The diary of Minnie C. Burton
The woman behind the man behind the camera: re-discovering the tomb of Tutankhamun
Back to introduction

To Luxor in the bus. We lunched at
the Merton’s table. Also Capt. Bethell.
After lunch to Mrs Merton’s room about
commissions in Cairo. Miss Brown,
the nurse. To tea with the Contessa
at the Luxor Hotel garden. The Winlocks
Mr Carter, Dr Dobbin & Mme Neguib.
The lo Dr. D. here in morning &
over with us & Winlocks in bus.
Back with Maces & Winlocks.
Prof. & Mrs Munroe Smith & young
Henry Crabitès to lunch. Afterwards, Mrs
Lythgoe, Mrs W & Frances, Mrs M. & Margaret,
Mrs Harkness & Miss Stillman, Mr Hauser
& myself to the Valley to see the inner
shrines & sarcophagus. Also to Seti
II to see statue. Mrs Harkness & I
rode back. Miss S. & Mr Seager to tea?
Judge & Mrs Cator & Mrs Wilfred Jennings
Bramley to tea
Miss Stillman, Mr Seager & Mrs Schuyler
to tea ? Mrs Lythgoe & I out riding
in morning. At the back of
Medinet Habu. Walk round Der el
Bahari with Mrs Lythgoe after tea &
again by Pylon with H.
Washed my hair. Miss Grant in
morning. Henry Crabites to lunch.
After lunch Mr & Mrs Severance & Dr &
Mrs Barlow & Newberrys & Miss Moss.
Latter to tea also young Crabitès. Mrs
Harkness back from Luxor where she
spent the night. After tea H & I to
Der Bahari & Bab el Hassan. Davies
had the light on for the first time.
H & I with Mr Harkness & Mr Winlock
to Luxor in morning in black car.
H & I lunched with Mr Newberry &
Miss Moss. Mrs N. laid up with bad
headache. Talking to Mrs Topliffe.
After lunch to call on the Severances
& Barlows on board the Seti. Then
to tea with the Contessa. Mr Allan &
Prof. Lafleur. Talking also to Mr
Seager, Mr Hotham & Mr Laucke, &
Dr Worthington, Miss Brown & Mr
Merton. Cold windy day.
Out with Mrs Harkness in morning
to Nakht, Ramose & Kha emhat &
then riding round Ramesseum &
cultivation. Visitors: Miss Stillman
& Mr Seager to lunch, Mr White, Mr
Hicks, Mr Barclay Smith, Miss Richardson
Prof Speleers & his wife (from Brussels)
2 men from Mr Reddie etc. After to
see the children’s “Tombs”. Mrs
Lythgoe went to Luxor to spend the night.
Mrs Harkness, Mr Winlock, the
children & I to Luxor in the Nedbert
for a short time in aft. To the
Contessa, but laid up. Saw the
Gordon Clays, & niece, & 2 men.
Found Mr Carter here at tea.
Foulkes to lunch. Davieses to dinner.
Riding with Mrs L. in morning
to Der-el-Bahari & round cultivation.
Miss Mc Ilvane & party at Temple.
Miss S. & Mr Seager to lunch & tea. Miss
Carpenter after. Walk with H after
Mr Seager & Mr Newberry to lunch.
Mr Hotham & Mr Laucke to tea. Also Mr
& Mrs MacNaughten, Miss Roberts, Miss
Mackenzie & Mr Seager. Walk with H. after.
Cold wind.
Very bad night. Motor engine running
till 1. Rode up to works at 3 with Mrs
Harkness to see Hatshepsut foundation
deposit - broken pottery & baskets etc. Then
back for tea. Major & Lady Violet Astor,
Mr & Mrs Grant (Managing Director of the
Times) & Capt Shaw. Walk with H
after. Mr Carter to tea after the Astors.
Dr Aldrich arrived. Mr Seager here
to lunch. Rode to river bank to meet
Mrs Lythgoe & Mrs W. & back with them
in black car. Mah-Jongg after dinner.
Mr Carter to dinner.
To works to see some more foundation
deposit brought out. H & I to Luxor in
bus, with Maces, Mrs W. & Frances.
Lunched with Mr Allan & Prof. Lafleur.
Talking to Mrs Scott & Mrs Topliffe. Mr
Allan, Prof. Lafleur & Contessa had tea
with us on Terrace & the Dearbergs joined
us. also Newberrys & Miss Stillman
& Mr Seager. Lovely day, but slightly
chilly. Back with the Davieses in bus.
After lunch H & I to cemetery with
Mr Allan to arrange about Travers’
Had letter from Miss Young saying
Mrs Newman “suddenly & peacefully
breathed her last on Jan 5th”.
Mr & Mrs Ewart to lunch. Mr & Mrs Andrews
& the Dearberghs in after. Walk with
H. after tea round cultivation.
Mr Ewart left after breakfast to join
boat party to Tombs of Kings, & Mrs E
went with Ellis before lunch. Mr
Lythgoe & Mr Harkness went to Cairo
last night, & Mrs Harkness to Luxor.
H working here all day. Walk with
him after tea. Met the Alan Gardiners
with Mrs Davies. Mah-Jongg after dinner
Mr Harkness & Mr Lythgoe back from
Cairo after breakfast. Mrs Harkness back
for lunch, & Dr & Mrs Scott here for lunch.
Miss Stillman & Dr Aldrich to lunch
& tea. Mr L. & Mr H. lunched at the
Valley. Prince Arthur of Connaught over
there. Walk with H. after tea. Ride with
Mrs L. in morning.
Prince A of C. on our dig this morning.
The Alan Gardiners to lunch, & afterwards
Mr & Mrs Robert Mond & Mlle de Buck.
Ride with Mrs L. before tea & walk
with H after by cultivation & Ramesseum.
Mr Harkness’ birthday (50). After
waiting 1½ hours for bus (Bayumi at
river bank waiting for the electrician)
H & I went over in the Harkness’ car.
Arr. ¼ hour late for lunch with Mrs
Topliffe & Mrs Scott. Dr Aldrich joined
us. Left at 2.30 to come back
for fantasia in honour of Mr H’s
birthday. Tent rigged up outside
opposite east wing, musicians, galla-
galla men, races, single-stick &
dancing from 3 P.M. till about 11.
Mr & Mrs Mond & Mlle de Buck to
tea, Mr Carter, Davieses, Alan
Gardiners, the Omdeh etc. We
had an Arab dinner.
To river bank with Ellis in
morning & sat in the car while
he went to Luxor. Snapshotting
the Contessa, Mr Allan & Prof. Lafleur
Policeman, etc. The Contessa, Mr
Allan, Lafleur & a lot of American
women to tea. Walk with H. after
to Ramesseum & Haj. Dichi.
Mrs Armstrong & Dr Aldrich to
lunch. Walked them & Mrs Harkness
up to works & to Mehenkwetrē after.
Walk with H. after tea.
Out riding after lunch with Mrs
Gardiner to Tombs of Queens. Mr
& Mrs Tommy Russell to lunch. Mr
& Mrs Hemsley Johnstone to tea (friends
of Mrs Manson Smith). Walk with
H. to works. Mah-Jongg after dinner.
Fire in dining room. Very cold in morn.
H. & I to Luxor with Mrs H. in their
car. Very cold day. To Mohassib’s etc.
Lunched with Mr Allan & Prof. Lafleur,
& had tea with them. Bought amythists
at Mohassib’s. Back with Mr Hauser
& Mr Wilkinson in the bus.
After lunch we all went over to
the Valley to see Mr Carter unwrapping
Tutankhamen’s walking sticks. The
Davies, Gardiners, Newberrys & Scotts
there, also Charles Breasted, as well
as our household. Walked back
over the cliffs. Cold day 53° but
Mrs Lythgoe & Mrs Harkness left at
8.15 A.M. to go to Asswan by the H’s
dahabyah, the Chonsu. Walk with H
after tea & then in the Nedbert with
the Winlocks. Mr W. learning to drive.
Mr Winlock’s birthday - 40. Cake with
candles at lunch. Mr Carter at tea.
Afterwards the children did a play.
Walk with H.
Cold wind all day. Miss Carpenter
called but wouldn’t come in. Walk
round cultivation with H. after tea.
? Miss Pritchard & 2 girls to
Engaged to lunch with the Dearberghs
but had to throw them over as
Mr Harkness decided upon a day
on the River: The boat came back
last night with Mrs H & Mrs L, Miss
S. & Dr A. We all left here at 9
A.M. in the Georges & Nedbert for
the shore, & the boat (Khonsu)
started at 10. Lovely boat. Brilliant
day but very cold wind. Lunch
on board, & arrived at Gebel Ain
at 2.30. An hour there, during
which we climbed the hill to the
old Fort & Sheikh’s tomb. Tea
on board at 4.30 & arrived at
Luxor at 6.30. Mrs H. & Mrs L.
remained on board.
Mr H. & Mr L. left to join the others
on board the Chonsu to go to Denderah.
Mrs & Miss Wild & Miss Snelling to
lunch. Heard from Aunt Lisa that
Aunt Mary had fallen & had
broken her hip. She was taken to
Steven’s hospital in an ambulance
& X-rayed
With Mrs W. & Mrs Mace to Luxor for an hour.
Mr Harkness & Mr Lythgoe Mr Allan. back for
lunch & Mrs L. back later on.
Mrs W. Mrs Mace, the children, Mr H &
I & Mrs Davies. on board the Khonsu & steamed
down the river & back from about
10. A.M. till 4 P.M. Lunch & tea
on board. Lovely day. Harry told
me Professor Lafleur died last night
at 11.
I went over to Luxor early with Mr
H. & Mr L. to see Mr Allan. He was
out. Talking to Capt Shaw & Mrs Merton.
