Objects of Provenance Not Known: Statues
Jaromir Malek, Diana Magee and Elizabeth Miles
Non-royal statues. NK: Man standing, seated, and seated on the ground
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© Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Standing or striding.
Man, front of kilt, left leg and part of base lost, light green speckled stone, probably late Dyn. XVIII, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.66.
Steindorff, Cat. 44 [120] pl. xxxv.
Tjaytjay T3jj-t3jj, Greatest of the five in the temple of Thoth, First
prophet of Horus lord of Hebnu, etc., hard green stone, on limestone pedestal, temp.
Amenophis III, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 17021. (Acquired in Cairo.)
Schäfer, Grundlagen der ägyptischen Rundbildnerei [etc.] in Der Alte Orient 23 [4] (1923), Abb. 10; id. in ZÄS 58 (1923), 144 Abb. v, vi; id. Von äg. Kunst (1930), Taf. 48; (1963), Taf. 47; Eng. ed. Principles of Egyptian Art pls. 86-7; id. and Andrae, Kunst (1925), 607 Abb. 330 [l]; (1930), 642 Abb. 342 [l]; (1942), 669 Abb. 342 [l]; Borchardt, Allerhand Kleinigkeiten 20 [6] Bl. 9 [2]; Hornemann, Types i, pl. 113; Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 73-4 [779] Abb. (as end of Dyn. XVIII or beginning of Dyn. XIX); Altenmüller in Menschenbild No. 24 fig. (as end of Dyn. XVIII or beginning of Dyn. XIX); B. M. B[ryan] in Kozloff et al. Egypt's Dazzling Sun 45, 79, 118-19, 120, 241, 245, 250, 438, 465, 471 Cat. 42 figs.; Grimm, A. et al. Pharao. Kunst und Herrschaft im alten Ägypten (1997), 43 [29] fig. Text, Aeg. Inschr. ii, 60. See Scharff in OLZ xxxii (1929), 811; Vandier, Manuel iii, 649.
Neferweben Nfr-wbn, Governor of the Town and Vizier, etc., head and feet
lost, with cartouches of Tuthmosis III, red granite, in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts,
Dunham in JEA xv (1929), 164-5 pl. xxxii. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 650.
Menkheperrasonb Mn-pr-r -snb , First prophet of Amun, head and
lower legs lost, with cartouche of Tuthmosis III, red granite, temp. Tuthmosis III, in
Brooklyn Museum, 36.613. (Bought in Alexandria and allegedly from el-Badrashein,
but more likely from Karnak.)
Fazzini, R. A. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.), Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson i, 209-25 figs. 1-4. Text, James, Corpus i, 83 [192] pl. l.
Merneptah Mr-n-pt, King's son (probably of Ramesses II, future king),
lower part, probably temp. Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. CG 750 (JE 28038).
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 73 Bl. 139 (text) (as probably queen); Vandier, Manuel iii, 620 pl. cxxxvi [3] (as queen). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 905 [366]; vii, 438.
Sety Sthjj, King's son of his body (of Ramesses II), middle part, temp.
Ramesses II, in Cairo Mus. JE 35350.
Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xxiv (1902), 161 [cxciii]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 900 [357, B]; iv, 82 [48, B]; vii, 438, 447.
Paser P3-sr, Governor of the Town and Vizier, etc. (Theb. tb. 106), son of
Nebneteru Nb-ntrw
Tenry Tnrj
and Merytre Mrjjt-r
, head and feet lost, with text mentioning Amun-Re, Thoth, etc.,
diorite, temp. Sethos I to Ramesses II, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek,
Æ.I.N. 50.
Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 36 [60], 81-2 pls. 72-5 (as black granite); De Meulenaere and MacKay, P. Mendes II, 196 [41] pl. 17 [a] (as black granite); Jørgensen, M. in Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 53 (1997), 19 fig. 17; id. Egypt II (1550-1080 B.C.). Catalogue. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 208-9 [80] fig. Text, Wilbour, Statue of Pa-Ur, XVIII Dyn. (after Canalizing the Cataract) (Cairo, 1890), 4 cf. 3 (as found near Tell el-Rub) = Varia Aegyptiaca 4 (1988), 259-60; Koefoed-Petersen, Rec. inscr. 12 [50]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 21 [13], 34 [46]; vii, 439; Wilbour MSS. 2 L, 5-6 (as found near Tell el-Rub). Names and titles of Paser and father, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2089. See Schmidt, Den. Æg. Sam. (1899), 98-100 [A.67]; (1908), 142-4 [E.76] (both as granite); Capart (ed.), Travels in Egypt [December 1880 to May 1891]. Letters of Charles Edwin Wilbour 575 (as found at Mendes = Tell el-Rub); Vandier, Manuel iii, 666 (as black granite).
Seneb-nebef Snb-nb.f, Brewer, headless, dedicated by son Paser P3-sr
, probably 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Florence, Museo Archeologico,
6331. (Acquired in Luxor.)
See Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 462-3 [1718] (text) (suggests from Abydos).
Parahirwenemef P3-r -r-wnm.f, King's son (of Ramesses II), First
charioteer of His Majesty, head, left shoulder and arm, and lower legs lost, with
cartouches of Ramesses II, quartzite, temp. Ramesses II, formerly in Vicomte Bernard
d'Hendecourt colln. and at Sotheby's in 1929, now in Glasgow, Burrell Collection,
Sotheby Sale Cat. (d'Hendecourt), May 8-10, 1929, No. 11 fig. (as granite and Ramesses II); The Scottish Art Review ii [4] (1949), fig. on 30 [right]; Thomson, J. K. in JEA 73 (1987), 220-4 pls. xvi, xvii fig. 1; Schmidt, H. C. and Willeitner, J. Nefertari, Gemahlin Ramses' II. 19 Abb. 22. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. vii, 104 [435, F], 463. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 631 [C, N.E. III] (as granite and Ramesses II).
Nude boy, steatite, probably late Dyn. XVIII, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1990/4.3.
See Raven and Schneider in OMRO 71 (1991), 157 [b.3].
Neferronpet Nfr-rnpt, Governor of the Town and Vizier, etc., head, feet and
much of arms lost, possibly holding a standard, granite, Dyn. XIX-XX, formerly
in R. de Rustafjaell colln. and at Sotheby's in 1906, now in Brit. Mus. EA 909.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (de Rustafjaell), Dec. 19-21, 1906, No. 82 (probably) pl. ix [7]. Text, erný Notebook 52, p. 24 [upper]. See Guide (Sculpture), 239 [877] (as Dyn. XXVI).
Kasa Ks, Real royal scribe, General, Dyn. XIX, in Brit. Mus. EA 33932.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 652.
Man, grey stone (steatite?), probably Dyn. XIX, in Brit. Mus. EA 63582.
S. S[mith] in Brit. Mus. Quarterly vii (1932-3), 47-8 pl. xx [b].
Paser P3-sr, First prophet of Amun, lower part, with text mentioning Amun,
black granite, probably temp. Ramesses II, formerly in N. P. Likhachev colln., now
in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 18111.
Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegipetskaya skul'ptura 82-3 [77] pl. ii fig. 49. See Perepelkin, Yu. Ya. Opisanie vstavki "Pismennost' drevnego mira i rannego srednevekov'ya" (1936), 16 [xvii].
R... R[...], Governor of the Town and Vizier, etc., headless, black stone,
mid- to late Dyn. XVIII, in Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 184.
Hepu pw, Third lector-priest of Amun, dedicated by son Hepusonb pw-snb
, First prophet of Amun (Theb. tb. 67), with text mentioning Amun-Re
lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, diorite, temp. Hatshepsut, in Turin, Museo
Egizio, Cat. 3061.
Vandier, Manuel iii, 681, pl. cxxxviii [2] (as grey granite); Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 153, 154 pl. 224. Text, Newberry in PSBA xxii (1900), 148-51 [18]; Sethe, Urk. iv. 469-70 [150]; Devéria squeezes, 6167, ii. 128. See Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 420; Farina, Il Regio Museo (1931), 11 [34]; (1938), 11.
Man, early Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3098.
Petrie Ital. photo. 111 [right]. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 191 [5]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 426.
Man, with wife Esinefert 3st-nfr(t) and sons sketched on sides of back pillar,
Dyn. XIX-XX, formerly in M. Abemayor colln., in New York, Sotheby Parke
Bernet, in 1976 and at Christie's (Tokyo) in 1980.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1976, No. 222 figs. (as si); Christie's at the Hotel Okura, Tokyo. Sale Cat. Feb. 16-17, 1980, Part ii, No. 646 fig.
Man, inscribed, lower legs lost, diorite, mid-Dyn. XVIII, at Christie's (New York) in 1994.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. June 10, 1994, No. 38 fig. (name as Iuy).
Mahuy Mjj, Fan-bearer, with raised arms, feet lost, late Dyn. XVIII or
early Dyn. XIX, formerly in H. Hoffmann colln.
Legrain, Collection H. Hoffmann. Cat. des antiquités égyptiennes (1894), No. 38 pl. vii.
Amenhotep Jmn-tp, feet lost, with text mentioning altar of Amun at Karnak, black granite, end of Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, formerly in A. Vecht colln., at Christie's in 1967, Sotheby's in 1969 and in New York - Beverly Hills - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1997.
Cohen, D. in Bull. Antieke Beschaving vi [2] (1931), 5-6 [5] fig. 5; Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 12, 1967, No. 199 figs.; Apollo lxxxvi [70] (Dec. 1967), Advertisements, fig. on xviii [lower left]; Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities ix (Jan. 1997), No. 160 fig. (as granodiorite). See Tentoonstelling ... Amsterdam ... 1931, No. 286 (as woman); Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 1, 1969, No. 53.
Man, Dyn. XIX, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 801.
See Ausf. Verz. 144; Vandier, Manuel iii, 647.
Man wearing 'military' kilt, feet lost, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 10269.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 110 (as Dyn. XVIII); Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 73 [777] Abb.; Grimm, A. et al. Pharao. Kunst und Herrschaft im alten Ägypten (1997), 47 [33] fig. (as from Thebes); Marburg Inst. photo. 626133. See Ausf. Verz. 143 (as Dyn. XVIII); Vandier, Manuel iii, 648.
Man, New Kingdom, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 10716.
See Ausf. Verz. 144; Vandier, Manuel iii, 648.
Man wearing 'military' kilt, holding whip(?), probably temp. Amenophis III, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 14134.
Hornemann, Types i, pl. 208; Vandier, Manuel iii, 648 pl. cxxxix [3]; Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 53-4 [554a] Abb.; Guter, J. Das schöne Buch der ägyptischen Weisheit fig. on 30; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 128 fig.; Marburg Inst. photo. 626132. See Ausf. Verz. 143.
Man wearing 'military' kilt, left foot and lower right leg lost, temp. Amenophis III, in Brooklyn Museum, 57.64.
B. F[ay] in Egypt's Golden Age No. 197 fig.; Kozloff in Cleveland Mus. Bull. 71 (1984), 17 figs. 4, 5.
Baref B3 rf , 'Excellent spirit', late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX,
formerly in Cardinal L. Lambruschini and Baron E. de Meester de Ravestein collns.,
now in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.4139.
