Tombs of Kings in morning &
lunched with Mr Callender. Mr Callender
here for tea & we walked back with
him. Mrs Brunton left for Luxor.
Mr Mace came back from Cairo. Also
Mr Carter. Mrs W. laid up.
Mr Winlock came back from Cairo.
Mrs Winlock laid up. H & I in car
to Medinet Habu after lunch. Took
Frances. Not out again.
H. over to the Valley with Mr Mace
as usual, for lunch also. In morning
I went in bus with Mr Winlock,
Mr Hauser & Frances to Luxor. Mrs
W. better & up.
H. all day at Valley. Walk with me
after tea. The others, except Mr W.,
went to Luxor. Drawing room all to pieces
Walk with H. after tea.
Ahmed arrived. After tea walked
over Cliffs to Valley by moonlight.
Scirocco & had splitting headache.
Invitation to dinner from Mr Carter
& Harry furious because I declined.
Walked alone.
The Bruntons to tea. Walked round
Der el Bahari before tea. H. dined with Mr C.
With H. after tea to see the Davies’ &
their new building.
H & I & Mr Mace to Luxor in bus at
11. Lunched at the Merton’s table.
To Indian shops about Miss Buttles’
shawl. Tea at Winter Palace, & back
with Winlocks, Mr Hauser, Mr Wilb.
Very stormy, & rough crossing the Nile.
Electricians in my room, so went
to Luxor to stay until they finish. Left
here 9.30 A.M. in bus. Lunched
with Mrs Merton. Room 26 with
bathroom. Mr Engelbach to tea, &
afterwards Mrs M. & I drove out
to see Mrs E. Joan laid up.
Miss Verbruck in.
Lunch with Mrs M. She seedy &
went to bed.
Mrs M. in bed & backwards & forwards
to her room. Also to see Miss V. who
is seedy. After tea. Dined with Mr
Merton & Mr Bethell.
Miss Verbruck round in morning.
Talking to Dr Worthington. Mrs Merton
still in bed. Left Winter Palace at
3, & back in bus. Out after tea with
H. white washing in passage going
on. Headache & neckache.
Workmen relaying tiles in bathroom
& white washing. Walk with H. after tea.
Dusted books in drawing room &
washed ginger jars. Rheumatism in
neck. Motor engine started at 11 A.M.
Dusted books in my room. Motor
engine going all night. (40 hours)
Still neck & headache. Out with
H. after tea which I had in his room
because Mr C. came. He came again
after dinner.
Motor engine stopped at 3 A.M.
Two ladies called. Mrs W. Mrs D. &
Mr Mace to Luxor for tea. H. & I for
a walk. Electric lamps turned on
in our rooms, verandahs, kitchen
quarters, but not in drawing or
dining rooms.
Mrs Engelbach, Joan & Paddy to spend
the day. We took them for a drive in
the bus after lunch to the Tombs of the
Kings. Walk after tea with Harry.
Electric light in drawing room last
night. Great success.
Ironing all the morning. Mr Morice
& his sisters in law, the Miss Grants
to tea. Walk with H.
Mrs W., Frances & I to Luxor after
lunch in the bus. to call on Mrs
Newberry. Tea with her & Miss Moss.
Saw Mrd Merton & Miss Frick.
Mrs Merton & Miss Verbruck here to
lunch & tea. Frances’ birthday.
Gave her a silver & enamel
“Fatma’s hand” pendant. Books
from Mr Allan.
The Newberrys & Miss Moss arrived
about 10.30 A.M. After lunch with
them & Mrs W. & Frances to Der el Bahari
until tea time. Walk after with Harry.
H & I to Luxor in bus at 11. The
Courvoisiers met us, & round Winter
Palace garden with them. Lunched
with Mr Morice & the Miss Grants.
After lunch to Luxor Hotel to see the
Contessa, but she was too seedy to
see us. Took the Courvoisiers back
to W.P. tennis court & introduced
them to Mr Morice etc. Mrs Kelly.
Then to the “Sudan” to call on the
Despards (Mrs Manson Smith’s friends)
& had tea with them. Also Dr Phillips
& Diana. Mr Mace & the Newberrys
came over at 2. Mr Mace back
with us in bus at 5.30.
Mr & Mrs Lythgoe, Mr & Mrs Harkness
& the valet arrived soon after
breakfast. Miss Stillman & Catherine
the maid came later & went back
before dinner. Mr & Mrs Despard.
Dr Phillips & Diana to tea with me.
After dinner the Davies, Mr Wilkinson
& Dr Alan Gardiner came in. Dr
Gardiner staying with the Davieses.
Walk with Harry after tea.
