Dynasties XXI-XXIV
Siamun (Netjerikheperre-setepenamun)
Small sphinx holding offering-table, bronze inlaid in gold and silver, in Paris, Musée
National du Louvre, E.3914. (Allegedly from ân el-agar.)
Maspero, Hist. anc. iii, fig. on 162; id. Égypte 284 fig. 534 (as Apries); Stierlin and
Ziegler, Tanis. Trésors des Pharaons fig. 113; Ziegler in Tanis. L'or des pharaons Cat. 42
figs.; id. in La Revue du Louvre xlv [1] (1996), 32 figs. 6, 15 [3]; id. in Andreu, G. et
al. L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre (1997), 168-9 [81] fig.; Niwiski, A. in Archeologia zywa
6 [1] (Spring 1998), fig. on 32 [lower]. See Pierret, Cat. No. 265; Boreux, Guide ii,
347-8; Vandier, Guide (1973), 132.
Osorkon I (Sekhemkheperre-setepenre)
Sphinx, front of base with forepaws lost, brown basalt, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches
Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 52. (Probably from between Tell
Basa and Ihnâsya el-Medîna.)
Komorzynski, Altägypten 83-4 Abb. 40; id. Das Neue Reich und die Spätzeit in
Österreich in Wort und Bild 44-6 (1952), 113-14 Abb. 9; id. Erbe 203 Abb. 58 (all as
sandstone); Schlögl in Sguaitamatti and Wieland, Stiftung Koradi/Berger (1989), fig. on
71 [right]; Myliwiec, Royal Portraiture 114 pl. xvii [b], xviii [a-c] (as granite); Rogge,
Statuen N.R. 143-9 figs.; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 142 figs.; id. Götter,
Menschen, Pharaonen Kat. 135 fig. See Vienna. 5000 Jahre 84 [141] (as sandstone).
Kneeling, headdress and left arm lost, bronze, in London, Daedalus Ancient Art, in
Ancient Egyptian Art. An Exhibition of Selected Works Offered by Rupert Wace &
Daedalus (Summer 1992), fig. on 12th p.
Osorkon II (Usermaetre-setepenamun)
Base of statuette of Osorkon II (Usermaetre-setepenamun), with text mentioning sed-festivals, basalt, in London, Petrie Museum, 16321.
Stewart, Eg. Stelae iii, 34 [127] pl. 42 (suggests from Tell Basa). See Petrie, History
iii, 248, 251.
Usermaetre-setepenamun (probably Osorkon II), upper part, bronze, formerly in R.
M. colln., then in C. Bouché colln. in 1971.
Yoyotte in Kêmi xxi (1971), 47-8 [i] pls. vii, viii [upper] fig. 1; Ziegler in Tanis. L'or
des pharaons 89 fig. on 88 [left middle upper]; Vernus and Yoyotte, Les Pharaons 5th pl.
after 112 [upper].
Pemu (Usermaetre-setepenamun)
Statuette of King Pemu kneeling with two vases, bronze, in London, British
Museum, EA 32747.
Aldred, C. in JEA 42 (1956), 6-7 pl. ii [8] (as Petubastis); James and Davies, Eg.
Sculpture 40 fig. 47; Ziegler in Tanis. L'or des pharaons 89 fig. on 88 [right middle
upper]; Yoyotte in Rev. d'Ég. 39 (1988), 164-6 [E] pls. 4, 5 fig. 4; Quirke and
Spencer, J. The British Museum Book of Ancient Egypt fig. 32; Malek, The Cat in Ancient
Egypt fig. 61; Clayton, P. A. Chronicle of the Pharaohs fig. on 189 [upper]. See Guide,
3rd and 4th 280 [23] (as Ramesses II); Gold of the Pharaohs Cat. No. 4.
Sesonchis V (Akheperre)
Statuette-base of Sesonchis V (Akheperre), steatite, in London, Petrie Museum,
Petrie, Buttons and Design Scarabs 30 [22.9.19] pl. xxv.
Osorkon III (Usermaetre-setepenamun)
Kneeling holding vessel, probably Osorkon III 'beloved of Thoth of Hermopolis',
fragmentary, faience, in London, Daedalus Ancient Art, in 1992.
Ancient Egyptian Art. An Exhibition of Selected Works Offered by Rupert Wace & Daedalus
(Summer 1992), figs. on 11th p.
Rudamun (Usermaetre-setepenamun)
Fragment of statuette of King Usermaetre, possibly Rudamun, with inscribed back
pillar, faience. (Acquired at Memphis.)
Petrie, A Season in Egypt 26 pl. xxi [11] (dates to the 4th c. BC).
A King Sesonchis
Sphinx of a King Sesonchis, very small, bronze, in Brooklyn NY, Brooklyn Museum
of Art, 33.586.
R. A. F[azzini] in Neferut net Kemit No. 56 fig.; id. Anc. Eg. Art No. 68 figs. = Anc.
Eg. Art [CD-ROM] (1995), 068, 068.d1 figs.; Cody, M. E. in Fazzini, R. A. et al. Art
for Eternity. Masterworks from Ancient Egypt (1999), 120 [70] fig. cf. on 32.
A King Osorkon
Base with feet and lower end of staff or standard, King Osorkon-meriamun, probably
usurped from Dyn. XIX-XX, granite, in Brooklyn NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art,
See Bothmer in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. xiv (1972-3), 11.
A King Takelothis
Base of a King Takelothis (probably III) and wife Betjet Btt, both 'beloved
of Mut mistress of Asher', granite, in Cairo, Institut français d'Archéologie Orientale.
Berlandini in Hommages Sauneron i, 92-8 [ii] pl. xv.
Pefteu(em)a(ui)baste (Neferkare)
Neferkare, kneeling with [offering table?], bronze, formerly with G. Tano (dealer),
now in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1977.16.
Janssen, J. M. A. in Varia Historica aangeboden aan Professor Doctor A. W. Byvanck
(1954), 22 fig. 2 (as probably Bocchoris); 101st Annual Report 1976-7 fig. on 28
[lower]; Russmann in Studies ... Dunham 149-55 figs. 1-6, cf. van Zelst in ib. 155-6;
Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule fig. 283; Török, The Royal Crowns of Kush 5-6 fig. A
(from Russmann); A Table of Offerings (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1987), 54-7 figs.;
Ziegler in Tanis. L'or des pharaons 89 fig. on 88 [right upper]; Leahy, A. in JEA 78
(1992), 232 pl. xxvii [3].
Not identified by texts
Statuettes made of bronze or other metals, see below
Head wearing cap crown, wood covered with gesso and gilded, probably Dyn. XXI,
formerly in J. Brummer colln. and in New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc., in 1949,
now in Bloomington (Ind.), Indiana University Art Museum.
The Notable Art Collection Belonging to the Estate of the Late Joseph Brummer (Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc., New York, 1949), i, No. 24 fig.; Cooney in Rev. d'Ég. 27
(1975), 91 pl. 6 [B].
