Objects of Provenance Not Known: Statues
Jaromir Malek, Diana Magee and Elizabeth Miles
Non-royal statues. NK: Man with a deity,
groups and pairs
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Dynasties XVIII-XX
Man with a deity
A High priest of Memphis, right forearm and lower legs lost, with two hands probably of a seated deity touching the wig at back, uninscribed, black granite, probably temp. Ramesses II, in Grenoble, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Inv. 1964.
Moret in Revue Égyptologique N.S. i (1919), 173-4 [xii] pl. v [upper left]; Kuény, G. L'Égypte ancienne au Musée de Grenoble 13th p. [26] fig.; id. and Yoyotte, Grenoble, musée des Beaux-Arts. Collection égyptienne (1979), No. 29 fig. See Tresson, Cat. descriptif 51 [26].
Amenmosi Jmn-ms, wife Neferesi(?) Nfr-3st(?)
(?), and Panehesi
and wife Iay J3jj
, all seated, with sons and daughters in
relief, Dyn. XIX, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 21.
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 127 [xxvii, 1] fig. Text, Mallet in Rec. Trav. xviii (1896), 12 [546]. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2144.
Ptahmay Pt-mjj, wab-priest of the roof of Ptah lord of truth, with his wife
Hatshepsut 3t-šps(w)t
, Songstress of Amun, etc., on his left, and daughter
Nehy(t) Nhjj(t)
, Noblewoman of the Great House, on his right, all
seated, with small figures of son Ramosi R -msw
, Servant of the Great
House, and daughter Henut-demit nwt-dmjt
, Songstress of Amun, both
standing, with scenes in relief on back of seat, Dyn. XIX, in Berlin, Ägyptisches
Museum, 2297. (Probably from Saqqâra.)
Aeg. und Vorderasiat. Alterthümer Taf. 18; Ausf. Verz. 136 Abb. 28; Capart, L'Art ég. (1911), pl. 168; Hunger, J. and Lamer, H. Altorientalische Kultur im Bilde Abb. 19; Schäfer, Äg. Kunst 27 fig. 2; id. in Die Antike iii (1927), 191 Taf. 14 (repr. in Ägyptische und heutige Kunst und Weltgebäude der alten Ägypter 9 Taf. 1); Fechheimer, Plastik (1914), 28, 42, 47, 57 Taf. 66-7; (1923), 28, 41, 47, 57 Taf. 66-7; Woermann, K. Geschichte der Kunst aller Zeiten und Völker i (1915), Abb. 51; Strömbom, S. Egyptens Konst 162 fig. 137; Pijoán, Summa Artis iii (1945), 440 figs. 584-5; Anthes, Meisterwerke ägyptischer Plastik Taf. xviii (as Dyn. XVIII); id. Aegyptische Plastik in Meisterwerken Taf. 24 (as Dyn. XVIII); Vandier, Manuel iii, 647 pl. cxlviii [3] (from Fechheimer) (as temp. Sethos I); Firchow, Aegyptische Plastik 26 Abb. 12 (as temp. Amenophis III); Führer (1961), 71 Abb. 43; Hornemann, Types vi, pls. 1481-2 (as from Memphis); Allam in Das Altertum 16 (1970), fig. on 70; Kleiner Führer durch die Ausstellung des Ägyptischen Museums [n.d.], 45 Abb. 11; (1981), 43 Abb. 11 (as temp. Ramesses II); Burkhardt in Das Altertum 34 (1988), 69 Abb. 1; Finneiser, K. in Äg. Mus. (1991), No. 90 fig. (as temp. Ramesses II and from Saqqâra); Gardiner MSS. 28.35-7 (photos.). Upper part or head of Nehy(t), Schäfer, Das Bildnis im Alten Ägypten Abb. 14 [a, b]; Weigall, Anc. Eg. ... Art fig. on 261 [left] (as temp. Sethos I); Ranke, The Art of Ancient Egypt and Breasted, Geschichte Aegyptens (1936), 114 (as Dyn. XVIII); Wenig, Die Frau pl. 76 [left]. Text, Aeg. Inschr. ii, 6-8; Seyffarth MSS. v. 4179-80. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 928. See Brugsch, Uebersichtliche Erklaerung (1850), 34-5 [1]; Steindorff in Journal WAG v (1942), 10 n. 10 (as early Ramesside and from Memphis).