Miss Stillman over to lunch. Mr
Carter to tea.
Very seedy all day. Walk with H
after tea. Mr Carter to dinner.
Mrs Harkness spent the day in Luxor.
Mr Engelbach to lunch. Mrs Winlock
heard of the death of her old nurse.
Miss Stillman to lunch, & she &
Mrs Harkness & Harry & I over to
Luxor at 3. Mr Hauser part of
the way. Had tea with the Contessa
at the Luxor. Mrs Harkness stayed in
Harry here all day as Mr Carter
left for Cairo last night. I went
over to Luxor alone in bus at 11.
H. in Valley all morning with Mr
Lythgoe. I lunched with Miss S. &
Mrs Harkness at Winter Palace. Talking
to Morice & Grants, Mrs Kelly, Mr
Newberry. Dr Worthington, Mr Bethell
Miss Parrott, Despards, Mr Merton
Frances over with Ellis after lunch
& with me to Bank, Gaddes &
Luxor Hotel for flowers. Mrs Harkness,
Frances, Ellis, & I (left) back at 4.
Mrs Harkness in bed all day. Looking
after her. Mr & Mrs Mace & Margaret
arrived in morning. Harry at home.
Mr & Mrs Parrott to tea early. We
all, except Maces, motored to Medinet Habu to see it by moonlight.
H. to Valley. To tea the Courvoisiers
Miss Payne, Mr Carter, Dr Toole,
Dr Walker, Mrs Merton, Miss Stillman
Ironing in morning. Mr Engelbach &
Mr Newberry & Miss Stillman & Mrs Merton to lunch. Afterwards with
Stillman to Der el Bahari where the
Grants joined us. The Harknesses &
Lythgoes, Miss S. & Mrs Merton to tea
at the Davies’. Mrs Winlock to Luxor
& I had Mrs & the 2 Miss Grants
& Miss Johnson to tea. After tea
with Harry for a walk. Lovely moon.
Cold wind all day. The Lythgoes &
Harknesses to Luxor for lunch. Back for
tea. Stores arrived. Mr Carter for tea.
H & I for a walk after. Bitter wind 63°. Mrs
H. staying in Luxor for the night.
To Luxor after lunch with Ellis in the
black car. Met Mrs H. & Miss S. on their
way back. To see the Contessa. Then to
Winter Palace & had tea with the Newberrys.
Lounge very full. Mertons, Mellins,
Mrs Granville, Bishop Bury etc. etc.
Christmas carols & Father Xmas &
Xmas Tree. Engelbachs. Crossed the
river with the Mrs Winlock & F. & Mrs
Mace & Margaret.
Xmas Day. Busy all day. With Harry
& Miss Stillman up the Gurn after
breakfast, & back for 1 o’clock lunch.
Mr Seager & M. de Bildt for tea.
Arranging Xmas tree between lunch
& tea. Had all the candles going
for tea. Mr Carter & Mr CaleLuc as for
dinner, also Mr Wilkinson. 17
at dinner, counting the children.
Gave Frances a Tyrolese dress in which
she looked very well, & Margaret
a necklace. Ellis dressed up as a
suffragi & took us all in. Games
after & to bed at 1.
Edwin Samuel called at lunch
time. At 3 with Stillman & rode
to the Valley, walked up to the top
& had a picnic tea there with the
Harknesses, Lythgoes, Harry joined
us later. Ellis doing the tea.
Mrs Winlock lunched at Luxor.
Sir Herbert & Lady Samuel to lunch.
Afterwards Mr & Mrs Edwin Samuel,
Ruth Franklin, M. de Bilat, Herr
Jaeger (Danish Judge) & Herr Beckmann
(Norwegian Consul-Genrl). The
Courvoisiers, Dr Walker & Dr Toole to
tea. Miss Stillman & Samuel party
went in bus to Luxor.
Harry taking off roof of shrine.
Mrs Granville & Miss Thurstan to tea.
Walk with Harry after.
Helping Mrs Lythgoe to dismantle
Xmas Tree. Putting photos in album.
Miss Stillman to tea, also Mr Seager
Mr Mc Clenaghan & Mr Carter.
Out donkey riding with Mrs Lythgoe
& the children in morning to
Medinet Habu. Riding again in aft.
with Mrs Harkness to Tombs of Queens.
round by Cathedral. Mah-Jongh after
My birthday. Riding after lunch with
Mrs Mace & children. The Courvoisiers,
Mlle Werbrouck, Mrs Fowler, Miss
Mc Ilvane, Mr Seager, Mrs Merton
to tea & Miss Stillman to stay. Mr
Carter to dinner. Miss Carpenter to lunch.