Objects of Provenance Not Known: Statues
Jaromir Malek, Diana Magee and Elizabeth Miles
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Statues and statuettes of Dynasties XXVI-XXXI
not identified by texts
Striding or standing.
Head and lower legs lost, 'marble', Dyn. XXVI-XXX or later, in Auxerre, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire.
Laurent, Des pharaons aux premiers chrétiens No. 38 fig.
Lower legs lost, black granite, Dyn. XXVI or later, formerly in P. Philip colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1905, now in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.350.
Antiquités Égyptiennes ... P. Philip (Hôtel Drouot, Paris, April 10-12, 1905), No. 56 pl. (as Dyn. XIX); Steindorff, Cat. 48 [138] pl. xxv.
Head and feet lost, basalt, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 789.
Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 61 [100] pl. 113. See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 357 [A.431] (as Dyn. XXVI); (1908), 400 [E.436].
Head and parts of legs lost, basalt, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 6318. (Acquired in Luxor.)
See Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 469 [1737].
Right arm and lower legs lost, probably Dyn. XXVI or later, formerly in J. H. Glover and D. Pearce collns., at Sotheby's in 1978 and in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1993.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 4, 1978, No. 64 pl. viii; Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt xx (Feb. 1993), No. 7 figs. (as Dyn. XXI-XXV).
Kneeling holding [jars], lower part, granite, probably Late Period, in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS 5888.
Müller, H. W. in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xxv (1974), 220 Abb. 10 (as mid-Dyn. XVIII). See Staatl. Sammlung (1972), 108; (1976), 187.
Kneeling with stela, no text, sandstone, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Trieste, Civico Museo di Storia ed Arte di Trieste.
Dolzani in Aegyptus xxx (1950), 211-14 [1] fig. 1; id. Monumenti egiziani minori in pietra del Civico Museo di Storia ed Arte di Trieste (1964), 3-4 [1] Tav. i [1]; H. W. Müller Archive 25 [I/368; II/1281-8] (as Inv. 12006).
Kneeling holding jars, lower part, schist, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1988 and 1992, and at Sotheby's in 1994 and 1996.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 2, 1988, No. 292 fig. (as Dyn. XII); Dec. 17, 1992, No. 41 fig.; Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 8, 1994, No. 104 fig.; Dec. 10, 1996, No. 57 fig.
Kneeling on right knee, left arm on chest, right arm raised (forearm lost), probably Nektanebos I or II, wood, formerly in Comtesse M. de Béhague and Marquis de Ganay collns. and at Sotheby's (Monaco) in 1987, then in private possession in New York in 1997.
Antiquités et Objets d'Art. Collection de Martine, Comtesse de Béhague [etc.] (Sotheby's Monaco. S.A. Sale Cat. Dec. 5, 1987), No. 115 fig.; Josephson in JARCE xxix (1992), 123 fig. 2 (as Nektanebos I); id. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 33-9 fig. 3 pl. 12 [a, b, d]; Aspropoulos, S. in Minerva 3 [2] (March-April 1992), 15 fig. 2 on 14, cf. fig. on 1 [middle upper].
Upper parts or busts.
Bust, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 1316.
See Algemeene Gids (1937), 8 [31].
Headless torso of We[ebre] (Psammetikhos I or Apries) 'beloved of Amun-Re', in Brooklyn Museum, 58.95.
Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 29-30 [25] pl. 22 [51]; Levin, K. in AJA 68 (1964), 19 pl. 7 [7].
Upper part, wearing Persian tunic, probably a satrap rather than a king, unfinished, grey granite, Dyn. XXXI, in Brooklyn Museum, 71.139.
Bianchi, Anc. Eg. Sculpture Cat. 31 pl.; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 2 n. 19-21 pl. 1 [b]. See Bothmer in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. Rep. xiii (1971-2), 7 (as private statue).
Upper part, arms lost, from kneeling statue, probably Apries or Amasis, quartzite, in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 5625.
Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 209 [1507] Tav. ii (restored, as Haremhab); Weigall, Anc. Eg. ... Art fig. on 334 (restored, as probably Nektanebos I); Minto, Il Regio Museo Archeologico di Firenze 11 fig. on 31 [lower left] (restored); Müller, H. W. in Studi Rosellini ii, 181-221 Taf. xvi, xvii, xxi, xxii, xxiii [b], xxiv [a], xxv [b], xxviii [a], cf. xx [d] (as probably Apries); De Wit in ib. 289-92 pl. xxxvii (as Dyn. XXX or early Ptol.); Zürich. 5000 Jahre 73 [195] Abb. 69 (as Amasis); Aldred in Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule 145 fig. 287 (as Amasis); Alinari photos. 3448, 3448A; Marburg Inst. photo. 142484; H. W. Müller Archive 7 [I/87a, b, 88-104, 355-7; II/91-107, 118-19; IV/27 and unnumbered]. See Aubert in Chron. d'Ég. xlii (1967), 290 fig. 1 [G].
Bust, wearing nemes, probably Psammetikhos I, granite, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, X.358.
Josephson, J. A. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.), Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson ii, 432-8 figs. 3-5.
Upper part, wearing nemes, arms lost, green stone, Dyn. XXVI, in Venice, Museo Archeologico del Palazzo Reale di Venezia.
Leospo in Siliotti, Viaggiatori veneti 200 [4] fig.; H. W. Müller Archive 25 [II/960-3] (as Inv. 795). See Forlati Tamaro, B. Il Museo Archeologico del Palazzo Reale di Venezia (1953), 37 [I, 2].
Wearing nemes, probably Apries, basalt, in Aberdeen, Anthropological Museum, 1428.
Josephson, J. A. in MDAIK 48 (1992), 96 Taf. 18 [d]. See R. W. Reid, Illustrated Catalogue [etc.] (1912), 184.
Wearing nemes, probably Apries, diorite, in Aix-en-Provence, Musée Granet, 821-1-56.
Josephson, J. A. in MDAIK 48 (1992), 95 Taf. 17 [b]; Barbotin, Ch. in Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence. Collection égyptienne (1995), 78 [16] fig.; id. and Perdu in Archéologia 313 (June 1995), 20 fig. [lower]. See Devéria in Gibert, H. Musée d'Aix i (1882), 17 [16] (repr. in Bibl. Ég. iv, 238 [16]); Le Nil et la société égyptienne No. 81.
Wearing nemes, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in W. A. van Leer colln., now in Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 8845.
Van Leer in Mededeelingen [etc.], Ex Oriente Lux No. 3 (1936), 22 [53] pl. xiii (as Ptolemaic); Janssen, J. M. A. in ib. No. 12 (1957), 37 [53] pl. xvii. See Tentoonstelling ... Amsterdam ... 1931, No. 290.
Wearing nemes, probably Nektanebos I, grey granite, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.108.
Steindorff, Cat. 48 [140] pl. xx; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 25 n. 177 pl. 8 [c].
Wearing nemes, probably Amasis, quartzite, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.415. (Said to come from Mît Rahîna.)
Steindorff, Cat. 70 [224] pl. xxxviii (as Ptolemaic); The Walters Art Gallery Bulletin 40 [7] (Oct. 1987), fig. on 8 (as Ptolemaic); Josephson, J. A. in JEA 74 (1988), 233-4 pl. xxxii [1]; id. in MDAIK 48 (1992), 97 Taf. 19 [a]; id. in JARCE xxxiv (1997), 13 fig. 13.
Head, black granite, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 24193.
See Budapest. Äg. Kunst No. 132.
Wearing blue crown, remains of name on back pillar, probably Apries, basalt, in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1801.
Müller, H. W. in ZÄS 80 (1955), 46-68 Taf. iv, v Abb. 4; id. in Studi Rosellini ii, 208-12, 216 Taf. xxiii [a], xxiv [b], xxv [c], xxviii [b]; id. in Encyclopedia of World Art iv, 703 pl. 387; Curto, L'Egitto antico 87 [60] Tav. 36; id. L'Antico Egitto (1981), fig. on 121 [2]; Aldred, The Egyptians (1961), pl. 76; id. Eg. Art 226 fig. 188; Levin in AJA 68 (1964), 23 pl. 10 [24]; Bresciani, Collezione 66-7 Tav. 42 (as Psammetikhos II or Apries); Pernigotti, Statuaria 63-4 [27] Tav. xix [1], lxxxiv, lxxxv; id. in Morigi Govi, C. and Vitali, D. Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (1982), 147 [I] col. pl. on 52; id. in Morigi Govi, C. and Sassatelli, G. Dalla Stanza delle Antichità al Museo Civico 168 [66] pl. facing 180; id. La collezione egiziana 100 fig.; P. P[iacentini] in Il senso dell'arte No. 109 fig.; Josephson in JARCE xxix (1992), 126 fig. 5 (as schist); id. in MDAIK 48 (1992), 94 Taf. 16 [b] (as schist); id. in MMJ 30 (1995), 8 fig. 4 (as greywacke); id. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 6-7 n. 40 pl. 2 [b] (as greywacke); Petrie Ital. photos. 134-6; H. W. Müller Archive 5 [I/10, 74-86, 108-9; II/87-90 and two unnumbered]. See Guida del Museo Civico di Bologna (1887), 22 [N]; Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 147; Ducati, Guida 57 [N] (as probably Haremhab); Aubert in Chron. d'Ég. xlii (1967), 290 fig. 1 [A-F].