Amenhotep Jmn-tp, First prophet of Ptah, and his wife Meryt Mrjjt
Songstress of Amun, both seated, with small figure of daughter Takhat T3- t
, Songstress of Amun, standing between them, and other children in
relief on front and sides of seat, with text mentioning Amun-Re in Karnak, Mut, and
Hathor in Thebes, end of Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Bologna, Museo Civico
Archeologico, 1814. (Probably from Thebes.)
Curto, L'Egitto antico 74 [31] Tav. 20; *Ferri, A. Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (1973), 11 [IV, 2] fig. on 13 [lower]; Pernigotti in Il Carrobbio iv (1978), 389-92 Tav. ii, iii fig. 2; id. Statuaria 44-6 [14] Tav. x, liii-lv; id. in Morigi Govi, C. and Vitali, D. Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (1982), 130 [B] col. pl. on 50; id. La collezione egiziana 77 fig.; M. P. C[esaretti] in Il senso dell'arte No. 76 fig.; Petrie Ital. photo. 124; H. W. Müller Archive 5 [105/1, 4, 6, 8; 317/26, 28, 30]. See *Nizzoli, G. Catalogo dettagliato [etc.] (1827), 17-18 [2]; Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 151-2 (some text); Ducati, Guida 50 [Q]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 649.
Mainakht M3j-nt, Sculptor of Amun, wife Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt
(upper part lost) on his left and son Kharuef Hrw.f
on his right,
with a small daughter and son between them, early Dyn. XVIII, in Bologna, Museo
Civico Archeologico, 1819.
Pernigotti in Il Carrobbio iv (1978), 385-9 Tav. i fig. 1; id. Statuaria 32-3 [5] Tav. iii, xxxii, xxxiii (as probably temp. Tuthmosis I and from Thebes); id. in Morigi Govi, C. and Sassatelli, G. Dalla Stanza delle Antichità al Museo Civico 200 [89] fig. and pl. facing 192; id. La collezione egiziana 65 fig. (as temp. Tuthmosis I or II and from Thebes); P. P[iacentini] in Il senso dell'arte No. 45 fig. (as probably temp. Tuthmosis I or II and from Thebes); Feucht, Das Kind im Alten Ägypten 418 Abb. 42 (as No. 473). Upper part of Mainakht, Bresciani, Collezione 50-1 Tav. 24 (as temp. Tuthmosis I and from Thebes). See *Nizzoli, G. Catalogo dettagliato [etc.] (1827), 17 [2]; Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 153-4 (some text); Curto, L'Egitto antico 73 [27] (as Setnakht and late Dyn. XVIII); id. in Pelagio Pelagi, artista e collezionista (Bologna, Museo Civico, April-June 1976), No. 473 (as mid-Dyn. XVIII); Pernigotti in Morigi Govi, C. and Vitali, D. Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (1982), 136.
Siamun S3{t}-jmn, Overseer of the great fortress of the Great Green,
Overseer of the fortresses of the northern foreign countries, etc., son of Ay jj
(mother), with wife Bakt B3kt
(upper part lost) on his left and Saa S-3
, Scribe of documents, on his right, all seated, with [Saa's wife Karifi Krf
standing], 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, formerly in R. Rochette, A.
Raifé, A. G. B. Schayes and É. Fétis collns., now in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art
et d'Histoire, E.4295.
Capart in Rec. Trav. xxii (1900), 105-8 [1] pl. facing 136. Text, Speleers, Rec. inscr. 35 [117]. See Lenormant, Description des antiquités ... collection ... Raifé (1867), No. 2 bis; Vandier, Manuel iii, 654; Lefebvre, F. and Van Rinsveld, B. L'Égypte. Des Pharaons aux Coptes 88.
Amenhotep Jmn-tp, Scribe of food-offerings of Amun at Karnak, and wife
seated, with daughter Mutnefert Mwt-nfrt
standing, and family in relief on
back, text mentioning Amun, Atum lord of the Two Lands in Heliopolis, Hathor
mistress of Heliopolis, etc., fragmentary, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus.
CG 623+855+965+1000+1012.
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 169-70; iii, 123; iv, 6, 21, 24 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 656.
Senhotep Sn(.j)-tp, Scribe of the cadaster, with wife Sentnefert Snt-nfrt
and son Senusert S-n-wsrt
, Scribe of the cadaster, all seated,
fragments of seat with legs and base, with text mentioning Amun-R lord of the
Thrones of the Two Lands, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 934+1101.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 163; iv, 57 (text).