Mr Allan came in later. Had lunch
with him and a cousin of Professor
Lafleur, M. de Vosrn, Military
attaché (French) at Tokio, passing
through Egypt on his way to Paris.
Heard all about the poor old
Professor’s death (64). He was
buried yesterday at 3. Mrs L.
came over soon after 3 & I went
back then & found Miss Winlock
& Ellis waiting for me on the bank.
Mr Carter to dinner. Walked round
Der el Bahari with Mrs Harkness.
Mrs Winlock & I went over to Luxor
in the bus at 11. I lunched with
the Dearberghs. Mr & Mrs Howland.
Afterwards with Mrs Merton, Mr Allan.
Mr Fanshaw, Mrs Armstrong etc.
Back at 3.15 with Mrs W. & Mrs
Harkness. Harry couldn’t come
because of the opening of the
We were all to have gone over today
at 3 to see the open sarcophagus.
but Mr Carter sent word that the
Government had telegraphed that the
wives of the collaborators were not to
be permitted entry. Mr Carter over at
breakfast. He & Mr Mace & Mr Lythgoe
to Luxor. Everybody furious at this
last & culminating insult from
the Government. Mr Carter closed
the Tomb. Mrs Armstrong & Miss
Stillman to tea. After tea the Lythgoes
& Harknesses left for the boat.
Harry & I up to the works. Hot
day, & very windy in evening.
To works with H. after tea.
In morning received Mr & Mrs Kip,
Miss Herren, Mrs Robinson & Mr
Robbins. Later on for tea, Mr & Mrs
Cary, Miss Carpenter, Mrs Dearbergh
Mr & Mrs Howland, Mr Mond &
Monsieur Foucart. Walk with H after
tea. The Davieses & Mr W. in after dinner
The Chonsu still at Luxor.
With Harry in morning to Genamon.
Dr Breasted & Charles to lunch. The
Chonsu left in morning. Walk alone
after tea. H tired. Mr Carter here.
Mr Mond in morning. Mrs
Armstrong to lunch. Papers full of
the Carter affair. Very hot. 77.
Walk with H after tea. Miss Deys & Miss
Wolflin to tea.
In bus to river bank after lunch with
Mrs W. to fetch Mrs Mace & 2 friends.
H. & I in bus to Luxor with Mrs Mace
& M. Mrs Winlock & Frances & Mrs
Alan Gardiner. Mrs G. returned.
To Mohassib to pay bill for beads.
Then to Luxor Hotel to call on Helen
Rottenburg & the Rider Haggards.
Lunched with Mr Allan & tea.
Talking to the Burgess’, Mrs
Scott, Mr Bethel, Newberrys, Mrs
Armstrong etc. Back with H alone
at 5.30. & walk after. Hot day.
Mrs Merton to lunch. 82°. Eclipse
of the moon. 6.30 to 7.
Mr & Mrs Hanauer & 2 friends called
after lunch. M. Baraize to lunch. Mr
& Mrs Kip & Miss Mc Carthy afterwards.
Hot day. 83°.
Margaret Mace’s birthday (11). Gave
her elephant tail mounted in gold
bangle. Mrs Engelbach, Joan & Paddy,
& Mrs Mc Clanaghan, Frank & Grant
to lunch & tea. Round cultivation with H.
Sir Rider Haggard & Miss Haggard,
Miss Rottenburgh & Mrs Armstrong
to lunch. Sent them home in the bus. Very hot. Walk with H.
Mr & Mrs Gunn & the 2 Miss
Drurys (aunts of Lady Beaverbrook)
here in morning. Walk after tea
with H. Much wind & sand. 87°.
Guggenheim family in morning but
did not see them. After tea we all
went for a drive in the bus, Mr W.
H & I to Luxor in morning.
Lunched with Mrs Armstrong.
The Mertons, Capt Bethell too. Tea
with Miss Rottenburgh & the Sir
Rider Haggard & Miss Lowther.
Mrs Mace & I to Luxor in
morning. Lunched with Mrs Armstrong,
Mertons, Capt Bethell, Miss Brown.
Miss Carpenter & Miss Deyo after.
Back at 3.30.
Miss Rottenburgh & Miss Lowther
here in morning. Col & Mrs Burges
& Mrs Mulock & Miss. Rich to lunch.
The Newberrys & Miss Moss came to
stay. Mrs & Miss Quibell & the Carys
to tea. Walk with Harry after tea.
Mr Durram in afternoon. Walk
with H after tea, & to call on
Mrs Quibell.
With H. after lunch. in bus to the Valley to
get plates. The children came too.
Tea at 4 & Harry left for Khargeh
at 4.30. Mr Davies too. Walk with
Miss Moss etc. & alone by cultivation
& Der el Bahari. Cool. The dog turned up.
The Newberrys & Miss Moss, Mrs Mace
& Margaret left after tea. The 2 latter
are sailing for home on Thursday. Walk
round Der el Bahari after tea. Mrs &
Miss Quibell, Mrs Davies & Mr Wilkinson
to dinner. Very cool, though 73°.
Miss Cunningham to lunch. Wire
from H.
To the Davies’ after my walk. Miss
Moss (Dr Griffith’s sec.) there. Hot day 86°.
& Khamseeny.
Had letters from H. saying he was
ill with influenza. Went down to
Omdeh’s house to telephone Mrs Engelbach
to send a telegram for me. Mr Winlock
& M. Baraize came too. Very upset.
After tea went with Winlocks to Mr
Carter’s house to get photographs. Very
hot 89. & sandstorm. Baraize to
Tremendous wind all night. Wire
from H in morning saying temperature
normal. Getting up today ”. Much
cooler. 72. tearing wind.
To river bank in bus with Mrs
W. & Frances & again later to fetch
them back. Wire from H. to say all right.
Mr Tracy to tea. Walk round culti-
vation with Mrs W. & F.
In bus after lunch with Mrs W. & F.
Harry got back in morning, looking
very thin. Mrs Scott to lunch & tea, &
Mrs W., F & I took her back to Luxor
in evg.
The Newberrys & Miss Moss to lunch.
Mrs W., F & I went in bus to river
to meet them. Mrs W. Mrs Davies & the
other Miss Moss went back with them.
Walk with Harry after tea to the dig.
St. Patrick’s Day. Very hot. 91°. H & I
in bus to river after tea to meet Miss
Ghio. Mrs W. over to Luxor. Talking
at riverside to Mr Mond & Mr
Foucart. Fearful sandstorm on way
Mr Carter to dinner.
Mrs Winlock’s uncle & aunt arrived.
Mr & Mrs Tucker Daland. She took them
& Miss Ghio to Medinet Habu. Miss
G. to Tombs of Kings in morning &
with Winlocks in aft. & with us for
a walk after tea. Much cooler after
the sandstorm. Mr Carter came to say
goodbye & brought me his canary.
Took the Dalands, Miss Ghio &
Frances over to the Valley in morning
& got Mr Engelbach to let them into
the Tomb. Also did Amenhotep II
& Seti I. Mr D. Miss G. & I walked
back over the top. After tea, they
all, with the Winlocks, left for
Cairo. Harry sprained his ankle.
Mr Callender here for lunch & tea
En route to Cairo. Harry & I went
to riverbank with him in bus at
5 o’clock. Only ourselves & Mr
Hauser for dinner.
After tea H & I, Mr Hauser & Mr
Wilkinson to Luxor. Back at 7.
Mr Mond & another man in after
tea. Mr Davies later. H killed
a snake in the “street” outside.
Mr Winlock came back from Cairo.
Walk alone.
Mr Callender arrived. M. Baraize
to lunch. H & I to river with him in
aft. Very windy & dusty. To the Mond’s
fantasia in aft. at Ramesseum.
H & I to Luxor at 11.30. Mr Engelbach
with us. Lunched with Col. & Mrs Burges.
Mr & Mrs Watson also. Tea with Mrs
Scott. Mr & Mrs Martineau & her son,
Mrs Davies, Lady Meyer, Lady Keble, (Lillah McCarthy.)
Lady Carrick, Foucart, Mr Winlock,
Monds & Mlle de Buck. Mr W. went
down to Cairo with Mr Carter’s Power-
Mr Callender left early. In bus after
tea with H. Mr H. & Mr W. round by Mr C’s house
to river.
After tea with Harry, Mr Hauser &
Mr Wilkinson in bus to river
Mr Winlock back from Cairo in morning.
After tea H. Mrs Davies & I in bus to
river. Mr Davies in after dinner.
Numbering H’s photographs. Hot day 91½°.
Walk alone after tea.
Mr Nelson arrived in morning.
Monsieur Baraize to lunch. H & I
with him to river after tea. 93½°.
H & I, Mr W. & Mr Hauser to river in
bus to see Mr Callender & Mr Nelson
off to Cairo. Afterwards to see Mrs
Davies. All three laid up.
To the Luxor Hotel to lunch with
Mrs Scott. Winter Palace closed
yesterday. Before lunch to the
cemetery & to the Bank. Saw Palesi.
M. Lacau, Foucart, Edgar, Lefèvre
& Mr Engelbach at the Luxor. Also
Princesse Faucigney de Lucinges.
Tea with Mrs S. & home at 5.30.
To see Mrs Davies, better. Very hot 97°.
Mr Winlock left for Cairo. To see
Mrs Davies, & making her Horlick &
Benger. Mr Durham & M. Bruyère to tea.
Harry has influenza 100° 4’.
To see Mrs Davies with things
Between H. & Mrs D. Very hot 100°
Ramadan begins.
H.’s temp. still between 99 & 100.
but better. Mrs D. better & up. 98°.
Windstorm & cooler. H. better, but
still fever. To the Davieses to say
goodbye to Mrs D. who left for Cairo.
Dr Mc Clanaghan here in morning
to see Harry. Found slight congestion
at base of left lung.
H. better. Mr Davies & Mr
Wilkinson to dinner. Walked round
Der el Bahari after dinne tea.