Head wearing double crown, probably granite, Late Period, in Bonn, Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität, BoS Inv.-Nr. 863.
Wearing nemes, probably Nektanebos I, basalt, in Brooklyn Museum, 74.99.1.
Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 25 n. 179 pl. 9 [a].
Wearing blue crown, black granite, probably Achoris or Nektanebos II, in Cairo Mus. CG 838 (JE 28512). (Bought at Tell Timai.)
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 118 Bl. 153; Brunner-Traut in ZÄS 97 (1971), 28-9 Taf. iii [c], iv [a, b] (as probably Dyn. XXX); De Meulenaere and MacKay, P. Mendes II, 198 [53] pl. 22 [a, b]; Corteggiani, L'Égypte des Pharaons au Musée du Caire No. 108 fig.; id. The Egypt of the Pharaohs at the Cairo Museum No. 108 fig.; Aldred in Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule 154-6 fig. 297; Grimm, A. in GM 77 (1984), 14-15 Taf. 2 on 17; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 18-19, 28 n. 132 pl. 7 [b] (as Nektanebos II); H. W. Müller Archive 41 [II/2666-7]. See Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 89.
Wearing nemes, black granite, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Cairo Mus. CG 844.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 120.
Face, wearing nemes, black granite, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Cairo Mus. CG 846.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 120.
Head wearing white crown, greywacke, late Dyn. XXV, in Cincinnati (Ohio), Cincinnati Art Museum, 1991.156.
The Burlington Magazine cxxxv (1993), fig. vi on 61; A Selection of New Acquisitions 1990-1992, 4-5 fig.; E. R. R[ussmann], Cincinnati Art Museum. Egyptian Art. Gallery 102 illus. 7. See Cincinnati (Ohio), Cincinnati Art Museum. Late Egyptian Section 2, 12th item.
Wearing striped nemes(?), probably Amasis, basalt, in Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet.
M.-L. B[uhl] in Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark (1977), 170 fig. [left].
Wearing nemes, granite, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 739.
See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 231 [A.153] (as Dyn. XXVI); (1908), 280-1 [E.166]; Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 70 [124].
Wearing white crown, basalt, early Dyn. XXVI, in Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts (on loan from Louvre, N.3373).
Laurent, V. and Desti, M. Antiquités égyptiennes. Inventaire des collections du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon 24 [6] fig. See Laurent, V. Des pharaons aux premiers chrétiens No. 39.
Wearing nemes, diorite, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Kraków, Muzeum Archeologiczne, MAK/AS/1502.
liwa in Recherches archéologiques de 1975 (L'Institut d'archéologie de l'Université de Cracovie, 1976), 75 fig. 4; id. in Materialy archeologiczne xvi (1976), 121 [4] fig. 4 (as probably Amasis).
Wearing nemes, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Kraków, Muzeum Archeologiczne, MAK/AS/2431.
liwa in Materialy archeologiczne xvi (1976), 121-2 [5] fig. 5. See id. in Recherches archéologiques de 1975 (L'Institut d'archéologie de l'Université de Cracovie, 1976), 75 [middle].
Wearing nemes, Dyn. XXX, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1996/7.1.
Raven, M. J. in OMRO 77 (1997), 227 [I. a. 2] pl. 1 [2].
Wearing nemes, face damaged, basalt, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Leipzig Museum, Inv. 1110 (lost). (Bought at Abydos.)
Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.] 79 [222] Taf. xii [e]. See Steindorff, G. Vorläufiger Bericht ... 1899/1900 in Berichte der philologisch-historischen Classe der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (1900), 238; Krauspe, R. Statuen und Statuetten 128 [271].
Wearing nemes, probably Amasis or Nektanebos I, green schist, in Brit. Mus. EA 97.
James, Introduction 79 fig. 26 (as Dyn. XXX or later); id. and Davies, Egyptian Sculpture 60 fig. 67; Aldred in Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule 156 fig. 137; Cook, B. F. The Townley Marbles 47-8 fig. 43; Bonhême in Le Monde de la Bible 45 (Aug.-Oct. 1986), 8 fig. 10; Pérez Largacha in Revista de Arqueología 11 [109] (1990), fig. on 53; Dodson, Monarchs of the Nile fig. 66 (as Apries or Amasis); Shaw and Nicholson, British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt fig. on 19; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 23-4 n. 165 pl. 8 [a] (as greywacke and Nektanebos I). See Sharpe, Eg. Antiq. 137-8 (as head of sphinx and basalt); Guide (Sculpture), 287 [1073] (as basalt and Roman Period); Guide, Eg. Collns. (1930), 406.
Wearing nemes, colossal, possibly Nektanebos I, quartzite, in Los Angeles (Calif.), County Museum of Art, 49.23.7.
Breasted, Jr. in Bulletin of the Art Division. Los Angeles County Museum 3 [4] (Winter 1951), 2 [1] fig. on 1 (= front cover) (as A.5141.49-715 and Dyn. XXVI); Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 25 n. 181 pl. 9 [b] (as greywacke). See Stead, R. et al. Age of the Pharaohs. Egyptian Art from American Collections. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 4 - June 16, 1974 No. 76 (as probably Dyn. XXVI).
Wearing blue crown, possibly Nektanebos II, in Los Angeles (Calif.), County Museum of Art.
Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 31 n. 227 pl. 11 [c].
Wearing nemes, greywacke, probably Nektanebos II or early Ptolemaic, in Lyons, Musée des Beaux-Arts, H.1701.
Gabolde, M. in Bulletin des Musées et Monuments lyonnais 1990, Nos. 1-2, pp. 18-19 [4] figs. 8, 9 (as H. 4701 and Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic); Goyon, J.-C. and Gabolde, M. in ib. 1991, Nos. 3-4, pp. 22-7 figs. 19-21; Galliano, G. Les Antiquités. Guide des collections (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 1997), 31 fig. See Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 19 n. 139.
Wearing nemes, black schist, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in G. Acerbi colln., now in Mantua, Galleria e Museo di Palazzo Ducale, Inv. 439.
Curto in Atti del convegno di studi su la Lombardia et l'Oriente. Milan, June 11-15, 1962, pp. 110-13 [1] Tav. ii; Donatelli, La raccolta egizia di Giuseppe Acerbi No. 10 fig.; id. in Il senso dell'arte No. 112 fig.; H. W. Müller Archive 13 [109/39, 41, 43, 45, 47].
Face of king, possibly sculptor's model, Nektanebos I or Ptolemy X Alexander I, gypsum, in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS 5339.
Äg. Sammlung (1966), 66 [ÄS 5339] Abb.; Müller, Äg. Kunst Abb. 183; id. in Pantheon xxviii (1970), 90-2 Abb. 5-8; Staatl. Sammlung (1972), 110 pl. 65; (1976), 188 fig. on 189; Vandersleyen, Das Alte Ägypten 268 Abb. 224; Parlasca in Maehler and Strocka (eds.), Das ptolemäische Ägypten 26 Abb. 36 (as Ptolemy X Alexander I); H. A[ltenmüller] in Helck and Westendorf (eds.), Lexikon der Ägyptologie iii, 579 Abb. 4; Donadoni, L'Egitto fig. 4 on 271; Altenmüller in Menschenbild No. 36 fig.; Schoske, S. and Wildung, D. Äg. Kunst München 154 [78] fig.; Äg. und moderne Skulptur Cat. 42 fig.; Wildung, D. in Schoske, S. (ed.), Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst München (1995), 39 Abb. 36 (as Ptolemy X Alexander I); id. in Grimm, A. et al. Pharao. Kunst und Herrschaft im alten Ägypten (1997), 77 [58] fig. on 76 (as Ptolemy X Alexander I); Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 13-14, 16-17 n. 86 pl. 5 [b] (as Ptolemy X Alexander I). See Müller, H. W. in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser xxi (1970), 181; Kiss, Études 22 (as Ptolemy X Alexander I).
Wearing short close-fitting wig, possibly Nektanebos I but perhaps 3rd Int. Period, schist, in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS 5550.
Müller, H. W. in Pantheon xxviii (1970), 92-7 col. pl.; Staatl. Sammlung (1972), 108 pl. 63; (1976), 186 fig.; Ertman in Wilkinson, R. H. (ed.), Valley of the Sun Kings. New Explorations in the Tombs of the Pharaohs iii, pls. i, ii; Holthoer in Muinainen Egypti - hetki ikuisuudesta (Tampere, Tampere Art Museum, 30.8.1993 - 2.1.1994), Cat. 113 fig.; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 14 n. 88-9 pl. 6 [a] (as quartzite and 3rd Int. Period); H. W. Müller Archive 13 [II/2907-10]. See Müller, H. W. in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xxi (1970), 181.