Capart, Monuments égyptiens du Musée de Bruxelles in Annales de la Société royale d'archéologie de Bruxelles xiv (1900) [Fasc. 1 of reprint], 9-13 pls. vi, vii (as Dyn. XIX-XX and probably from Deir el-Medîna); id. Documents i, 28-9 pl. 39; Burlington Cat. (1922), 105 [9] pl. xiv [right]; Dep. ég. Album pl. 55. Text, Speleers, Rec. inscr. 62 [259] (as Dyn. XIX). See E. de Meester de Ravestein, Musée de Ravestein i, No. 64; Vandier, Manuel iii, 654 (as 4132); Demarée, The 3 ir n R-Stelae 161-2 [C 5] (as probably from Thebes).
Nebdjefau Nb-df3w, Servant in the Place of Truth, Dyn. XIX, in Budapest, Szépmvészeti Múzeum, 81.15. (Probably from Deir el-Medîna.)
See Varga, E. in BSFÉ 131 (1994), 26-7.
Man, part of head and lower legs lost, probably temp. Amenophis III or a little later, in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, EGA.4505.1943.
Man, feet lost, ebony inlaid with glass, temp. Amenophis III, in Cleveland (Ohio), Cleveland Museum of Art, 1983.98.
Kozloff in Cleveland Mus. Bull. 71 (1984), 16-22 figs. 1-3, 15, 16 and 67 [6] fig.; id. in ARCE Newsletter 125 (Spring 1984), 5 fig. on 8th p. after 5; B. M. B[ryan] in Kozloff et al. Egypt's Dazzling Sun 194, 465 Cat. 48 figs.; Berman, L. M. Catalogue of Egyptian Art 236-7 [169] figs.
May Mjj, dedicated by mother Kiy Kjj
, probably temp. Amenophis III,
formerly in Comte d'Hauterive colln., now in The Hague, Rijksmuseum
Meermanno-Westreenianum, Inv. 76/124.
Byvanck, A. W. Gids voor de bezoekers van het Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum i (1912), 82-3 [76] pl. xi; Hornemann, Types i, pl. 209; Boddens Hosang, De Egyptische verzameling van Baron von Westreenen 96 pl. 48 and col. pl. 48 (as Dyn. XVIII or XIX). Text, Spiegelberg, Die aegyptische Sammlung des Museum-Meermanno-Westreenianum im Haag 12 [III, 1]. See Duchesne Aîné and Dubois, Catalogue des estampes ... le Comte d'Hauterive (Paris, April 2-11, 1832), No. 435.
Userhetre Wsr-3t-r Usert Wsr-3t
, with text mentioning
Amun-Re in Thebes, late Dyn. XVIII, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden,
Inv. AH.212.
Boeser, Beschreibung xii, 4-5 [24] Taf. viii; Bremmer, Eg. kunst No. 46 (as Dyn. XIX). See Leemans, Descr. rais. 55 [D. 63]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 154 [351]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 670.
Man, probably temp. Amenophis III, formerly in Comte de Pourtalès-Gorgier and Lord Amherst collns. and at Sotheby's in 1921, now in Lisbon, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Inv. 121A.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 384 pl. xi; Anc. Eg. Sculpture ... Gulbenkian 7 [9] pls. xi [right], xii [right]; Eg. Sculpture ... Gulbenkian 20 [10] fig. on 50; Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Catalogue (1989), 22 [12] fig. on 167; Assam, M. H. Arte egípcia Cat. 12 fig. on 57. See Dubois, J. J. Description des Antiques ... Pourtalès-Gorgier (1841), No. 919; Vente de la Galerie Pourtales. Catalogue des objets d'art (Feb. 6 - March 21, 1865), No. 946; Museu Calouste Gulbenkian. Roteiro 1 (1969), No. 12.
Turi Trj, head, right arm and lower legs lost, probably Dyn. XIX, in
Liverpool, Liverpool Museum, M.13650.
Bienkowski, P. and Tooley, A. M. J. Gifts of the Nile. Ancient Egyptian Arts and Crafts in Liverpool Museum pl. 119.
Man, right hand lost, with son in relief next to left leg, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Brit. Mus. EA 2319.
Hall, H. R. in JEA xvi (1930), 39 pl. xii. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 651.
Man, left arm, right forearm and lower legs with base lost, late Dyn. XVIII, in Brit. Mus. EA 2322.
Hall, H. R. in JEA xvi (1930), 40 pl. xiv [3, 4]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 651.
Man, temp. Amenophis III, in Brit. Mus. EA 32748.
Hall, H. R. in JEA xvi (1930), 40 pl. xiii [3, 5]; Kozloff in Cleveland Mus. Bull. 71 (1984), 20 figs. 8-11. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 652.
Man, right arm and left forearm lost, temp. Amenophis III, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 13.182.4.
Kozloff in Cleveland Mus. Bull. 71 (1984), 20 figs. 12-14.
Piay Pjj3jj, Doorkeeper of the palace, early Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, N.502
Heuzey, L. in Gazette des Beaux-Arts 5e Pér. xiv (1926) [2], fig. on 128; Heuzey, L. and J. Histoire du costume dans l'antiquité classique. L'Orient [etc.], 17-18 pl. vii [1]; Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 80 [right]; Ranke, The Art of Ancient Egypt and Breasted, Geschichte Aegyptens (1936), 144; Desroches, L'Art égyptien au Musée du Louvre (1941), fig. on 22nd p. [right]; Pijoán, Summa Artis iii (1945), fig. 373 (as temp. Amenophis III); Wolf, Kunst 447 Abb. 408; Vandier, Manuel iii, 673 pl. cxxxviii [3]; Eg. Mythology fig. on 112; Michalowski, Art fig. 522; Woldering, Götter 226 [Kat. 36]; Pierrat in Louvre. Guide to the Collections (1991), 116 [107] fig. (as end of Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX); Archives phot. E.617; Marburg Inst. photo. 48784. See Pierret, Cat. No. 17; Boreux, Guide ii, 470; Vandier, Guide (1948), 43-4; (1952), 44; (1973), 84.
Neferronpet Nfr-rnpt, Servant of the Great House, with text mentioning
Amun of Hatnefru, Ptah south of his wall, and Hutkaptah (Memphis), late Dyn. XVIII
or early Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, N.852. (Probably from the Memphite area.)
Lefebvre in Mélanges Maspero i [2], 545-51 pl. (as end of Dyn. XIX); Beekman, W. B. Hout in alle tijden i, fig. 7.101 (as Dyn. XX); Bogoslovskii, 'Slugi' faraonov, bogov i chastnkh lits figs. 2, 3; id. in Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1990, No. 2 (193), 70-8 figs. 1-4 (as temp. Tutankhamun); erný MSS. 2.547 (with text); Archives phot. E.551 (2 photographs). See Champollion, Notice descriptive des monumens égyptiens du Musée Charles X. (1827), 63-4 [G.1]; Boreux, Guide ii, 487; Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 44; (1973), 84; id. Manuel iii, 673.
Ib Jb, probably 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Louvre, N.1574.
Vandier, Manuel iii, 602 pl. lxxvi [2] (as Middle Kingdom). See Boreux, Guide ii, 489 (as end of Old Kingdom or beginning of Middle Kingdom); Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 13; (1973), 21 (all as late Dyn. XI).
Man wearing 'military' kilt, base with feet lost, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, N.1576.
Maspero in Rayet, O. Monuments de l'art antique Livraison I, pl. xv [right] with pp. 2-3 (as from Thebes); id. L'Arch. ég. (1887), 262 fig. 238; (1907), 270 fig. 259; id. Essais 221 fig. 72 [right] (as from Thebes); id. Eg. Art 174 pl. facing 172 [right] (as from Thebes); Heuzey, L. and J. Histoire du costume dans l'antiquité classique. L'Orient [etc.], pl. vii [2]; Hornemann, Types i, pl. 145; Donadoni, Archéo. L'Encyclopédie de l'archéologie ii, fig. on 63; Barbotin, C. in Aménophis III (Connaissance des Arts no. hors série, 1993), fig. 20 on 23; Archives phot. E.1154. See Boreux, Guide ii, 488; Vandier, Guide (1948), 43; (1952), 44; (1973), 84; id. Manuel iii, 673.
Amenhotep Jmn-tp as nude boy, Dyn. XVIII, in Louvre, E.5578.
See Boreux, Guide ii, 487; Vandier, Manuel iii, 674.
Nude boy, New Kingdom, in Louvre, E.7713.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 674.
Tjay T3jj, Servant (sdm) of the Lord of the Two Lands, with text mentioning
Ptah, Sokari and Nefertem, late Dyn. XVIII, in Louvre, E.11555. (Probably from the
Memphite area.)
Bénédite in Gazette des Beaux-Arts 4e Pér. xiv (1918), 117-19 pl. and fig. on 120; Tabouis, G.-R. Le Pharaon Tout Ank Amon pl. vi; Boreux, Guide ii, 488-9 pl. lxviii [right]; Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 80 [left]; Berlandini in Rev. d'Ég. 37 (1986), 9-11 pl. 2; erný MSS. 2.549 (with text). See Vandier, Guide (1948), 43; (1952), 44; (1973), 84; id. Manuel iii, 675.
Man, arms and lower legs lost, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Louvre, E.13015.
Annuaire des Musées Nationaux (1929), 16 pl. i (as end of Old Kingdom); Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 42 [A] (as end of Old Kingdom); Archives phot. E.629 A-C. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 604 (as Middle Kingdom).
Man, arms lost, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, A.F.6.
See Boreux, Guide ii, 451 (as Dyn. XVIII); Vandier, Guide (1948), 43; (1952), 44; (1973), 83 (all as Neferronpet); id. Manuel iii, 677 (as Neferronpet).
Man, New Kingdom, in Louvre, number uncertain.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 677 (as A.F.2578).
Young man, right arm and base with feet lost, temp. Amenophis III, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 737.
Flittner, N. in Anc. Eg. (1925), 71-2 pls. facing 65, 72; Mat'e, Iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta iii. Novoe Tsarstvo (1947), frontispiece; id. in Soobshcheniya Gosu darstvennogo Ermitazha xii (1957), fig. on 9 [2nd from left]; id. Iskusstvo (1958), 121 figs. 60-1; (1961), 270 fig. 131; Pavlov and Mat'e, Pamyatniki pls. 34-5; Shandrovskaya, V. S. Kul'tura i iskusstvo Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka [etc.] (1960), 21 fig.; Sheinina, E. in Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha xxviii (1967), 43-5 figs.; Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegipetskaya skul'ptura 76 [72] fig. 47; Fingaret, S. I. Iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta v sobranii Ermitazha (1970), 42, 44-5 fig. on 41; Landa and Lapis, Eg. Antiq. pls. 38-9; id. Skul'ptura stolits fig. on 17; Kozloff in Cleveland Mus. Bull. 71 (1984), 17 figs. 6, 7; Begelsbacher, B. L. in Karabelnik, M. (ed.), Aus den Schatzkammern Eurasiens. Meisterwerke antiker Kunst (Kunsthaus Zürich, 29. Januar bis 2. Mai 1993), No. 163 fig. (as probably from Thebes); Minerva 4 [1] (Jan.-Feb. 1993), fig. 3 on 38. Upper part, Lur'e, I. M. and Mat'e, Kul'tura i iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta (1952), 5th pl.; Gubchevskii, P. F. Kratkii putevoditel' po muzeyu (1952), 24 with 1st pl. [upper right]; Mat'e, Iskusstvo (1970), 113 fig. 51; Shurinova, R. Iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta pl. 131. See Golénischeff, Inventaire 86.