H. normal all day.
Second anniversary. H
up. Mrs Scott sent me flowers.
Mr Davies left for Cairo, & Mr
Wilkinson came over here to stay.
Mr Callendar for the day from
Erment. Walk alone after tea.
Walk alone after tea. H. very busy.
Making Ovaltine every day for him &
Mr Hauser. Packing.
H & I in bus with Mr Winlock
after tea, by Mr C’s house & cultivation.
H & I left Qurna at 3.30 & to
tea with Mrs Scott at the Luxor. I
brought Mr Carter’s canary to Mr
Parissis the Bank Manager. Left
Luxor at 6. P.M. in Sudan mail.
The engine broke down at Kous
& we had to wait 1½ hours for
another from Luxor.
Arrived Cairo 9.30 A.M.. Two & a half
hours late. Breakfast. Room 131
as usual. Talking Mr Melville
after lunch. After tea H & I to
Sitmar about boat. Met the Lansings
there. Then to Sporting club & walked
back by Gezira Canal & Pont des
Anglais. Drove from Kasr en nil to
the Garrys. Then to station about
brooch. Found Jeannette Franklin
had been here. & left at 6 for
Jerusalem. After dinner I went to
see the Contessa who is very seedy.
H. to museum. I washed my hair.
To tea with the Phillips’ & motored
back with him. Then shopping.
To tea with Contessa. Miss Lattey?
With H. shopping. Dance night.
Talking to Murray Grahams, etc.
With Contessa & Mme Neghib to Mousky in morn.
H & I to tea at the Frank Russells.
Mr Russell in garden with nurse.
On to the Tommy Russells. The
Mellins, Mr Dolbey, Mr Haine,
Mrs Garvice, Mrs Ryan etc.
Drove to Nahman. Mr Lucas
to dinner.
With H & Contessa to Tano, & then
H & I to Mousky. The Mustacchis
& Mr Wainwright to tea.
After tea with H to tailor. Met
Mr Winlock arrived. Lunched & dined
at our table. Mr Buckley called.
To Garry’s & Nahman.
Left at 9.45 special train to Alex. Mr Balchin & Wainwright to see us off.
Two Police officers, Mr Tomlin & ?
& orderly came to meet us & see us
on board. Harry Archer (Comman-
dant of Police now at Alex) sent them.
Sailed at 3. Calm. Met the
Howlands & Mrs Jennings Bramly on
board, also Mrs Critchley, Mrs
Beard & the Monds. Also the Astors.
Calm day. Very hot
Arrived Syracuse 1 & left at 4.
Not ashore. Very hot.
Arrived Naples 6 A.M. Missed
8.45 A.M. train & got 10.15. Mrs
Bramley with us all the way to Rome.
Arr. Rome 3.20, left 5.30. Had
tea at the Continental. Left Arr.
Florence 11.10 P.M. Very hot between
Naples & Rome.
H in morning with Miss Vernet.
She came here at 4. Also Ethel &
Ada to tea. Ada to dinner. H to
station to see Miss Vernet off by 9
H & I to tea with Ethel, then
out shopping. Ada to dinner.
To Allori in morning with flowers
for their grave. Ada to dine.
Mr Perkins in morning.
Ada to lunch & afterwards to the
Newman’s. Took Beppinga, the
Pekinese with us.
H & I & Ethel motored out to Mr
Perkins for tea. Lot of people. We
dined at the Italie with Mr &
Mrs Hugh Allan, their daughter &
Mrs Drummond. Mah Jongg.
Mrs Drummond & Miss Allan
to tea, also Ethel. We dined
with Ada.
We lunched with Ethel. Mr
Spender, Mr “Bogey” Harris & Mrs Sturt. Mrs Leith afterwards
After tea H & I to the de Robecks. To
Nonini after. Ada to dine.
H & I called on Mrs Mason Jones
(out) Mme de Faverot, & shopping.
We dined with Mr Allan & the
Bagnanis at the Italy. They motored
up to say goodbye to us. Very late.
H out with Mr Allan in morning.
They all (he & Gilbert & Mme Bagnani)
& Ethel & Ada lunched with us.
After which we went in car to find
old furniture in Via dei Fossi, &
then to tea at the Villa Medici
Careggi with the Segres. Dined
at the Italie with Mr Allan.
Ottavia left.
H & I motored out to the Villa
Ridolfi to tea. Large party. To
Innocenti after about hats. Spent
morning with Papi. After lunch
with pearl stringer & cecchini.
Ada to dinner. Emmelina.
Two years since Mamma went.
To Allori in afternoon with arum
lilllies. Cold windy & wet. In
morning to Maria’s pension about
milliner. Out. Then shopping.
Harry in afternoon to party at Mrs
Donner’s. Ada to dinner. H after
dinner to Miss Koon’s - Mr Proctor
sent lovely bunch of roses & Mrs
Donner large bunch of sweet peas.
Emilia after lunch about Lina.
Maria Pasqui here in morning.
H & I to tea with the Pogsons. Mrs
Mason Jones, de Robecks, Baroness
de Kerbrech & Miss Mc D. Nuns,
Miss Ryerson etc etc. Walked back
by Via San Leonardo. Drizzling.
We dined with Mr Temple. Dr
James called about flat. Emmelina left
To Forca’s in morning. H & I
with Ethel & Mrs Leith to the Dearbergh’s
for tea. Masses of people. Contessa
Damjani, Angiolino Pacini, Mr Russell
etc. Ada We dined with Ada.
To milliner (Macheroni, Innocenti
6 Borgo San Jacopo) in morning. To
tea here the Gilbertsons, Miss Eyre,
Mrs Fitt, Mme Courvoisier, Mrs
Parker & Ada. The latter to dinner.
After tea to Papi for fitting.
To Papi in morning. After lunch
to American Consulate with H about
Passports. Then to Cecchini. The
Wilfred Jennings Bramlys to tea,
also Mrs Granville & Mr Procter,
& the Jameses in after, Also Ada.
We diner with Miss Sheldon &
Miss Nixon who sent the car for
us. Also the Dursts, Spellmans
& Miss Fernie & Mr Barr.
We lunched with the Berensons.
Mrs B. called for us in the car
& also 2 Austrian girls from the
Pendini. Miss Mariani showed
us over the house. Back in car.
Should have tea with Ethel but
too tired with fittings. Dined
with the Dick-Lauders. Lady D.L.
seedy. Miss Frazer & Mr Neville
there. They sent us back in the
Ada to lunch. Carena in morning.
We went to tea with the MacDougalls
& Mme de Kerbrech. Mme Courvoisier
Mr Talbot, Hunter Smithe, & a
girl called Sonia Michel played
Cyril Scott. A lot of people there.
Then to Papi. New cook Adele.
In morning to Carena etc.
After lunch again & Forca at
3.30. Ada to lunch & tea & also
Alfred Niccoli. I went to tea alone
at the Lawlesses. Several people.
Then to Papi. Back to dress, & we
dined at Miss Ryerson’s. Miss
Buttles & the Nunns.
To Cecchini to pay. Then Mrs Crown-
nishild & to Innocenti. H & I
motored up to the Maclean’s party.
Mr Procter with us. All English &
American Florence there. After to
Papi. Ada to dinner. Mafeking.
H & I to tea at Ethel’s. Ada there.
E back to dinner with us also Ada.
H & I to lunch at the Dearberghs.
Mrs Wright. They sent us both ways in
the car. Mr Guntner after tea. We
dined at Ethel’s. Ada & Mr Procter.
We left by 2.40 P.M. train. Ethel
& Ada to see us off. Very hot. Arr.
Milan 10.10. Left in sleeping car
Very good night. Arr. Domodossola
2.10 A.M. Breakfast on train, also
lunch. Arrived Paris 3 P.M. Drove
across to Nord & caught 4 o’clock
train for Boulogne. Left B. at 7.30.
Raining, & arr. Folkestone at 9.
Smooth crossing. Dined on board.
Arr. Folkestone 9. & London at 11.
Dined again on Pullman. To
Bailey’s Hotel. Cold.
Raining. Showery all day. With H
Orton for furs. Lunched
with Miss Greenhome. Mrs Sharman.
H to Vic for baggage, which didn’t
come, then we went together later &
got it at 7.45.
H & I walked in Kensington Gardens
in morning. Slight rain showers.
Everything looking lovely. To lunch
with the Vernets. Major V. there, &
with him afterwards to the S. K. museum
to look at Maestro Giorgios. To Hotel
for tea & then motored to the Zoo &
back. Barney to dinner.
H out alone, & I shopping in
Knightsbridge. We met at the Lyceum
Club where we lunched with Jeannette
Franklin. Met Mrs Krayl there
(Stan Harding). Across the Green
Park & saw the arrival of the King &
Queen of Italy with Queen Mary & King
George. With Jeannette to the R.A.
Met Sir Rider Haggard there. Back
to Jeannette’s for tea. Mrs F. Dined
at Hotel & to see “Havoc” at the
H & I to Bank. Then A & K Stores
& to see Mr Bartlett & in to Westminster Cathedral. We lunched
with Barney. Sir Seymour Fortescue
also. After lunch to Wembley by
Paddington. Round in Radiotoc
Saw Burmah, Canada, & to per-
formance of conjuring in Indian
Pavilion, etc. Met the Spences.
To Dear. Lunch at Hotel.
Then to Olympia to Military Tour-
nament. The Duke & Duchess of York
there. Fine show. Tea at Hotel
& dinner, & to the Aldwych Teatre
to see “It pays to advertise”.
H. out with Jeannette to meet
Lady Witte. I shopping alone.
H. lunched with Mr Sinclair.
Back for me & to Harrods. Tea
there & then to London Museum.
We dined with Jeannette & Mrs
Franklin & J. took us to
Bernard Shaw’s “St. Joan”.
