Griffith Institute Honorary Research Associates
As part of its 75th anniversary celebrations in 2014, the Griffith Institute Committee created a small body of Honorary Research Associates – distinguished scholars whose work closely concerns or embodies the aims of the Griffith Institute, its archive and resources.

John Baines
John Baines is Professor of Egyptology emeritus in the University of Oxford. His main research interests are in Egyptian art, religion, literature, uses of writing, and social forms, and he is a member of several comparative projects on ancient civilizations. He is currently working on synthesizing studies of Egyptian biographies and kingship. From 2009 to 2017 he directed the Online Egyptological Bibliography, one of the Griffith Institute’s core projects, which is a collaboration with the University of Munich.
Diane Bergman
Diane Bergman was the librarian (1974-2000) of the Wilbour Library of Egyptology in the Brooklyn Museum, and Griffith Librarian (2000-2017) in the Sackler Library, University of Oxford. She is now contributing to the Online Egyptological Bibliography as a sub-editor concentrating on enriching the OEB with citations of reviews of Egyptological publications.
Vivian Davies
Vivian Davies currently directs a programme of epigraphic fieldwork in Egypt and Northern Sudan, the primary focus of research being Egypto-Nubian relations during the end of the Second Intermediate Period and beginning of the New Kingdom. A graduate of Jesus College, Oxford, he was Keeper of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum from 1988 to 2010 and Chairman of the Sudan Archaeological Research Society from 1991 to 2011.

Hisham Elleithy
Hisham Elleithy, a graduate of the Faculty of Archaeology/Cairo University, is the chairman of Preservation and Documentation of the Antiquities Sector in the Supreme Council of Antiquities. His research interests include Late Period funerary stelae, religion, literature, and archives. He is director of several missions in Luxor and runs his own excavations in TT416 and TT417 at el-Khokha/Qurna. He also lectures at the Faculty of Archaeology/Ain Shams University and supervises the scientific publications of the SCA. From 2011 to 2015 he was General Director of the Scientific Department, and from 2015 to 2018 General Director of the Centre of Studies and Documentation of Egyptian Antiquities. Since 2023 he is Under Secretary of State for Documentation of Egyptian Antiquities, Supreme Council of Antiquities, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Renée Friedman
Renée Friedman is the director of the Expedition to Hierakonpolis, a site well represented in the collections of the Ashmolean Museum and the Griffith Institute Archive. Exploring various aspects of the desert portion of the site, her work has included investigations of the Predynastic ceremonial centre, the cemeteries of the Predynastic elite and commoners, as well as that of a Middle Kingdom Nubian C-group community. In addition, she has overseen the conservation and documentation of the Second Dynasty enclosure of King Khasekhemwy and the Dynastic decorated rock cut tombs at the site. She is currently preparing this material for comprehensive publication.

Yvonne Harpur
Yvonne Harpur is an Adjunct Research Fellow, Linacre College and Field Director of the Linacre College Oxford Expedition to Egypt. She is a specialist in the art and architecture of the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom periods, and is working on a book series entitled Egypt in Miniature, and on the adaptation of the Linacre College Oxford Expedition to Egypt Scene Details Database. Fieldwork and research are also in progress for a Rare and Unique Details project which, in due course, will be published in a second book series, entitled Egyptian Tombs of the Old Kingdom.

Thomas C. Heagy
Thomas C. Heagy is the creator of the Narmer Catalog, a comprehensive research database that gathers all available information about archaeological objects with inscriptions related to Narmer, his regional predecessors from Dynasty 0, and king Den. Including 300 inscriptions from 46 sites in Egypt, Nubia, the Sinai, and the Southern Levant, each record provides key information (including date, type, material, site, depository), illustrations (drawings and photographs), as well as a comprehensive bibliography for each inscription. The database is presented as a free public resource for researchers, students, and interested members of the public.

Sandra L. Lippert
Sandra Lippert is Directrice de recherche at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in the research unit « Archéologie et philologie d’Orient et d’Occident » (UMR 8546) in Paris. Her research focuses on demotic studies and Egyptian legal history. Together with Maren Schentuleit, she has published three volumes of demotic documentary texts from Soknopaiou Nesos/Dime in the Fayum; they are currently collaborating on a fourth, containing the agreements of the priests. Since 2018, Sandra Lippert also coordinates an international and interdisciplinary research group on the demotic, Greek, hieratic, hieroglyphic and Coptic ostraca discovered by the archaeological mission of the University of Tübingen in Hut-Repit (Athribis in Upper Egypt).

Luigi Prada
Luigi Prada has a special interest in the later phases of ancient Egypt’s history (ca. 7th cent. BCE to Late Antiquity) and their textual culture. He works primarily with demotic and Graeco-Roman hieroglyphic sources, and is active in the field as an epigraphist. He is Assistant Professor of Egyptology at Uppsala University, Sweden. Previously, he held positions in Oxford, Heidelberg, and Copenhagen. He maintains active collaborations with Oxford Egyptology as the Assistant Director of the Oxford/Uppsala epigraphic project in Elkab and through his work of study and publication of copies of “lost” Egyptian inscriptions from the Wilkinson Manuscripts (Bodleian Libraries and National Trust).