Man, arms and base with parts of feet lost, early Dyn. XVIII, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 4817.
See Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegiptskaya skul'ptura 75 [70].
Man, arms and base with parts of feet lost, Dyn. XVIII, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 4830.
Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegiptskaya skul'ptura 75-6 [71] fig. 45.
Siamun S3-jmn, Custodian of the magazine of the gate, dedicated by son
Nebnent Nb-n-nt
, Custodian of the magazine of the gate, with text
mentioning altar of Ptah, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3099.
Farina, Il Regio Museo (1931), fig. on 45 [upper left]; (1938), fig. on 47 [upper left]; Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 154 pl. 230; Petrie Ital. photo. 80 [middle right]; Gardiner MSS. 28.200 (photo.). Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 147 [xxvii]. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 93 [19]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 426; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Man, left foot lost, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3100.
Farina, Il Regio Museo (1931), fig. on 46 [left] (as Dyn. XIX); (1938), fig. on 48 [left] (as Dyn. XVIII); Curto, L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), fig. on 174; Petrie Ital. photo. 156. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 92 [6]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 426; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Man holding lotus-bud, early Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3101.
Von Bissing, Denkmäler, Text to Taf. 50 [3rd fig.] (as Cat. 3102); Westendorf, Das Alte Ägypten fig. on 171 [left]; David, The Egyptian Kingdoms fig. on 110 [left] (as Dyn. XIX); Curto, L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), col. pl. facing 172 [left] (as Middle Kingdom or beginning of Dyn. XVIII); Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 154 pl. 229; Petrie Ital. photo. 80 [middle left]. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 93 [23]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 426.
Heptirehu ptjj-rw, dedicated by brother Siamun S3-jmn
Custodian of the treasury, 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3102.
Petrie Ital. photo. 80 [left]. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 147 [xxvi] (as probably Dyn. XXI). See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 93 [24]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 427.
Nakht Nt, left arm and foot lost, with shabti-text (Book of the Dead 6),
1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3103.
Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 135 [xxiv] (as Dyn. XVIII or XX). See Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 427.
Man, left forearm and feet with base lost, late Dyn. XVIII, formerly in Lord Amherst and E. Brummer collns. and at Sotheby's in 1921 and 1964.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (E. Brummer), Nov. 16-17, 1964, No. 113 fig.; Ernest Brummer Colln. ii, No. 507 fig. (as temp. Amenophis III or early in the reign of Amenophis IV). See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 378 (as temp. Amenophis III).
Man, left arm and lower legs lost, temp. Amenophis II or Tuthmosis IV, formerly in E. Erickson colln. E.E.305, now in Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet.
I. L[indblad-Håkansson] in Wirgin, J. (ed.), The Ernest Erickson Collection in Swedish Museums 100-1 [83] fig.; Lindblad, I. in Medelhavsmuseet Bull. 25 (1990), 3-7 figs. 1-6. See Stockholm. 5000 år No. 61.
Man, head, left hand and parts of legs lost, wearing 'military kilt', probably temp. Amenophis III, formerly in E. Erickson colln. E.E.306, now in Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet.
I. L[indblad-Håkansson] in Wirgin, J. (ed.), The Ernest Erickson Collection in Swedish Museums 101-2 [84] fig.; Lindblad, I. in Medelhavsmuseet Bull. 25 (1990), 7-10 figs. 7-10. See Stockholm. 5000 år No. 63.
Nude youth with sidelock, feet with base lost, probably late Dyn. XVIII, formerly in Hartford (Conn.), Science Museum of Connecticut, 54.857 and in Boston, Bolton Gallery, in 1987, then in Harer Family Trust colln. in 1992.
*Boston. Bolton Gallery Oct. 17, 1987, No. 187C; Scott III, G. D. Temple, Tomb and Dwelling: Egyptian Antiquities from the Harer Family Trust Collection (University Art Gallery, California State University, San Bernardino, 1992), No. 93 fig.
Man, feet and base lost, Dyn. XVIII, formerly in J. L. Smith colln. and at Christie's (New York) in 1996.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 18, 1996, No. 59 fig.
Man, arms and feet with base lost, late Dyn. XVIII, in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., in 1979.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. May 19, 1979, No. 276 fig. See ib. Dec. 13, 1979, No. 69.
Nude boy, probably prince, most of arms and lower legs lost, with tenon for uraeus(?) on forehead, temp. Amenophis IV, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1995.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 8, 1995, No. 29 fig. (as probably Tutankhamun).
Man, left forearm and feet lost, Dyn. XVIII, in London, Robin Symes (dealer), in 1972.
Apollo xcv [120] (Feb. 1972), Advertisements, fig. on 29.
Man holding ankh-sign, probably deified, with cartouche of Amenophis III on base, temp. Amenophis III, formerly in Tigrane Pasha colln.
Daninos, Collection d'antiquités égyptiennes de Tigrane Pacha d'Abro (1911), 17 [451] pl. xlv.
Man, inscribed ('Pekhons, Founder of bronzes'), late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Regina (Saskatchewan), MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1983-32-1. (Said to come from Karnak.)
Hori rwj, Deputy in the domain of Amun, as standing scribe, feet lost,
possibly shabti, Dyn. XIX, formerly in H. Abbott and New York Historical Society
collns., now in Brooklyn Museum, 37.257E.
Vandier, Manuel iii, 653 pl. cxxxviii [5]; Hornemann, Types i, pl. 27; Riefstahl, Ancient Egyptian Glass and Glazes in The Brooklyn Museum 102-3 [45] fig. on 46. See Catalogue of a Collection of Egyptian Antiquities ... Henry Abbott, Esq., M.D. (1846), 20 [157]; NYHS Cat. 35 [557].
Standing in niche.
Khaemweset -m-w3st , King's son (of Ramesses II), etc., with another
figure of same man in relief on back and text mentioning temple of Ptah, temp.
Ramesses II, formerly in W. Lethieullier colln. (Probably from Memphis.)
Gordon, A. Twenty-five Plates of all the Egyptian Mummies [etc.] (1737-9), pl. v; Gomaà, Chaemwese 84 [53] Abb. 21 (from Gordon). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 884-5 [D]. See Bierbrier in Baines et al. Pyramid Studies and Other Essays Presented to I. E. S. Edwards 220-2.
Standing with standard(s).
arnakht rw-nt, Head of bowmen, Overseer of foreign countries, holding
[ram-headed] standard, with wife and daughter, both called Esi 3st
, in relief, and
text mentioning Amun-Re lord of [Sma-]bedet (Tell el-Balamûn), black granite, Dyn.
XIX, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.105.
Steindorff, Cat. 40-1 [107] pls. xxi, cxii; Donadoni, L'Egitto fig. on 221 [right]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 646; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 104-5 [PE K.2].
Meryatum Mrjj-jtmw, King's son (of Ramesses II and Nefertari Nfrt-jrjj),
etc., head and lower legs lost, hard black stone, temp. Ramesses II, in Berlin,
Ägyptisches Museum, 7347.
Satzinger in Jahrb. Wien 77, N.F. xli (1981), 33 [B 3] Abb. 20; Schmidt, H. C. and Willeitner, J. Nefertari, Gemahlin Ramses' II. 22 Abb. 25-6. Text, Aeg. Inschr. ii, 49; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 906-7 [369, B]. See Ausf. Verz. 119-20; Vandier, Manuel iii, 648; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 105-6 [PE K.4].
[Meryatum] [Mrjj-jtmw] [] [
], King's son (of Ramesses II and Nefertari
Nfrt-jrjj), etc., holding two standards, originally only lower legs lost but now only head
preserved, black granite, temp. Ramesses II, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 19716.
Klingbeil, W. Kopf-, Masken- und Maskierungszauber [etc.], Taf. 21 [3]; Hornemann, Types i, pl. 196; Moursi, Die Hohenpriester des Sonnengottes [etc.], 64-5 [2] Taf. ix; Schmidt, H. C. and Willeitner, J. Nefertari, Gemahlin Ramses' II. 22 Abb. 24. Text, Aeg. Inschr. ii, 9; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 906 [369, A]. See Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 116-17 [PE L.8].
Bekenkhons B3k-n-nsw, First prophet of Amun, etc., son of
Amenemopet Jmn-m-jpt, holding ram-headed standard, with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, black granite, temp. Setnakht to Ramesses
III, base bought in Luxor in 1974 and kept in a magazine of SCA at Qurna, rest
bought in Luxor in 1907 and now in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 07.645. (Probably
from Karnak.)
C. H. R[oehrig] and P. L[acovara] in D'Auria et al. Mummies & Magic 151 [94] fig. See Bell, L. in ARCE Newsletter 91 (1974), 25 [top]; id. in MDAIK 37 (1981), 58-9 [III.A.3].
Head of man holding lion-headed (probably Sekhmet) and human-headed (probably Ptah-tatanen) standards, with cartouches of Ramesses II and text mentioning Ptah, dark green stone, in Brooklyn Museum, 71.37.1. (Probably from Memphis.)
Spanel, Through Ancient Eyes Cat. 34 fig. See Brooklyn Mus. Ann. xii (1970-1), 21; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 115-16 [PE L.6].
Headless torso with remains of standard on left shoulder, text on back pillar
mentioning Haroris lord of and Horus ma-kheru, grey granite, Dyn. XVIII,
in Cairo Mus. CG 868.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 129-30 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Bust and back of head, with ram-headed standard and another with head of a goddess, possibly Mut, cartouches of Ramesses III, black granite, temp. Ramesses III, in Cairo Mus. CG 873 (JE 26147).
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 132 (cartouches); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 116 [PE L.7]. Cartouches, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. v, 347 [141, B].
Nebwa Nb-w , First prophet of Amun-Re of P3-jw (Tell el-Balamûn), son
of Huy jj
, lower part, with wife Mutnefert(t) Mwt-nfr(t)
, Songstress of
Amun of P3-jw, in relief, and text mentioning temple of Thoth, temp. Haremhab, in
Cairo Mus. CG 883 (JE 29092).
Text, Borchardt, Statuen iii, 135 (as Dyn. XIX or later). Names and titles, Legrain, Répertoire No. 327. See Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 106 [PE K.5].
Khaemteri(?) -m-tr(?), Overseer of chariotry, middle part, holding two standards with text mentioning Sobk-Shedty and Horus in el-Faiyûm, black granite, probably Dyn. XIX, formerly probably in C. W. Huber colln., now in Cairo Mus. CG 889 (JE 8387). (Probably from Saqqâra.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 140 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 107 [PE K.7]. Name, see Yoyotte and López in Bibliotheca Orientalis xxvi (1969), 12 [314d].