Head, greywacke, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, unnumbered.
R. P[irelli] in Cantilena and Rubino, La Collezione egiziana ... Napoli 53-4 [2.17] fig. 6.4; H. W. Müller Archive 18 [I/219-21; II/801; IV/32 (13-17)] (as Dyn. XXX or Ptolemaic). See Marucchi in Ruesch, A. (ed.), Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Antichità. Guida (1911), 116 [327]; id. Naples National Museum. Excerpt of the Guide [1925], 58 [236] (both as basalt).
Wearing nemes, face damaged, possibly from sphinx, Dyn. XXX or Ptolemaic, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 41.6.1.
Wearing blue crown, probably Apries, schist, in Louvre, E.3433.
Vandier in ZÄS 90 (1963), 117 Taf. xiii; Aldred in Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule 145 fig. 126; Domínguez, A. in Historia 16, xv [178] (Feb. 1991), fig. on 82 [upper]; Josephson in MDAIK 48 (1992), 94 Taf. 16 [c]; Pernigotti, L'Egitto antico fig. on 207 (as in Bologna); Clayton, P. A. Chronicle of the Pharaohs fig. on 196 [lower] (as black granite); Barbotin and Perdu in Archéologia 313 (June 1995), 20 fig. [upper]; Berman, L. M. and Letellier, B. Pharaohs. Treasures of Egyptian Art from the Louvre 78-9 [23] fig. (as greywacke); H. W. Müller Archive 21 [II/675-81]. See Pierret, Cat. No. 247 (as basalt); Müller, H. W. in ZÄS 80 (1955), 63 with n. 3; Aubert in Chron. d'Ég. xlii (1967), 293 n. 1; Vandier, Guide (1973), 135 (as basalt).
Head, probably Persian king of Dyn. XXVII, in Louvre, E.14699.
Ghirshman, R. Persia from the Origins to Alexander the Great fig. 293 (as from Memphis); Berman, L. M. and Letellier, B. Pharaohs. Treasures of Egyptian Art from the Louvre 82-3 [25] fig. See Vandier, Guide (1948), 43; (1952), 44; id. Manuel iii, 676 (all as Syrian and New Kingdom); Scheurleer in Rev. d'Ég. 26 (1974), 90.
Wearing blue crown, Dyn. XXIX-XXX, in Louvre, E.22761.
See Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 88; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 31-2 n. 229 (as late Dyn. XXX).
Wearing white crown, granite, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Paris, Musée Rodin, 283 (Co 957).
See Rodin collectionneur. Musée Rodin, Paris, 1967-1968, No. 66.
Wearing nemes, possibly Late Period (or earlier?), quartzite, in Paris, Musée Rodin, 543 (Co 5578) (= Louvre, E.15549).
See Rodin collectionneur. Musée Rodin, Paris, 1967-1968, No. 73.
Wearing blue crown, probably Amasis or Nektanebos II, quartzite, in Philadelphia (Pa.), The University Museum, E 14303.
Penn. Mus. Journ. xvii (1926), fig. on 121 (as Dyn. XVIII); Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 61-2 [53] pl. 50 [120-2]; id. in The Connoisseur Year Book 1962, 37 fig. 5; Aldred, The Egyptians (1961), 260 pl. 77; Daumas, Civ. de l'Ég. 98 pl. 41; Brunner-Traut in ZÄS 97 (1971), 26 Taf. iii [d]; Vandersleyen, Das Alte Ägypten 267-8 Abb. xvii; Baines and Málek, Atlas fig. on 39 [middle right]; James in Boardman, The Cambridge Ancient History. Plates to Volume III (1984), 141 pl. 190; Josephson, J. A. in JARCE xxxiv (1997), 9-10 fig. 9; id. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 27-8 n. 191 pl. 10 [a] (both as Nektanebos II); Papyrus 19 (Nov. 1997), fig. on 10; Malek, J. Egyptian Art (1999), 363, 365 fig. 228. See Ranke in Penn. Mus. Bull. xv [2-3] (Nov. 1950), 59 [2].
Head wearing nemes, and right shoulder, basalt, Dyn. XXVI, in London, Spink & Son Ltd., in 1926, now in Regina (Saskatchewan), MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1983-32-2.
The Illustrated London News July 3, 1926, fig. on 21 [bottom] (as Amasis).
Wearing nemes, basalt, 2nd half of Dyn. XXVI, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 735.
Pavlov and Mat'e, Pamyatniki pl. 102 (as Ptolemaic); Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegipetskaya skul'ptura 115-16 [121] fig. 77 (as possibly Apries); Josephson, J. A. in JEA 74 (1988), 234 pl. xxxii [2] (as schist and Amasis). See Golénischeff, Inventaire 86.
Wearing nemes, from sphinx, basalt, late Dyn. XXVI, in Toledo (Ohio), Toledo Museum of Art, 25.140.
Myliwiec in MDAIK 40 (1984), 222-4 [i] Taf. 20, 22 [a, c, d].
Wearing blue crown with hawk in relief at the back, probably Nektanebos II, remains of back pillar, in Tübingen, Ägyptologisches Institut der Universität Tübingen, 359.
Brunner-Traut in ZÄS 97 (1971), 18-30 Taf. ii, iii [a, b] (as probably Nektanebos II or early Ptolemaic); Brunner-Traut and Brunner, Äg. Samml. 44 Taf. 142-4 [upper] (as probably early Ptolemaic); H. W. Müller Archive 72 [II/2318a, b, 2319, 2320a, b]. See R. W[ollermann] in Kunst und Altertum. Aus den Sammlungen der Universität 190-1 [535]; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 29-30 n. 209.
Fragment of left half of head wearing blue crown, probably Apries, diorite, formerly in P. R. Adams colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1994, now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994.198.
Anc. Art in Amer. Priv. Collns. 18 [14] pl. v (as basalt); Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 58-9 [51] pl. 47 [114-15]; Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 8, 1994, No. 47 figs. and front cover; Eisenberg, J. M. in Minerva 5 [5] (Sept.-Oct 1994), 28 fig. 1; Do[rothea] A[rnold] in MMA Bull. N.S. liii [2] (Fall 1995), 6 fig. on 7. See id. in 124th Annual Report 1993-4, 30.
Head, much damaged, granodiorite, end of Dyn. XXVI, in Luzern, Ars Antiqua AG, in 1959 and at Christie's in 1994.
Antike Kunstwerke. Ars Antiqua AG Luzern Auktion May 2, 1959, No. 8 Taf. 4 (as gabbro or diabase, probably Amasis and from Memphis or Heliopolis); Josephson, J. A. in MDAIK 48 (1992), 96 Taf. 18 [c] (as diabase); Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 7, 1994, No. 48 fig. (as probably Apries); H. W. Müller Archive 74 [122/12-15] (as probably Amasis).
Wearing blue crown, probably Dyn. XXVI or XXX, formerly in A. Czuczka colln. and in Luzern, Ars Antiqua AG, in 1960.
Anc. Art in Amer. Priv. Collns. 18 [17] pl. vi (as Apries or Amasis); Antike Kunstwerke. Ars Antiqua AG Luzern Auktion II May 14, 1960, No. 22 Taf. 10 (as 4th c. BC); H. W. Müller Archive 72 [154/53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63].
Wearing much damaged nemes, unfinished, Dyn. XXVI to early Ptolemaic, in E. Bloch-Diener colln. in 1989.
Müller, M. in Discussions in Egyptology 13 (1989), 53-7 figs.
Wearing nemes, Late or Ptolemaic Period, in London, W. & F. C. Bonham & Sons Ltd., in 1999.
Bonhams. Antiquities. Sale Cat. Oct. 21, 1999, No. 455 fig. on 112.
Wearing nemes, green schist, probably Late Period or Ptolemaic, at Christie's in 1978.
Christie Sale Cat. June 14, 1978, No. 387 pl. 84.
Wearing nemes, lappets and back of head lost, green basalt, probably Dyn. XXX, at Christie's in 1988.
Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 13, 1988, No. 286A fig. (as possibly Nectanebo II).
Wearing blue crown, black granite, probably Nektanebos II, at Christie's (New York) in 1992 and 1997, and at Christie's in 1997.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 15, 1992, No. 106 figs.; Dec. 18, 1997, No. 73 figs. and front cover; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 28-9 n. 202 pl. 10 [c]; Christie Sale Cat. Nov. 25, 1997, fig. on 102.
Wearing nemes, black granite, from sphinx, Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic, at Christie's (New York) in 1997.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 18, 1997, No. 75 fig.; Eisenberg, J. M. in Minerva 9 [2] (March-April 1998), 33 fig. 13.