Head wearing cap crown, red quartzite, probably Dyn. XXI, formerly in Comte de
Pourtalès-Gorgier and Lord Amherst collns. and at Sotheby's in 1921, now in
Brooklyn NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 36.835.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 258 pl. viii (as sandstone and
possibly Psammetikhos I); Cooney in Rev. d'Ég. 27 (1975), 91-2 pl. 6 [C]; Fazzini,
Images for Eternity Cat. 85 fig.; N. C[herpion] in Égypte Éternelle Cat. No. 62 fig. (as
erior); J. K[ari]g in Äg. Kunst ... Brooklyn No. 62 fig.; Bianchi, Anc. Eg. Sculpture
Cat. 25 pl. (as erior); Baines and Málek, Atlas fig. on 39 [middle]; Spanel, Through
Ancient Eyes Cat. 36 figs. (as probably erior); Forbes, D. C. in KMT 4 [3] (1993),
figs. on 25 [lower], 28 [lower] (as possibly erior). See Dubois, J. J. Description des
Antiques ... Pourtalès-Gorgier (1841), No. 883; Vente de la Galerie Pourtalès. Catalogue des
objets d'art (Feb. 6 - March 21, 1865), No. 909.
Striding wearing khat-headdress, holding [an object], hands lost, unfinished, schist,
probably Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in Cairo Mus. JE 40486.
Clarke and Engelbach, Ancient Egyptian Masonry 24-5 fig. 23 (as Dyn. XXVI);
Engelbach in Glanville, The Legacy of Egypt (1942), 143 pl. 25 [21] (as Dyn. XXVI);
Vandier in ZÄS 90 (1963), 116 fig. 1; Sameh, Daily Life in Ancient Egypt (1964), fig.
on 56 = Leben im alten Ägypten (1980), fig. 59.
Head of royal statue wearing nemes, granodiorite, Dyn. XXI-XXII, in Cleveland
OH, Cleveland Museum of Art, 1914.663.
The Cleveland Museum of Art. Catalogue of the Inaugural Exhibition, June 6 - Sept. 20,
1916, 204 [1] fig. on 334 (as granite); Williams, C. R. in JEA v (1918), 278-9 [20] pl.
xxxviii (as No. 192.14, diorite and Dyn. XVIII); Handbook of the Cleveland Museum of
Art (1925), fig. on 56; (1928), fig. on 68 [right] (as Dyn. XVIII); Berman, L. M.
Catalogue of Egyptian Art 254-5 [182] figs. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 631 (as No.
192.14, diorite and Dyn. XVIII).
Kneeling, wearing blue crown, wood, 3rd Int. Period or later, in London, British
Museum, EA 63794.
Smith, S. in Brit. Mus. Quarterly ix (1934-5), 4 pl. iv [a].
Head wearing nemes and atef-crown, granite, Dyn. XXII or XXIII, in London,
British Museum, EA 63833.
Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 147 fig.
Headless torso, arms and upper parts of legs of a royal statuette, with remains of text
on back pillar, bronze, 3rd Int. Period, in London, British Museum, EA 68663.
See Bourriau, J. in JEA 64 (1978), 125 [66] (as New Kingdom).
Head and shoulder, wearing round wig, with remains of text on back pillar, glassy
faience, 3rd Int. or Late Period, in Paris, Musée National du Louvre, N.793.
Cooney in Journal of Glass Studies ii (1960), 36-7 figs. 29, 30; Archives phot. E.394.
See Pierret, Cat. No. 246.
Head, possibly from sphinx, probably Dyn. XXII, in Toledo (Ohio), Toledo
Museum of Art, 06.225.
Myliwiec, Royal Portraiture 114 pl. xviii [d].
Kneeling with vases, probably Osorkon I or II, gabbro, in Stiftung Koradi/Berger,
KB 4013, on loan to Zurich, Archäologische Sammlung der Universität.
Schlögl in Vom Euphrat zum Nil No. 15 fig. (as Dyn. XXV); id. in Sguaitamatti and
Wieland, Stiftung Koradi/Berger (1989), 22-3, 71 figs.; Chappaz and Poggia, Collections
égyptiennes publiques de Suisse fig. on 59.
Head wearing nemes, black granite, probably 3rd Int. Period, at Christie's in 1982-3.
Christie Sale Cat. July 2, 1982, No. 142 fig. (as late New Kingdom). See ib. July 13,
1983, No. 457 (as late New Kingdom).
Upper part, wearing nemes, iron-stone, probably 3rd Int. Period, formerly in
Mansoor Abd Essayid colln. and at Sotheby's in 1926.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 16-17, 1926, No. 290 pl. ix (as Early Dynastic).
Head wearing white crown, king or possibly Osiris, incomplete, basalt, probably 3rd
Int. or Late Period, at Sotheby's in 1989 and Christie's (New York) in 1995.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1989, No. 51 fig.; Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 7,
1995, No. 180 fig. (as probably Ramesses II).
Head wearing nemes and [a crown], steatite, probably Dyn. XXII, formerly in K. J.
Lane and M. Stansfeld collns. and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1973 and
1980, then at Sotheby's (New York) in 1988 and in Resandro colln. in 1992.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 7, 1973, No. 209 fig.; May 16, 1980,
No. 368 fig. (both as probably Osorkon II); The Martin Stansfeld Collection of Ancient
Art (New York, Sotheby's, Dec. 2, 1988), No. 48 fig.; Schoske and Wildung, Gott und
Götter im Alten Ägypten 198-9 [127] figs. (as haematite).
Statues and statuettes made of bronze or other metals.
Kneeling, probably 3rd Int. Period, formerly in Farnham (Dorset), Pitt Rivers
Museum and at Christie's in 1990.
Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 12, 1990, No. 226 fig.
Standing, bronze inlaid with gold, probably Dyn. XXII, in Hanover, Kestner-Museum, 1964.37.
Woldering, Jahresbericht 1964-65 in Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter N.F. 19 [4] (1965),
342-3 [5] figs.; Ägyptische Abteilung. Eingangsvitrine 1 [1] fig.
Striding, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, formerly in W. Lethieullier colln., now in London,
British Museum, EA 2276.
Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 146 fig. See Bierbrier in Baines et al. Pyramid
Studies and Other Essays Presented to I. E. S. Edwards 225 [lower, 4].
Kneeling wearing blue crown, hands lost, Dyn. XXII-XXV or later, in Naples,
Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 369.
D. d. E[rrico] in Cantilena and Rubino, La Collezione egiziana ... Napoli 122 [12.105]
fig. [left].
Kneeling wearing nemes, Dyn. XXII-XXV or later, in Naples, Museo Archeologico
Nazionale, 386.
D. d. E[rrico] in Cantilena and Rubino, La Collezione egiziana ... Napoli 122 [12.107]
fig. [right].
Statuette of striding king offering image of Maet, with remains of name on belt, right
arm and lower legs lost (legs now restored), silver with gilding, probably 3rd Int.
Period (or Sethos I), formerly in J. Menascé, H. Hoffmann and Comtesse M. de
Béhague collns. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1891, now in Paris, Musée National
du Louvre, E.27431.