Man holding two standards, one in the form of bouquet with female bust, the top of the other lost, inscribed but name lost, steatite, early Dyn. XIX, in Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmuseum, H.956.
Satzinger in Jahrb. Wien 77, N.F. xli (1981), 36 [C 17] Abb. 5-8; Gamer-Wallert in Gamer-Wallert and Grieshammer, Ägyptische Kunst 93-4 [14] figs. on 45-7. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 669; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 117 [PE L.9].
A Vizier (only s3b left), upper part, holding ram-headed standard, black granite, probably Dyn. XIX, in Brit. Mus. EA 122.
Satzinger in Jahrb. Wien 77, N.F. xli (1981), 37 [C 22] Abb. 25-6. Text, Hiero. Texts 9, p. 17 pl. xii [2], xiiA [2]. See Guide (Sculpture), 202 [732] (as Dyn. XX); Vandier, Manuel iii, 651 [732 [122]]; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 99 [PE D.1].
A King's son of Kush, etc., head and lower legs lost, with animal-headed standard, granite, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in London, Petrie Museum, 14701.
Page, Sculpture No. 165 fig. See Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 110 [PE K.12].
Man with human-headed standard with sun-disc (probably Re-arakhti), upper part, text with cartouche of Ramesses II on back, probably basalt, temp. Ramesses II, formerly in Comte de Caylus colln., now in Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale.
De Caylus, Recueil v, 11-15 pl. iv (as woman); Monuments Égyptiens ... avec leurs Explications Historiques (1791), ii, pl. 18 [1] (as Horus and Isis); Yoyotte in Rev. d'Ég. 10 (1955), 81-9 pl. 6 (as No. 23); H. W. Müller Archive 23 [II/653-5]. See Yoyotte in Actes du XXIe congrès international des orientalistes, Paris, 23-31 juillet 1948, 43; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 102 [PE G.1] (as No. 23).
Panehesi P3-nsj, Overseer of the treasury of the Lord of the Two Lands,
etc., with human-headed ba (head lost) standard and text mentioning Ptah and Sokari-Osiris, calcite, on sandstone pedestal, temp. Ramesses II, formerly in B. Drovetti
colln., now in Louvre, N.458.
Satzinger in Jahrb. Wien 77, N.F. xli (1981), 38 [C 32] Abb. 28; Berlandini, J. in Rev. d'Ég. 46 (1995), 21 pl. ii. See Pierret, Cat. No. 18; Boreux, Guide ii, 482-3; Vandier, Manuel iii, 673; id. Guide (1973), 99; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 103 [PE H.2]; Kanawaty in Rev. d'Ég. 37 (1986), 168.
An Overseer of prophets of Upper and Lower Egypt, holding standard, with head, parts of arms and lower legs lost, text mentioning Onuris-Shu and Mehyt in This, basalt, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, E.11099.
Drioton in Mon. Piot xxv (1921-2), 113-32 pl. xiii fig. 4 (as beginning of Dyn. XVIII); Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 69 (as temp. Amenophis III); Heuzey, L. and J. Histoire du costume dans l'antiquité classique. L'Orient [etc.], 25 pl. xiii (as mid-Dyn. XVIII); Malraux, Le Musée imaginaire de la sculpture mondiale (1952), pl. 61; Archives phot. E.135. See Boreux, Guide i, 193 (as mid-Dyn. XVIII); Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 43 (as granite); (1973), 83 (as serpentine or steatite); id. Manuel iii, 675; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 107 [PE K.6].
Man holding standard of Hathor Nebthotep mistress (nbt) of Byblos and (nwt) of Wawat (Lower Nubia), feet lost, Dyn. XIX, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3036.
Lanzone, Diz. 899-900 Tav. cccxxiv; Vandier in Rev. d'Ég. 16 (1964), 82-3 [] pl. 4; Roccati, Il Museo Egizio di Torino (1978), fig. 90; id. Museo Egizio Torino (1988), 84 [14] fig. on 82 [upper left]; Curto, L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), fig. on 235 [left]; Nibbi, Ancient Byblos Reconsidered pls. i, ii; Petrie Ital. photo. 114 [right]. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. ii (1880), 120 [M] (as woman). See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 191 [20]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 413; Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 97-8 [PE C.2].
Siesi S3-3st, Overseer of the two granaries in the temple of Merneptah in the
domain of Amun, etc., holding standard of Wepwaut, with cartouches of Ramesses II
and Merneptah, granite, temp. Merneptah, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum,
ÄS 34. (Probably from Asyû.)
Vandier, Manuel iii, 682 pl. clxi [5]; id. in La Revue des Arts 9 (1959), 147 [iv] fig. 5; Satzinger in Jahrb. Wien 74, N.F. xxxviii (1978), 8-16 Abb. 1-7; 77, N.F. xli (1981), 39 [C 40] Abb. 1; id. Äg. Kunst 40-2 Abb. 19; id. in Haja, M. (ed.), Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. Guide to the Collections (1989), 35 fig. [left] (as granodiorite); Rogge, Statuen, N.R. 116-25 figs. (as granodiorite); Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 141 fig. (as granodiorite); id. Götter, Menschen, Pharaonen Kat. 87 fig. (as granodiorite). Upper part, Hammernik, G. Anton Ritter von Laurin. Diplomat, Sammler und Ausgräber [unpublished dissertation, Vienna, 1985], 176 fig. on 176b. Text, von Bergmann in Rec. Trav. xii (1892), 2-4 [ii]; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iv, 100-1 [63, 1]. See Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 101 [PE F.1].
Man, lower legs and base lost, holding two standards, gneiss (diorite), Dyn. XIX-XX, formerly in M. Abemayor colln. and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1976.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1976, No. 223 fig. (as late Dyn. XIX to Dyn. XX). See Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 119 [PE L.13] (as end of Dyn. XIX to Dyn. XX).
Man, lower half only with feet and base lost, texts erased, granite, Dyn. XIX-XX, formerly in M. Abemayor colln. and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1976.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1976, No. 229 fig. See Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 110 [PE K.13].
Scribe of the god's offerings of all the gods, lower part but lower legs lost, calcite, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Paris, Drouot-Richelieu, in 1996.
Drouot-Richelieu Sale Cat. Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 1996, No. 249 fig.
Bust, head of deity on top of standard lost, remains of text, granite, 1st half of Dyn. XIX, in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., in 1974.
Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc. (New York) Sale Cat. May 4, 1974, No. 155 fig. (as probably temp. Ramesses II or Merneptah).
Tjonufer T3-nfr, Head of scribes of the altar, God's father of Amun, etc., upper
part and lower legs lost, with text mentioning Thebes, basalt, Dyn. XIX-XX, at
Sotheby's in 1984-5 and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1987-9.
Sotheby Sale Cat. May 21, 1984, No. 172 figs.; May 20, 1985, No. 200 pl. xviii; Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. May 29, 1987, No. 25 fig.; June 15, 1988, No. 18 fig. (as schist); June 23, 1989, No. 45 fig. (as schist).
Standing with stela.
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3tSurero Srr
, Steward, etc. (Theb. tb. 48),
with double-scene, Amenophis III offering to Amun-Re, head, right part of upper
body and lower legs lost, temp. Amenophis III, in Brit. Mus. EA 123.
Text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 1 Ser. 22; Hiero. Texts vii, 12 pl. xlii; Säve-Söderbergh, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs 35 pl. lxix [B]; Williams rubbings iii. 67 verso; Helck, Urk. iv. 1897-9 [692], Übersetz. 306-7. Names and some titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 604. See Sharpe, Eg. Antiq. 41-2 [123]; Guide (Sculpture), 118 [422].
Userhet Wsr-3t, sandstone, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Brit. Mus. EA 2294.
Stewart in JEA 53 (1967), 35, 37 pl. iv [2]. See Guide, 4th to 6th 125 [46]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 651.
Standing with Hathor-sistrum.
Man, grey granite, Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, N.859.
Vandier, Manuel 673 pl. cl [4]; Archives phot. 7-LE-20. See Boreux, Guide ii, 477; Vandier, Guide (1948), 52; (1952), 53.
Standing with figure(s) of deity/deities.
Arm of a man (or god?) standing behind seated figure of a goddess (or queen?) (only front and top part preserved), red granite, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, EGA.4343.1943.
Man holding statuette of Amun (head and crown lost), greywacke, Dyn. XIX, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 585.
Schmidt, Choix (1910), 26 pl. x [20]; Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 42-3 [67] pl. 81 (as green basalt); Vandier, Manuel iii, 666 pl. cliv [1] (from Koefoed-Petersen) (as green basalt and possibly later than New Kingdom); Jørgensen, M. Egypt II (1550-1080 B.C.). Catalogue. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 230-1 [91] fig. See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 97-8 [A.66]; (1908), 141-2 [E.75].
Nebre Nb(.j)-r , Outline-draughtsman, holding statuette of Osiris, with name
of Thoth on shoulders, temp. Ramesses II, formerly in H. Salt colln. and at Sotheby's
in 1835, now in Brit. Mus. EA 2292. (Probably from Deir el-Medîna.)
James, Egyptian Painting and Drawing in the British Museum fig. 5; Hiero. Texts 10, p. 34 pl. 79 [2]; Wilkinson, R. H. Reading Egyptian Art 51 ill. 1 on 50 (as Dyn. XVIII). Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. vii, 201 [13]. See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Salt), June 29 - July 8, 1835, No. 132 (as king); Guide, 4th to 6th 128 [64] (as Dyn. XVIII).
Man holding statuette of Osiris, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Louvre, E.5710 (on loan to Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts).
Laurent, V. and Desti, M. Antiquités égyptiennes. Inventaire des collections du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon 23 [5] fig. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 674.
Man holding serpent, New Kingdom, formerly in Paris, Musée Guimet, 4663, now in Louvre, E.22162.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 676.
Man holding ram's head on pedestal, black stone, Dyn. XIX, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3035.
Von Bissing, Denkmäler, Text to Taf. 55 [fig.] (as steatite); Farina, Il Regio Museo (1931), fig. on 46 [right]; (1938), fig. on 48 [right]; Pirenne, Hist. civ. iii, pl. 54 facing 212 (as Dyn. XXVI); Curto, L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), fig. on 228 [upper]; Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 166 pl. 242; Andreu, Images de la vie quotidienne en Égypte au temps des pharaons fig. on 127 [lower]; Petrie Ital. photo. 144; Alinari photo. 31426 [lower left]; Gardiner MSS. 28.209 (photo.). See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 191 [19] (as black granite); Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 413; Vandier, Manuel iii, 680 (as basalt); Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 100 [PE D.2].
Man with figure of Osiris (much damaged), probably mid-Dyn. XVIII, formerly in H. Hoffmann and M. Gillet collns. and at Sotheby's in 1994.