Wearing nemes, sandstone, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Munich, H. Herzer & Co., in 1968. (Said to come from Naucratis.)
The Burlington Magazine cx [787] (Oct. 1968), Advertisements, fig. on xlv (as Dyn. XXVI).
Head, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in New York, L'Ibis Gallery Ltd., in 1984 and at Christie's (New York) in 1995.
Apollo cxx [274] (Dec. 1984), Advertisements, fig. on 31 [right]; Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 7, 1995, No. 181 fig. (as perhaps Taharqa).
Wearing nemes, red granite, Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic, formerly in the Earl of Pembroke colln. and at Christie's in 1961 and 1986.
Christie Sale Cat. July 3, 1961, No. 100 fig.; ib. Dec. 10, 1986, No. 186 fig. See Kennedy, J. A Description of the Antiquities ... in Wilton-House (1769), xxi (as Sesostris); Michaelis, A. Ancient Marbles in Great Britain (1882), 690 [99].
Head, basalt, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Anthony de Rothschild colln. at Ascott House, Wing, Buckinghamshire.
Wearing nemes, probably Nektanebos I, from sphinx, eyes originally inlaid, basalt, formerly in E. Duval colln. and in New York - Beverly Hills - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1998-9.
Minerva 9 [1] (Jan.-Feb. 1998), fig. on 64 and inside back cover; Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities x (Jan. 1999), No. 183 fig.
Wearing nemes, possibly sculptor's model, Dyn. XXVI-XXX or Ptolemaic, at Sotheby's in 1983.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 12-13, 1983, No. 154 fig. (as trial-piece).
Wearing nemes, colossal, grey granite, Dyn. XXVI, in Paris, Uraeus, Galerie d'art et d'archéologie, in 1975.
Antike Kunst 18 [2] (1975), Advertisements, fig. on vi (as Amasis).
Wearing double crown, remains of text on back pillar, gabbro, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, in private possession in Basel in 1978 and at Christie's in 1998.
Schlögl, H. in Geschenk des Nils No. 286 pl.; Christie Sale Cat. Sept. 23, 1998, No. 91 fig.
Fragment of lower part of head showing lips, chin and part of beard, granodiorite, probably Dyn. XXIX, formerly in private possession in Germany and at Sotheby's in 1991.
Wildung, Entdeckungen No. 132 fig.; Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 3, 1991, No. 69 fig. (as diorite and Late Period).
Wearing nemes, probably Nektanebos I, grey granite, in private possession in London in 1997.
Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 26 n. 183 pl. 9 [c].
Wearing nemes, probably Apries, in private possession in New York in 1992.
Josephson, J. A. in MDAIK 48 (1992), 94-5 Taf. 17 [a].
Other fragments.
Right leg from knee to ankle, with text on back pillar, basalt, Late Period, in London, Petrie Museum, 14630.
Stewart, Eg. Stelae iii, 38 [145] pl. 27.
Right leg from knee to ankle, from over life-size statue, with text mentioning Neith mistress of Sais on back pillar, green schist, Dyn. XXVI, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1991.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 18, 1991, No. 49 fig.
Uraeus with royal head, fragment, black granite, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.367.
Steindorff, Cat. 49 [143] pl. xxiii (as probably Dyn. XXV).
Hawk protecting king, probably Dyn. XXX, in Louvre, E.11152.
Bénédite in Mon. Piot xvii (1909), 5-9 figs. 1-3 (as basalt); Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 133; Charbonneaux, Les merveilles du Louvre i, pl. on 151; Aldred in Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule 157 fig. 298 (as Nektanebos II); Archives phot. E.1048. See Boreux, Guide ii, 332; Vandier, Guide (1948), 72; (1952), 73; (1973), 136.
Sphinxes of Dyn. XXVI to Roman Period
Selected pieces only. Complete or fragments, but see also heads of Dynasties XXVI-XXXI, above, and those of the Ptolemaic Period, below.
Bronze sphinxes of Dynasty XXVI to Ptolemaic Period, see below.
Sculptor's models or votive pieces, Ptolemaic, see below
Sphinx, head and forepaws lost, granite, probably Ptolemaic, in Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum.
Dolzani, La sfinge egiziana del castello di Miramar (Trieste), 6, 8 n. 11 figs. 10-12.
Sphinx, Dyn. XXVI or later, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. S.303 and The Hague, Scheurleer Museum, now in Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 7775.
Van Haarlem, Selection i, 21-2 figs.; id. and Scheurleer, Gids (1986), 58 fig. 37; Scheurleer, Egypte, geschenk van de Nijl 75 fig. 47 on 76; H. W. Müller Archive 1 [II/432-4].
Sphinx, granite, Dyn. XXX, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 26.
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 157 [xlvii, 1] fig.
Sphinx, granite, Dyn. XXX, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 27.
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 157 [xlix, 1] fig.
Sphinx, headless, schist, probably Ptolemaic, in Avignon, Musée Calvet, 46.
See Girard, J. Le Musée d'Avignon. Musée Calvet. Sculpture et peinture (1931), 40; S. A[ufrère] in Foissy-Aufrère, Égypte & Provence 68, 262, 270.
Sphinx, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 348.
Curto, L'Egitto antico 138 [289] Tav. 63 (as Roman Period); Pernigotti, Statuaria 77-8 [41] Tav. cxiii. See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 40; Budischovsky, M.-C. La Diffusion des cultes isiaques autour de la Mer Adriatique i, 63-4 [ix, 11] (as Roman Period).
Sphinx, Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 675.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 21 Bl. 123.
Sphinx, head, forepaws and left rear lost, demotic text on base, mentioning Koptos and Hager Hgr, son of Pa... P3..., Dyn. XXVI to Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 1294 (JE 32084).
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 151 (text).
Sphinx, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Chicago (Ill.), Field Museum of Natural History, A.31585.
See Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 180.
Sphinx, forepaws lost, Dyn. XXX, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 217.
Schmidt, Choix (1910), 45 pl. xxviii [73]. See id. Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 245 [A. 166]; (1908), 294 [E. 179].
Sphinx, granite, probably Ptolemaic, formerly in Eddé colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1911, now in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 1287.
Collection de M. le Docteur Eddé, d'Alexandrie. Antiquités égyptiennes et grecques ... Vente à Paris, Hôtel Drouot ... 31 mai - 2 juin 1911, No. 524 pl. 6 (as New Kingdom); Mogensen, Coll. ég. 57 [A 404] pl. liv (as diorite and Graeco-Roman); Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 72 [128] pl. 133 (as Graeco-Roman).
Sphinx, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Skulpturensammlung, Inv. Aeg. 766.
Raumschüssel, M. Ägyptische Altertümer aus der Skulpturensammlung Dresden (1977), 37 [30] Abb. 83 (as Roman Period). See Herrmann, Verzeichnis (1925), 14 [15a] (as Ptolemaic).
Sphinx, probably Roman Period, in Durham, Oriental Museum, N. 381.
See Birch, Cat. ... Alnwick Castle 43.
Sphinx, Ptolemaic, in Istanbul, Arkeoloji Müzesi, 10956.
Sphinx, Roman Period, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AM.11.
See Leemans, Descr. rais. 26 [B. 191] (as marble); Boeser, Cat. (1907), 78 [152] (as marble); id. Beschreibung vii, 7 [18].
Holding hawk-headed canopic-jar, Dyn. XXVI-XXX or Ptolemaic, in Leipzig, Ägyptisches Museum, Inv. 5139.
Müller, D. and Etzoldt, Ägypten Taf. 1. See Krauspe, Ägyptisches Museum der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig (1976), 62 [82].
Cow, probably Hathor, with small sphinx between forelegs, probably Late Period, in Leipzig, Ägyptisches Museum, Inv. 5145.
Hornemann, Types vii, pl. 1872; Krauspe, R. Statuen und Statuetten 94-6 [171] Taf. 90 [3], 107-8 (as Dyn. XXV). See id. Ägyptisches Museum der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig (1976), 61-2 [80]; (1987), 60 [80].
Head of sphinx, probably Amasis, formerly in A. Gallatin colln., now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 66.99.178.
Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 62-3 [54] pl. 51 [124-6]; Josephson, J. A. in MMJ 30 (1995), 8 fig. 5.
Sphinx, small, head and forepaws lost, faience, probably Dyn. XXVI, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1990.25.
C. H. R[oehrig] in MMA Bull. xlviii [2] (Fall 1990), 10 fig.
Sphinx, head and parts of forepaws restored, basalt, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Rome, Villa Borghese, now in Louvre, A 31.
De Clarac, Musée de sculpture v, pl. 1000 [2595 D] Texte v, 308; C. Z[iegler] in Egyptomania. L'Égypte dans l'art occidental 1730-1930 Cat. 31 figs. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 25; Boreux, Guide i, 39.
Sphinx, forepaws restored, diorite, Ptolemaic, formerly in Rome, Villa Borghese, now in Louvre, A 33 [N.34].