Sybil Thorndiyke. Back to the
Franklins after for a drink &
met Mr F. just back from the
H & I to the Stores. Back for
lunch & packed. After tea to
Dear’s & to see Barney.
Left Hotel at 7.40 A.M. &
got to Waterloo at 8.5. Special
train to Southampton. Arr. 10.45.
On board Mauretania. Cabin
32. A. deck. Very comfortable.
Beautiful luxurious boat. Saw
the Leviathan. Sailed at 11.30.
Raining slightly. Arr. Cherbourg
at 4.30 P.M. & took more people on
board. Sailed at 5.30. Rain. Calm.
Sea moderate, cold & cloudy. H
went to Divine Service
Fog all night and forgghorn every
minute. Sea moderate. Got rough
in afternoon.
Cold & fog. Very windy &
rough in afternoon. H & I sea
sick & to bed before dinner.
Very rough all night Crossing
the Gulf Stream. Later fog.
Cold cloudy & fog.
Fog all night. Arrived at N. Y.
at 2.45. P.M. Very interesting
coming in to Harbour & watching
the ship being berthed. Mr &
Mrs Lythgoe on wharf to meet us
& help us through Customs. No
trouble at all. Two taxis to
the Gotham Hotel, Fifth Av. &
55th Street. 19th Floor! Two
rooms with each. 1910 & 11.
Out to tea at the Women’s Exchange
with the Lythgoes & then for a walk
down Fifth Avenue. Met the
Winlocks. Lovely flowers from
Mrs Harkness. Dined in the
Hotel, & Mr Hall in after. Up late.
H & I to museum in morning.
The Winlocks showed us round
Egyptian Dept. & then with Mr
Hall to see pictures. With him
to lunch, & afterwards by “Elevated”
& “Subway” to Bronx Park to the
Zoo & had tea there. Hot. The
Winlocks called for us at 7.15
& dined with them at the Crillon
& we took them to the Strand
Theatre. Variety performance. Also
walked down Broadway to see the
night signs.
H & I took 10.15 train from
the Great Central for Bedford Hills.
Mr Colegate met us & motored us
to their house at Bedford where we
had lunch. The Speranzas also &
Mrs C’s mother. Listening in after
lunch. Charming house & garden.
Afterwards the Speranzas motored
us to Irvington by the watershed
& artificial lakes, by White Plains
& Tarrytown to their house, Jerry Croft.
Miss Rogers driving. Dined
with the Speranzas & back from
Irvington Station by the 9.15 train.
Arr. N. Y. 10 P.M. Raining off
& on all day & cold. Fires at
both houses.
Mrs Lythgoe for me in morning aft.
& shopping at Macy’s etc. Lunched
at the Woman’s Exchange first &
shopped after. Then to the Museum
where we met Harry & we all had
tea with Mr Lythgoe in the Trustees
room. The Harknesses called for
us at 7.20 & with them to dine
at Sherry’s. Also the Lythgoes.
Then on to the Broadhurst
Theatre to see “A Beggar on
Horseback” Mr Robinson called in aft.
Mrs Harkness & Mrs Lythgoe
called for me at 1. & we lunched
at the Colony Club. Mrs H made
me a member for the day & took
me all over the house. Afterwards
we went on to the Museum, where
we saw the movies taken by Harry
Mr Lythgoe & Mr Harkness last
season in Egypt, on board the
Khonsu etc. Mr Bull there &
Percy White, Théy, the Lythgoes &
Mr Winlock had tea with us
at the Plaza. We dined in.
H & I to Lythgoes where he
left me. Mrs L. & I to Stein’s
& shopping. Then with her to
her doctor, Chace, 525 Park
Avenue, & on to lunch at the
Women’s Exchange, Madison Avenue.
Then to Museum alone & picked
up Harry & round the Museum
also to the Treasure’s Office to
see Mr Foote & give my signature
They spelt Catherine with an A.
Met Mr Robinson. We had tea
in Trustee’s room with Mr Lythgoe
& Mr Winlock. Back in bus.
Mr Bull called at 7. & took
us to dine at Pierre’s. Miss Koe.
Then to the Sam Herbert Theatre to
see a revue “Vogues”. Found
a charming present from Mrs
Harkness when I got back - a
travelling cushion & hanging
bag with hanger & work bag full
of cottons needles etc for the journey.
Raining. Mr Hall in at
breakfast time. Packing all morn.
Harry out alone. Mr Hall to lunch,
& Mrs Lythgoe came in. She came
to the Great Central to see us off by
the 3.45 (Town time). We had a
“drawing room”. Passed along the
W. bank of the Hudson for some time
& saw the “Palisades” & West Point.
then alongside Erie Canal. Through
Albany, Schenectady, Mohawk
Valley & Little Falls, Utica, Rome
Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo.
Papa’s birthday. Along the
shore of Lake Erie. Cleveland,
Toledo on Maumee River & arrived
La Salle station Chicago at 9.45.
(station time). To the Blackstone
hotel. Bath. H went to Art Institute
Back for lunch. Then we both
went to the Art Institute, & then
took a taxi & drove round
Lake Shore Drive & Lincoln Park
etc. Tea on Michigan Avenue.
Misty on Lake & not very good
views. Dinner at Hotel & left for
station at 8.15. Met some people from
Mauretania at the Hotel. Started for
San Francisco at 9.10 P.M. In car
Fifeshire, 23. Drawingroom A. To
bed almost immediately. Mississippi.
Passed through Council Bluffs &
Omaha after breakfast & across the
Missouri river. To Julesberg, where
the line dips into Colorado, but soon
back to Nebraska. Then into
Wyoming, Cheyenne, to Sherman
the culminating point of the Rocky
Mountains (the Continental Divide)
hot. Bad
cold in
in head
& sore
Granger, Passed the Uintah
Mountains, through the Wasatch
Mountains into Utah. Through
the Echo Canyon & Weber Canyon, &
across the Great Salt Lake of Oafter Ogden.
Then Nevada & up to the Sierra.
Woke at Reno in early morning,
high on the Sierra Nevada, &
down into California. Sacramento.
& across the Straits of Carquinez
the train divided into 3 sections
on huge ferry. Arrived Oakland
3.30. where Mr Harrison met us
& brought us across the Bay by ferry
steamer to San Francisco & to the
Palace Hotel. 6011 & 6012. Mr
Lathrop & another man to meet us
in hotel, & also Mr Flint. After
tea Mr Flint took us out in car
for 2 hours, & we visited Telegraph
Hill, Nob Hill, Pacific Heights,
Presidio, Docks, Chinatown etc.
etc. I had a fearful cold, & to
bed when I got back. Ella Hutton
called after dinner.
Stayed in bed until after lunch. Then
up, & at 2 went out with H in the
car with Flint. We went up to Twin
Peaks, Golden Gate Park, saw the
Aquarium & Japanese Garden &
Young Memorial Museum & Scientific
Museum & on to Cliff House, Golden Gate
& back by St Francis’ Wood etc at 6.
To bed again. Ella Hutton dined with
Harry & came up to see me after.
H went to San Mateo in the morning
by car with Mr Lathrop to see the
movie studios. I had bad night
& stayed all day in bed. Dr Selfridge
to see me in afternoon. Also Nurse
WhiteWright.. Telephone goes all day. Harry
gave 5 interviews yesterday & I gave
one through telephone this morning. The
President of the Women’s Art Institute
rang me up yesterday to say that the
members wanted to entertain me on
Thursday & would I speak a few
words to them afterwards about Egypt.
There is some advantage about having
a cold! Ella Hutton in after dinner
but I didn’t see her.
In bed all day. Dr Allen, the
chest man to see me. Poultices &
inhalations all day. Harry to see
Mr Shoup & Mrs Spreckels. Mr
Manwaring sent me some lovely roses.
& book. Ella H. to see H after dinner.
Basket of eqxquisite flowers from
Mrs Spreckels. Mr Lathrop lunched
with Harry. Dr Allen in morning
& says I must spend 2 more days
in my room. Nurse Wright in off
& on. Mustard poultices etc all
the time. Better much. Still
coughing a good deal.
Dr Allen in morning. Wont let me
up today. Inhalations. Books &
flowers from Ella Hutton. Hot.
Harry to Oakland in morning &
Berkeley in aft. Bad night with fire
Brigade rushing about & making
an awful noise with bells, & syrens.
Ella Hutton in after dinner.
No doctor today. Nurse Wright
in early with inhalations. Better. Up
after breakfast & out at 11. in car with
H. Flint’s brother. To big Conservatory
in Golden Gate Park & up by Cliff House
to see the Spreckels Memorial Museum
& down by Lincoln Park & Presidio to
Ella Hutton’s flat where we had lunch.
Also Miss Slusher. Feeling very
stuffed up & breathless. Back to Hotel
at 2.45 & to bed again.
Mrs Landfield to lunch. Dr Allen
came to see me after lunch. Much
better, but still coughing & rather tired.
Lying down all afternoon. Tea upstairs.
Dined downstairs. Left the Hotel at 8.30
P.M. in Flint’s car for the Ferry station.
Mr Richardson (asst. passenger agent
Southern Pacific) met us there & came
across to Oakland with us & put
us into our “drawing room”. To bed
& to sleep, & the train left at 12.10.
Arrived Merced 5.10. Got up at
6.30, & to the El Capitan Hotel for
breakfast. Then back to station & in
Observation car & started at 8 A.M.
Followed San Joaquin Valley & Merced
River, past Exchequer Mine, Pleasant
Valley, Solomon’s Gulch, Jasper rocks
to El Portal. Arr. 11.55. Got into
motor stage coach, & up Yosemite
Valley to Yosemite Lodge. Arr. 1.15
P.M. Lunch, presented letter of intro.
to Mr Hunkins (Director Transportation)
Met Dr Bryant Ph.D. & Mr Van
Wykck who motored us to the
Museum & showed us round &
then to Mirror Lake etc. Tea
& rested. Dined & listened to
Jazz band & concert & bonfire.