Man (head lost), woman (upper part of head lost) and [another person] seated, red sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 980. (Bought in Cairo.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 14; Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Man and woman (faces lost), and [another person], with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands and Mut mistress of Asher, schist, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1027.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 31 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Man and woman (names lost), with small son standing, and other children, including
daughters Mutyu Mwtjjw and Hatmert 3t-mrt, in relief on sides of seat,
mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cannes, Musée de La Castre, Inv. YIP 14. (Modern copy in
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS
Duringe, A. Étude sur quelques monuments égyptiens du Musée archéologique de Cannes (Musée Lycklama) (1907), 6 pl. i; Margaine, A.-M. L'Égypte ancienne (Petits guides des Musées de Cannes, 1), No. 1 figs. and front cover. See Le Nil et la société égyptienne No. 134 (as probably post-Amârna). (Copy Vienna ÄS 5771=8408, Rogge, Statuen N.R. 34-7 figs.)
Amenmosi Jmn-ms with wife (or mother) and father, all mummiform, diorite, Dyn. XVIII, in Chicago (Ill.), Field Museum of Natural History, A.105176.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 665 (as granite).
Man and two women, upper part, small remains of text on man's kilt, with wide back pillar, diorite, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 885.
Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 33 [57] (as 28 in error) pl. 67 (as granite and Dyn. XVIII-XIX); Vandier, Manuel iii, 667 pl. cxlvi [2] (from Koefoed-Petersen) (as granite); Jørgensen, M. Egypt II (1550-1080 B.C.). Catalogue. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 78-9 [19] fig. (as temp. Amenophis II to Tuthmosis IV). See Schmidt, Den. Æg. Sam. (1899), 100-1 [A.68]; (1908), 144 [E.77] (both as granite and Dyn. XVIII-XIX).
Man and two women seated, 2nd half of Dyn. XVIII, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AST.69.
Boeser, Beschreibung v, 10 [22] Taf. x; Bremmer, Eg. kunst No. 13; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1401 (as sandstone); Vandier, Manuel iii, 671 [D. 97] pl. cxlviii [1] (from Boeser) (as temp. Amenophis II); Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 84 [72] fig. (as temp. Amenophis II); H. D. Sch[neider] in Eggebrecht, Aufstieg No. 298 fig. (as temp. Amenophis II); id. Beeldhouwkunst in het land van de farao's 51 [18] fig. See Leemans, Descr. rais. 58 [D. 97]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 68 [77].
Minmosi Mnw-ms, Steward of the god's wife, etc., wife and daughter, all
seated, heads and parts of legs and base lost, with son Minmosi Mnw-ms
, First
prophet of Osiris, in relief on back of seat, probably temp. Tuthmosis III to
Amenophis II, in Brit. Mus. EA 2300.
De Meulenaere in MDAIK 37 (1981), 315-19 Taf. 50-1; Robins, G. Reflections of Women in the New Kingdom: Ancient Egyptian Art from The British Museum (Atlanta, Georgia, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, 4 February - 14 May 1995) (San Antonio, Texas: Van Siclen Books), No. 21 figs. and on 40. Text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 2 Ser. 80 [D]. See Guide, 4th to 6th 128 [63].
Family monument of Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt, Chief of the Medjay,
Overseer of works on the monuments of His Majesty etc., son of Unnufer Wnn-nfr
, First prophet of Amun, and Esi 3st
, Chief of the harîm of Amun, with
twenty-five mummiform figures of relatives, cartouches of Ramesses II, black granite,
temp. Ramesses II, in Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 1069.
Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 2 Ser. 38 [lines 1-29]; Brugsch, Thes. 951-7 [17] figs.; Lipiska in Études et Travaux iii (1969), 42 fig. 3; Moursi, Die Hohenpriester des Sonnengottes [etc.], 61-3 Taf. vii, viii; Barocas in Civiltà dell'Antico Egitto in Campania 19 fig. 2; R. P[irelli] in Cantilena and Rubino, La Collezione egiziana ... Napoli 35-7 [2] fig. 3 [1] Tav. i; Trapani, M. in BSÉG 19 (1995), 52 [1] fig. 1 (as diorite). Part, Vassalli MSS. f. Hr = G. Lise in Rassegna di studi e di notizie (Milan, Castello Sforzesco), xiii (1986), 399 [Nr] fig. 25. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iii, 272-4 [1]. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 905. See Marucchi in Ruesch, A. (ed.), Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Antichità. Guida (1911), 121-2 [337]; id. Naples National Museum. Excerpt of the Guide [1925], 60 [246]; Reisner in JEA vi (1920), 45-7; de Franciscis, A. Guida del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (1963), 27 (as basalt); Tiradritti, F. in L'egittologo Luigi Vassalli (1812-1887). Disegni e documenti nei Civici Istituti Culturali Milanesi 94.