Fechheimer, Kleinplastik 31 Taf. 70; Sotheby Sale Cat. July 7-8, 1994, No. 281 figs. (as Dyn. XIX-XX); Eisenberg, J. M. in Minerva 5 [5] (Sept.- Oct 1994), fig. 17 on 31 (as Dyn. XIX-XX). See Legrain, Collection H. Hoffmann. Cat. des antiquités égyptiennes (1894), No. 314 bis; Vandier, Manuel iii, 666 (as probably later than New Kingdom); Janssen, J. J. in OMRO lviii (1977), 222 n. 8 (as standard-bearing); Chadefaud, Statues porte-enseignes 111 [PE K.15] (as possibly standard-bearing and late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX).
Man, lower legs lost, with baboon on his shoulders, Dyn. XIX, formerly in Sir Sidney Nolan colln. and at Christie's in 1992-3.
Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 9, 1992, No. 161 fig.; July 7, 1993, No. 135 fig.
Djehutimosi Dwtj-ms, Overseer of the temple, Scribe of the god's treasure,
etc., lower part, basalt, early to middle Dyn. XVIII, in Aberdeen, Anthropological
Museum, 1392.
See Reid, Illustrated Catalogue [etc.] (1912), 180.
Lap of seated man, remains of text, probably from pair-statue or group, probably mid-Dyn. XVIII, formerly in S. A. Goudsmit colln., now in Ann Arbor (Mich.), Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 81.4.6.
See A Scientist Views the Past. The Samuel A. Goudsmit Collection of Egyptian Antiquities (Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Jan. 30 - May 9, 1982), 24 [11].
Turoy Trjj, Jeweller of Amun, sandstone, probably mid-Dyn. XVIII, in
Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 4.
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 140 [xxxvii] fig. (as Dyn. XVIII-XIX). Text, Mallet in Rec. Trav. xviii (1896), 9 [921]. See Loukianoff in La semaine égyptienne (1937), Nos. 19-20, p. 23; id. in Arkhailogike Ephemeris (1937), 767 [4] (as Dyn. XII).
Upper part of seated man or scribe-statue, red stone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.69.
Steindorff, Cat. 41 [109] pl. xxiii. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 646.
Hepusonb pw-snb, First prophet of Amun, etc. (Theb. tb. 67), headless,
son of Hepu pw
and Ahhotep J -tp
, with text mentioning Amun
lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, temp. Hatshepsut, in Bologna, Museo Civico
Archeologico, 1822. (Probably from Thebes.)
Pernigotti, Statuaria 33-6 [6] Tav. iv-vi, xxxiv-xxxviii; id. La collezione egiziana 66 fig.; P. P[iacentini] in Il senso dell'arte No. 34 fig.; Petrie Ital. photo. 82; H. W. Müller Archive 5 [105/44, 46-7, 50; 317/8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 65-6, 68, 70]. Text, Sethe, Urk. iv. 480-5 [154]. See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 156 (as marble); Ducati, Guida 50 [R] (as marble); Vandier, Manuel iii, 649 (as marble); Curto, L'Egitto antico 72 [22]; Pernigotti in Morigi Govi, C. and Vitali, D. Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (1982), 130 [C].
Tjutju Tt, Overseer of the gs-pr of the mistress of the Two Lands, etc., son
of Kairkhentiu K3-r-ntjw
and enutiri nwt-jrjj
, with text
mentioning Nemty lord of Hierakon (el-Aâwla), Khnum of Hypselis and Matit
mistress of Debenu, black granite, probably temp. Hatshepsut, at Christie's (New York)
in 1979, now in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1979.38. (Probably from the area of
Deir el-Gabrâwi.)
Christie, Manson & Woods International Inc. (New York) Sale Cat. Jan. 25, 1979, No. 199 figs. (as basalt and early Dyn. XVIII); 103rd Annual Report 1978-9, fig. on 22 [right]; Simpson in Boston Mus. Bull. 77 (1979), 42-4 figs. 13-16.
Man, upper part, with [cartouches of Amenophis IV] and text mentioning Amun lord of Ipe[t-sut] (Karnak), grey granite, formerly in J. C. Leff colln. and in New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries, in 1969, now in Brooklyn Museum, 69.45. (Probably from Karnak.)
*Near & Far Eastern Art (Sale Catalogue, New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries, 9-10 May, 1969), 18 [79] fig.; Art of Ancient Egypt (Emily Lowe Gallery. Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, Feb. 22 - April 6, 1971), No. 5 fig.; Fazzini, Images For Eternity Cat. 61 fig.; B. F[ay] in Äg. ... Kunst Brooklyn No. 36 fig.; N. C[herpion] in Égypte Éternelle No. 36 fig.; Bianchi, Anc. Eg. Sculpture Cat. 22 pl. Head, Fazzini, Art from the Age of Akhenaten 19 fig. 14. Text, James, Corpus i, 127-8 [287] pl. lxxiv. See *Exotic Art from Ancient and Primitive Civilizations (1959), 4 [22]; Aldred in JEA 45 (1959), 23 n. 2; *Near Eastern and Far Eastern Art from the Collection of Jay C. Leff (1965), 12 [8]; Brooklyn Mus. Ann. x (1968-9), 167.
A Standard-bearer of various companies, including -m-m3 t, Jtn-tn, etc. (name lost), serpentine, temp. Amenophis III, in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.4307.
Capart in PSBA xxxvi (1914), 8 pls. i, ii; Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 759. Text, Speleers, Rec. inscr. 36 [131].
Simontu S3-mntw, Third lector-priest of Montu, lower part, with text
mentioning Montu lord of Hermonthis, black stone, probably Dyn. XVIII, in Brussels,
Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.4359.
Text, Speleers, Rec. inscr. 30 [88] (as Middle Kingdom).
A Head of the altar of Amun in (the temple) Dsr..., Overseer of šnt-officials in the temple of Tuthmosis I, etc., upper part, holding flower, grey granite, probably temp. Tuthmosis I, in Cairo Mus. CG 843 (JE 27978). (From Upper Egypt.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 119-20 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
A Greatest of the directors of craftsmen, etc., upper part, grey granite, probably New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 852.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 122 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658; Maystre, C. Les Grands prêtres de Ptah de Memphis 281 [78].
Siamun S3-jmn, Overseer of the storehouse of Amun, etc., lower part, with
sons Nebpetire Nb-ptj-r
(dedicator of the statue) and Siamun S3-jmn
Mersu Mr-sw
, both wab-priests of Amun, in relief on sides of
seat, text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, and Atum,
Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 864 (JE 26034).
Right side of seat, Lefebvre in ASAE xxiv (1924), 136-9 [ii] fig. on 138. Text, Borchardt, Statuen iii, 127-8; Bouriant in Rec. Trav. vii (1886), 117-18 [2]. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 1965. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
A Prophet (name lost), lower part, with text mentioning arsiesi, probably New Kingdom (rather than Late Period), in Cairo Mus. CG 904.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 146-7 (text) (as probably Late Period).
Tjaia T3j3, Steward of the King in the Southern City, etc., legs and right
hand only, black granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 952.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 2 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t, Overseer of the two granaries of Amun, Mayor,
etc., two fragments of lower part, black granite, probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus.
CG 959.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 4 (text).
Usermontu Wsr-mntw, ... prophet of Montu lord of Thebes, head and base
with feet lost, black granite, probably Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 968+1019.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 7, 28 (texts).
Mery Mrjj, First prophet of Amun (Theb. tb. 95), upper part and base with
feet lost, with text mentioning Amun and Hathor mistress of Dendera, black granite,
temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo Mus. CG 973.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 9-10 (text).
Iny Jnj[j], Scribe of the treasury, son of Iny Jnjj
, same title,
upper part lost, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1059.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 42-3 (text) (as Njnj[j]); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Hatia 3tj-, Overseer of ..., upper part and base with feet lost, people adoring
in relief on sides of seat, grey granite, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1151.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 82-3 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Djehutinufer Dwtj-nfr, Steward of the God's wife, lower part, with text
mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands and Wepwaut, schist,
New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 1268.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 136-7 (text) (as Dyn. XXII-XXIII).
Tiay Tjj3jj, Charioteer of the good god, son of Tety Ttjj
, Scribe, and
Minna Mnw-n3
, upper part lost, seated with sistrum of Teye Tjj
King's great wife (of Amenophis III), with text mentioning Hathor mistress of Kôm
el-in, diorite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus. CG 1286. (Probably from Kôm
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 146 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 661.
Neferhotep Nfr-tp, Merchant, 'of Thebes (njwt)', head, right shoulder and
right arm lost, with Hathor-head symbol and text mentioning Isis and Min of Ipu,
probably Dyn. XX, formerly in A. Eid colln. 1921, now in Cairo Mus. JE 89783.
(Probably from Akhmîm.)
Clère, Les chauves d'Hathor 109-13 [F], 227-8 [F] pl. xiii figs. 36-7.
Ptah... Pt..., Official of Princess Hatshepsut 3t-špswt, sandstone, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Chicago (Ill.), Field Museum of Natural History, A.105184.
Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 757. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 665.
Djehuti(hir)-sekhermaet Dwtj-(r-)sr-m3 t, wab-priest, upper
part lost, with wife Hepusonb p(w)-snb
in relief on side of seat, and text
mentioning Amun lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, granite, probably Dyn.
XIX, Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 668.
See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 107-8 [A.76]; (1908), 149-50 [E.85] (as Sekhermaet); Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 46 [73], 83, 84 (text) (as Sekhermaet and 'late New Kingdom').
Ked d, wab-priest, Scribe, son of Hepu pw
, with wife Rennufer
and son Wadjmosi W3d-ms
, Scribe (dedicator of the statue), in relief
on left side of seat, and text mentioning Amun and his Ennead at Karnak, diorite,
beginning of Dyn. XVIII, in Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts.
*Collection Henri Breuil (1973), pl. xxii; Laurent, Des pharaons aux premiers chrétiens No. 44 fig.; id. and Desti, M. Antiquités égyptiennes. Inventaire des collections du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon 18-20 [2] figs.
Senemioh Sn-m-j , wab-priest of Khons, early Dyn. XVIII, in Dublin,
National Museum of Ireland.
Quirke and Taylor, Ancient Egypt (Dublin, National Museum of Ireland, [1996]), pl. 6 (as probably from Thebes).
Teri Trj, First prophet of Khentekhtai, Mayor, etc., son of Isek Jsk
Mayor, lower part, with text mentioning Khentekhtai lord of [Athribis], grey granite,
mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1817. (Probably from Tell Atrîb.)
Vernus, Athribis 26-8 [27] pls. ii, iii. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2133. See Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 211-12 [1510] (text) (as Dyn. XVIII-XIX).
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t, Overseer of the department, Fan-bearer,
Follower of his lord at his goings in the southern and northern foreign countries, etc.,
son of Kenatum n-jtm
, lower part, with text mentioning Mut mistress
of Megeb, calcite, mid-Dyn. XVIII, formerly in J. Beekmans colln. and at Christie's in
1971, now in Hanover, Kestner-Museum, 1976.76.
Christie Sale Cat. March 23, 1971, No. 157 fig. (as from Qâw el-Kebîr); Munro, P. in GM 26 (1977), 43-51 figs.; id. Jahresbericht 1977-81 in Hannoversche Geschichtsblätter N.F. 36 (1982), 117 [12] fig. (as from Qâw el-Kebîr); Ägyptische Abteilung. Rundplastik des Neuen Reiches und der Dritten Zwischenzeit 3 [5] figs. (as probably from Qâw el-Kebîr). See Heerma van Voss in Phoenix xi (1965), 261.