My cough very troublesome.
Up early, & started at 7. in Mr
Hunkins’ touring car, with Dr & Mrs
Bryant, & Mr & Mrs van Wyck.
Finlay driving, by Inspiration
Point & Chinquapin to Wawona
Hotel. Dr Bryant took us to see a
fish hatchery some distance off in the
woods. Then to the Mariposa Grove
of Giant trees. Lunched there &
on to Glacier Point. Arr. 4.45. Very
hot & very dusty. Hundreds of cars
out. Tea & rested, & dined at 7.
After tea to Overhanging Cliff, & feeding
tame chipmunks & deer. Wonderful
view. We all dined together, &
listened to lecture by Dr B. in big hall
& then to see bonfire at 9 near Over-
hanging rock & the lovely cascade
when the fire is pushed over.
Bed early. Cold & cough very troublesome
Up at 5.30 A.M. breakfast at 6.30
& started at 7. Dr Bryant left on
foot by cliff trail. We others returned
by Inspiration Point & Chinquapin,
28 miles, & arrived at the Lodge at
9.30 A.M. Rested. Very tired & seedy.
Very hot. Lunch at 1. & rested. Tea
in Cafeteria & H went to see Mr
Hunkins (away). Afterwards we walked
to the river & along the banks. After
dinner in motor stage to see the fire-
fall from below. Somebody played “at
the end of a perfect day” on fiddle with
much sentiment & spoiled the whole
We left the Valley at 10.55 A.M. Mr
v. W. saw us off. Lunched at the
inn at El Portal, & got our train on
at 1 P.M. Arr. Merced 4.40. & left
in our “drawing room” at 4.50. Via
Joaquin Valley, Fresno, Tulare,
Teháchapi Pass & Mohane (in night)
Saugus, & arrived Los Angeles at
7.40. A.M. Mr Moniahan of the
Southern Pacific met us. To the Hotel
Ambassador, & had breakfast.
Room 562. Unpacking & resting.
Lunch in restaurant & tea in
coffee shop. Then out with H. & walked
about 3 miles on the way into town. Shopping.
No one walks here. Side walks empty.
Stream of motor traffic. 1 car to every 3½
inhabitants. The Hotel about 5 miles out
from the city. Taxi back. Dined in
Coffee Shop, & to cinema in basement.
Wonderful place.
In all the morning writing letters.
After lunch with H in yellow bus to
terminus in Wilshire Av. & back to
the Biltmore Hotel in the city. Walked
to the Pacific Electric Rly. & out to the
Redondo Beach & back. Very hot when
we started, & turned chilly. Back from
Biltmore in bus. Met Charles Breasted
in the lounge. Feed always in coffee
shop. After dinner to Hotel Cinema.
“Triumph”. Saw gathering of Ku
Klax Klan near the Biltmore.
H & I in morning by bus to Biltmore
& then to Southern Pacific to leave letter
on Mr Mc Ginnis, & then to Security
Trust Bank with letter of credit, &
shopping. Taxi back. To see Mrs
Macleodouth at the Stendhal galleries in
morning & after lunch. Harry went
out to Hollywood after lunch with
some cinema men & I stayed in
writing letters. To Hotel cinema
after dinner. “Lights of Broadway.
H & Mr Monahan went off to Hollywood
at 9 A.M. I stayed in all day &
wrote letters. H back at 4.30 for tea
after which we went to Hollywood
to call on Mr Procter. Miles & miles
away. Dined at a little private
restaurant called the Glen Ellen
& tried to go to see the “Ten
Commandments”, but only standing
room. So came home.
With H in morning by bus to
Biltmore & then to S. P. offices &
saw Mr Mc Mc Ginnes & Mr Monahan.
Tea at “Lady Anne Cavendish” Tea shop
No dinner, some milk at a café
near Graumont’s Egyptian Theatre, Holywood
Boulevard, & to see “Ten Commandments”.
Taxi home.
H & I left Hotel at 8.20 for Pacific Electric
Station & took 9 A.M. train for San
Pedro. Arrived 10. Hideous journey.
Embarked on SS. Avalon & arrived
at Catalina Island at 12.25. On
bus to St. Catherine’s Hotel for lunch, &
then in glass-bottomed boat to see
the “Marine Garden”. Very interesting
Tea on “front”, & left at 4.15
in SS Catalina, 2nd trip. Fine big
boat. Arr. Wilmington at 6.5 &
by train to Los Angeles. 7.20.
Bed early, very tired. Hot day.
Independence Day & great national
holiday with crackers going off all
day like machine guns. So stayed in
H out for a walk by himself in aft.
After dinner to hotel cinema. “The Night
Patrol”. Very good.
In all morning. H to Hollywood to see
Henry Kidd. H & I went to tea with the
Procters & in his studio. Also looking
at Indian relics.
H & I for a walk to Westlake Park. Very hot.
Mr Mc Ginnis came for us at 9 A.M.
in car & took us all round the
residential quarter & then out to
Pasadena, & back to Berkeley Hills
where we had lunch at the big hotel
there. Afterwards to Sta. Monica &
the “Beaches”, Venice, etc, & back
here at 4. After tea H. & I shopping
near the Commodore.
Started at 8 A.M. in Parlour Car from
Cook’s Office, Spring Street, & motored
to San Diego, via Anaheim & Orange
County. Lunched at Capistrano (?)
La Jolla (Hoya). Left our things
at San Diego U. S. Grant Hotel, & on
to Coronado & Tia Juana across
the Mexican border. Back to San Diego
& walked about the town. 180 miles.
Started at 8 A.M. & to Balboa Park,
& Loma Point. Ocean Beach, where
some of the people got out & flew in
an aeroplane over the bay. Back by
San Juan Capistrano where we visited
the Mission & Ramona’s Marriage
House. Lunched at Torrey Pines, &
back by Santa Ana. Got back to
terminus at 6.30. Mr & Mrs Weller,
Australians in the car with us. To
cinema after dinner. Bohemian Girl. English.
Elinor Glyn.
H. out in morning alone. After lunch
Mr Watson came & motored us to
Mr Huntington’s place where we saw
the Library & met Mr Bliss. Back by
Pasadena. After tea to see Mrs Mc
Louth & Mr Stendhal.
Up early & caught 8 A.M. train to
Sta Barbara. Arrived ½ hour late at
midday. Mrs Peabody met us & motored
us to their place Solana. Walked
round garden with Mr & Mrs P. Judge
Ivor(?) & a lady staying in the house.
To lunch Mr & Mrs Jefferson, Mr &
Mrs Pritchard & son & some other
people. After lunch Mr & Mrs Peabody
motored us about the town & up
the Mountain Drive back to the
Jeffersons for tea. Mrs Reeves etc
there. Beautiful houses. Back
by 7.30 train, dined on board
& arrived here at 11 P.M. tired.
H at Hollywood. I in all
morning & lunched alone. H & I
to tea with the Stendahls. Met a lot of
people. Procters, Schwarz etc.
Left here at 8.30, & took the stage at
5th Street for Mount Wilson at 9 A.M.
Arr. Mt. W. at 11.40. 6000 ft. Terribly
narrow road & jumpy work. Had
lunch up there & then visited the
Observatory (largest in world). Very
hot. Left at 3 P.M. & got back
to Los Angeles at 5.15. Tea here.
To Cinema after dinner. “The Guilty One”.
Mr Monahan & Harry to Studios in morning.
I alone for lunch. H back at 5 & then
to 7th Av. for my hat etc & shopping.
Walked back from Commodore. Mr &
Mrs Procter to dine & to cinema in hotel.
All about Alaska.
Mr Monahan for us at 10.20 & took
us to Culver City to Hal Roach’s Studio
& then to the Goldwyn Maier where we
met Jackie Coogan & his father & saw
Jackie take part in the “Ragman”. We
lunched at the Mary Helen, & then
H & I went to Graumont’s Nulh Egyptian
Theatre to see Douglas Fairbanks in the
“Thief of Baghdad. Walked back to
Western & took taxi. Tea at the café
near by the theatre.
Left Los Angeles by the 11.30 A.M. train
for the Grand Canyon. Passed through
Pasadena, San Bernardino, up the
Cajon Pass to Barstow, Mohaje Mojave
Desert (youcca palms) & on into Arizona
To Williams. Arrived at the Grand
Canyon at 8.20 A.M. Very hot
16. journey & uncomfortable night. To El
Tovar for breakfast & bath & then
walked round the rim of Canyon.
Had a room at the “Bright Angel”.
Lunched at El Tovar, & at 1.30 in
motor stage for “Rim Drive”. Wonderful.
Then another walk & saw Indian
dances outside Hopi house. Dined
early & to station to get 7.25 P.M.
train back. Very hot. Same route
back to Los Angeles & arrived at
2.30 P.M. Breakfast & lunch on
the train. H out after tea alone
& I packing. To hotel cinema
after dinner “Toilers of the deep”.
H out shopping in morning. I not
out all day.
Dr Hall called for us at 12 & motored
20. us out to Pasadena where we lunched
with them. Also Mr Dickie. Some other
people came in after lunch. Dr Hall brought
us back. Not out again. Cinema after
dinner. Pola Negri in “Men”.
H. to Hollywood in morning. I packing.
Henry Kidd (Mr Theodore Davis’ butler)
came in aft. Dined at 6.30 & left
hotel at 7.10. Met Charles Breasted &
Miss Roman. Train left at 7.55. Bed
Arrived Sacramento at 12.15. Took a
taxi & drove round the town - the Capitol
& Riverside drive. Lunched in station
& left at 2 P.M. Very hot. Passed through
Chico at 5.50 P.M. & arrived at
Medford at 7.5 A.M. having entered
Oregon much earlier at Cole. Passed
through Eugene & Salem, the capital
of Oregon & at 8.46 P.M. crossed
the Willámette & entered Portland.