Antiquités égyptiennes. Collection ... Menascé. Vente ... Hôtel Drouot, 23-4 fév. 1891,
No. 301 pl. viii; Legrain, Collection H. Hoffmann. Cat. des antiquités égyptiennes (1894),
No. 335 fig.; Ziegler in La Revue du Louvre xxxviii (1988), 181-5 figs. 1, 3-7 (as
probably Sethos I); id. ib. xlv [1] (1996), 31 figs. 1, 2 (as probably Sethos I); id. Le
Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes (1990), fig. on 48 [right] (as Dyn. XIX); id. in Andreu,
G. et al. L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre (1997), 142-3 [64] fig. (as probably Sethos I);
Gazette des Beaux-Arts cxiii (1989), Suppl. March 1989, fig. 2 (as probably Sethos I);
Maruéjol, F. L'Art égyptien au Louvre (1991), fig. on 65 [upper]; Pierrat in Louvre. Guide
to the Collections (1991), 119 [111] fig. (as Dyn. XIX-XX); Barbotin, C. in Louvre. Les
Antiquités égyptiennes i (1997), 159-60 fig. on 159 (as probably Sethos I). Upper part,
Archéologia 247 (June 1989), front cover (reversed) and fig. on 3 (as Sethos I);
Calmettes, M.-A. in Archéologia 341 (Jan. 1998), fig. on 37 (as Dyn. XIX). See
Russmann in Studies ... Dunham 155-6 n. 46; La Revue du Louvre xxxviii (1988), 254.
Standing with outstretched arms, wearing white crown, bronze, Dyn. XXII, in E.
L. Mahon colln.
See Privately-Owned Egyptian Antiquities of the Toronto Area. An Exhibition Organized
by the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities and Held in the Royal Ontario Museum
[Toronto, 1977], 3 [26].
Statue of a seated king, probably Osorkon II, bronze, in private possession in Basel
in 1978, at Christie's in 1998 and in New York - Beverly Hills - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1999.
Schlögl, H. in Geschenk des Nils No. 274 pls.; Schüssler, K. Kleine Geschichte der
ägyptischen Kunst fig. on 283; Christie Sale Cat. Sept. 23, 1998, No. 89 figs. (as allegedly
from Palestine); Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek, Etruscan, Roman,
Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities x (Jan. 1999), No. 193 figs.; id. in Minerva 10 [2]
(March-April 1999), 39 fig. 5; H. W. Müller Archive 72 [II/877-85]. See Schaetze
altaeg. Kunst 54 [135]; Bothmer, B. V. in JEA 46 (1960), 9 n. 4.
Head wearing nemes, probably from a standard or sacred barque, bronze with gilding,
3rd Int. Period, in Resandro colln. in 1992.
Wildung, Entdeckungen No. 66 fig.; id. Die Kunst des alten Ägypten 206 Abb. 87;
Schoske and Wildung, Gott und Götter im Alten Ägypten 221-2 [143] fig.
Dynasties XXV-XXXI
Piye (= Piankhy) (Usermaetre)
Middle part of statuette of Piye (= Piankhy), glazed limestone, in London, Petrie
Museum, 13128.
Petrie, Scarabs and Cylinders pl. li [25.1].
Sabacon (Neferkare)
Kneeling, bronze, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 632.
Russmann in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. x (1968-9), 93 figs. 7-9; id. Representation 57 [1] fig.
1; id. in Studies ... Dunham 152 fig. 7; Boufides in Athens Annals of Archaeology iii
(1970), 279, 284 figs. 4, 5; Wenig, S. in Vandersleyen, Das Alte Ägypten 411 Abb. 416
[a]; id. Africa in Antiquity ii (1978), Cat. 75 fig. and fig. 31 on 57; Leclant in Vercoutter
et al. The Image of the Black in Western Art i, 92 figs. 73-4; Lattin, Africa in Antiquity
(1978), fig. on 7th p. [right]; Aldred in Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule 135 fig. 279;
Bianchi in Cleopatra's Egypt 65 fig. 31; id. in Kleopatra 69 Abb. 31. Head, Adams, W.
Y. in The Unesco Courier 33 (Feb.-March 1980), fig. on 26 [left]; Fischer, R. Die
schwarzen Pharaonen fig. 11; Stanwick, P. E. in JARCE xxix (1992), 134 fig. 3;
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995),
145 [xlii, 1] fig. See *Cavvadias, P. Les Musées d'Athènes (1894), 35 [168].
Kneeling with a cylindrical stand, lower part, glazed steatite, in New York,
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1990.10.
See Arnold, Do. in 120th Annual Report 1989-90, 22.
Torso, ...k3 'beloved of Ptah south of his wall', green schist, in Paris, Musée
National du Louvre, N.2541.
Russmann in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. x (1968-9), 100-1 figs. 13, 14. See Pierret, Cat.
No. 32 (as basalt); Yoyotte in Rev. d'Ég. 8 (1951), 221 [36]; Vandier, Guide (1973),
124 (as basalt); Russmann, Representation 46 [4].
Head wearing nemes with [sun-disc], very small, faience, in Paris, Musée National du
Louvre, A.F.6639.
Yoyotte in Biblica 37 (1956), 468 pl. iii (as glazed stone); Russmann in Brooklyn Mus.
Ann. x (1968-9), 93 figs. 4-6; id. Representation 46 [3] fig. 3; Leclant in Vercoutter et
al. The Image of the Black in Western Art i, 92 fig. 70; Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule fig.
Double hawk-headed sphinx, very small, faience, in the Earl of Carnarvon colln. H
Reeves in The Times March 8, 1988, fig. on 9 [top right]. See id. in Connaissance
des Arts 437-8 (July-Aug. 1988), 50; id. in Aramco World 39 [6] (Nov.-Dec. 1988), 12;
id. Ancient Egypt at Highclere Castle 19.
Taharqa (Khunefertemre)
Kneeling, hands lost, bronze, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 1/75.
Neuerwerbungen für die Sammlungen der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin (1976),
4 [8] fig.; Settgast in Äg. Mus. (1984), fig. on 94 [right]; id. Äg. Mus. (1991), 118-19
[61] pl. on 119; Wildung, Egyptian Art in Berlin 45 fig. 36.
Back pillar with Horus-name, green basalt, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek,
Æ.I.N. 738.
Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 55 [92] pl. 102. See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam.
(1899), 195-6 [A.134]; (1908), 236 [E.145].
Kneeling, bronze, formerly in W. MacGregor colln. and at Sotheby's in 1922, now
in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 1595.
Schäfer in ZÄS xxxiii (1895), 114-16 Taf. vi; Maspero, Hist. anc. iii, 323 fig. [lower];
id. Égypte fig. 535 (as in Cairo Mus.); Schmidt, Levende og Døde figs. 875-6; Sotheby
Sale Cat. (MacGregor), June 26 - July 6, 1922, No. 1311 pl. xxxv; Mogensen, Coll.
ég. 8 [A 18] pl. ix; Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 56 [147] Taf. viii; Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 54 [89] pl. 101 [middle]; id. Eg. Sculpture (1951), 29 fig. 6;
(1962), 32 fig. 7; id. Ægyptisk Billedhuggerkunst (1938), 19 fig. 4; (1951), 24 fig. 4;
Michalowski, Art fig. 597 [middle]. See Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 293 [356, d];
Russmann, Representation 57-8 [2].