Andres Reyes
Andres Reyes has written books and articles on the archaeology of Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, and Jordan. He has also edited for publication C. S. Lewis's unfinished translation of Virgil's Aeneid (2011) and written an afterword to a special edition of Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile (2019), illustrated with material from the Griffith Institute. From 1990 until 1993, he was Rhys-Davids Junior Research Fellow in Archaeology at St Hugh's College, Oxford, and from 1993 until 2021, he taught Greek, Latin, and Archaeology at Groton School in Massachusetts.

Anne-Claire Salmas
After having received her PhD from La Sorbonne, Anne-Claire Salmas worked in various international institutions in several capacities: Brown University (postdoctoral research associate), the Griffith Institute (OEB and TopBib managing editor), and the American University in Cairo (Assistant Professor of Egyptology and William K. Simpson Visiting Professor in Egyptology). She is also a research associate in the CNRS-UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée, research unit "Mondes pharaoniques". Part of her research pertains to cultural history: it aims to consider the attitudes of ancient Egyptians toward everyday life through the lens of temporal and spatial phenomena. She is also interested in studies on the settlement of Deir el-Medina and its community of workmen; a member of the mission of Deir el-Medina, she is entrusted to publish the Theban Tomb 2–2B by the IFAO.

Chiara Salvador
Chiara Salvador read for a doctorate in Egyptology at the University of Oxford, during which she worked as an editor for the OEB. Her research centres on the relationship between individuals and the sacred space, which she explores through the analytical lenses of appeals to the living and graffiti. She focuses particularly on the Amun-Re temple at Karnak in the New Kingdom and the 1st millennium BCE, where she trained in traditional and digital epigraphy with Elizabeth Frood and the Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak. Since 2019 she co-directs with Frood the Karnak Graffiti Project, contributing to the comprehensive study of graffiti at Karnak and furthering our understanding of their historical context.

Gesa Schenke
Gesa Schenke is an archaeologist by training who has work for many years as a Coptic papyrologist, having studied Classics, Archaeology and Egyptology in the USA and Germany. Her research focuses on Late Antique and early Islamic Egypt, especially Coptic literary and documentary texts. She is professor of Coptology at the Institute of Egyptology and Coptology, University of Münster.

Helen Whitehouse
Helen Whitehouse, formerly curator of the Egyptian and Nubian collections in the Ashmolean Museum, has a particular interest in Graeco-Roman Egypt and the post-classical reception of Egyptian antiquities; her current research is focused on painting and drawing in antiquity and the recording of antiquities from the Renaissance onwards.

Susanne Woodhouse
Graduated from the University of Heidelberg, Susanne Woodhouse was Research Assistant at the German Archaeological Institute Cairo, Research Assistant for the Edfu Project at Hamburg University, Ann el-Mokadem Librarian at the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum (London), and Egyptology & Ancient Near Eastern Studies Librarian (Griffith Librarian) at the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library (formerly Sackler Library) at the University of Oxford. A member of the Oxford Expedition to Elkab, she currently researches funeral and religious monuments at this ancient site, as well as the figural graffiti at a tomb in nearby Hagr Edfu.
In memoriam

Diana N. E. Magee (1936-2017)
Diana Magee studied archaeology in London and Egyptology in Oxford, 1978-1982 (BA, 1982; DPhil, 1989: Asyut to the End of the Middle Kingdom: A Historical and Cultural Study). She worked in the Griffith Institute on the Topographical Bibliography and in the Archive, 1982-2004 and part-time thereafter, 2005-2015. She also served on the committee of the Egypt Exploration Society, 1995-1998. She helped to edit PM 8, 1999-2012 and the collection of studies in honour of Jaromir Malek, Sitting Beside Lepsius, 2009.

Jaromir Malek (1943-2023)
Jaromir Malek was involved in the work of the Topographical Bibliography between 1968 and 2011, for the first three years as Dr Moss’s assistant, then directing the project as Editor until his retirement. He was responsible for the revision of the Memphite volume in 1981 and also published the four parts of volume 8, covering statues and stelae with no documented provenance. Malek was also Keeper of the Griffith Institute Archive for over thirty years, reorganising and describing the collections to modern standards. One of his greatest achievements was the creation of the Institute’s website, through which many archive collections are freely communicated. The full online publication of the Tutankhamun Archive – over 15,000 pages of information on the discovery and excavation of the tomb – is one of his great legacies to Egyptology.

Judith McKenzie (1957-2019)
Judith McKenzie was the director of the Manar al-Athar open-access photo archive, a Senior Research Fellow of the Late Antique Egypt and the Holy Land Project and the director of the Khirbet et-Tannur Nabataean Temple project. She was also University Research Lecturer, Oriental Studies.