[Amen]ked [Jmn-]d, Keeper of the chamber of Amun, wife Nebtyunet
and small daughter Mutnefert Mwt-nfrt, all seated, with texts
mentioning Amun and Hathor, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in New York, Metropolitan
Museum of Art, 25.184.8.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1422; Fischer in MMJ 8 (1973), 24 n. 55 fig. 27; A. K. C[apel] in Capel, A. K. and Markoe, G. E. (eds.), Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven. Women in Ancient Egypt 50-1 [2] fig. See Hayes, Scepter ii, 158-9.
Neferhabef Nfr-b.f and wife Taiu T3jw seated, with son Benermerut Bnr-mrwt
(dedicator) seated on the ground, temp. Amenophis II-III, in Louvre,
A 57 [N.58].
De Clarac, Musée de sculpture v, pl. 997A [2558F]; Texte v, 302-3; Vandier, Manuel iii, 671 pl. cxlvii [2]; Archives phot. E.679. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 32-3; Boreux, Guide ii, 452; Vandier, Guide (1948), 52; (1952), 53.
Hekanufer 3-nfr and wife Merytmut Mrjt-mwt
seated, with
small son standing and daughter seated, much damaged, probably late Dyn. XVIII, in
Louvre, A 58.
Vandier, Manuel iii, 671 pl. cxlvii [4]; Archives phot. E.695. Names, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 19. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 33; Boreux, Guide ii, 453.
Esinefert 3st-nfrt, King's great wife (of Ramesses II), and sons Khaemweset
and Rameses R -ms-sw
, General, etc., with text
mentioning wt K3-hnm-ntrw
and Sokari-Osiris lord of the Two Lands,
fragment, red sandstone, temp. Ramesses II, in Louvre, N.2272.
Text, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 84; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 854 [310]; part, Drioton in ASAE xli (1942), 29 [lower]. See Pierret, Cat. No. 633; Gomaà, Chaemwese 96 [110] (suggests from Saqqâra).
Kheru Hrw, wife Bakt B3kt and small son before offering stand, probably temp. Amenophis II or Tuthmosis IV, in Louvre, E.11364.
Vandier, Manuel iii, 675 pl. cxlvi [4]. See id. Guide (1973), 34.
Amennakht Jmn-nt, Child of the nursery, ... of the treasury of the temple
of Nebmaetre (Amenophis III) (upper part lost), and wife Ir(t)iabtes Jr(t)-j3bt.s
, 'praised by Hathor mistress of Dendera', both seated, and small
son standing next to Amennakht's right leg, with son Peshedu P3-šd
daughter Wert Wrt
in relief on back of seat, and with texts mentioning Mut
mistress of Asher and altar of Amun-Re, Pta-Sokari-Osiris and Mut, temp.
Amenophis III, formerly in J. Huston colln. and at Sotheby's in 1973, now in Louvre,
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 3, 1973, No. 55 pl. xiii; The Burlington Magazine cxv [848] (Nov. 1973), Advertisements, fig. on lxxix [lower right]; La Revue du Louvre xxv (1975), Chronique des Amis du Louvre Oct.-Nov. 1975, fig. on i; Gazette des Beaux-Arts lxxxvii (1976), Suppl. March 1976, fig. 3 on 2; Desroches Noblecourt in La Revue du Louvre xxvi (1976), 84-92 figs. 1-4, 6-8; Barbotin, C. in Aménophis III (Connaissance des Arts no. hors série, 1993), fig. 16 on 19; B. L[etellier] in Des mécènes par milliers. Un siècle de dons par les Amis du Louvre. Musée du Louvre, Paris, 21 avril - 21 juillet 1997, 192 [14] fig.
Sheri Šrj, Scribe, and wife Sitamun S3t-jmn
seated, and small
son(?) Amenemopet Jmn-m-jpt
standing between them, with brother
Amenemopet Jmn-m-jpt
, Scribe (dedicator of statue), wife and another
woman in relief on back of seat, with text mentioning Amun-Re, sandstone, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 2508. (Acquired from
Ibrahim Bedîr, French consular official at Naqâda.)