Mr Hall met us at station with Miss
Creadick & we went with them to
Portland Heights to the Creadick’s house.
Fine view of Mount Hood.
Mr Hall saw us off again at 11.15 P.M.
Arrived at Seattle at 6.30 A.M.
Mr Bryant of the Southern Pacific
met us & had breakfast with us at
the station & afterwards we drove to
the Canadian Pacific Steamer “Princess
Louise” & left at 9 A.M. Lovely trip
up the Puget Sound. Beautiful views
of Mts Rainier & the Olympic Mts.
Perfect day though very hot. Mt Baker
exquisite. Passed Port Townsend, &
across the Strait of Juan de Fuca
to Victoria, Vancouver Island. Arr.
1.15. drove round the town for 50
minutes Beacon Hill Park etc. & left at 2.15 P.M. Two
nice men on board, friends of Macys
Dr Page & Mr Crane. From Vic.
through the Canal de Haro - most
beautiful - across the Gulf of Georgia
to Vancouver, British Columbia. Most
wonderful day. Arr. Vancouver 7 P.M.
& to train & left at 7.45 in the
“Mountaineer”. Passed Burràrd Inlet
& New Westminster before dark. & arr
Sicamous at 9.10 A.M. after coming
along the Great Shuswap Lake for
some time. Most gorgeous day of won-
derful views crossing the Selkirks pastCraigéllăchie, Eagle
River & the Lakes Griffin, Three Valley
Victoria & Summit, Eagle Pass,
Mt Begbie of the Columbia or Gold Range
to Revelstoke. Mts Clachnacudainn,
Mackenzie, Twin Butte, & Albert
Cañon with the Illecillewaet River
up to the Loop & Mt. Sir Donald.
to Glacier House. Then through the
Beaver Gate to Golden, & the Cañon
of the Kicking Horse, Field, the K. H.
Pass, past Laggan & Lake Louisev
to Banff. at 10.30 P.M. A wonderful
day. To Banff Springs Hotel. Lovely place.
Left Banff in motor stage at 9 A.M.
to Johnson’s Creek. Most lovely place.
Then on to Lake Louise. Lunch at
Hotel (half of which had been burnt
down 3 weeks before & then on with
Mr Maclean (Singapore) to Lake
Moraine after lunch. Tea at Lake
L. when we got back, & back to
Banff at 6.40. Mr Maclean had
dinner with us. Lovely day, very
hot. We walked alongside Lake
Moraine. Lovely flowers. Iceland
poppies in profusion & Indians’
Paint brush & fire-weed etc.
Left Banff at 11.15 A.M. & through
Canadian Rockies along Bow River
to Calgary at 2.5 P.M. Left at 2.35.
Arr. Medicine Hat 8.50 P.M.
& at Walsh entered Alberta. Arr.
All day. in train crossing great wheat belt
Regina at 7.20 A.M. (Saskatchewan)
Broad view 10.35 A.M. & Winnipeg
at 8.10 P.M. Dr Benner met us
& motored us round for an hour
& we left again at 9. P.M.
Left Fort William at 10.45 PA.M.
& round the top of Lake Superior
to Toronto. Arr. 3 P.M. Rained all the
morning heavily. Drove round town
(fine at Toronto) to University Square etc
Suicide bridge etc. Left at 5 P.M. &
arrived at Buffalo 8.55 P.M. & to
Hotel Statler.
We started at 10 A.M. in motor for
Niagara, accross in the ferry to the
Canadian Side. We went down into the
tunnel under the Central Fall. Lunched
at the Hotel, & then to see the Rapids
& the whirlpool & round to the Ameri-
can side to Goat Island. Buffalo
again at 4. Tea then for a look
at the shops. Beautiful Delaware Av.
Left Buffalo at 11.15 P.M.
Arrived Boston 12.20. I had my
breakfast at 10, after having gone for
it at 8.30. So great a crowd for the
dining car. To the Parker House. No
Lythgoes, but a note from Mr L. telling
us to go on to New London by the 3 train
Fearful rush. Got boxes & repacked,
bath, lunch, & we left at 3 P.M.
Arrived New London 4.47. Mr
Harkness & Mr L met us & motored to the
house at Goschen Point. Lovely place.
Tea in the Loggia. After dinner
we had movies of Egypt in the
drawing room.
The Lythgoes left at 9 A.M. to
join Mrs Satterlee on board Mr
Pierpoint Morgan’s yacht the “Corsair”
at Black Bay for a cruise. Letters
then with Mr H. to watch Mrs H &
Harry bathe. After lunch we four
motored to Norwich, & after tea
walked in garden. Mr & Mrs Hewsted
(Mrs Armstrong’s daughter) turned up
to spend the night. Movies.
With Mrs H. & Mr &to the Children’s
Home in morning. To lunch Mrs
Hamilton (Pierpoint Morgan’s daughter)
& her daughter & son-in-law - Woods
& her son Peter & daughter in Law & another
son, Sandy, & Miss Woods. The Hewsteds
left after lunch. Old Mrs Harkness (87)
to supper. More movies after she left.
After lunch H & I round the farm
with Mr H.
To say Goodbye to old Mrs Harkness
& left by the 11.45. Mrs & Mr H. came
to the Station with us. “Stopped over”
at Providence, Rhode Island, where
we lunched at the Biltmore, then to
see Mr Collins. Mr Tillinghast &
Mr Gardiner. Tea at station & on
at 5.40 for Boston. Parker House.
With H. to Fogg Museum & Harvard Univ.. Saw Mr
Forbes. Then to Boston Museum &
Mr Sanborn lunched with us, &
showed us round the Museum.
He motored us away at 4.30 &
we had tea, & he took us all round
Boston & then to Sudbury for dinner
at the “Old Wayside Inn”.
Left Boston at 10 A.M. & got to New Haven
at 1.45. Lunch in train. To Yale
University & over the Harkness Memor-
ial Quadrangle & Tower. H to the
Art Gallery while I rested. Left at
3.53 & arr. New York at 6. Very hot.
Gotham Hotel. 1221.
Very hot 95° & very moist. Lunched
at Women’s Exchange. Mr Bull &
Rev. Rogers in after. We went to
Wanamakers, Customs Office &
Cunard. Dined in hotel.
To Museum & met H. & Mr Nixon
& lunched with them at Longchamps.
Then to Museum & to see Mr Foote.
Then Mr Nixon took us all over
the place in his car. Central Park
Washington Heights, Columbia & New
York Universities etc & Riverside Drive
Tea here & dined at the Piping Rock
Walked down Fifth Av. after dinner.
H & I lunched at the Longchamps &
then spent the aft at the Museum. Greek
Rooms & pictures. Tea in restaurant.
Very hot. Storm in evg. Dined in
Left at 9.15 A.M. for Beverley Hills
Mr Colgate met us & drove us to their
house. Lunch & dined there. Miss
Ryerson staying there. Tea at their
bathing pool. A lot of people for tea.
Fearful storm. Left at 9 P.M. in car
in floods of rain & lightning & thunder.
All the way to station & after in train
Arr. N. Y. at 10.45. No rain here.
With H. to Nat. Hist. Museum in morn.
To lunch at Women’s Exchange. H to
meet Mr Collins. Mr Nixon to tea with
me, & he dined with us at the
Crillon & afterwards to the Liberty
Theatre to see “The Thief of Baghdad.
Poured all night & all the morning.
Mr Bull lunched with us. To the
Museum in afternoon with him &
did Greek rooms & pictures. Mr B.
motored us back. Tea at the Museum
& dined at the Women’s Exchange.
Much cooler. Sauntered down Madison
Avenue after dinner.
Left the hotel at 8.30 & to Cunard
Wharf. On baooard the Berengaria
(52,000 tons). Started at 10 A.M.
Calm, Cabin 137 D. deck. Fine
large cabin.
Some movement. Very hot & damp.
Rained hard. in morning early.
Walked 3 miles. Gulf Stream.
Very calm, blue sea. Still very hot,
but slightly (about 2 degrees) cooler.
Much cooler
Fine & cold. To Divine Service in
the Lounge, held by the Purser. Mr
Howells after dinner
Rolled a lot in the night & all day
Concert after dinner. Ballin, Chief
Steward sang & humourous stories
by Father Bampton. Fiddles on tables.
Mr & Mrs Fraser.
Arrived at Cherbourg at 9 A.M. & left
at 11.30. Arr. Southampton at 4.30.
Tea on board. Left S.hampton at 6 &
arr. Waterloo 7.55. To Bailey’s hotel.
Rooms 161, 162.
Out shopping alone in morning. Lunch
with H. at A.B.C. Gloster Rd. & then by
bus to Zoo. Crowds. Rained a bit.
Back by taxi To Selfridge’s for tea. To Ethel’s in morning for
letters. Taxi home
Dinner in hotel.
H out in morning & back for me
at 12. To Wembley by underground.
Lunched there. MachineryIndustrial & Art
Sections & Queen’s Doll’s House. Back
here for tea. H out after. Dined
here & to see the “Green Goddess”
by William Archer. at the St. James’s. George Arliss
Ivan Simpson, Owen Roughwood,
Mary Merrall etc.
Ada called at breakfast time. With
H. to Cook’s etc. Then he to Agnew
& I to Glove Co. Met in Bond St &
to Duveen’s. To A & N. Stores &
lunched there. Met Norah Eyre.
Tea here. H. out after. We dined with
Mr Carter at Prince’s Grill Room & he
came back here with us.
H left for Market Harborough at
10.30 (from here) & Stamford. I walked
to Piccadilly by Tube. To Wagon Lits
Co. Then Cook. Met Ethel Towgood
in Piccadilly & to Debenham & Freebody
& Marshall & Snellgrove & then to
Lyceum for lunch. Taxis everywhere.