Statues and statuettes of Dynasty XXV not identified by texts.
Including sphinxes
Stone and faience.
Head with nemes, blue frit, Dyn. XXV, in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 04.1842.
(Allegedly from Karnak.)
Russmann, Representation 52 [25] fig. 22. See id. in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. x (1968-9),
88 n. 6.
Head of sphinx wearing [nemes], top lost, basalt, Dyn. XXV, in Brooklyn NY,
Brooklyn Museum of Art, 05.316.
Russmann in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. x (1968-9), 101-8 figs. 15, 16 (as probably
Tanutamn); Wenig, S. Africa in Antiquity ii (1978), Cat. No. 81; Bothmer in Apollo
cxv (1982), 223 fig. 4 (as diorite). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 617 (as probably
Ramesside); Russmann, Representation 52 [26].
Head wearing cap crown, probably Sabacon, schist, in Brooklyn NY, Brooklyn
Museum of Art, 60.74.
Russmann in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. x (1968-9), 97-100 figs. 10-12; id. Representation
52-3 [27] fig. 5; Fazzini, Images for Eternity Cat. 90 fig.; Leclant in Vercoutter et al. The
Image of the Black in Western Art i, 92 fig. 72; K.-Th. Z[auzich] in Äg. Kunst ... Brooklyn
No. 65 fig.; L. L[imme] in Égypte Éternelle No. 65 fig.; Wenig, S. Africa in Antiquity ii
(1978), Cat. No. 80; Bothmer in Apollo cxv (1982), 223 fig. 5; R. S. B[ianchi] in
Neferut net Kemit No. 58 fig.; Eggebrecht, Das Alte Ägypten fig. on 108 [right]; Scholz
in Antike Welt 17 (1986), Sondernummer, 43, 45 Abb. 72; Schlögl in Sguaitamatti and
Wieland, Stiftung Koradi/Berger (1989), fig. on 63 [right]; Redford, D. B. Egypt,
Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times pl. 32; Fazzini, R. A. in KMT 4 [4] (1993), fig. on
77 [lower right].
Forehead with plain nemes, faience, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo Mus. CG 760.
Russmann, Representation 53 [28] fig. 23. See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 77.
Head of colossal statue wearing cap crown, red granite, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo Mus.
CG 1291.
Borchardt, Statuen iv, 149 Bl. 174; 5000 ans d'art égyptien. Palais des Beaux-Arts,
Bruxelles, Mars-Juin, 1960, 29 [67] fig. 49; Essen. 5000 Jahre No. 125 Abb.;
Stockholm. 5000 år No. 106 fig.; Vienna. 5000 Jahre No. 164 Abb.; Zürich. 5000
Jahre 72 [193] Abb. 67; Louisiana. 5000 års No. 179 fig.; Russmann, Representation 53
[29] fig. 7 (as probably Shabataka); id. in ARCE Newsletter 147 (Fall 1989), 22-3 [viii]
fig. (as possibly Shabataka); Perc, Spomeniki starega Egipta No. 34 fig.; Wildung and
Grimm, Götter - Pharaonen (Essen), No. 67 fig.; Wenig, S. Africa in Antiquity ii (1978),
51 fig. 25; Donadoni, S. L'Egitto (1981), fig. 5 on 247; Scholz in Antike Welt 17
(1986), Sondernummer, 44 Abb. 55; Russmann and Finn, Egyptian Sculpture. Cairo and
Luxor fig. on 166 [76]; H. W. Müller Archive 41 [I/904; II/2043]. See Bosse, Die
menschliche Figur [etc.], 77 [213].
Head of royal statue wearing cap crown, probably Taharqa, basalt, in Copenhagen,
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 1538.
Mogensen, Coll. ég. 8-9 [A 19] pl. ix (as diorite); Koefoed-Petersen, Ægyptisk
Billedhuggerkunst (1938), 18 pl. 30; (1951), 23-4 pl. 32 (as granite); id. Eg. Sculpture
(1951), 29 pl. 38; (1962), 32 pl. 44 (as granite); id. Cat. des statues 53 [87] pl. 99; Wolf,
Kunst 615 Abb. 625; Woldering, Götter Abb. 94; Franceschi, G. and Johansen, F. Et
hundrede fire og tyve fotografier (1969), pl. 18; Snowden Jr., F. M. Blacks in Antiquity.
Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience fig. 79 (as granite); Luft in Das Altertum 21
(1975), 174 Abb. 14 (as granite); Wenig in Vandersleyen, Das Alte Ägypten 409 Abb.
409; Leclant in Vercoutter et al. The Image of the Black in Western Art i, 98 fig. 82;
Wenig, S. Africa in Antiquity ii (1978), 51 fig. 26 (as granite); Donadoni, S. L'Egitto
(1981), fig. 6 on 247; Fitzenreiter, M. in Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft
zu Berlin e.V. 8 (1998), 13 Abb. 3. See Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 77 [212]
(as diorite); Russmann, Representation 53-4 [30].
Head wearing white crown, probably Taharqa, in Florence, Museo Archeologico,
7656. (Bought in Akhmîm.)
Russmann, Representation 54 [31] fig. 10 (as 7655); H. W. Müller Archive 8 [I/470;
II/1262]. See Leclant in BIFAO xlix (1950), 191 n. 1.
Bust, unfinished, black granite, probably Dyn. XXV, formerly in V. Golenishchev
colln. 3404, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 4978.
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 57 [77] pl. 12 [3]; Pavlov, Egipetskaya skul'ptura 95
pl. 63; id. and Khodzhash, Egipetskaya plastika 16, 103 pl. 11.
Sphinx, small, probably Taharqa, diorite, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 1413.
Golénischeff in Rec. Trav. xv (1893), 136 n. 1 pl. v; Russmann, Representation 55 [33]
fig. 24; Curto, L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), fig. on 277; Donadoni
in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 177 pl. 261 (as basanite). See Orcurti, Cat. i,
64 [19] (as granite); Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 111 [1413].
Head wearing red crown, serpentine, probably Dyn. XXV, at Christie's in 1988.
Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 13, 1988, No. 283 fig.
Head wearing nemes, quartzite, probably Dyn. XXV, at Sotheby's in 1991.
Sotheby Sale Cat. May 23, 1991, No. 142 fig.
Head wearing white crown, quartz, Dyn. XXV, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1988.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 2, 1988, No. 143 fig.
Seated statue of king, unfinished, granite, Dyn. XXV, in private possession in 1998.
A. W[iese] in Page-Gasser, M. and Wiese, A. B. Ägypten. Augenblicke der Ewigkeit
(1997), 223-5 [147] fig.
Kneeling, Dyn. XXV, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 633.
Boufides in Athens Annals of Archaeology iii (1970), 282, 285 fig. 11 []; Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 146 [xlii,
5] fig. (as possibly Taharqa). See Russmann, Representation 59 [5].
Head wearing short wig with crown-base, Dyn. XXV, in Athens, National
Archaeological Museum, 965.
Boufides in Athens Annals of Archaeology iii (1970), 282, 285 fig. 11 []; Russmann,
Representation 59 [6] fig. 25.