De Clarac, Musée de sculpture v, pl. 1000 [2595 C] Texte v, 307; B. L[etellier] in Les Animaux dans l'Égypte ancienne (Muséum de Lyon, 6 novembre 1977 - 31 janvier 1978), No. 1 fig. (as No. 2) (as granite); C. Z[iegler] in Egyptomania. L'Égypte dans l'art occidental 1730-1930 Cat. 33 figs. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 25; Boreux, Guide i, 39.
Sphinx, with minor restorations, diorite, Ptolemaic, formerly in Rome, Villa Borghese, now in Louvre, A 34 [N.35].
De Clarac, Musée de sculpture v, pl. 1000 [2595 C] Texte v, 307; B. L[etellier] in Les Animaux dans l'Égypte ancienne (Muséum de Lyon, 6 novembre 1977 - 31 janvier 1978), No. 2 fig. (as No. 1) (as granite); C. Z[iegler] in Egyptomania. L'Égypte dans l'art occidental 1730-1930 Cat. 34 figs. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 25; Boreux, Guide i, 39.
Sphinx, grey granite, Ptolemaic, in Rochester (N.Y.), University Memorial Art Gallery.
Sphinx, granite, Ptolemaic, in Trieste (Grignano), Castello di Miramare.
Dolzani, Notizie e osservazioni preliminari a uno studio sulla sfinge egiziana del castello di Miramar passim figs. 1-4; id. La sfinge egiziana del castello di Miramar (Trieste), passim figs. 1-6.
Sphinx, red granite, Roman Period, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 1410.
Curto in Oriens Antiquus vi (1967), 86 Tav. xxiii [1]; Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 184 pl. 278. See Orcurti, Cat. i, 64 [16]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 111 [1410].
Sphinx, with text of Wehebre W3-jb-r , Prophet, General, etc., son of
Takhuti T3-wtj
(mother), temp. Nektanebos II or slightly later, in
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 76.
Komorzynski in Archiv für Orientforschung xvii (1954-6), 137-40 figs. (as Dyn. XXVI or later); Vienna. 5000 Jahre No. 195 Abb.; Demisch, H. Die Sphinx 24 Abb. 42 (as Dyn. XXVI with text of Dyn. XXX); Satzinger, Äg. Kunst 67-9 Abb. 30; id. Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien (1987), 62 fig. on 60 [lower]; id. Das Kunsthistorische Museum in Wien. Die Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung (1994), 44-5 Abb. 28; id. in Haja, M. (ed.), Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. Guide to the Collections (1989), 40 fig. [lower]; Myliwiec, Royal Portraiture 80, 123 pl. lxxxv (as Dyn. XXX and probably from Memphis); Cleopatra's Egypt Cat. 120 fig.; Rogge, Statuen Sp. 117-24 figs. (as probably temp. Nektanebos I). Text, von Bergmann in ZÄS xviii (1880), 50 [bottom] - 51 (as Dyn. XXVI). Date, see De Meulenaere in Chron. d'Ég. xxxv (1960), 93 [3].
Sphinx, head lost, grey granite, Ptolemaic, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 5751.
Rogge, Statuen 30. Dyn. 51-4 figs.
Sphinx, head lost, with remains of illegible text on base, grey granite, Ptolemaic, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 5752.
Rogge, Statuen 30. Dyn. 55-8 figs.
Sphinx, head and forepaws lost, granodiorite, Ptolemaic, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 5755.
Rogge, Statuen 30. Dyn. 62-3 figs.
Sphinx, small, Ptolemaic, formerly in J.-F. Mimaut, Comte de Pourtalès-Gorgier and Lord Amherst collns. and at Sotheby's in 1921.
See Dubois, J.-J. Description des antiquités égyptiennes ... Mimaut (1837), No. 96; id. Description des Antiques ... Pourtalès-Gorgier (1841), No. 51; Vente de la Galerie Pourtalès. Catalogue des objets d'art (Feb. 6 - March 21, 1865), No. 51; Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 269.
Sphinx, probably Dyn. XXX, in Amsterdam, Ancient Art b.v. in 1984-5.
Mededelingenblad ... Allard Pierson Museum 31 (1984), fig. on inside front cover; 32 (1984), fig. on inside front cover; 33 (1985), fig. on inside front cover; 34 (1985), fig. on inside front cover; 35 (1985), fig. on inside front cover; 36 (1986), fig. on inside front cover.
Sphinx, mid- or late Ptolemaic, in Luzern, Ars Antiqua AG, in 1962.
Antike Kunstwerke. Ars Antiqua AG Luzern Auktion IV Dec. 7, 1962, No. 6 Taf. iii; H. W. Müller Archive 69 [157/39, 41, 43, 45, 47].
Sphinx, headless, granite, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Canosa, Villa comunale.
Mazzei, M. (ed.), La Daunia antica fig. 345 on 288.
Sphinx, basalt, late Ptolemaic or Roman Period, at Christie's (New York) in 1997.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 18, 1997, No. 76 fig.
Sphinx, forepaws lost, sandstone, Ptolemaic, in London, Charles Ede Ltd. in 1976.
Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt v (July 1976), No. 7 fig.
Sphinx, forepaws lost, marble, probably Ptolemaic or Roman Period, formerly in E. E. Farman colln. and in New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc., in 1946.
Egyptian, Greek and Roman Antiquities [etc.]. Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc. New York, Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, 1946, No. 178 fig. (as Dyn. XXVI).
Sphinx, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, formerly in G. R. Hunter colln.
Antiques Collected in Egypt, during 1826-1827 by George Rivers Hunter No. 527 (copy in Oxford, Ashmolean Library).
Sphinx, Ptolemaic, formerly in The Lannan Foundation colln., in New York, Parke-Bernet, in 1962, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1986 and at Sotheby's in 1989.
*Parke-Bernet Sale Cat. Feb. 15, 1962, No. 70; Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 24, 1986, No. 60 fig.; Sotheby Sale Cat. July 10-11, 1989, No. 355 fig.
Sphinx, head and forepaws lost, grey stone, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXX, at Sotheby's in 1980.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 8, 1980, No. 138 fig.
Sphinx, forepaws lost, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, at Sotheby's in 1990.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 10, 1990, No. 341 fig.
Sphinx, forepaws lost, serpentine, probably Ptolemaic or Roman Period, at Sotheby's in 1991 and 1993.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 8, 1991, No. 194 fig.; July 8, 1993, No. 154 pl. xii (both as Late Period).
Sphinx, probably partly re-cut, late Ptolemaic or Roman Period, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1986.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 24, 1986, No. 61 fig.
800-881-222 and 800-881-223
Two sphinxes, possibly partly re-cut, probably early Roman Period, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1999.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 5, 1999, No. 67 figs.
Bronze statues and statuettes of Dynasty XXVI to Roman Period
Head wearing probably red crown, early Ptolemaic, formerly in A. Gallatin colln., now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 66.99.134.
Cooney in JNES xii (1953), 17 [91] pl. liii.
Head of youthful king wearing long wig and uraeus, probably Ptolemaic, in Louvre, N.448 [A.F.1845].
Grousset, R. The Civilizations of the East i. The Near and Middle East (1931), fig. 39 (as queen); Boreux, Guide ii, 405 pl. liv [middle] (suggests king shown as Khons and Dyn. XXI-XXV); Paribeni, R. Il Ritratto nell'arte antica Tav. xi (as princess and Dyn. XXVI); Galvano, L'Arte fig. 63 (as queen and Dyn. XXVI); de Montgon, A. L'Égypte fig. on 141 (as queen); Desroches-Noblecourt, Le Style égyptien 133 pl. xxxviii [right] (as Amenophis III); Charbonneaux, J. Les merveilles du Louvre i, pl. on 83 (as probably Ramesside); Archives phot. E.1046. See Pierret, Cat. No. 236; Vandier, Guide (1948), 66 [2]; (1952), 67 [2] (as Khons and Dyn. XXI-XXVI).
Standing or striding.
Striding, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Angers, Musée Turpin de Crissé, Hôtel Pincé, 684.
Kern, C. in Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux No. 9 (1944), 61-3 pl. iii [left] (as probably Taharqa); *de Morant in Les Cahiers de Pincé N.S. 3 (1940), 68-9 fig. 4; N.S. 21 (1953), 7-8 fig. 7 (as Dyn. XXV); Affholder-Gérard, B. and Cornic, M.-J. Angers, Musée Pincé. Collections égyptiennes 49 [13] fig. See Russmann, Representation 67-8 [34].
Striding holding a round cartouche, Dyn. XXVI, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 649.
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 146 [xlii, 4] fig. (as Psammetikhos I).
Striding holding a cylindrical object, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in H. Hoffmann colln., now in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 54.2101.
Steindorff, Cat. 67 [211] pl. xxxvi.
Standing, arms lost, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1804.
See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 147; Curto, L'Egitto antico 118 [208].