Mat'e, Iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta iii. Novoe Tsarstvo (1947), pl. xxv [2]; Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegipetskaya skul'ptura 73-5 [69] pl. i figs. 43-4; Landa and Lapis, Eg. Antiq. pl. 33 (as limestone); Feucht, Das Kind im Alten Ägypten 417 Abb. 41. Some names, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2534. See Golénischeff, Inventaire 378-80 (as limestone); Vandier, Manuel iii, 670.
Mahu M, Head of the stall, headless, wife Dedia Ddj3
, Songstress
of Mut, and small daughter Tawah(t) T3-w3(t)
, Songstress of Amun, with
son Amenmosi Jmn-ms
in relief between parents, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn.
XIX, in Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, NME 89.
Peterson in Orientalia Suecana xix-xx (1970-1), 14-15 [xxi] Abb. 10, 11 (as New Kingdom or 3rd Int. Period). See Lieblein, Katalog öfver egyptiska fornlemningar i National-museum (1868), 33-4 (as sandstone).
Pawer P3-wr and wife Mut Mwt
(dedicator of statue) seated, with small
son Simut S3-mwt
(headless) kneeling between them, and daughter in relief
on left side of seat, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3057.
Vandier, Manuel iii, 681 pl. cxliii [2] (as temp. Tuthmosis III); E. L[eospo] in Robins, Beyond the Pyramids. Egyptian Regional Art from the Museo Egizio, Turin (Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology, Atlanta, 24 Oct. - 10 March 1991), Cat. 50 figs.; Donadoni Roveri, Museo Egizio fig. on 34 [lower right]; Petrie Ital. photo. 107. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 145 [xviii] (as Dyn. XX). Names, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2213. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 59 [301]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 418-19.
Man and woman seated, with small daughter seated between them, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3058.
Petrie Ital. photo. 117. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 61 [302]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 419; Farina, Il Regio Museo (1931), 11 [25]; (1938), 11; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Meryptah Mrjj-pt , Royal scribe of the altar of the Lord of the Two
Lands (Theb. tb. 387), wife(?) Kafi Kf
, Songstress of Amun, and Siesi S3-3st
, Overseer of craftsmen of the Lord of the Two Lands, all seated, with text
mentioning 'lords of Thebes', front of base with feet of men lost, calcareous sandstone,
temp. Ramesses II, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische
Sammlung, ÄS 48. (Probably from Theb. tb. 387.)
Vandier, Manuel iii, 682 pl. cxlviii [2] (as mid-Dyn. XVIII); Komorzynski, Erbe 157-8, 199 Abb. 47; Satzinger, Äg. Kunst 39 Abb. 18; id. in Jahrb. Wien 79, N.F. xliii (1983), 7-18 Abb. 1, 2, 5-9; id. Das Kunsthistorische Museum in Wien. Die Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung (1994), 38-9 Abb. 23; id. in Haja, M. (ed.), Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. Guide to the Collections (1989), 34 fig. [lower]; Rogge, Statuen N.R. 91-100 figs. See Uebersicht (1895), 35 [xxiii]; (1923), 10 [xxiii].
Simut S3{t}-mwt, Overseer of the royal sandals of Amun, jb
Amun (two figures) and wife Henuy Hnwjj
, all seated and lower part only,
with sons and daughters in relief on sides of seat, end of Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn.
XIX, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS
Rogge, Statuen N.R. 48-59 figs. Text, von Bergmann, Hieroglyphische Inschriften [etc.], 7 Taf. v. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2046.
Wahib W3-jb, Jeweller of Amun (head lost) and wife Teroy Trjj
seated, and son (head lost) standing between them, with text mentioning altars of
Amun-Re and Mut, sandstone, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches
Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 9233.
Jaro-Deckert, Statuen 160-5 figs. See von Bergmann, Übersicht der aegyptischen Alterthümer des k. k. Münz- und Antiken-Cabinetes (1876), 38 [47].
Amennakht Jmn-nt, Head of custodians, etc., between daughter Hatmert
and son Nefersekheru Nfr-srw
, Overseer of the
treasury, all seated, heads lost, with text mentioning Amenophis I and Ahmosi
Nefertere J -ms Nfrt-jrj, Dyn. XIX, seen by N. de Garis Davies in 1935.
