Griffith Institute Publications
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Our bestsellers
- R. O. Faulkner, Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. 2019, reprint of the 1962 edition. ISBN 0900416327; 9780900416323 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- A. H. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar. 1996, reprint of the 1957 edition (3rd ed., revised). ISBN 0900416351; 9780900416354 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- F. Junge, Late Egyptian Grammar. An Introduction. 2nd revised edition 2005. ISBN 0900416858; 9780900416859 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- H. Schäfer (transl. and ed. J. Baines), Principles of Egyptian Art. 2002, paperback reprint, with revisions, of the 1974 edition, ISBN 0900416513; 9780900416514 - order from Peeters Publishers.
Recent publications ▲
- L. Manniche, The Ornamental Calcite Vessels from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 2019. ISBN 9789042937215 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- H. Navratilova, A Citizen of Nowhere. Jaroslav Černý, Egyptologist (1898-1970): A Journey through the Twentieth Century. 2023. ISBN 9789042949911 / eISBN 9789042949928 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- K. Vogt, Meir. Die Nekropole im Mittleren Reich. Eine Archivgrabung. 2024. ISBN 9789042950948 - order from Peeters Publishers.
Topographical Bibliography ▲
- B. Porter and R. L. B. Moss, assisted by E. W. Burney, now
edited by J. Malek,
Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and
Uniform cloth edition 27 x 19 cm (reprints and volume VIII Part 3 in reduced format 23.5 x 15.5 cm).

- Volume I Part 1. The Theban Necropolis. Private Tombs. (2nd ed.) 2004, unchanged reprint of the 1960 edition in soft cover and reduced format. ISBN 0900416815; 9780900416156 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume I Part 2. The Theban Necropolis. Royal Tombs and Smaller Cemeteries. (2nd ed.) 1999, unchanged reprint of the 1964 edition in hard cover and reduced format. ISBN 0900416106; 9780900416101 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume II. Theban Temples. (2nd ed.) 1994, unchanged reprint of the 1972 edition in hard cover and reduced format. ISBN 0900416181; 9780900416187 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume III Part 1. Memphis. Abû Rawâsh to Abûsîr. (2nd ed.) 1994, unchanged reprint of the 1974 edition in hard cover and reduced format. ISBN 090041619X; 9780900416194 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume III Part 2. Memphis. Saqqâra to Dahshûr. Fascicles 2 and 3 (fascicle 1 out of print). (2nd ed.) 1979, 1981. Paperback.
- Volume III Part 2 (complete). Memphis. Saqqâra to Dahshûr. Hardback, pp. xxxvi + 622 + 36 pp. of maps and plans. (2nd ed.) 2003, unchanged reprint of the 1981 edition in hard cover and reduced format. ISBN 0900416238; 9780900416231 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume IV. Lower and Middle Egypt. (1st ed.) 2004. Unchanged reprint of the 1934 edition in soft cover and reduced format. ISBN 0900416823 - currently unavailable.
- Volume V. Upper Egypt: Sites. (1st ed.) 2004. Unchanged reprint of the 1937 edition in soft cover and reduced format. ISBN 0900416831 - currently unavailable.
- Volume VI. Upper Egypt: Chief Temples. (1st ed.) 1991, unchanged reprint of the 1939 edition in hard cover and reduced format. ISBN 0900416300; 9780900416309 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume VII. Nubia, The Deserts, and Outside Egypt. (1st ed.) 1995, unchanged reprint of the 1952 edition in hard cover and reduced format. ISBN 0900416041; 9780900416040 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume VIII. Objects of Provenance Not Known. (1st ed.) Parts 1, 2 and Indices. ISBN 090041670X; 9780900416705 - order set from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume VIII. Objects of Provenance Not Known. (1st ed.) Part 1: Royal Statues. Private Statues: Predynastic to the end of Dynasty XVII. Hardback, lii + 482 pages. 1999. ISBN 0900416688.
- Volume VIII. Objects of Provenance Not Known. (1st ed.) Part 2: Private Statues: Dynasty XVIII to the Roman Period. Statues of Deities. Hardback, lxii+700 pages (pp. 483-1182). 1999. ISBN 0900416696.