Striding, Roman Period, formerly in H. H. Gorringe colln. and on loan to Worcester (Mass.), Worcester Art Museum, now in Brooklyn Museum, 72.129.
Mercer in Anc. Eg. (1916), 95-6 fig. on 51 and 2nd pl. after 96 (as Ptolemy IX Soter II); Capart in Worcester Art Museum Annual iii (1937-8), 22 fig. 9. Upper part, Bevan, E. A History of Egypt under the Ptolemaic Dynasty fig. 59 (as late Ptolemaic). See Catalogue of Egyptian Antiques [H. H. Gorringe collection], No. 133; Bothmer in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. Rep. xiv (1972-3), 11.
Standing with outstretched right arm, probably Dyn. XXX to Ptolemaic, in Geneva, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, D 215.
Wild in Bulletin mensuel des musées et collections de la ville de Genève ii [7] (July-Aug. 1945), 2nd p. fig. 5 (as Dyn. XXVI); Maystre, Égypte antique (1963), fig. on 20 (as Late Period); Schlögl, H. in Geschenk des Nils No. 284 pl. (as Dyn. XXVI). See Wild in BIFAO 72 (1972), 35 [13] cf. pl. v (description by Champollion); Russmann, Representation 69 [37].
Striding presenting [an object], probably Ptolemaic, formerly in Gotha, Schlossmuseum.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 290 [353, a] Taf. 81 [c] (as Z.V. 325).
Striding presenting a vase, legs partly restored, Dyn. XXVI, in Hanover, Kestner-Museum, 2529.
See Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 290 [353, b].
Striding presenting offering(?), Late Period, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. B.51, now in Hanover, Kestner-Museum.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 296.
Striding presenting [an object], Ptolemaic, formerly in J. B. De Lescluze colln., now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. L.VI.70.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. ii, 1 [D.1] pl. i; Boeser, Beschreibung xii, 1 [1] Taf. i; Hornemann, Types i, pl. 305; Raven in Akkermans, P. et al. Brons uit de Oudheid 31 [8] fig.; H. W. Müller Archive 12 [I/184-7] (as Dyn. XXVI). See Catalogue d'une collection d'antiquités égyptiennes, dont la vente se fera à Anvers, le 5 juillet 1826 (De Lescluze), 13 [70]; Leemans, Descr. rais. 47 [D.1]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 152 [319]; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 290 [353, a].
Striding presenting a bowl, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Louvre, E.3929.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 297.
Striding presenting a bowl, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Louvre.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 298.
Striding, Ptolemaic, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 3538.
Striding, Ptolemaic, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 3539.
Striding, wearing tripartite wig, possibly a deity, Ptolemaic or Roman, at Christie's (New York) in 1998.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 18, 1998, No. 45 fig.
Striding, Dyn. XXVI, in London, Charles Ede Ltd. in or before 1976.
Ede, C. Collecting Antiquities fig. 243 [right].
Striding with staff, text illegible, probably Dyn. XXVI, in G. Memminger colln. in 1990.
Pamminger, P. Ägyptische Kleinkunst aus der Sammlung Gustav Memminger No. 8 figs.
Striding wearing white crown, Ptolemaic, in Köln, Auktionshaus Lempertz, in 1977, then in G. Memminger colln. in 1990.
Auktionshaus Lempertz Köln. Katalog 560 (Nov. 1977), 227 [2266] Taf. 167; Pamminger, P. Ägyptische Kleinkunst aus der Sammlung Gustav Memminger No. 9 figs.
Standing wearing khat-headdress, legs below kilt lost, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in F. Whitney Miller colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1987.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. May 29, 1987, No. 38 fig.
Striding, left arm extended with open-palmed hand, possibly Dyn. XXVI, in New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc., in 1970.
Parke-Bernet Sale Cat. April 24-5, 1970, No. 81 fig.
Striding presenting [an object], right arm and feet lost, probably Dyn. XXVI, in New York, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1962.
Eisenberg, J. M. A Catalog of Egyptian and Other Near Eastern Antiquities 42 (Dec. 1962), No. 24 fig.
Striding, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in New York, Safani Gallery, in 1979.
New York, Safani Gallery. The Art of Ancient Egypt (Dec. 15, 1978 - Apr. 1, 1979), figs. on 4 and col. pl. [bottom right].
Striding presenting [an object], Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in A. and M. Silver colln., at Sotheby's (New York) in 1991 and in London, Seaby Antiquities, in 1994.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 12-13, 1991, No. 301 [1st item] fig.; Seaby Antiquities Catalogue (July 1994), No. 44 fig.
Striding presenting [an object], Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, at Sotheby's in 1981 and 1984 and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1982.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 13-14, 1981, No. 46 fig.; July 9-10, 1984, No. 177 fig.; Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. May 20, 1982, No. 49 fig.
Striding, left arm lost, probably Dyn. XXVI, at Sotheby's in 1988.
Sotheby Sale Cat. May 23, 1988, No. 145 fig.
Seated, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI or Ptolemaic, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 747.
See Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 287 [350, e].
See also arm-shaped censers, Part 4 of this volume. Figures which appear to belong to censers have been omitted here.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Aberdeen, Anthropological Museum, 1410.
See R. W. Reid, Illustrated Catalogue [etc.] (1912), 181.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in H. Hoffmann and W. A. van Leer collns., now in Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 8837.
Legrain, Collection H. Hoffmann. Cat. des antiquités égyptiennes (1894), No. 468 pl. xxxvii; van Leer in Mededeelingen [etc.], Ex Oriente Lux No. 3 (1936), 19 [45] pl. ix; Janssen, J. M. A. in ib. No. 12 (1957), 31 [45] pl. xiii; van Haarlem in Mededelingenblad ... Allard Pierson Museum 44 (1988), 12 fig. 30; Scheurleer, Egypte, geschenk van de Nijl 100 fig. 62 on 97. See Tentoonstelling van antieke voorwerpen uit Egypte en Voor-Azië, Amsterdam, 3-31 Oct. 1931, No. 378.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 624.
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 145 [xlii, 3] fig. (as Psammetikhos I).
Kneeling with arms raised, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 638.
Boufides in Athens Annals of Archaeology iii (1970), 282-3, 285 fig. 11 [] (as probably Psammetikhos I); Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 145 [xlii, 2] fig. on 146. See Russmann, Representation 68 [35].
Kneeling, arms lost, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 54.2093.
Steindorff, Cat. 68 [215] pl. xxxvi.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 54.2097. (Said to come from Memphis.)
Steindorff, Cat. 68 [214] pl. xxxv.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 54.2100. (Said to come from Luxor.)
Steindorff, Cat. 68 [216] pl. xxxvi.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 54.2102. (Said to come from 'near Pyramids'.)
Steindorff, Cat. 68 [213] pl. xxxvi.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 54.2103. (Said to come from 'near Pyramids'.)
Steindorff, Cat. 67-8 [212] pl. xxxvi.
Kneeling with vases, wearing white crown, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in Berlin Museum, 2503.
Aeg. und Vorderasiat. Alterthümer Taf. 49 [1st row, 6th from left]; Abubakr, Untersuchungen über die ägyptischen Kronen 27 Taf. 6; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 292 [355, c] Taf. 44 [d, e]. See Ausf. Verz. 303.
Kneeling with vases, wearing red crown, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 2504.
Aeg. und Vorderasiat. Alterthümer Taf. 49 [1st row, 4th from left]; Abubakr, Untersuchungen über die ägyptischen Kronen 50 Taf. 13; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 292 [355, d] Taf. 44 [b, c]; Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 81 [815] Abb. See Ausf. Verz. 303.
Kneeling, wearing blue crown, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 2505.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 293 [356, e] Taf. 44 [h]. See Ausf. Verz. 303.
Kneeling, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 8399.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 292 [355, f] Taf. 44 [a].
Kneeling, probably Amasis, lower arms lost, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 26159.
Kischkewitz in Forschungen und Berichte 24 (1984), 35-6 Taf. 4.
Kneeling with vases, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1805.
See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 147; Curto, L'Egitto antico 118 [206].
Kneeling, arms lost, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1806.
See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 148; Curto, L'Egitto antico 118 [207].
Kneeling, right arm and feet lost, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in R. Hay colln., now in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 72.4433.
Dunham in Master Bronzes Selected from Museums and Collections in America (The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, Feb. 1937), No. 46 fig. (as probably Dyn. XXII-XXV); Shoolman, R. and Slatkin, C. E. The Enjoyment of Art in America pl. 18; Terrace in Boston Mus. Bull. lvii (1959), 49, 52-3 fig. 1 (as probably Taharqa); Russmann, Representation 68-9 [36] fig. 26. See Bonomi, Catalogue of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities ... Robert Hay (1869), No. 50.
Kneeling, hands lost, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI or later, formerly in H. Abbott and New York Historical Society collns., now in Brooklyn Museum, 37.365E. (Allegedly from Saqqâra.)