Striding with vase in right hand, left forearm and feet lost, Dyn. XXV, formerly in
H. M. Kennard colln. and at Sotheby's in 1912, now in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum,
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 281; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 291 [353, f] Taf. 44 [i].
See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Kennard), July 16-19, 1912, No. 142 [2nd item]; Russmann,
Representation 59 [7].
Kneeling, hands lost, Dyn. XXV, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 35/74.
Neuerwerbungen für die Sammlungen der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin (1976),
4 [9] fig.; Settgast in Äg. Mus. (1984), fig. on 94 [left]; id. Äg. Mus. (1991), 118-19
[61] pl. on 118.
Striding, right foot lost, Dyn. XXV, in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1970.443.
Simpson in The Burlington Magazine cxiv (1972), 238 figs. 43-4; Russmann,
Representation 60 [9] fig. 17; Scholz in Antike Welt 17 (1986), Sondernummer, 52 Abb.
91. Head, Myliwiec, Royal Portraiture 118 pl. xliv [c].
Kneeling, arms partly lost, probably Taharqa (name erased), in Brooklyn NY,
Brooklyn Museum of Art, 69.73.
Russmann in Brooklyn Mus. Ann. xi (1969-70), 151-4 figs. 4-7, cf. p. 78; id.
Representation 60 [10] fig. 16; Bothmer in Apollo cxv (1982), 223 fig. 6 (as Saqqâra);
Scholz in Antike Welt 17 (1986), Sondernummer, 51 Abb. 88 [a-c].
Kneeling, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo Mus. CG 823 (JE 30784).
Von Bissing, Denkmäler, Text to Taf. 60, 61 [1st fig.]; Borchardt, Statuen iii, 113 Bl.
152. See Hofmann, Studien zum meroitischen Königtum 46 cf. Taf. 3 [right] (from
Borchardt) (as Taharqa); Russmann, Representation 61 [12].
Kneeling, probably inscribed on belt, lower arms lost, Dyn. XXV, in Cairo Mus.
Temp. No.
Russmann, Representation 61-2 [13] fig. 20.
Statuette of kneeling king, lower arms and feet lost, bronze, Dyn. XXV, at Sotheby's
in 1974, now in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, E.3.1974.
Sotheby Sale Cat. April 29, 1974, No. 233 pl. xxviii; Butler et al. in The Annual
Reports of the Syndicate and the Friends of the Fitzwilliam 1974, 7 pl. i [lower left] (as
Taharqa); Bourriau, J. in JEA 62 (1976), 147 [19] pl. xxv [2] (as probably Taharqa).
Striding with outstretched arms, Dyn. XXV, in Chicago (Ill.), Oriental Institute
Museum, 13954.
KMT 3 [3] (1992), fig. on 35 [lower right]. See Tindel in The Oriental Institute
1986-87 Annual Report 88.
Kneeling holding vases, Dyn. XXV, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek,
Æ.I.N. 605.
Mogensen, Coll. ég. 9 [A 20] pl. ix (as probably Taharqa); Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des
statues 54 [91] pl. 101 [left] (as Taharqa); Michalowski, Art fig. 597 [left]; Leclant in
Vercoutter et al. The Image of the Black in Western Art i, fig. 109. See Schmidt, Den
Æg. Sam. (1899), 348 [A.401]; (1908), 390-1 [E.406]; Bosse, Die menschliche Figur
[etc.], 55 [144]; Russmann, Representation 62 [15].
Kneeling wearing white crown, arms lost, probably Dyn. XXV, in Hanover,
Kestner-Museum, 1952.109.
Hentzen, A. Erwerbungen des Kestner-Museums Hannover ... 1952-1955 in Hannoversche
Geschichtsblätter N.F. 9 [3] (1955), 5 Abb. 4.
Kneeling, probably Dyn. XXV, in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst,
ÄS 5563.
See Müller, H. W. in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xxi (1970), 186 (as probably Dyn.
XVIII); Staatl. Sammlung (1972), 109 (as probably Dyn. XVIII); (1976), 186.
Striding holding vessel, right foot lost, Dyn. XXV, in Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale,
See Russmann, Representation 66-7 [31].
Kneeling, Dyn. XXV, in Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 47.
Statuette of a striding king, right foot lost, often identified as Taharqa, bronze, in St
Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 731.
Flittner, N. D. Portretnaya statuetka Takharki in Antichnyi portret (Festschrift O.
Waldhauer) (Leningrad, 1929), 7-13 pl. i; Bosse in ZÄS 72 (1936), 131-4 Abb. 1-4;
id. Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 52-3 [135A] Taf. vii [c, d]; Kul'tura i iskusstvo Drevnego
Egipta (1952), 29 and 7th pl.; Mat'e, Iskusstvo (1958), 195 fig. 110; (1970), 177 fig. 85;
Pavlov and Mat'e, Pamyatniki pls. 82-3; Shandrovskaya, V. S. Kul'tura i iskusstvo
Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka [etc.] (1960), fig. on 33; Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegipetskaya
skul'ptura 103-4 [106] fig. 68; Russmann, Representation 65 [25] fig. 19 (as probably
Sabacon); Landa and Lapis, Eg. Antiq. pls. 99, 100; id. Skul'ptura stolits fig. on 28;
Vilímková, M. Staroveký Egypt fig. 47; Donadoni, S. L'Egitto (1981), fig. 4 on 248;
Begelsbacher, B. L. in Karabelnik, M. (ed.), Aus den Schatzkammern Eurasiens.
Meisterwerke antiker Kunst (Kunsthaus Zürich, 29. Januar bis 2. Mai 1993), No. 168 fig.
Upper part, Mat'e, Iskusstvo (1961), 492 fig. 241; Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule fig.
280. Head, Posener, Sauneron and Yoyotte, Dict. civ. fig. on 109. See Golénischeff,
Inventaire 85; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 291 [353, e] (as No. 736).
Kneeling, arms lost, Dyn. XXV, in C. G. Bastis colln., on loan to Brooklyn NY,
Brooklyn Museum of Art, L75.6.6.
Bianchi in Apollo cviii (1978), 153 fig. 1 (as Taharqa); Bothmer in ib. cxv (1982),
223-4 fig. 7 (as probably from Saqqâra); id. in Swan Hall, Antiquities from the Collection
of Christos G. Bastis No. 12 figs. (as probably from Saqqâra); Wenig, S. Africa in
Antiquity ii (1987), Cat. 82 fig. See Bianchi in The Art Gallery. The International
Magazine of Art and Culture xxii [2] (Dec.-Jan. 1979), 103.
Striding, feet probably lost, Dyn. XXV, in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1971.
Hôtel Drouot Sale Cat. June 17, 1971, No. 71 pl. iii. See Russmann, Representation
67 [32].
Statuette of king striding, holding [staff] in right hand, bronze, probably Dyn. XXV,
in New York - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 2001.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Special Edition [etc.], xii (Jan. 2001), No.
337 figs. on 113 [left and lower right].
Statuette of king striding, holding [staff] in left hand, bronze, probably Dyn. XXV,
in New York - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 2001.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Special Edition [etc.], xii (Jan. 2001), No.
337 fig. on 113 [upper right].