Davies MSS. 2.83.
Two men
Khaemweset -m-w3st, Governor of the Town and Vizier, Greatest of
the directors of craftsmen of Ptah, etc., and another man, temp. Ramesses IX-X, in
Aix-en-Provence, Musée Granet, 849-1-4-S.
Barbotin, Ch. in Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence. Collection égyptienne (1995), 76 [15] fig. Name and titles, Weil, A. Die Veziere des Pharaonenreiches 117 [42, f]; Maystre, Les grands prêtres de Ptah de Memphis 285 [85]; some, Davies MSS. 2.1 [upper]. See Devéria in Gibert, H. Musée d'Aix i (1882), 17 [15] (repr. in Bibl. Ég. iv, 237-8 [15]).
Paa P3-3, Lector-priest of Min, etc., seated, and boy standing, but now
only seat and feet left, with text (graffito?) mentioning Amun-Re, probably Dyn.
XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 1161.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 85 (text) (as Middle Kingdom); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591 (as Middle Kingdom); Fischer, The Orientation of Hieroglyphs i, 92 [3].
Two men kneeling with naoi of Osiris, 'brown marble', Dyn. XIX-XX or later, in Chicago (Ill.), Field Museum of Natural History, A.30823.
Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1113 (as Dyn. XIX). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 664.
Man and woman
Man and woman, late Dyn. XVIII to early Dyn. XIX, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.411.
Steindorff, Cat. 44 [119] pl. xviii; The Walters Art Gallery Bulletin 35 [6] (Nov.-Dec. 1982), fig. on 1st p. (as Dyn. XIX); Donadoni, L'Egitto fig. on 221 [left] (as Ramesside). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 647 (as Ramesside).
Pentawer P3-n-t3-wr(t), wab-priest of Amenemopet, etc., and woman
Shedsu[t]awer(t) Šd-sw-[t]3-wr(t)
, base with feet only, Dyn. XX-XXI,
in Cairo Mus. CG 1259.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 133 (text).
Man (lower part lost) and a Songstress of Amun (lower legs lost), with text mentioning Amun-Re and Ahmosi Nefertere J -ms Nfrt-jrj (mother of Amenophis I), Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, E.SU.158.
Tenro-amun Tnr-jmn and wife Wiay Wj3jj
, with text
mentioning gods including Ptah great of strength, Hathor mistress of the Southern
Sycamore and Mut mistress of Asher, red sandstone, early Dyn. XIX, in Leiden,
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AST.24.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. ii, 11 [D.76] pl. xviii; Boeser, Beschreibung v, 9-10 [21] Taf. x; Bremmer, Eg. kunst No. 25 (as Dyn. XVIII); Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1166; Vandier, Manuel iii, 670 pl. cxlii [2] (from Boeser); Seipel, Ägypten No. 461 fig. (as Dyn. XIX-XX). See Leemans, Descr. rais. 56-7 [D. 76]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 68 [82].
Pendua P3-n-dw3 , wab-priest in front of Amun, holding standard of
Amun-Re, and wife Nasha Nš
, Songstress of Amun, with son Amenemopet
Jmn-m-jpt in relief, basalt, Dyn. XIX, in Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 178.
R. P[irelli] in Cantilena and Rubino, La Collezione egiziana ... Napoli 43 [1.8] fig. 4 Tav. iii. See Marucchi in Ruesch, A. (ed.), Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Antichità. Guida (1911), 127 [362]; id. Naples National Museum. Excerpt of the Guide [1925], 62 [261] (both as Late Period).
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t, Overseer of the great enclosure, etc., and
Ahmosi Beketamun J -ms B3kt-jmn
, King's ornament, heads lost,
calcite, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 12.213.
See MMA Bull. viii (1913), 22 (as Dyn. XII-XVIII).
A wab-priest of Bubastis mistress of Bubastis (Tell Basa), name lost, and wife Itesres
Jt.s-rsw, with other names added recently, diorite, early Dyn. XVIII,
formerly in London, Spink & Son Ltd., now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of
Art, 62.186.
Connoisseur cl [603] (May 1962), Advertisements, fig. on lxxii; Fischer in MMJ 9 (1974), 27-34 figs. 35-8, 41-3. See Hayes in MMA Bull. N.S. xxii (1963-4) Annual Report 1962-3, 65 [bottom].