See Catalogue of a Collection of Egyptian Antiquities ... Henry Abbott, Esq., M.D. (1846), 22 [187]; NYHS Cat. No. 816.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Cardinal L. Lambruschini and Baron E. de Meester de Ravestein collns., now in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.5635.
De Wit in Chron. d'Ég. xxxviii (1963), 203-12 figs. 1-4. See E. de Meester de Ravestein, Musée de Ravestein i, No. 62; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 293 [356, b] cf. Abb. 375.
Kneeling, hands lost, Ptolemaic, in Cleveland (Ohio), Cleveland Museum of Art, 1914.575.
K. J. B[oha] in Berman, L. M. Catalogue of Egyptian Art 458-9 [353] figs.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 5621.
See Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 228 [1529] (as 5614).
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Frankfurt am Main, Liebieghaus, Museum alter Plastik, 1846. (Probably from Saqqâra.)
D. W[ildung] in Ägyptische Kunst im Liebieghaus (1981), No. 32 fig. (as probably 3rd Int. Period); Schlick-Nolte and von Droste zu Hülshoff, Skarabäen, Amulette und Schmuck (Liebieghaus - Museum alter Plastik i) (1990), 15 Abb. 1, 2 [7] (by E. Rüppell); Hofmann, E. in Statuetten, Gefässe und Geräte (Liebieghaus - Museum alter Plastik. Ägyptische Bildwerke ii), 241-3 [118] figs. See Matthiae, F. C. in Einladungsschrift zu den ... Oeffentlichen Prüfungen und Feyerlichkeiten im Gymnasium zu Frankfurt am Mayn (1819), 7 [2].
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Frankfurt am Main, Liebieghaus, Museum alter Plastik, 1847. (Probably from Saqqâra.)
Hofmann, E. in Statuetten, Gefässe und Geräte (Liebieghaus - Museum alter Plastik. Ägyptische Bildwerke ii), 243-4 [119] figs. See Matthiae, F. C. in Einladungsschrift zu den ... Oeffentlichen Prüfungen und Feyerlichkeiten im Gymnasium zu Frankfurt am Mayn (1819), 7 [3]; D. W[ildung] in Ägyptische Kunst im Liebieghaus (1981), n. to No. 32 (as probably 3rd Int. Period).
Kneeling, Late Period, in Frankfurt am Main, Liebieghaus, Museum alter Plastik, 1772.
Hofmann, E. in Statuetten, Gefässe und Geräte (Liebieghaus - Museum alter Plastik. Ägyptische Bildwerke ii), 244-6 [120] figs.
Kneeling with outstretched arms, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in Gotha, Schlossmuseum.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 291 [355, a] Taf. 81 [d] (as Z.V. 325).
Kneeling, left arm lost, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in The Hague, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum, Inv. 71/110.
Byvanck, A. W. Gids voor de bezoekers van het Museum Meernanno-Westreenianum i (1912), 81 [71] pl. xi (as probably Dyn. XVIII or XIX); Boddens Hosang, De Egyptische verzameling van Baron van Westreenen 48-9 pl. 17 [a, b].
Kneeling, wearing blue crown, cartouche on belt illegible but probably Achoris, forearms lost, in Kansas City (Mo.), The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 53-13.
Handbook of the Collections [etc.] (1959), fig. on 22 [upper] (as Dyn. XXX); Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 88-9 [71] pl. 67 [172-3]; Cooney in Apollo xcvi (1972), 476 fig. 7; Clayton, P. A. Chronicle of the Pharaohs fig. on 202 [right].
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AB.33.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. ii, 1 [D. 3] pl. i; Boeser, Beschreibung xii, 1 [2] Taf. iii; H. W. Müller Archive 12 [II/508-9]. See Leemans, Descr. rais. 48 [D. 3]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 152 [320].
Kneeling with vases, wearing atef-crown, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Lidingö, Millesgården.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 621.
Kneeling on right knee, right arm raised, left hand on chest, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI or Ptolemaic, in Brit. Mus. EA 11496.
Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 34 n. 239 pl. 12 [c].
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in R. G. B. Sabatier colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1890, now in Brit. Mus. EA 22920 (together with Apis-bull which may not belong).
Mackenzie, D. A. Egyptian Myth and Legend pl. facing 70 [right]; Cook, S. A. in Hammerton, J. A. Universal History of the World i, fig. on 642 [upper right]; James and Davies, Eg. Sculpture 40 fig. 48 [left]; James, Ancient Egypt. The Land and its Legacy fig. 22 [left]; Quirke and Spencer, J. The British Museum Book of Ancient Egypt fig. 70 [right]; Shaw and Nicholson, British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt fig. on 35 [left]. See Legrain, Collection ... Sabatier. Cat. ... d'antiquités égyptiennes [etc.], Vente, Hôtel Drouot, 31 mars - 4 avril, 1890, No. 454 [1].
Kneeling, wearing blue crown, Dyn. XXIX, in Brit. Mus. EA 64369.
Aldred in Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule fig. 135; H. W. Müller Archive 16 [71/12].
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Mariemont, Musée Royal de Mariemont, B.3 (E.53).
Collection Raoul Warocqué. Antiquités égyptiennes, grecques et romaines (1903), 6 [3] fig.; van de Walle in Antiquités ... Mariemont 33 pl. 9.
Kneeling with vases, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Marseilles, Musée d'Archéologie, 822.
H. W. Müller Archive 14 [II/853-5]. See Maspero, Cat. 139 [622] (as Dyn. XXVI); Nelson, Cat. No. 291.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Marseilles, Musée d'Archéologie, 823.
H. W. Müller Archive 14 [II/851-2]. See Maspero, Cat. 139 [623] (as Dyn. XXVI).
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Marseilles, Musée d'Archéologie, 824.
H. W. Müller Archive 14 [II/847-50]. See Maspero, Cat. 139 [624] (as Dyn. XXVI); Nelson, Cat. No. 293.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Marseilles, Musée d'Archéologie, 825.
See Maspero, Cat. 139 [625] (as Dyn. XXVI); Le Nil et la société égyptienne No. 87 (as Dyn. XXVI); Nelson, Cat. No. 292.
Kneeling, arms lost, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Marseilles, Musée d'Archéologie, 826.
See Maspero, Cat. 139 [626] (as Dyn. XXVI); Le Nil et la société égyptienne No. 86 (as Dyn. XXVI); Nelson, Cat. No. 290.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI, in Minneapolis (Minn.), The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 27.42.20.
Bulletin of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts xvii (1928), 22 fig. on 21; Pantheon i (1928), fig. on 321.
Kneeling, wearing blue crown, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in V. Golenishchev colln. 1869, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 2100.
Kneeling, right arm lost, Dyn. XXVI or later, formerly in V. Golenishchev colln. 1870, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 4934.
Royal statuette, kneeling wearing blue crown, bronze, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Omar Pasha Sultan colln., now in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS 6043.
Collection de feu Omar Pacha Sultan, Le Caire. Catalogue descriptif (1929), i, Art égyptien No. 14 pl. iii (as Ptolemaic); Müller, H. W. and Wildung in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xxvii (1976), 233 Abb. 8 (as 3rd Int. Per.); Staatl. Sammlung (1976), 185 fig. (as Dyn. XXII); Altenmüller in Menschenbild No. 28 fig. (as Dyn. XXII); Schoske and Wildung, Äg. Kunst München 154 [75] fig.; Schoske, Grimm and Kreissl, Schönheit Kat. 19 fig.; Wildung in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xxxvi (1985), 20 Abb. 11; id. in Grimm, A. et al. Pharao. Kunst und Herrschaft im alten Ägypten (1997), 130 [96] fig. (reversed); Schoske, S. Egyptian Art in Munich 55 [49] fig.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXX, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1972.118.36.
Lilyquist in Notable Acquisitions 1965-1975 fig. on 74 [middle].
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1879.307.
De Wit in Chron. d'Ég. xxxviii (1963), 208, 212 fig. 5.
Kneeling, with baboon in front, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Louvre, N.509.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 614. See Pierret, Cat. No. 46.
Kneeling on right knee, wearing red crown, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Louvre, E.3930.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 532.
Kneeling, hands lost, probably Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in Pula, Arheološki Muzej Istre, 5.210. (Probably found in Istria.)
See Perc, Beiträge zur Verbreitung ägyptischer Kulte auf dem Balkan und in den Donauländern zur Römerzeit 161 [18]; Budischovsky, M.-C. La Diffusion des cultes isiaques autour de la Mer Adriatique i, 174-5 [x, 4].
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI, in Truro, The Royal Cornwall Museum, 1914.23.10.
Kneeling with vases, wearing red crown, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 6613.