Kneeling holding vases, Dyn. XXV, in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., in
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 9, 1981, No. 116 fig.
Striding, probably Dyn. XXV, in Beverly Hills (Calif.), Superior Galleries, in 1993.
Superior Galleries. Fine Antiquities Auction. June 8-9, 1993, No. 385 fig. (as
Statuette of kneeling king, arms lost, bronze, Dyn. XXV, in private possession in
Belgium in 1991.
R. T[efnin] in Van Nijl tot Schelde Cat. 246 fig.; Gubel, E. Egypte thuis No. 98 fig.
Psammetikhos I (Wehebre)
Kneeling, 'beloved of Re-Harakhti', head, arms and parts of legs lost, grey granite,
in Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet, AA.b.211.
Mogensen, Inscr. hiéro. 6 [right] pl. ix [10, 11] (as basalt); Buhl in Fra Nationalmuseets
Arbejdsmark (1952), 80 fig. 2; Müller, H. W. in ZÄS 80 (1955), 55 Abb. 1 [b];
Russmann in MMJ 8 (1973), 42 fig. 6. Text, Schmidt, Østerlandske Indskrifter 7-8 pl.
ii [2]; Piehl, Inscr. hiéro. 1 Sér. xcii [M] (as sandstone). See Schmidt, Textes hiéro. 20
[C.4] (as sandstone); Guide. Oriental and Classical Antiquity (1950), 26 [32].
Upper part of kneeling statue, grey granite, in London, British Museum, EA 600.
(Moved here from Bibl. ii2.289.) (Lower part in Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum,
20950, Bibl. iv.3.)
Text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 2 Ser. 40 [C] (as Apries). See id. Eg. Antiq. 97 (as Apries);
Guide (Sculpture), 222 [801] (as from Karnak); Leahy, A. in GM 80 (1984), 62 [I, 1, a].
Head wearing white crown, with Horus-name on back pillar, faience, in Paris,
Musée National du Louvre, N.822.
See Boreux, Guide ii, 557.
Small sphinx, front part lost, formerly in Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 1394
(now lost).
Spiegelberg, Ausgewählte Kunst-Denkmäler der aegyptischen Sammlung ... Strassburg 24
[48] Taf. xiii Abb. 12, 13.
Necho II (Weemebre)
Kneeling with vases, 'beloved of Neith', dedicated by Teherenir(t)(?) Tr-n-jr(t)(?)
, son of Pedeatum P3-dj-jtm
and Tashapertirt T3-š3-prt-jrt
, bronze, in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1970.637.
Simpson in The Burlington Magazine cxiv (1972), 241 n. 11 fig. 45; Dunham in Boston
Mus. Bull. lxx (1972), 18 fig. 11; Haynes, J. Padihershef. The Egyptian Mummy 41 [11]
fig. See Simpson in 95th Annual Report 1970-1, 47.
Necho (probably II)
Kneeling with [an object], bronze, formerly in J. Brummer and The Kevorkian
Foundation collns., in New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc., in 1949 and at
Sotheby's in 1970, now in Brooklyn NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 71.11.
The Notable Art Collection Belonging to the Estate of the Late Joseph Brummer (Parke-Bernet Galleries Inc., New York, 1949), ii, No. 22 fig.; Sotheby Sale Cat. (Kevorkian),
Dec. 8, 1970, No. 15 fig.; Fazzini, Images for Eternity Cat. 98 figs.; K[ari]g in Äg. Kunst
... Brooklyn No. 71 fig.; H. D[e] M[eulenaere] in Égypte Éternelle No. 71 fig. See
Brooklyn Mus. Ann. xii (1970-1), 21.
Statuette of Necho (probably II) kneeling with [an object], bronze, formerly in G.
Posno colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1883, now in Philadelphia PA, The
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, E 13004.
Aldred, C. in JEA 42 (1956), 6-7 pl. ii [9]; Yoyotte in Supplément au Dictionnaire de
la Bible vi, 366 fig. 608; Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 50-1 [43] pl. 40 [95-6]; Levin, K. in AJA
68 (1964), 20, 22, 25 pl. 7 [8]; Clayton, P. A. Chronicle of the Pharaohs fig. on 196
[upper]; E. R. R[ussmann] in Silverman, D. P. (ed.), Searching for Ancient Egypt (1997),
Cat. 31 fig. See Antiquités égyptiennes ... Collection de M. Gustave Posno (1874), No.
54; Hôtel Drouot Sale Cat. May 22-6, 1883, No. 54.
Psammetikhos II (Neferebre)
Sphinx, headless, 'beloved of Osiris foremost of wt-bjt (Sais)', black granite, in
Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.104.
Steindorff, Cat. 48-9 [142] pls. xviii, cxiii.
Fragment, Thoth, probably from back of throne of seated statue of Psammetikhos II,
greywacke, formerly in A. Sambon colln. and in Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, in 1914,
then at Sotheby's in 1978, in New York, E. H. Merrin Gallery, in 1978, now in Dallas
TX, Museum of Fine Arts, 1979.1. (From the same statue as 800-826-900.)
Catalogue des Objets d'Art ... Arthur Sambon (Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, May 25-8,
1914), No. 7 [2nd item] and pl. facing 10 [upper left] (as black stone); Sotheby Sale Cat.
April 10, 1978, No. 297 pl. xxxii (as schist); Apollo cviii [202] (Dec. 1978),
Advertisements, fig. on 3; Baines, J. Fecundity Figures (1985), 243-4 fig. 143 [a] (as
black basalt).
Head wearing blue crown, green schist, in Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, 438.
Chamoux, F. in Rev. Arch. 6 Sér. xxvi (1946), 141 figs. 3, 4; Pritchard, Anc. Near
East fig. 425; Müller, H. W. in ZÄS 80 (1955), 56, 61, 62 Taf. vi; Montet, Lives of the
Pharaohs fig. on 257; Aldred in Leclant, L'Égypte du crépuscule 144-5 fig. 125;
Dewachter, Collections égyptiennes de l'Institut de France 22 [4] figs. 6, 7; id. and Davoli,
P. J.-F. Champollion e il contributo italiano alla riscoperta dell'antico Egitto (Rimini, Museo
della Citta, 24 agosto - 28 settembre 1991), No. 20 fig.; Domínguez, A. in Historia 16,
xv [178] (Feb. 1991), fig. on 82 [lower]; Josephson, J. A. in MDAIK 48 (1992), 94
Taf. 16 [a]; id. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 6 n. 41 pl. 2 [c]
(as greywacke); H. W. Müller Archive 23 [II/711-15]. See *Catalogue itinéraire 6th
ed. 60; Aubert in Chron. d'Ég. xlii (1967), 290-1 cf. fig. 1 [J] (as No. 437); L'Institut
de France dans le monde actuel (Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, 6 mai - 20 juillet 1986),
324-6 [64-5].
Striding, head, left forearm, left leg and feet modern or reworked, green basalt, in
Paris, Musée National du Louvre, N.830.
Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 53 [137] Taf. vii; Carotti, L'Arte 268-9 fig. 300 (as
Psammetikhos I); de Montgon, A. L'Égypte fig. on 114; Cornfeld, Adam to Daniel fig.
on 462 [left]; Marburg Inst. photos. 48788-9; H. W. Müller Archive 21 [II/666-9] (as
greywacke). Upper part or head, Müller, H. W. in Studi Rosellini ii, 215 Taf. xxvi
[a] (as greywacke); Dolzani, La sfinge egiziana del Castello di Miramar (Trieste), 5 fig. 8;
Leclant in Mémoires d'Égypte. Hommage de l'Europe à Champollion fig. on 21. Back
pillar, Müller, H. W. in ZÄS 80 (1955), 56 Abb. 1 [d]. See Champollion, Notice
descriptive des monumens égyptiens au Musée Charles X. (1827), 59 [D.59] (as
Psammetikhos I); Pierret, Cat. No. 29; Boreux, Guide ii, 470; Vandier, Guide (1948),
79; (1952), 80; (1973), 151.
Fragment of seat with head of Nile-god and cartouche of Nefer[eb]re in relief, black
granite, in Rome, Museo Lapidario Paoliano.
Grenier in Monumenti Musei e Gallerie Pontificie. Bollettino ix (1989), 5-8 [1] fig. 1.
Fragment, two Nile gods (fecundity figures) (only head and upper arm of one of
them) binding [sma symbol], with cartouches of Psammetikhos II, probably from left
side of throne of seated statue of Psammetikhos II, greywacke, formerly in A. Sambon
colln. and in Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, in 1914, then at Sotheby's in 1978 and in
J. T. Whatley colln. in 1985. (From the same statue as 800-826-180.)
Catalogue des Objets d'Art ... Arthur Sambon (Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, May 25-8,
1914), No. 7 [1st item] and pl. facing 10 [upper, 2nd from right] (as black stone);
Sotheby Sale Cat. April 10, 1978, No. 298 pl. xxxii (as schist); Baines, J. Fecundity
Figures (1985), 243-4 fig. 143 [b] (as black basalt).
Sphinx, headless, 'beloved of Osiris foremost of wt-bjt (Sais)', schist.
Text, Wilbour MSS. 2 L, 20 [top and middle]; Daressy MSS. E.30 [10].
Apries (Haaebre Wehebre)
Sphinx, front part lost, 'beloved of Wert-hekau', diorite, in Cairo Mus. CG 748.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 72-3 Bl. 138.
Small sphinx holding [object], with cartouches and spurious text, bronze, formerly
in Comte de Caylus colln., now in Paris, Musée National du Louvre, N.515.
De Caylus, Recueil i, 44-7 [i] pls. xiii [i], xiv; Maspero, Hist. anc. iii, fig. on 542.
See Pierret, Cat. No. 267; Gauthier, Livre des Rois iv, 112; Boreux, Guide ii, 384-5.
Left front leg and paw of a sphinx, basalt, formerly in R. Withofs colln. and at
Sotheby's (New York) in 1998, then in C. Michailidis colln. in 2000.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 4, 1998, No. 73 figs.
Head and right shoulder, wearing bag wig, with dedication of a Hereditary prince,
etc. on back pillar, basalt, in private possession in Lissone in the 1980s.
Lise, Medicina dell'Antico Egitto figs. on 14, 15.
Amasis (Khnemebre)
Two fragments of headless sphinx of Amasis, in Alexandria, Graeco-Roman
Museum, 11235, 11290.
See De Meulenaere, H. in JEA 54 (1968), 184 n. 3; Leahy, A. in GM 80 (1984), 66
[v, 5].
Kneeling with vases, bronze, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 35.9.3.
Bull in MMA Bull. xxx (1935), 144-5 fig. 5; Bowlin, A. C. and Farwell, B. Small
Sculptures in Bronze fig. on 15 [upper right]; De Wit in Chron. d'Ég. xxxviii (1963), 212
fig. 7; Scott, Eg. Statuettes No. 32 fig.
Nepheritis I (Baenre-merinetjeru)
Sphinx, 'beloved of Ptah south of his wall, lord of Ankhtaui' and 'Sokari-Osiris lord
of Shetyt', basalt, formerly in Rome, Villa Borghese, now in Paris, Musée National du
Louvre, A 26 [N.26]. (Probably from the Memphite area and found in Rome.)
Herwart von Hohenburg, Thesaurus Hieroglyphicorum [etc.], 18th pl. [27]; Kircher,
Oedipus Aegyptiacus iii, 469-71 figs.; de Clarac, Musée de sculpture ii, pl. 246 [right, 405]
Texte ii, 830; v, pl. 1000 [2595 E] Texte v, 308; Roullet, Eg. ... Monuments ... Rome
134-5 [284] pls. cci-cciii [294-7 upper, 298 upper], cciv [299]; Desroches Noblecourt,
La Crypte de l'Osiris fig. on 1; Jaeger in Morigi Govi, C. et al. (eds.), L'Egitto fuori
dell'Egitto 237-8 figs. 4, 5; Vittozzi, S. E. Musei Capitolini. La Collezione Egizia 13 fig.
5 [upper]; Donadoni et al. Egypt from Myth to Egyptology fig. on 57 [middle] (from
Codex Ursinianus); C. Z[iegler] in Egyptomania. L'Égypte dans l'art occidental 1730-1930
Cat. 30 figs.; id. in Andreu, G. et al. L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre (1997), 198-9 fig.
[lower right]; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C.
3 n. 27, 29 pl. 1 [c]; H. W. Müller Archive 21 [II/703-7; IV/20 (27, 31)]. Text,
Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 1; Wilkinson MSS. vii. 89 [top], xx. M. 8 [left middle]; Gardiner
Notebook, 71, p. 20 [top]. See de Clarac, Description des antiques du Musée Royal
(1820), 150 [350]; de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 24; Boreux, Guide i, 39;
Vandier, Guide (1973), 39.
Achoris (Khnemmaetre)
Kneeling, small, lower part, blue-glazed limestone, formerly in W. J. Loftie colln.,
now in London, British Museum, EA 24247.
See Wiedemann, Ägyptische Geschichte 698 n. 8; Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 89.
Sphinx, 'beloved of Sokari-Osiris lord of Shetyt' and of '[Ptah lord of] Ankhtaui and
Tatanen', basalt, formerly in Rome, Villa Borghese, now in Paris, Musée National du
Louvre, A 27 [N.27]. (Probably from the Memphite area and found in Rome.)
Boissard, J. J. Romanae urbis topographiae & antiquitatum romanarum [etc.], iii (1597), pl.
100; de Montfaucon, B. L'Antiquité expliquée [etc.], ii (1719), pl. cxxix [3-5] (from
Boissard); de Clarac, Musée de sculpture ii, pl. 246 [left, 405] Texte ii, 830; v, pl. 1000
[2595 E] Texte v, 308; von Bissing, Denkmäler ii, Taf. 70; Roullet, Eg. ... Monuments
... Rome 135 [285] pls. cci [293], cciii [298, lower], cciv-ccvi [300-4]; Pope, M. The
Story of Decipherment 82 fig. on 2-3 and fig. 43; Vittozzi, S. E. Musei Capitolini. La
Collezione Egizia 13 fig. 5 [lower]; Donadoni et al. Egypt from Myth to Egyptology fig.
on 57 [bottom] (from Codex Ursinianus); Gabolde, M. and Gatier, P.-L. in Cercle
lyonnais d'égyptologie Victor Loret 5 (1991), 42-5, 57-61 figs. 2-9 (from various
manuscript sources); C. Z[iegler] in Egyptomania. L'Égypte dans l'art occidental 1730-1930 Cat. 29 figs.; id. in Andreu, G. et al. L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre (1997), 198-9
fig. [lower left]; Geoffroy, B. in Archéologia 299 (March 1994), fig. on 33 [upper];
Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 3 n. 27, 29 pl.