- Volume VIII. The Indices to Parts 1 and 2. (1st ed.) Hardback, viii+136 pages. 1st ed. 1999. ISBN 090041670X.
- Volume VIII. Objects of Provenance Not Known. (1st ed.) Part 3: Stelae from the Early Dynastic Period to Dynasty XVII, Hardback and in reduced format, xxii+470 pp. 1st ed. 2007. ISBN 9780900416880 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- Volume VIII. Objects of Provenance Not Known. (1st ed.) Part 4: Stelae (Dynasty XVIII to the Roman Period), Hardback and in reduced format, xxii+909 pp. 1st ed. 2012. ISBN 9780900416903 - order from Peeters Publishers.
Tutankhamun's Tomb Series ▲
- H. Murray and M. Nuttall, A Handlist of Howard Carter's Catalogue of Objects in Tutankhamun's Tomb. 1963. ISBN 0900416068 - currently unavailable.
- J. Cerný , Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1965. ISBN 0900416114 - currently unavailable.
- W. McLeod, Composite Bows from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1970. ISBN 0900416009 - currently unavailable.
- W. McLeod, Self Bows and Other Archery Tackle from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1982. ISBN 9780900416330 - currently unavailable.
- F. Filce Leek, The Human Remains from The Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1972. ISBN 0900416025 - currently unavailable.
- M. A. Littauer and J. H. Crouwel, Chariots and Related Equipment from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1985. ISBN 9780900416392 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- L. Manniche, Musical Instruments from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1976. ISBN 090041605X - currently unavailable.
- W. J. Tait, Game-Boxes and Accessories from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1982. ISBN 9780900416347 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- D. Jones, Model Boats from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1990. ISBN 9780900416491 - order from Peeters Publishers.
Other Tutankhamun's Tomb publications ▲
- J. Baines (ed.), Stone Vessels, Pottery, and Sealings from the tomb of Tutankhamun by Ali A. R. H. el-Khouli, R. Holthoer, C. A. Hope and O. E. Kaper. 1994. ISBN 9780900416569 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- H. Beinlich and M. Saleh, Corpus der hieroglyphischen Inschriften aus dem Grab des Tutanchamun. 1989. ISBN 090041653X - currently unavailable.
- N. M. Davies and A. H. Gardiner, Tutankhamun's Painted Box. 1962. ISBN 090041622X - currently unavailable.
- M. Eaton-Krauss, The Sarcophagus in the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1993. ISBN 0900416572 - currently unavailable.
- M. Eaton-Krauss, The Thrones, Chairs, Stools, and Footstools from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 2008. ISBN 9780900416897 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- M. Eaton-Krauss and E. Graefe, The Small Golden Shrine from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 1985. ISBN 0900416432 - currently unavailable.
- L. Manniche, The Ornamental Calcite Vessels from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. 2019. ISBN 9789042937215 - order from Peeters Publishers.
Other Griffith Institute publications ▲
- J. Baines, Fecundity Figures. 2001, reprint of the 1985 edition, with 3 pages of Addenda, hardback. ISBN 0900416785; 9780900416781 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- E. J. Baumgartel, Prehistoric Egypt II (fiche). 1960. ISBN 0900416505 - currently unavailable.
- R. A. Caminos, A Tale of Woe. 1977. ISBN 0900416092 - currently unavailable.
- S. J. Clackson, Coptic and Greek Texts Relating to the Hermopolite Monastery of Apa Apollo. 2000. ISBN 9780900416750 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- R. Enmarch, The Dialogue of Ipuwer and the Lord of All. 2005. ISBN 0900416866 - currently unavailable.
- R. O. Faulkner, Book of Hours (Pap. Brit. Mus. 10569) (fiche). 1958. ISBN 0900416270 - currently unavailable.
- E. Frood and A. McDonald (eds.), Decorum and experience: essays in ancient culture for John Baines, 304 p., 2013, ISBN 9780900416927 - currently unavailable.
- A. H. Gardiner, Ramesside Administrative Documents. 1995, reprint of the 1948 edition. ISBN 0900416408 - currently unavailable.