Iuti Jwtj, Greatest of the physicians of the Lord of the Two Lands, etc., with
text mentioning Ptah-Sokari-Osiris, early Dyn. XIX, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van
Oudheden, Inv. AST.10. (Probably from Saqqâra.)
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. ii, 4-5 [D.32] pl. vi; Boeser, Beschreibung v, 6 [15] Taf. viii; Bremmer, Eg. kunst No. 14 (as Dyn. XVIII); Riad, La Médecine au temps des Pharaons 141 fig. 26; Sigerist, H. E. A History of Medicine i, 323 pl. xl [88] (from Fonahn); Wolf, Kunst Abb. 557; Klasens, Egyptische kunst 23-4 [30] pl.; Galiunghi in Egypt Travel Magazine 109 (Sept. 1963), 11 fig. 12; Artefact 36 pl. 52; Leca, Médecine fig. 24; Lise, Medicina dell'Antico Egitto 44 fig. on 42 [right]; Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 100 [87] fig.; Schneider, Een brief voor Anchiry fig. on 30; id. Art from Ancient Egypt Cat. No. 13 figs.; id. Beeldhouwkunst in het land van de farao's 70-1 [28] fig.; Stetter, C. Denn alles steht seit Ewigkeit geschrieben pl. on 61; Raven in OMRO 71 (1991), pl. 1 [2, 3rd from right] on 26; Andreu, Images de la vie quotidienne en Égypte au temps des pharaons fig. on 102 [lower] (as end of Dyn. XVIII) . Head, H. W. Müller Archive 12 [89/9-11]. Detail of hand holding milk-bottle(?), Brunner-Traut in Die Welt des Orients v (1969-70), 162-3 Taf. iv [16]. See Leemans, Descr. rais. 51 [D.32]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 69 [98]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 670 (as D.32).
Ankheriautef n-hr-j3wt.f, Royal scribe of the Lord of the Two
Lands, holding pair-statuette of cow-headed mistress of the Southern Sycamore
(Hathor) and Anubis, with cartouches of Ramesses II on shoulder and baboon next to
chair, formerly in J. B. De Lescluze colln., now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van
Oudheden, Inv. L.X.1.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. ii, 4 [D.36] pl. v; Boeser, Beschreibung v, 7 [17] Taf. ix, xvi; Vandier, Manuel iii, 670 [D.36] pl. clv [1] (from Boeser); Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 675. Head, H. W. Müller Archive 12 [91/28]. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 226 [x.14]. See Catalogue d'une collection d'antiquités égyptiennes, dont la vente se fera à Anvers, le 5 juillet 1826 (De Lescluze), 27 [1]; Leemans, Lettre à M. François Salvolini [etc.] (1838), 94 [168-9] pl. xvii (cartouches); id. Descr. rais. 51 [D.36]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 69 [97].
Mosi Ms, early Dyn. XVIII, formerly in Lord Amherst colln. and at Sotheby's
in 1921, now in Lisbon, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Inv. 402.
Gomes Ferreira, M. T. Calouste Gulbenkian Museum (1990), pl. on 12 [lower]; Calouste Gulbenkian Museum. Catalogue (1989), 21 [5] fig. on 166; Assam, M. H. Arte egípcia Cat. 5 fig. on 42. See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 268; Museu Calouste Gulbenkian. Roteiro 1 (1969), No. 5.
Rey R jj, Overseer of foreign countries, Overseer of deserts of the west,
with head, right shoulder, left arm and feet lost, Dyn. XIX or later, formerly in
Liverpool, Liverpool Museum, M.13629 (lost in World War II).
See Gatty, C. T. Catalogue of the Mayer Collection i (1879), 53 [310].
Ramosi R-ms , King's son, lower half, dedicated by Kaheri K3-r(.j)
, ka-servant, granite, early Dyn. XVIII, in Liverpool, School of Archaeology
and Oriental Studies, E.609.
Snape in JEA 71 (1985), 180-3 pl. xx fig. 1.
Surero Srr (i.e. Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t Surero Srr), Chief steward of the
King (Theb. tb. 48), lower part, with text mentioning altar of Amun at Karnak and
Atum lord of Heliopolis, temp. Amenophis III, in Brit. Mus. EA 503.
Text, Säve-Söderbergh, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs 35 pl. lxxi [C]; Helck, Urk. iv. 1904-5 [697], Übersetz. 310. See Guide (Sculpture), 118 [421].
Rahotep R -tp (i.e. Parahotep P3-r -tp), Governor of the Town and
Vizier, etc., son of Pahemneter P3-m-ntr
, Greatest of the directors of
craftsmen of Ptah, lower part, holding cartouche of Ramesses II, with relatives in relief
on back and sides of seat, sandstone, formerly in C. Davies Sherborn colln., now
in Brit. Mus. EA 712.
Hiero. Texts 9, pp. 18-19 pls. xiv, xivA; Robins, G. Reflections of Women in the New Kingdom: Ancient Egyptian Art from The British Museum (Atlanta, Georgia, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, 4 February - 14 May 1995) (San Antonio, Texas: Van Siclen Books), No. 19 figs. and on 32. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 65 [23]; Maystre, Les Grands prêtres de Ptah de Memphis 304-6 [104]. Names and titles, Le Page Renouf in PSBA xiv (1892), 163-4; Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2562. See Legrain in Rec. Trav. xxxii (1910), 36 [39]; Guide, 4th to 6th 135 [144] (as Unnfer); Valloggia, Recherche sur les 'messagers' (wpwtyw) dans les sources égyptiennes profanes 131-2 [78].
Simut S3-mwt, Acolyte of Amun in Khenemtankh (mortuary temple of
Tuthmosis I), son of Bekenamun B3k-n-jmn
, Acolyte of Amun, and
Wesi Wsjj
, lower part, mid-Dyn. XVIII, formerly in Marquess of Dufferin and
Ava colln. and at Christie's in 1937, now in Brit. Mus. EA 1781.
See Christie Sale Cat. (Dufferin and Ava), May 31, 1937, No. 21 (as Amenempet and Dyn. XIX); Brit. Mus. Quarterly xi (1936-7), 191.
Iamnufer J3m-nfr, Mayor, Scribe of the god's offerings of Thoth lord of
Hermopolis Magna, etc., son of Paahauty P3-3wtjj
, Mayor of Neferus,
lower part, with text mentioning Akheperenre-sonb 3-pr-n-r -snb
King's son of his body, and Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands,
foremost of Karnak, grey granite, probably temp. Amenophis II, formerly in Marquess
of Dufferin and Ava colln. and at Christie's in 1937, now in Brit. Mus. EA 1782.
Text, Hiero. Texts viii, 3 pls. ii [middle and right], iii; Helck, Urk. iv. 1453-4 [442], Übersetz. (1961), 105. See Christie Sale Cat. (Dufferin and Ava), May 31, 1937, No. 23 (as Tuthmosis II); Brit. Mus. Quarterly xi (1936-7), 191.
Nebmosi Nb-ms, dedicated by brother Simut S3-mwt
, Servant of
Amn, early Dyn. XVIII, in Brit. Mus. EA 2293.
See Guide, 4th to 6th 130 [79].
Rensonb Rn(.j)-snb, Overseer of all works of the King, lower part, with text
mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands and Osiris lord of
Busiris, dedicated by Heriheramun r(.j)-r-jmn
, Lector-priest, early Dyn.
XVIII, in Brit. Mus. EA 13368.
Part of text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 2 Ser. 80 [A]. See Guide, 4th to 6th 126 [52].
Hori rwj , son of Ptahmosi Pt-ms, granite, Dyn. XIX, in Brit. Mus. EA
See Guide, 4th to 6th 129 [74] (as Herwa).
Bau B3w, son of Akhpet(?) j-pt(?)
, headless, Dyn. XIX-XX,
in London, Petrie Museum, 8710.
Page, Sculpture No. 91 fig.
Rau R3w, wab-priest, lower part, with daughter Senhotep Sn(.j)-tp
who dedicated the statue, in relief on left side of seat, 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in
London, Petrie Museum, 14349.
Page, Sculpture No. 45 fig. (as late Middle Kingdom). Text, Weigall in Rec. Trav. xxix (1907), 218 [vi]. See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 418 [2nd item].
Minnakht Mnw-nt, Mayor, Overseer of prophets of Nemty lord of Djufyet
(el-Aâwla), son of Pa... P3...
and Senunefri(?) Snw-nfrj(?)
, with
text mentioning Thoth lord of Hermopolis Magna, lower part, basalt, Dyn. XVIII, in
London, Petrie Museum, 14352.
Page, Sculpture No. 70 fig. Part of text, Weigall in Rec. Trav. xxix (1907), 219 [ix].
Paaemrome P3-3-m-rmt, wab-priest, son of Hepusonb pw-snb
(mother), headless, Dyn. XVIII, in London, Petrie Museum, 14654.
Page, Sculpture No. 69 fig. See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 418 [3rd item].
Djehuti Dwtj, lower part, dedicated by brother Ahmosi J -ms
Dyn. XVIII, in London, Petrie Museum, 14656.
Page, Sculpture No. 62 fig.
Nebseny Nb.snjj, Follower of his lord at his goings, dedicated by son
Nefermenu Nfr-mnw
, with text mentioning Montu lord of Hermonthis,
early or mid-Dyn. XVIII (or possibly even late Dyn. XVII), in London, Petrie
Museum, 15517.
Page, Sculpture No. 61 fig.; Winterhalter, S. in Brodbeck, A. (ed.), Ein ägyptisches Glasperlenspiel. Ägyptologische Beiträge für Erik Hornung aus seinem Schülerkreis 272-3, 292 [16] fig. (from Page) (as late Dyn. XVII). See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 417 [last item].
Nakht Nt , Steward (of gs-pr), lower part, New Kingdom, formerly in
V. Golenishchev colln. 4065, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,
I.1.a 5731.
See Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 43-4 [58] (text).
Man, Dyn. XVIII, re-inscribed for Harkhebi rw-(m-)3-bjt, Vizier, Great
mayor of Memphis, Prophet of Osiris-Hemag, etc., probably Dyn. XXV, basalt, in
Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 237.
Lillesø, E. K. in JEA 73 (1987), 230-4 pl. xviii figs. 1, 2; R. P[irelli] in Cantilena and Rubino, La Collezione egiziana ... Napoli 47 [2.1] fig. 3.2 Tav. ii. See Marucchi in Ruesch, A. (ed.), Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Antichità. Guida (1911), 127 [366]; id. Naples National Museum. Excerpt of the Guide [1925], 62 [265] (both as Nefertum and Late Period).
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t Surero Srr
, Fan-bearer, etc. (Theb.
tb. 48), lower part, basalt, temp. Amenophis III, in Northampton, Central Museum
and Art Gallery, X.737.
Thomas, R. in Northamptonshire History News 63 (1984), 11-12 figs. on 12 [upper]; id. in AMES Quarterly. Journal of the Ancient Middle East Society i [9] (1989), 17-18 figs. on 23 [upper].