1 [d]; H. W. Müller Archive 21 [II/708-10; IV/20 (11, 12)]. Head, Schweitzer in
BIFAO l (1952), 129 pl. iii [1] (probably from von Bissing); Müller, H. W. in Studi
Rosellini ii, 209, 214 Taf. xxvi [b]; Curto in Oriens Antiquus vi (1967), 84-5 Tav. xxix
[1]. Text, Kircher, Oedipus Aegyptiacus iii, 469, 471-3 figs.; detail, Jaeger in Morigi
Govi, C. et al. (eds.), L'Egittto fuori dell'Egitto 238 fig. 6. Cartouches, Wilkinson
MSS. vii. 88 [top right]. See de Clarac, Description des antiques du Musée Royal (1820),
150 [350]; de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 24; Boreux, Guide i, 39; Vandier,
Guide (1973), 39.
Nektanebos I (Nekhtnebef) (Kheperkare)
Sphinxes, see below
Sculptor's model (no head, arms or lower legs), in Paris, Musée National du Louvre,
E. H[aslauer] in Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 195 fig.
Head wearing white crown, red granite, formerly in A. Mauduit, Flandrin, Mme. F.
Flameng and L. Allez collns., in Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, in 1919 and Hôtel
Drouot in 1972, now in Paris, Musée National du Louvre, E.27124.
Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens (Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, 26-7 May, 1919), No.
189 fig.; Vandier in La Revue du Louvre 23 (1973), 112-13 [4] figs. 14 [a-c]; *Hôtel
Drouot Sale Cat. June 28, 1972, No. 197 pls.; Berman, L. M. and Letellier, B. Pharaohs.
Treasures of Egyptian Art from the Louvre 84-5 [26] figs.; Josephson, J. A. Egyptian Royal
Sculpture of the Late Period 400-246 B.C. 7-8, 13 n. 46, 83 pl. 2 [d]. See Wiedemann,
Ägyptische Geschichte (1884), 718 n. 4 (as Manduit and Nektanebos II); Gauthier, Livre
des Rois iv, 189 n. 2; Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 92; La Revue du Louvre 22 (1972), 539;
Vandier, Guide (1973), 135.
Head, arms and lower legs lost, black granite, in Vatican, Museo Gregoriano Egizio,
Botti and Romanelli, Le Sculture del Museo Gregoriano Egizio 10-11 [21] Tav. xii (as
No. 13); Nolli in The Vatican. Spirit and Art of Christian Rome (1982), fig. on 205;
Rosati and Buranelli, Les Égyptiens et les Étrusques. Musées du Vatican 26 [27] fig.;
Grenier, Museo Gregoriano Egizio (1993), 51 [V.II] Tav. 15; H. W. Müller Archive 24
[I/335; II/1026]. Text, Wiedemann in Rec. Trav. vi (1885), 118 [B.1]; Piehl, Inscr.
hiéro. 1 Sér. xxvii [B]; Marucchi, Museo Egizio 48-9 [25] (as Nektanebos II).
Cartouches, Wilkinson MSS. xxiii. 49 [middle right]. See Marucchi, Guide du
Musée Égyptien du Vatican (1927), 18 [26] (as Nektanebos II).
Upper part, head and arms lost, '[beloved of] Osiris 'who inundates [the Two
Banks(?), the Great] God in Busiris(?)', basalt, at Sotheby's in 1996 and Sotheby's
(New York) in 1998.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 2, 1996, No. 65 figs.; Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 4,
1998, No. 67 figs. (as granite).
Headless, 'beloved of Amun-Re (of) Djeseriset (Medînet Habu)', sandstone, in Cairo
Mus. CG 661. (Probably from Medînet Habu.)
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 9 Bl. 121. See Biedenkopf-Ziehner and Thissen in Enchoria
iii (1973), 51.
'Beloved of Amun', sandstone, in Paris, Musée National du Louvre, A 29.
Archives phot. E.848; H. W. Müller Archive 21 [II/663-5] (as from Karnak). See
de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 25 (as Nektanebos II); Gauthier, Livre des Rois
iv, 189 n. 3.
800-858-900 and 800-858-901
Two, 'beloved of Amun' and 'Sekhmet', granite, in park at Châteauneuf-sur-Loire.
Biedenkopf-Ziehner and Thissen in Enchoria iii (1973), 47-51 Taf. 5, 6 Abb. 1-6.
Nektanebos II (Nekht-harhebi) (Senedjemebre-setepenamun/inheret)
Fragment of right foot, probably Nektanebos II, dark granite, in Cairo Mus. CG
Text, Borchardt, Statuen iv, 50.
Seated god protecting Nektanebos II (both headless), black granite, in London,
British Museum, EA 1421.
Yorke and Leake in Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom
i, Pt. i (1827), pl. v [13] (repr. as Remarks on some Egyptian Monuments in England);
Long, Eg. Antiq. ii, 38 [70] fig. on 40 [lower]; Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 68
[183A] Taf. x [d]; Wolf, Kunst 625 Abb. 653; Holm-Rasmussen in Hafnia. Copenhagen
Papers in the History of Art 10 (1985), 9-13 figs. 1a, 1b, 2, 4; H. W. Müller Archive 15
[II/594] (as 70?). See Sharpe, Eg. Antiq. 107 [70] (as basalt); Guide (Sculpture), 247
[921]; Guide, Eg. Collns. (1930), 395.
Head wearing atef-crown, king or Osiris, black granite, formerly in V. Golenishchev
colln. 3248, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 5738.
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 3 [4] pl. x [4].
Head wearing nemes, grey granite, formerly in M. Nahman colln., in Paris, Hôtel
Drouot, in 1953, and in New York - Beverly Hills, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1985.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. A Guide for the Collector and Investor iv
(1985), No. 425 fig. See Paris, Hôtel Drouot. Succession de Mr Maurice Nahman, 4-5
Juin, 1953, No. 14.
Statue of hawk (headless) protecting Nektanebos II 'beloved of Imhotep, son of
Ptah', basalt, formerly in M. Varille colln. and at Christie's in 1995, now in Munich,
Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS 7152. (Probably from Mît Rahîna.)
Tresson in Kêmi iv (1931), 144-9 pl. vii [a]; Wildung, Imhotep und Amenhotep 46 [22]
Taf. viii [left]; id. in Grimm, A. et al. Pharao. Kunst und Herrschaft im alten Ägypten
(1997), 166 [124] fig. on 167; Christie Sale Cat. July 5, 1995, No. 67 fig.; Dec. 13,
1995, No. 101 fig.