- A. H. Gardiner, The Royal Canon of Turin. 1987, paperback reprint of the 1959 edition. ISBN 0900416483 - currently unavailable.
- K. Goebs, Crowns in Egyptian Funerary Literature. Royalty, Rebirth and Destruction, 2008, 470 p., ISBN 9780900416873 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- B. Gunn, edited by R. S. Simpson, Studies in Egyptian Syntax, 2012, 305 p., ISBN 9780900416910 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- T. G. H. James and J. Malek (eds.), A Dedicated Life. Tributes Offered in Memory of Rosalind Moss. 1990. ISBN 0900416564; 9780900416569 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- K. H. Kuhn and W. J. Tait, Thirteen Coptic Acrostic Hymns, from Manuscript M574 of the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. 1996. ISBN 0900416661; 9780900416668 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- M. F. Laming Macadam, The Temples of Kawa, ii (in 2 volumes) (fiche). 1955. ISBN 0900416475 - currently unavailable.
- A. G. McDowell, Hieratic Ostraca in the Hunterian Museum Glasgow. 1993. ISBN 0900416599; 9780900416590 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- R. B. Parkinson, The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant. 1991. Paperback edition, ISBN 0900416602; 9780900416606 - order from Peeters Publishers and hardback edition, ISBN 0900416610; 978-0900416613 - currently unavailable.
- J. Crowfoot Payne, Catalogue of the Predynastic Egyptian Collection in the Ashmolean Museum. 2000, reprint, with 2 pages of addenda, of the 1993 edition. ISBN 0900416734; 9780900416736 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- G. Pinch, Votive Offerings to Hathor. 1993. Paperback and hardback editions, ISBN 0900416556 and 0900416548 - currently unavailable.
- T. Potts; M. Roaf, and D. Stein, (eds.), Culture through Objects. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of P. R. S. Moorey. 2003. Hardback edition, ISBN 0900416807; 9780900416804 - order from Peeters Publishers and paperback edition, ISBN 0900416793; 9780900416798 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- E. A. E. Reymond and J. W. B. Barns, Embalmers Archives from Hawara. Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the Ashmolean Museum, i. 1973. ISBN 0900416084 - currently unavailable.
- R. S. Simpson, Demotic Grammar in the Ptolemaic Sacerdotal Decrees. 1996. ISBN 0900416653 - currently unavailable.
- M. Smith, The Liturgy of Opening the Mouth for Breathing. 1994. ISBN 0900416629 - currently unavailable.
- M. Smith, Papyrus Harkness (MMA 31.9.7). 2005. ISBN 090041684X; 9780900416842 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- N. C. Strudwick,The Tombs of Amenhotep, Khnummose and Amenmose (Nos. 253, 254 and 294). 1996. ISBN 0900416580; 9780900416583 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- H. Navratilova, A Citizen of Nowhere. Jaroslav Černý, Egyptologist (1898-1970): A Journey through the Twentieth Century. 2023. ISBN 9789042949911 / eISBN 9789042949928 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- K. Vogt, Meir. Die Nekropole im Mittleren Reich. Eine Archivgrabung. 2024. ISBN 9789042950948 - order from Peeters Publishers.
Related publications ▲
- J. Bourriau, D. Magee, and S. Quirke (eds.), Sitting Beside Lepsius: Studies in Honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith Institute, 2009, 604 p., ISBN 9789042921719 - order from Peeters Publishers.
- A. J. Veldmeijer, Tutankhamun's Footwear: Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear, 2011, 312 p., paperback edition: ISBN 9789088900761; hardback edition: ISBN 9789088904745 - order from Sidestone Press or read online for free.
- A. J. Veldmeijer and S. Ikram, Let a Cow-skin Be Brought: Armour, Chariots and Other Leather Remains from Tutankhamun's Tomb, 2024, 186 p., paperback edition: ISBN 9789464260984; hardback edition: ISBN 9789464260991; ebook edition: ISBN 9789464261004 - order from Sidestone Press or read online for free.
(Last updated September 2024)
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