A Scribe of the treasury of Ptah, First prophet of Ptah-tatanen (name lost) and his
wife Neferuptah Nfrw-pt , Songstress of Hathor mistress of the
Southern Sycamore, with his daughter in relief and text mentioning Ptah, Sekhmet
and Hathor mistress of the Southern Sycamore, Dyn. XVIII or XIX, in Louvre, A 61.
Text, Devéria squeezes, Gal. Nat. Londres, 22; some, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 49. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 34; Vandier, Manuel iii, 671.
Hori rwj, Head of scribes of the altar in the Temple of Millions of Years of
the King of Upper and Lower Egypt Baenre-meriamun (Merneptah) in the domain
of Amun in the west of Thebes, etc., son of Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt
Scribe of the district(?) of the town, and wife Nefertere Nfrt-jrjj
, Songstress of
Amun at Karnak, with text mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two
Lands, foremost of Karnak and Mut the Great, mistress of Asher, red granite, temp.
Merneptah, in Louvre, A 68 [N.69].
Millin, A. L. Aegyptiaques ou Recueil de Quelques Monuments Aegyptiens Inédits (1816), 14-17 pls. v-viii; de Clarac, Musée de sculpture iii, pl. 290 [2550]; Texte v, 299; Richer, Le Nu 12-13 fig. 6; Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 99; Vandier, Manuel iii, 672 pl. cxlii [6]; Champollion, J. The World of the Egyptians fig. on 69; Kanawaty in BSFÉ 104 (1985), 32 pl. iv [c]; id. in Mémoires d'Égypte. Hommage de l'Europe à Champollion fig. on 146; Berger in Archéologia 265 (Feb. 1991), fig. on 30 [upper, left]; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 139 fig.; Archives phot. E. 53. Text, Pierret, Rec. inscr. i, 7-9; Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. iv, 136-7 [82]; some, Devéria squeezes, Gal. Nat. Londres, 12. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2205. Name and two titles, Brugsch, Thes. 1461 [110 (A, 68)]. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 37; Vandier, Guide (1948), 24; (1952), 25; (1973), 23-4.
Bekenkhons B3k-n-nsw, First prophet of Amun, son of Amenemopet
, headless and lower legs lost, with wife (headless) holding aegis
of Hathor, granite, temp. Setnakht to Ramesses III, in Rome, Università, Museo del
Vicino Oriente Antico. (Probably from the Theban area.)
Sist, L. M. C. in Reineke, W. F. (ed.), First International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo, October 2-10, 1986. Acts 583-5 Taf. lxxxii-lxxxiii. See Newberry in PSBA xxv (1903), 362 [c] (as temp. Ramesses II).
Upper part of man (head and right shoulder lost) and woman, with text mentioning Hathor mistress of Crocodilopolis (Gebelein), end of Dyn. XVIII, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 51.
Rogge, Statuen N.R. 44-7 figs.
Kaemweset K3-m-w3st, Fan-bearer of the Lord of the Two Lands, and wife
Renpeten(t)opet Rnpt-n(t)-jpt
, Royal sistrum-player of (the statue of)
Usermaetre-setepenre (Ramesses II) Montu in the Two Lands, schist, temp. Ramesses
II, formerly in M. Nahman and Omar Pasha Sultan collns.
Collection de feu Omar Pacha Sultan, Le Caire. Catalogue descriptif (1929), i, Art égyptien No. 345 pl. xlviii; de Ricci MSS. D.62, 17-18 (as basalt). Names and titles, Clère in Kêmi xi (1950), 33 (from de Ricci MSS.); Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. ii, 451 [163, 4, C].
Tjay T3jj, Royal scribe, General, and wife Tuia Twj3
, lower part,
granite, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, at Sotheby's in 1979-80.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 10, 1979, No. 150 fig.; May 13, 1980, No. 105 fig.
Khensmosi nsw-ms, wab-priest in front of Amun, Overseer of works on
all monuments of Amun, lower part damaged, and wife Merytmut Mrjt-mwt, Songstress
of Amun, probably temp. Ramesses II, formerly on loan to Brooklyn Museum,
L80.1.18, then at Sotheby's (New York) in 1985.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Feb. 8-9, 1985, No. 21 fig.
Man and woman, inscribed but names lost, upper part, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Aberdeen, Anthropological Museum, 1396.
See Reid, R. W. Illustrated Catalogue [etc.] (1912), 180 (as Dyn. XVIII or XIX).