After lunch E & I to Nat. Gallery
English rooms. Tea at Corner House.
Got caught in heavy shower in Tral.
Sqr. With E. to Waterloo to see her
off & back here for tea & dinner.
Ada in after dinner.
Not out all day. Poured, & cold.
Walked to Lyceum calling in at
Harrod’s, Miss Mitchell (Sloane St)
& Dear’s on the way. Met Lady
Palin. Met Jeannette Franklin at
the Lyceum & lunched with her.
Afterwards we went to S. K. Museum
to see the Van Burgh Dutch tiles & 13th
Cent stained glass. Then we came back
here for tea. H. back while I was
out. We dined here.
H & I out in morning. Cook’s first & Wagon Lits
Then Asprey’s about cig. case. etc.
To get Theatre tickets & Shaftesbury Av.
To Stewarts for lunch. Met
Hassanein there. I home & H. to
do more shopping. We left here at
3.30 for Putney Bridge to tea with
the Darvells. Back for dinner & to
the St. Martin’s to see “In the Next
Room” by Eleanor Robson & Harriet Ford.
Very thrilling. Clifford Heatherley,
Nora Swinburne, H.R. Hignett, Francis
Lister. Gilbert Ritchie, Basil Arnold.
Stella Arbenina, May Ward, Nicolas
Hannan. Fine byut cloudy day.
H in morning to Watson, Sinclair
Tailor etc. Met him at Sinclair’s.
Walked all the way in, & to Dear’s.
On to Simpson’s where we lunched
with Francis Rodd. To the Zoo in
aft. Back to Hotel first. Ada to
dine & to see “oOur Betters” (Somerset
Maugham) at the Globe Theatre.
Lilian Cavanagh, Constance Collier,
Martita Hunt, John Stuart etc.
With H. to High Street, & then to
Sleeping Car Co. Cockspur St. Lunched
at Civil Service Stores & then to A & N. Stores
I home, & H. to pay calls. We dined
with Archie & Katie Bell at the
Langham Hotel. Hugh & Trice Chisholm
Met H at the Lyceum. He & Miss
Vernet lunched with me there.
We dined at Pall Mall Rest. &
Francis Rodd dined with us & we
went to the Comedy Theatre to see
“The Creaking Chair”. Very thrilling
by Allene Tupper Wilkes.
Aubrey Smith, Nigel Bruce. Tallulah
Bankhead, Eric Maturin etc.
H & I to Tate Gallery in morning. To
Sinclair after alone, & back to Hotel.
H. left Victoria at 1.35 for Brighton
to see Mr Hopkinson & Dr Routh.
I had tea and dinner atwith Ethel
& Barney, just back from Harrogate. & H. came for me later.
Packing all the morning. We lunched
with Hassanein at his rooms in
38 St. James’s Place. and saw his
Kufra photographs. Poured, &
taxied home. Nat. His. Museum. &
Kensington Gardens after tea. Ethel
& Barney dined with us.
We left Victoria at 1.50 P.M. arr.
Boulogne at 6. Very crowded boat.
Carriage to ourselves. Very rough. Left
Boulogne at 6.20 for Bâsle in
2 single wagon-lits compartments.
Dinner on train. Tea on boat.
Lunch at buffet at Victoria.
Arrived Bâsle 6.30 A.M. & to
Hotel Victoria. Bath & breakfast.
Then to Historical Museum & the
Art Museum, Cathedral etc.
Tea in town & walked about.
Left Bâsle 12.36 by St. Gotthard.
Lovely trip, though cloudy. Alone
in carriage. Arr. Chiasso 7.20
for Douane. outside Arr. Milan 9 P.M.
Dined in station. Left in wagon
lits at 10.30.
Arr. Florence 7.7. A.M. Found
everything in order & Lina here.
The Pasquis to meet us on the landing
We had tea with Mr Allan. He
sent his car for us. Grand Hotel.
Afterwards shopping with him.
Busy in house. Out with thH in
aft. We dined with Mr Allan.
Not out. Mr Allan to dine.
Mr Allan came for us at 3.45 &
motored us out to Mr Procter’s for
tea. The Rolshovens & some
other people there. Heard of Mr Harry
Russell’s death.
Busy all morning. After tea with H.
to the Allori, with flowers. The
heliotropes on their grave lovely.
To Ada’s after to take measurements
of a chair. Very hot. 86°. To see
Maria in morning.
Fosca here at 11. & out with her to
buy material. Very hot. 90°. After
tea H & I to see Mrs de Robeck. Nesta
in later.
To see Mrs Crowninshield after tea.
Working in boxroom. Gave Giuseppe
Papa’s trouser pressers.
In afternoon to Settepassi & Bizarro.
The Dursts dined here. 82.
Fosca in morning. Working in box
room before & after lunch. Mr & Mrs
Hervey & Mr Davis to tea 85
Harry’s birthday. Went with him in
morning to Sette passi & bought him
pair of agate & pearl cufflinks. Via
Tornabuoni, met Mr Bond. In aft
H went to see Miss Koon at the Blue
Nuns. I not out & working in
boxroom. Calzolaio came. We read
in the Morning Post of Mr Evelyn-
White who shot himself in a cab
at Leeds on Tuesday last. He was
at Wady Natroun with Harry.
Helping H. with his negative cupboard
in morning. & working in boxroom.
Mr Bond came to tea.
Shopping with H. after tea.
Ethel Harter, the Lansings & Mr Procter
to lunch. After tea H & I to Coppoli
etc. Maria in after dinner.
Mr Elsworth called for us at 10.30
& we took Ethel to the Villa Palmieri
& spent 2 hours looking at Mr E’s
collections. To tea with Ethel. Miss
Good there. Maria after dinner.
Shopping with H. in morning.
Giannini, Dori etc. Mr Temple to
tea. We dined with the de Robecks
Mr Pinsent & Mr Davis. Mr
Jeffrey Reynolds in aft.
We lunched with Ethel. Mr Kenyon &
Mr Procter. Mr Reynolds called for us &
we went on to the Spelmans. They, H
& Mr R bathed in the swimming pool.
Tea in Belvedere, & music after. Mr
Reynolds back with us to dinner.
H. to station to meet Ada. Very hot day.
H & I had tea with Mr Temple. Mr
Sargent there. Then to Ethel’s. Mme &
Miss Sergio there. Ada to dinner.
Ada to tea. We dined with the Spelmans.
The workmen began work on the
bathroom. Met Ethel at 4.30 & to tea
with Mr Kenyon. After to Bizarri &
shopping, & infilatrice di perle for Ethel.
Over 80° every day. Natale came for
the lady canary.
Shopping with H. in morning.
Shared Taxi with Ethel to the Norman’s.
A Mlle Chaplain played the violin.
Mrs Thompson, Miss Denby, Mr Isherwood Miss
Good & several other people. Afterwards
with Ethel to Station to meet the
Bagnanis who didn’t come by the
7.10 train.
We should have lunched at Ethel’s
& I forgot! She, Mme & Gilbert
Bagnani, Miss Good, Mme Sergio,
Mr Kenyon, Mr Isherwood to tea.
Harry to bathe at the Spelmans at
3. Ethel stayed on till after dinner
when H. went with her to station to
meet Cuckoo & Naomi.
H out with Gilbert in morning.
Ada to lunch. We had tea at
the Nunns. Miss Ryerson. He
motored us back.
We had tea with Mrs Crowninshield.
The Nunns, Miss Koon, Miss
Davis. Ethel, the Bagnanis &
Ada to dine.
To Innocenti in evg. & left books
at Mrs Crowninshield. Then to call
on Helen. The Spelmans, Mr
Pinsent & Mr Temple dined here.
Dusting books all morning. We had
tea with the Buttles, & on to Ada’s
for dinner. Cold wind.
Mr Gilbertson called after lunch.
H. out with him. After tea with
H. to buy kitchen chairs etc. We
dined with Ethel. Also Ada.
Maria in in morning with
patterns of stuffs. Mr Allan in after
tea. We dined at the Dursts. People in
afterwards. Miss Moller, Miss Durst etc.
Left Florence with Jim Allan in his
car at 8.50. A.M. Fine morning, but
rained after we left Siena. Lunched
at Radicofani Pension Vertunno., & reached Rome at
6 P.M. Poured
most of the way.
Raining. Called for the Bagnanis &
took them to the Vatican & St. Peters
in the morning. Gilbert with us iIn
afternoon to St. Paoli Fuori & the
Appian Way.
Gilbert with us to the Palatine &
spent the morning there. After lunch
Jim, H & I to S. Sabina, Vailla
Malta, S. Saba & S. Prassede.
The Bagnanis to dinner.
Called for Gilbert at 11 & to
Tivoli. Over Villa d’Este &
Hadrian’s Villa. Lunched at the
Sibilla & saw Temples of Vesta &
Tiburtino. After lunch to
Palestrina & over Temple of
Fortune & Villa Barberini.
Back to Rome at 6 & had tea
with Mme Bagnani.
Picked up the Bagnanis at 11 A.M.
& to the Basilicata, San Giovanni
Laterano, S. ta Maria Maggiore.
Lunched with the Bs at the Ulpia
(Trajan’s Forum). Afterwards to
Ostia. Back at 7 P.M. Mr van
Leer called.
Left Rome at 9 A.M. A few
minutes at Viterbo & on to Acqua-
pendente. Saw the church, & had
lunch. Left again at 1.30 & to Pienza. 2.45.
Saw the Cathedral & Villa Piccolomini
& Museo (Piviale) & left at
3.45. Siena at 5 & on to Castellina
in Chiante - To Florence by Rudda
& arrived at 7.30. Dined at the
Grand Hotel with Jinnm.
H. out shopping with J. in morning
& he motored H. & the van Leers
to the Certosa after lunch. They all
came back for tea. Also Ada.