Amenemhab Jmn-m-b, Overseer of cattle of Amun-Re, Steward of
Menkheperre (Tuthmosis III), etc., lower part, with wife Nedjemt Ndmt
relief on seat and text mentioning Amun-Re and Mut mistress of Asher, black granite,
temp. Tuthmosis III, in Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, 617. (Probably from Deir el-Bari.)
Dewachter, Collections égyptiennes de l'Institut de France 21-2 [3] figs. 4, 5; id. and Davoli, P. J.-F. Champollion e il contributo italiano alla riscoperta dell'antico Egitto (Rimini, Museo della Città, 24 agosto - 28 settembre 1991), No. 13 fig. See *Catalogue itinéraire 6th ed. 87; L'Institut de France dans le monde actuel (Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, 6 mai - 20 juillet 1986), 322 [57b].
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t Surero Srr
, Chief steward of the King,
etc. (Theb. tb. 48), lower part, with text mentioning Amun lord of the Thrones of the
Two Lands, diorite, temp. Amenophis III, in Louvre, A 51.
Archives phot. E.1246. Text, Helck, Urk. iv. 1901-2 [695], Übersetz. 308-9; Säve-Söderbergh, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs 35 pl. lxxi [A]; part, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 38-9. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 30-1; Boreux, Guide i, 57; Vandier, Guide (1948), 23; (1952), 24; id. Manuel iii, 671.
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t Surero Srr
, Chief steward of the
King, etc. (Theb. tb. 48), lower part, with text mentioning Amun-Re and the Ennead
at Karnak, diorite, temp. Amenophis III, in Louvre, A 52.
Archives phot. E.1244. Text, Helck, Urk. iv. 1903-4 [696]; Säve-Söderbergh, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs 35 pl. lxxi [B]; part, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 38. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 187. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 31; Boreux, Guide i, 57; Vandier, Guide (1948), 23; (1952), 24; id. Manuel iii, 671.
Tjet Tt, Steward in the Southern City, Leader of the festival of Amun, etc.,
lower part, diorite, New Kingdom, in Louvre, A 100.
Archives phot. E.694. Text, Pierret, Rec. inscr. i, 31 (as Dyn. XIX); Devéria squeezes, Gal. Nat. Londres, 15. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 47.
Tety Ttjj, Dyn. XVIII, in Louvre, N.1583.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 602 (as Middle Kingdom), 673.
Man holding lotus flower, black granite, Dyn. XVIII, in Louvre, N.5404.
See Boreux, Guide ii, 463 (as 'Middle Kingdom style'); Vandier, Manuel iii, 674.
Man, New Kingdom, in Louvre, E.16350.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 676.
Sennay Sn-n3jjUsertkau Wsrt-k3w
, Scribe of the granary of the
King's great wife, Overseer of the department of the King's wife, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in
Prague, Náprstkovo muzeum, P 6189.
Pavlasová, S. (ed.), The Land of Pyramids and Pharaohs (Prague, Národní muzeum - Náprstkovo muzeum, March-August 1997), fig. 60 on 51.
Ahmosi J -ms, dedicated by brother Ahmosi J -ms, early Dyn. XVIII,
formerly in Lord Amherst colln. and at Sotheby's in 1921, now in St. Louis (Mo.), Art
Museum, 198:24.
See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 265; Sixteenth Annual Report (1925), 55; Vandier, Manuel iii, 679.
A Standard-bearer of the company 'Subduer of the Nine Bows', ... his ... on water, land, and southern and northern foreign countries, lower part, with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands and of ... of Kheperkare (Tuthmosis I), and Hathor mistress of Diospolis Parva, black stone, probably early Dyn. XVIII, in Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NME 71.
Text, Gardiner MSS. 29.1 (71) and Notebook, 60, p. 15. See Lieblein, Katalog öfver egyptiska fornlemningar i National-museum (1868), 31.
Paka Pk, Head of the Medjay, lower part, dedicated by son Tjaytjay T3jj-t3jj
, Greatest of the five in the temple of Thoth, First prophet of Horus lord
of Hebnu, etc., with text mentioning altar of Ptah-Sokari-Osiris, black granite, temp.
Amenophis III, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3069.
Petrie Ital. photo. 109. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 148 [xxxiii] (as limestone and Dyn. XX). Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2226; of Tjaytjay, Brugsch, Thes. 1417 [middle]. See Orcurti, Cat. i, 72 [30]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 421; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Heriheramun r(.j)-r-jmn, probably temp. Amenophis II to Tuthmosis
IV, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3087.
Petrie Ital. photo. 110 [right]. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 63 [305]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 423-4; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Patjay P3-t3jj, dedicated by mother Khatnesut jt-nswt
early Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3088.
Petrie Ital. photo. 113 [left]. Part of text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 146 [xxiv] (as Dyn. XX). Names, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2233. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 60 [310]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 424.
Ma M3 , dedicated by brother Sennufer Sn(.j)-nfr
, mid-Dyn. XVIII,
in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3089.
E. L[eospo] in Eggebrecht, Aufstieg No. 302 fig. (as temp. Tuthmosis III to Amenophis II and from West Thebes); id. in Seipel, Ägypten No. 455 fig. (as from West Thebes); Petrie Ital. photo. 113 [right]. Text, Maspero, in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 146 [xxiii] (as Dyn. XX). Names, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2231. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 59 [312]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 424; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Mersu Mr-sw, dedicated by brother Maamun M3j-jmn
1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3092.
Petrie Ital. photo. 114 [left]. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 149 [xxxix] (as Dyn. XX). Names, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2229. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 62 [309]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 425; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Amenmosi Jmn-ms, wearing sidelock, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Turin, Museo
Egizio, Cat. 3093.
Petrie Ital. photo. 111 [left]. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 150 [xlii] (as Dyn. XX). See Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 425; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Lap of seated man, with text mentioning Amun and Mut, probably end of Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Uppsala, Victoriamuseet för Egyptiska fornsaker, 25.
Amenhotep Jmn-tp, lower part, dedicated by wife Sheded(et)amun Šdd(t)-jmn
, early Dyn. XVIII, in Vatican, Museo Gregoriano Egizio, 22749.
Botti and Romanelli, Le Sculture del Museo Gregoriano Egizio 58 [97] Tav. xxxviii [97] (as No. 204); Marburg Inst. photo. 629187. See Marucchi, Museo Egizio 142; id. Guide du Musée Égyptien du Vatican (1927), 33 [230].
Merymosi Mr-ms, King's son (of Kush) (Theb. tb. 383), with text mentioning
Wepwaut, Merymutf and Ipuit lords of Khayt, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 36.
(Probably from Asyû or Manqabâd.)
Satzinger, Äg. Kunst 28-30 Abb. 13 (as probably from Thebes); id. Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien (1987), 53 fig. on 48; Hamernik, G. Anton Ritter von Laurin. Diplomat, Sammler und Ausgräber [unpublished dissertation, Vienna, 1985], 176 fig. on 176a; Jaro-Deckert, Statuen 92-8 figs. (as granodiorite); G. P[orta] in Il senso dell'arte No. 54 fig.; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 125 fig. (as granodiorite); id. Götter, Menschen, Pharaonen Kat. 86 fig. (as granodiorite). Text, von Bergmann in Rec. Trav. xii (1892), 1-2 [1]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 682; Dewachter in Bulletin du Centenaire, Suppl. to BIFAO 81 (1981), 3-4.
Tjenena Tnn, Overseer of the antechamber, Overseer of works, etc.,
mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische
Sammlung, ÄS 63.
Satzinger, Äg. Kunst 27-8 Abb. 12; id. Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien (1987), 44 fig. on 45; id. Das Kunsthistorische Museum in Wien. Die Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung (1994), 32-4 Abb. 19 (both as probably from Thebes and owner of Theb. tb. 76, temp. Tuthmosis IV); id. in Eggebrecht, Aufstieg No. 181 fig. (as Theb. tb. 76); id. in Haja, M. (ed.), Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. Guide to the Collections (1989), 28 fig. [right] (as probably from Thebes); Seipel, Bilder für die Ewigkeit No. 62 fig. (as Theb. tb. 76); id. Ägypten No. 457 fig. (as Theb. tb. 76); id. Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 122 fig. (as Theb. tb. 76); id. Götter, Menschen, Pharaonen Kat. 84 fig. (as Theb. tb. 76); Eggebrecht, Das Alte Ägypten fig. on 143 (as temp. Tuthmosis IV); Jaro-Deckert, Statuen 99-105 figs. See Uebersicht (1895), 47 [vii]; (1923), 20-1 [vii]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 682.
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t, Third prophet of Amun, etc., lower part, with
wife Amenotep Jmn-tp
and daughter Meryt Mrjjt
, Songstress of
Amun, in relief on sides of seat, and text mentioning Amun lord of the Thrones of the
Two Lands, foremost of Karnak, and Mut mistress of Asher, black granite, probably
temp. Amenophis III, at Christie's in 1973.
See Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 5, 1973, No. 61 [1st item].
Man ('Senwy'), with text mentioning Amun lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in New York, L'Ibis Gallery Ltd., in 1989.
Apollo cxxx [333] (Nov. 1989), Advertisements, fig. on 1.
Tjaui T3wjj, Scribe of the temple of Amun, lower part, with wife and
children before Tjaui seated in relief on sides of seat and others on front of seat, grey
granite, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, formerly in L. Rosenberg and Jacquerod
collns. and at Sotheby's in 1921.
Collection Léonce Rosenberg, Paris. Vente publique le 13 janvier 1920 à Amsterdam No. 53 fig. (as Dyn. XIV or XXVI); Sotheby Sale Cat. (Rosenberg), Nov. 23, 1921, No. 99 fig.
Peshedu P3-šd, Scribe of the temple of Hathor, Prophet of the temple
of Ptah (ddw špsj), basalt, New Kingdom, formerly in E. P. Jones colln. and at
Sotheby's in 1961.
See Sotheby Sale Cat. July 31, 1961, No. 76 (as end of Dyn. XXVI).
Man holding bouquet, head and left side with feet and base lost, with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands and in Luxor, and cartouche of Amenophis III, granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Buenos Aires, Posadas Remates S. A., in 1987.
Ogdon, J. R. in GM 119 (1990), 65-72 pls. i, ii. See *[Buenos Aires] Posadas Remates S. A. IVth Art Auction, 01-03.12.1987 No. 189.
Minmosi Mnw-msw, First prophet of Amun, headless, end of Dyn. XIX
or early Dyn. XX, in Shenuda Makarios colln. in 1886.
Text, Bouriant in Rec. Trav. vii (1886), 129 [23].
Man, basalt, mid-Dyn. XVIII, at Sotheby's in 1988.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 11, 1988, No. 51 fig.
Man, middle part only, probably New Kingdom, at Sotheby's in 1988.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 12, 1988, No. 77 fig. (as Late Period).
Ptahmosi Pt-ms seated, head lost, left hand on chest holding flower(?), with
text mentioning Ptah-Sokari-Osiris, probably Dyn. XVIII, at Sotheby's in 1995.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 6, 1995, No. 207 fig. (as Middle Kingdom).