Demel in Mélanges Maspero i [1], 7-11 pl. (as 8th c. BC); id. Äg. Kunst 22-3 Abb. 31 (as 3rd Int. Period or Dyn. XXV); 200 Meisterwerke (1931), fig. 11 (as Dyn. XXVI); Meisterwerke (1958 and 1968), Taf. 15; E. H[aslauer] in Seipel, Götter, Menschen, Pharaonen Kat. 204 fig. (as Dyn. XXVI). See Russmann in Studies ... Dunham 153 n. 27.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI, in Warsaw, Muzeum Narodowe, Inv. 147394.
Michaowski, Sztuka starozytna 147 fig. 99; Pawlicki in Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie xvi (1975), 1-12 figs. 1-3.
Kneeling with vase in right hand, wearing white crown, left arm lost, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in M. Abemayor colln. and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1976.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1976, No. 274 fig.
Kneeling, wearing blue crown, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in Hamburg, Galerie Antiker Kunst (dealer), in 1983.
Apollo cxviii [262] (Dec. 1983), Advertisements, fig. on 58 [right].
Kneeling with vases, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in Lord Amherst colln. and at Sotheby's in 1921 and 1964, at Christie's in 1977 and in Zurich, Arete, Galerie für antike Kunst, in 1978.
Christie Sale Cat. July 12, 1977, No. 41 pl. 3 (as Dyn. XXI-XXIII); Antike Bronzen (Arete, Galerie für antike Kunst, Zürich, [1978]), No. 1 fig. (as 'late New Kingdom' = Dyn. XXII); Geschenk des Nils Advertisements, fig. on 1st p. See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 106 [1st item]; July 6, 1964, No. 68 (as Ptolemaic).
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Comtesse M. de Béhague and Marquis de Ganay collns. and at Sotheby's (Monaco) in 1987.
See Antiquités et Objets d'Art. Collection de Martine, Comtesse de Béhague [etc.] (Sotheby's Monaco S.A. Sale Cat. Dec. 5, 1987), No. 84.
Kneeling, hands lost, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in London, W. & F. C. Bonham & Sons Ltd., in 1993.
Bonhams, Knightsbridge [London]. Fine Antiquities. Sale Cat. Dec. 7, 1993, No. 293 fig.
Kneeling with offering-table, wearing blue crown, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in London, W. & F. C. Bonham & Sons Ltd., in 1998.
Bonhams. Antiquities. Sale Cat. Sept. 22, 1998, No. 81 fig.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in O. Borelli Bey colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1913.
Antiquités Égyptiennes ... Collection Borelli Bey. Vente, Hôtel Drouot, June 11-13, 1913, No. 118 pl. viii.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, at Christie's in 1937.
Christie Sale Cat. March 2, 1937, No. 114 fig.
Kneeling, arms lost, probably Dyn. XXX, at Christie's in 1977.
Christie Sale Cat. July 12, 1977, No. 35 pl. 3.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI or Ptolemaic, at Christie's in 1979.
Christie Sale Cat. Nov. 28, 1979, No. 230 pl. 43.
Kneeling, probably Late Period, in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1993 and 1995, at Christie's in 1994 and in London, W. & F. C. Bonham & Sons Ltd., in 1996.
Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt xx (Feb. 1993), No. 20 fig.; xxii (March 1995), No. 25 fig. (both as 3rd Int. Period); Christie Sale Cat. July 6, 1994, No. 34 fig. (as Dyn. XXV); Bonhams. Fine Antiquities. Sale Cat. Dec. 12, 1996, No. 182 fig. (as 3rd Int. Period).
Kneeling with vases, wearing red crown, remains of gilding, probably Dyn. XXVI, at Christie's in 1998.
Christie Sale Cat. Sept. 23, 1998, No. 115 fig.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI or Ptolemaic, in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, on Feb. 14, 1989.
La Gazette de l'Hôtel Drouot 98 [5] (Feb. 3, 1989), fig. on 19 [middle right].
Kneeling, left hand lost, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in Eddé colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1911.
Collection de M. le Docteur Eddé, d'Alexandrie. Antiquités égyptiennes et grecques ... Vente à Paris, Hôtel Drouot ... 31 mai - 2 juin 1911, No. 442 pl. 4.
Kneeling, left forearm lost, Dyn. XXVI, in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in or before 1976.
Ede, C. Collecting Antiquities fig. 243 [left].
Kneeling, wearing blue crown, hands lost, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in D. M. Fouquet colln. and in Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, in 1922.
Collection ... Fouquet. Art égyptien [etc.], 1ère vente, Galerie Georges Petit, Paris, June 12-14, 1922, No. 74 pl. vii.
Kneeling on left knee, left arm raised, right hand on chest, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI or Ptolemaic, formerly in H. Hoffmann coll.
Legrain, Collection H. Hoffmann. Cat. des antiquités égyptiennes (1894), No. 430 pl. xxxv.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Josey colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1995.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 1, 1995, No. 224 fig.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in The Lannan Foundation colln., in New York, Parke-Bernet, in 1958, Sotheby Parke Bernet in 1979 and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1986.
*Parke-Bernet Sale Cat. May 15, 1958, No. 74; Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. May 19, 1979, No. 47 fig.; Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 24, 1986, No. 49 fig.
Kneeling, forearms lost, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI or Ptolemaic, formerly in G. Michaelidis colln.
H. W. Müller Archive 72 [II/2104, 2106].
Kneeling, left hand and right arm lost, Dyn. XXVI-XXX, in Basel, Münzen und Medaillen A. G., in 1972.
Werke ägyptischer Kunst [etc.] (Münzen und Medaillen A. G. Auktion 46, Basel, April 28, 1972), No. 67 fig. (as Dyn. XXV).
Kneeling with vases, wearing white crown, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in Omar Pasha Sultan colln. and at Sotheby's in 1981.
Collection de feu Omar Pacha Sultan, Le Caire. Catalogue descriptif (1929), i, Art égyptien No. 28 pl. iii (as Dyn. XXV); Sotheby Sale Cat. July 13-14, 1981, No. 159 fig.
Kneeling, wearing white crown, Dyn. XXVI, in New York - Beverly Hills - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1995.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities viii [ii] (Jan. 1995), No. 175 fig.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, at Sotheby's in 1975 and 1978.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 8, 1975, No. 152 fig.; July 3-4, 1978, No. 156 pl. xxvii.
Kneeling with vases, wearing white crown, probably Dyn. XXVI, at Sotheby's in 1983.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 12-13, 1983, No. 186 fig.
Kneeling with vases, wearing white crown, probably Dyn. XXVI, at Sotheby's in 1983 and 1985.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 12-13, 1983, No. 187 fig.; Dec. 9, 1985, No. 97 fig.
Kneeling, wearing white crown, probably Dyn. XXVI, at Sotheby's in 1993.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 8, 1993, No. 165 pl. xiii.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1976.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1976, No. 275 fig.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in New York, Parke-Bernet, in 1947 and Sotheby Parke Bernet in 1978.
Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc. (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 14, 1978, No. 395 fig. See *Parke-Bernet Sale Cat. Oct. 15-16, 1947, No. 287.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1993.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 12, 1993, No. 29 fig.
Kneeling with vases, wearing white crown, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, in London, Spink & Son Ltd., in mid-1920s.
Spink & Son, Ltd. Egyptian Antiquities from the MacGregor, etc. Collections fig. on 22 [upper] (as Amasis).
Kneeling, Dyn. XXVI-XXXI, formerly in Tigrane Pasha colln.
Daninos, Collection d'antiquités égyptiennes de Tigrane Pacha d'Abro (1911), 7 [36] pl. xix [right].
Kneeling with vases, wearing white crown, Dyn. XXVI, in private possession in Germany in 1985.
Wildung, Entdeckungen No. 129 fig.
Kneeling with vases, wearing blue crown, dedicated by woman Tentpet-shaynufer(?)
T3-nt-pt-š3jj-nfr(?) , Dyn. XXVI-XXXI or Ptolemaic, in private
possession in Switzerland in 1989.
Müller, M. in BSÉG 13 (1989), 121 figs.
Kneeling, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in private possession.
H. W. Müller Archive 72 [II/2826-9].
Wearing red crown, probably Late Period, formerly in W. MacGregor colln. and at Sotheby's in 1922.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (MacGregor), June 26 - July 6, 1922, No. 1247 pl. xxxiii; Roeder,
Äg. Bronzefiguren 294 [358, b] Abb. 376.
Small sphinxes.
800-897-600 and 800-897-601
Two sphinxes holding vases, Dyn. XXVI, in Louvre.
One, Pierrot and Chipiez, Hist. de l'Art i, fig. 482. See Boreux, Guide ii, 384; Vandier, Guide (1948), 66-7; (1952), 68; (1973), 127.
King, probably Nektanebos I, as seated Harpocrates, wearing blue crown, bronze and copper, in Stiftung Koradi/Berger, KB 4010, on loan to Zurich, Archäologische Sammlung der Universität.
Schlögl in Sguaitamatti and Wieland, Stiftung Koradi/Berger (1989), 18-19, 69 figs.