Ethel, the van Leers, Jim & Ada
to dinner.
Nesta, Mr Lamb & Mr Roskill
to dintea. With H. to Peyron.
H. & I lunched with Ethel. Ada
Mrs Leith & Lady Houston-Boswell.
Dined with the Spelmans. Mr Pinsent.
Mr Sargent, Ada & Mr Davies to
To see Ethel off at 2. Also Mrs
Leith & MLady Houston-Boswell.
We lunched with the Courvoisiers
The Wilfred Bramlys there. To Mr
Procter’s for tea, & dined with Ada.
Mr Lambe, Mr Roskell & Baroness
de Kerbrech to tea.
We lunched with Mr Sargent.
Mr Davies came with us. Walked
up to Arcetri after to inquire for
Mrs Maclean who was in the
bad railway accident. The
Pasquis & Ada to dinner & the
Contis came in after.
Mrs Willis & Miss Mackern to tea
H & I to Gambrinus after dinner to
see Jackie Coogan in “Daddy”.
to a party at the Buttles.
Masses of people. We dined with
Miss Ryerson. Mr & Mrs House &
Mr Ashburner.
We called on the Paysons & left
a note on the Reddies. H. dined with
Mrs Ottway & Miss Churchill to see flat.
The Nunns, Paysons & Ada to tea.
Mrs Reddie in later.
Mamma’s birthday. To the Allori
with flowers. We went to tea with
the de Robecks. Mr Temple, Lady Sybil
Scott etc. Dined at Mrs Mason Jones.
Mr Bond, & the Paysons.
Ada & Mr Barker to tea. Ada & Miss
Whytlaw to dine.
We had tea with Miss Penrose. Lots
of people. Poured.
Mr Howell, Mr Firth, Mr Perkins to
lunch. Baron de Cosson & Mrs
Jennings Bramly in aft. We went to
tea at the MacDougalls.
Miss Priuli Bon in morning to see
H. We lunched with Mr & Lady Sybil
Scott at Villa Medici, & walked down
to San Domenico. Tea at the Spelmans.
Misses Sheldon, Nixon & Fernie & Mr
Mr Barr there. We dined at Ada’s.
After lunch to the Allori. H with
me. Took pink chrysanthemums, &
bought 2 pots of same - beautiful
plants, for All Soul’s Day.
Ada to dinner. Giuseppe after.
We left Florence at 1.25 P.M. Arr.
Rome 7.20. To Restaurant where
we dined with Gilbert & Florence
Bagnani & Jim Allan. Left Rome
in Sleeping car at 8.20.
Breakfast in our carriage at Bari.
Arr. Brindisi 11.20. To Hotel
Met Winlocks. Embarked at mid-
day & sailed at 2 P.M. The
Davieses, Mr Hauser & Mr Wilkinson
& 2 new young men, Peek & Cline
on board. Cabin 168. Deck D.
Calm & hot.
Calm. Mrs Bristowe at our table.
Her husband in Anglo-Persian Oil Co
at Port Saïd.
Arr. Alex 4 P.M. Saw Col. Parker on board.
Purser did our passports, so no queue.
Customs awful as usual. The Davieses
& Crages (?) in our carriage. Dinner
on train. Dep. 8 P.M. Arr. Cairo 11.45.
Mrs Scott up to welcome us. Room 230.
the one we had for 3½ years during
the war.
Moved down to 131, the room we have
always had since the war. Edwina’s.
We had tea with Mrs Scott. Katie
Bell & Miss Latley. Called on the
Garrys. King Fuad arr. back from
Alex. Terrace crowded to see him &
Zaghloul go by. Mertons etc.
Balchin in morning. H & I shopping
in aft. Katie dined with us.
K with us to tea at Miss Latley’s.
We went after to Garrys. With K.
Mrs Mohan after dinner, Mr Cline.
The de Cossaons came in.
K with us to tea at the Mertons &
on with us to the Tommy Russells.
Also with us to dine at the
H & I to Musky after lunch. Bought
rugs at Mustafa’s. Back for
tea. Balchin in. Then shopped.
Capt Cresswell & Mustacchi in
later. Also Mr Percy White while
we were out. To Lawrence & Mayo
in morning.
Left by the 7 P.M. for Luxor. The
(Assuan) Watts in train with us &
3 Dutch tourists. No one else.
Arr. Luxor 8.50. Bayumi, Ali
Khalil & a whole lot of the servants
on platform. Breakfast at the
Luxor Hotel. The Ford on river
bank, & had to go round by Mr
Carter’s house. Very hot. Mr
Hauser, Mr Peek & Mr Cline here.
After dinner all of us in bus to Medinet Habu.
The Winlocks arrived, with Miss
Willis, the Governess.
Walk with H. after tea by Temple &
then to call on the Davieses.
Dr & Mrs Wilfred Grenfell of Labrador came to lunch.
Mr Quibell arrived in morning to stay
a few days. Dr Nelson in at tea time.
Walk with H. after. We got the news of
the attempt on the life of the Sirdar.
Walk with H after tea. The Winlocks
& Mr Quibell to tea at the Nelsons, &
they dined with the Davieses. Cold wind.
& overcast.
Mr Q. to Luxor in morning & back for
tea. He brought us news from the Arab
papers of the terms of the Ultimatum
from the Home Government to the Egyptians
on account of the murder of the Sirdar
Dr Allen (Chicago University) to lunch.
Walk with H. after tea. Cold, but clear
& bright.
Harry, Mr Peek, Mr Quibell & I walked
down to the Ramesseum & back in
morning. Mr Quibell & Mr Winlock
left at 3.30 for Luxor en route to Cairo.
H & I walked to the Nelsons for tea. Dr
Allen there. We went over the house.
Not out all day. The Nelsons & Dr
Allen to tea.
Polishing furniture. In afternoon with H.
to Hui 40. in bus. Walk after tea to Temple.
Mr Winlock returned. With H & Mrs
W. to Huy after lunch. Mrs W. back to
Ramesseum to sketch. Walk to Temple with H.
In aft to fetch H from Huy in car. Then
with Mrs Winlock & children the long
way round to River bank. Walk by
Temple after tea with H. Mrs Davies in
at tea time, & Mr Nelson at breakfast.
H & I, Mrs Winlock & Frances & Mr Peek
to Luxor after lunch. Back for tea.
River very wide & difficult to cross.
Towed up Western bank. Walk after tea.
Writing letters all day. Walk with H.
Sewing all morng. Walk with H. after
tea & to the Davieses. Mr Nelson in morng.
After lunch with Mrs Winlock &
Frances in car to the River to take back
mattrass man.
Aunt Hattie’s birthday. The Mudir called
this morning as the result of Mr Lythgoe’s
visit to the American Minister asking that
precautions should be taken for our
safety. H & I for walk after tea to Temple.
Walk with H. after tea - Temple.
Barbara seedy. Temp. 102°. The Nelsons to
dinner. Walk with H. to Temple.
Barbara’s temp. still 102°. No doctor sent
for, & child eating baked potatoes,
digestive biscuits & orange juice.
Walk to Temple with H.
Frances’ birthday. 11. Gave her bag &
handkerchief. B. still high temp.
Mr W. went to Luxor & got the doctor from
the “Sudan”. Diagnosis tonsilitis. Mr
& Mrs Byne & Mr Hyde to lunch. Walk
with H. after tea. Frances up to dinner.
Mr Callender arrived. Mr Crosby &
Mr Pomeroy to lunch. Walk after tea
with H. & Mr Callender.
Colonel Watson after lunch, with
the Phillipsons (Belgian Jews, friends of
Dr Capart. He was Director of all the
Belgian Wireless during the War.)
Out in bus with Frances after to
river & round by Mr Carter’s house.
We took Irene. Walk with H.
Mr Callender left about 10.30.
Melle Verbrouck & Mlle le Beau called
at tea time. Walk with Harry.
Mr, Mrs & Miss Phillipson to tea. Walk
with H. after.
The Nelsons to tea. The Davieses & Mr
Wilkinson to dinner. Not out all day. Gloomy.
Good shower of rain in early morning.
Bright sunshine after 3 cloudy days.
Walked to Temple in morning & again
after tea with H.
H. & I for a walk after lunch by Der
el Medina & Sheikh Hassan’s house.
& afterwards at 4 in bus to river bank
to pick up Mr Davies & Mr Peek.
The Lythgoes arrived about midday.
Walk with H after tea. The Davieses
& Mr W. over to greet the Lythgoes.
H & I & Mrs Winlock, children & Miss
Willis to Luxor in morning. Had to
walk a good way from the bus to the
river bank. H. & I to cemetery to see to the
graves of Travers Allan & Prof. Lafleur.
& then to the W. P. to arrange about
them with the gardener & to get roses.
Talking to Mr Bolland & the Tites.
Back for lunch. Mr Harrison Gardiner
to lunch. Decorating tree & drawing &
dining room after with Mrs Lythgoe
Mrs W. & Frances. The Nelsons &
Mlle Bau & Mlle Verbrouck to tea.
The Davieses & Mr Wilkinson to
dinner. Games after. Bed late.
Mr & Mrs Stewart Johnston to lunch.
He is 1st Sec. of American Legation just
come from Berlin to relieve the Crawfords.
They stayed to tea. Colonel Lucas & Mr
Wood of the Buffs on leave from Alex.
to tea. Walk after with H. Winlocks &
Mrs Lythgoe. Very cold.
H & I, Mr Hauser & Mr Wilkinson to
Luxor in morning. The children & Miss
W. in bus. Cold & no sun. Saw
Gardener. Pohoomull etc. Talking
to Dr Worthington.
My birthday. Capt. Newton to lunch.
Mrsiss Huller (Miss Whytlaw’s friend) in
after lunch, to tea. Cake with candles!
Walk with H. played Mah-Jong with
Mrs L., Mrs W. & Frances.