Man holding flower, with head, left hand, seat and feet with base lost, and text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, diorite, Dyn. XVIII, at Sotheby's in 1984 and Sotheby's (New York) in 1988.
Sotheby Sale Cat. May 21, 1984, No. 171 fig. (as granite and Late Period); Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 2, 1988, No. 135 fig.
Payti P3jjtj, Overseer of prophets of Hathor and Anubis, etc., lower
part, with text mentioning Hathor mistress of Crocodilopolis (Gebelein) and Anubis
foremost of the shrine in ..., black granite, probably 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, formerly
in J. Burton, J. Lee, Lord Amherst and D. Talbot Rice collns. and at Sotheby's in 1836
and 1921.
Text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 1 Ser. 35 [B]; Williams rubbings iii. 67 [upper]. See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Burton), July 25-7, 1836, No. 388 [2nd item] (as basalt); [Bonomi], Cat. ... Hartwell House 53 [416]; Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 261 [1st item].
Sitepihu S3-tp-jw, [Overseer of prophets] in the Thinite nome, headless
cloaked statue, granite, temp. Hatshepsut, in private possession in Belgium in 1991.
J.-M. K[ruchten] in Van Nijl tot Schelde Cat. 109 fig.; id. in Chron. d'Ég. lxv (1990), 5-11 figs. 1-3.
Neit Nt, Overseer of cattle of Amun, holding lotus flower, head and front of
base with feet lost, with text mentioning Kheperkare (Sesostris I) in Diospolis Parva,
black granite, probably mid-Dyn. XVIII, at Christie's (New York) in 1979 and in
private possession in Chicago in 1980. (Probably from Hû.)
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 5, 1979, No. 275 fig. (as basalt and Dyn. XIII); Cruz-Uribe in Sarapis v (1980), 40-2 pls. 1, 2.
Usermontu Wsr-mntw, Vizier, etc., son of Nebmehyt Nb-mjt
middle part, grey granite, temp. Tutankhamun, in private possession in Luxor in 1975.
Habachi in Ruffle et al. (eds.), Glimpses of Ancient Egypt. Studies in Honour of H. W. Fairman 36 pl. iii fig. 3. Text, Newberry in PSBA xxvii (1905), 103 [63, a] (as Dyn. XIII-XVII).
Paankh P3-n, First prophet of Amun, etc., grey granite, temp.
Ramesses XI or later, in private possession in 1982.
Hari in BSÉG 7 (1982), 40-6 figs. See Dewachter in ib. 11 (1987), 3-4 (suggests text is not ancient).
Man holding flower, right and upper left arms lost, probably end of Dyn. XVIII, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 807.
See Ausf. Verz. 144; Vandier, Manuel iii, 647.
Man holding lotus, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Louvre, N.1581.
Vandier, Manuel iii, 673 pl. cxlii [3] (as probably temp. Tuthmosis III); Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 743. See Boreux, Guide ii, 487; Vandier, Guide (1948), 43; (1952), 44; (1973), 84.
Lower half of probably man, probably New Kingdom, at Sotheby's in 1989.
Sotheby Sale Cat. May 22, 1989, No. 118 [5th item] fig. (as Dyn. XII).
Sipair S3-p3-jr, very small, blue glass, late Dyn. XVIII, in St Petersburg,
State Hermitage Museum, 752.
Flittner, N. in Ezhegodnik Rossiiskogo instituta istorii iskusstv i (1922), 139 [3] pl. xii [4]. See Golénischeff, Inventaire 92 (as lapis lazuli); Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegiptskaya skul'ptura 76-7 [73] pl. i (text).
Seated on the ground.
Amenhotep Jmn-tp, Chief steward in Memphis (Saqqâra tb., Bibl. iii2.702-3), son of Neferhabef Nfr-b.f
and [Tju]tj(u)ia [Tw]twj3
, holding
offering-basin, headless, black granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Bologna, Museo
Civico Archeologico, 1825. (Probably from Memphis.)
Curto, L'Egitto antico 75 [33] Tav. 22 (as Dyn. XIX); Pernigotti, Statuaria 55-6 [21] Tav. xvi, xvii [1], lxxii-lxxiv (as son of Nfr-nb.f); Petrie Ital. photo. 128. See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 157; Bogoslovskii in Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1974, No. 2 (128), 91 [1]; Pernigotti in Morigi Govi, C. and Vitali, D. Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (1982), 135 (as Dyn. XIX).
Sebkhotep Sbk-tp, Overseer of the seal, etc. (Theb. tb. 63) (headless)
holding small prince [Amen]hotep-merkhepesh [Jmn-]tp-mrj-pš
Amenophis III) (headless), with text mentioning Sobk[-shedty] and Horus in
Crocodilopolis (Medînet el-Faiyûm), and Osiris in el-Faiyûm, temp. Tuthmosis IV,
black granite, in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.6856.
Capart in Bull. Mus. Roy. 3 Sér. ii (1938), 83-6 fig. 8; Vandier, Manuel iii, 654 pl. clviii [6]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1232; van de Walle in Rev. d'Ég. 15 (1963), 77-85 figs. and pl. 12; De Meulenaere and Limme in Bull. Mus. Roy. 55 (1984), 12-13 fig. 3.
Man, right half only, head lost, with long text, Dyn. XIX or later, in Cairo Mus. CG 933.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 162 Bl. 158 (text). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Amen[hotep] Jmn[-tp], Scribe of recruits, etc., son of Hepu pw
Athribis, right knee only, grey granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Cairo Mus. CG 942.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 167 (text); Wildung, Imhotep und Amenhotep 265 n. 1 (as possibly Ptolemaic), 294 [199]. Text, Helck, Urk. iv. 1830 [661], Übersetz. 276.
Paaa P3-3, 'of Per-khener (Pr-nr)', Scribe of the altar, with naos with
figure of Ptah and right hand to mouth, quartzite, early Dyn. XIX, in Brit. Mus.
EA 501.
H. R. H[all] in Brit. Mus. Quarterly ii (1927-8), 41 pl. xxii [left] (as end of Dyn. XVIII or beginning of Dyn. XIX); Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 397; Swan Hall in Apollo lxxxvii (1968), 165 fig. 6 (as Dyn. XX); Wagner, P. Der ägyptische Einfluss auf die phönizische Architektur 123 Taf. 42 (as end of Dyn. XVIII or beginning of Dyn. XIX); Quirke and Spencer, The British Museum Book of Ancient Egypt 158 fig. 122. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 651.
Neferronpet Nfr-rnpt, Royal butler clean of hands, Steward, etc., right forearm
and left arm lost, offering-basin at front with cryptographic text and text mentioning
Amun-Re of Djeser-djeseru (temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bari), Hathor and
Karnak, quartzite, temp. Amenophis III, formerly in Comte de Saint-Ferriol colln. and
Musée de Grenoble, now in Louvre, E.14241. (Probably from Deir el-Bari.)
Moret in Revue Égyptologique N.S. i (1919), 163-6 [vi] pl. v [lower left] (as sandstone); Boreux in Mon. Piot xxxiii (1933), 11-26 pls. iii, iv fig. 3 (as sandstone); id. in Bull. Mus. France 5 (1933), 22-4 fig. on 23; Drioton in Revue lorraine d'Anthropologie vi (1933-4), 8 fig. 1; Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 68 (as sandstone); Malraux, Le Musée imaginaire de la sculpture mondiale (1952), pl. 60; Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 401 (as sandstone); Vandier, Manuel iii, 675 pl. cxlviii [4] (as sandstone); Geßler-Löhr in Schmitz, B. and Eggebrecht, A. (eds.), Festschrift Jürgen von Beckerath (1990), 57-9 Taf. 1; B. M. B[ryan] in Kozloff et al. Egypt's Dazzling Sun 45, 141, 160, 239, 242, 244, 250, 255, 285, 438, 471 Cat. 38 figs. pl. 22; Clère, Les chauves d'Hathor 181-6 [BB], 238-9 [BB] pl. xxix fig. 60 (as sandstone and Dyn. XVIII-XIX); Archives phot. E. 1004, 1062 (4 photographs). Upper part, Boreux, Sculpture pl. xxvii (as sandstone). Head, Bothmer in Boston Mus. Bull. xlvii (1949), 48 fig. 9 (from Boreux); id. in Berman, The Art of Amenhotep III: Art Historical Analysis 87 fig. 21 on pl. 24. Plain text, Helck, Urk. iv. 1856 [672], Übersetz. 287. Cryptographic text, Drioton in Rev. d'Ég. i (1933), 20-2 [C] pl. iii; part, Devéria in Bibl. Ég. v, 80. See Vandier, Guide (1948), 63; (1952), 64; (1973), 118 (as sandstone).
Sikhentekhtai S3-ntj-htj, Overseer of the two granaries of the King's
mother Aotep J -tp
(probably mother of Amosis), etc., son of Sit-hor S3t-rw
(mother), with text mentioning Amun-Re, probably temp.
Amosis, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung,
ÄS 3900.
Jaroš-Deckert, Statuen 20-4 figs. (as end of Dyn. XVII). Text, von Bergmann in Rec. Trav. vii (1886), 179 [4]. See Uebersicht (1895), 45 [30]; (1923), 19 [30].
Teti Ttj, Steward of the god's offerings of Sobk-Shedty, lower part (probably this
type), grey granite, with cartouche of Amenophis, temp. Amenophis II or III, with
Khawam (dealer) in Cairo in 1967.
Seated on the ground holding an object.
Maya Mjj3, Royal scribe, Overseer of the treasury, etc., holding a
Hathor-sistrum emblem, head and base with knees lost, with text mentioning Hathor
mistress of Dendera, granite, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, E.25984.
Vandier in La Revue du Louvre xviii (1968), 98-9 fig. 7; id. in Ugaritica vi, 492-9 fig. 3. See Hari in OLZ 69 (1974), 548 n. 4.
Seated on the ground cross-legged.
Man, grey stone, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1938/1.7.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 399 (as greenish stone and Middle Kingdom); Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 67 [47] fig. [left] (as Dyn. XII and from Abydos); Schneider, Egyptisch kunsthandwerk 35 [10] fig. [middle front] (as Middle Kingdom).
Minemhet Mnw-m-3t, 'praised by Montu', headless, with text
mentioning Montu of Hermonthis, probably 2nd half of Dyn. XVIII, in London,
Petrie Museum, 14653.
Page, Sculpture No. 155 fig. See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 426 [8th item].
Seated on the ground cross-legged holding an object.
Pehsukher P-sw-rw, Bow-carrier of the Lord of the Two Lands
(Theb. tb. 88), holding round basin, lower part only, with text mentioning Amun-Re,
granite, temp. Tuthmosis III to Amenophis II, in Louvre, E.25985.
Vandier in La Revue du Louvre xviii (1968), 99 fig. 8; id. in Ugaritica vi, 483-92 figs. 1, 2; Aufrère, Portes pour l'au-delà 144-5 [33] figs. on 190 (as diorite). See de Cenival, J.-L. in BSFÉ 51 (1968), 15.