Upper part of a Royal scribe (name lost) with [wife?], with text mentioning Ptah-Sokari, black granite, Dyn. XIX, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.111. (Probably from the Memphite area.)
Steindorff, Cat. 43 [117] pls. xxiii, cxii. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 646.
Djehuti Dwtjj, Butcher of the Temple of Amun, and wife Ahhotep J -tp
, with scenes in relief on sides and back of seat, and text mentioning Amun-Re, early Dyn. XVIII, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.164.
Steindorff, Cat. 42-3 [116] pls. xxiii, cxii; Simpson, The Face of Egypt No. 22 figs. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 646.
Man and woman, feet and front of base lost, small, Dyn. XIX, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.312.
Steindorff, Cat. 43-4 [118] pl. xxxv (as Dyn. XIX-XX); Hill, D. K. in Archaeology 11 (1958), fig. on 276 [upper]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 647.
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t Iuti Jwtj
, Steward of the first prophet of
Amun, etc., and wife Amenemopet Jmn-m-jpt
, Songstress of Amun, with
text mentioning Amun-Re and Mut, granite, 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, in Berlin,
Ägyptisches Museum, 2289. (Probably from Thebes.)
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1204; K. H. P[riese] in Eggebrecht, Aufstieg No. 180 fig. Text, Aeg. Inschr. ii, 47-8. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 1167. See Brugsch, Uebersichtliche Erklaerung (1850), 33 [1]; Ausf. Verz. 136 (as sandstone); Führer (1961), 57-8; Vandier, Manuel iii, 647 (as sandstone).
Amenhotep-user Jmn-tp-wsr, Doorkeeper of the granary, and wife
Ten(t)wadj(et) T3-n(t)-w3d(t)
, with son and daughter in relief on front of seat,
and text mentioning Amun-Re of Karnak, Mut and Hathor, quartzite, mid-Dyn.
XVIII, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 2298. (Probably from Thebes.)
Fechheimer, Kleinplastik 13 Taf. 50 (as sandstone); Firchow, Aegyptische Plastik 25-6 Abb. 10 (as sandstone or granite and temp. Tuthmosis IV); Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1200; Michalowski, Art fig. 374; Egyiptomi mvészet No. 44 fig. 15; K. H. P[riese] in Eggebrecht, Aufstieg No. 179 fig. (as temp. Amenophis II); Art Treasures. Exhibition ... Tokyo Cat. No. 50 fig. (as temp. Amenophis II); Finneiser, K. in Äg. Mus. (1991), No. 56 fig.; Andreu, Images de la vie quotidienne en Égypte au temps des pharaons fig. on 14 [lower] (as No. 2258). Text, Aeg. Inschr. ii, 3-4. See Ausf. Verz. 135 (as sandstone); Führer (1961), 57 (as sandstone); Vandier, Manuel iii, 647 (as sandstone and probably temp. Amenophis II).
Neferhor Nfr-r, Head of the custodians of scribes of the granaries of the Great
House, etc., and wife Wiay Wj3jj
, Songstress of Horus, Dyn. XIX, formerly
in G. d'Athanasi colln. and at Sotheby's in 1837, now in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum,
Vandier, Manuel iii, 648 pl. cxliv [1]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1199 (as Dyn. XVIII). Text, Aeg. Inschr. ii, 5. See Sotheby Sale Cat. (D'Athanasi), March 13-20, 1837, No. 576; Exhibition Catalogue of Giovanni d'Athanasi's Collection of Egyptian Antiquities [etc.] (1837), No. 528; Brugsch, Uebersichtliche Erklaerung (1850), 35 [3]; Ausf. Verz. 136-7; Führer (1961), 66.
Merymaet Mrjj-m3 t, Mayor of Djarukha, and wife Nefertere Nfrt-jrjj
, Songstress of Amun (headless), with text mentioning Min lord of Ipu, etc.,
Dyn. XIX, in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1813. (Probably from Akhmîm.)
Kminek-Szedlo, Saggio filologico per l'apprendimento della lingua e scrittura egiziana [etc.] (1877), 81-2 Tav. x [3]; Pernigotti, Statuaria 52-4 [19] Tav. xiv, xv [1], lxvii-lxix (as probably from Thebes); id. in Morigi Govi, C. and Sassatelli, G. Dalla Stanza delle Antichità al Museo Civico 201 [92] fig.; id. La collezione egiziana 81 fig. (as from Thebes); M. P. C[esaretti] in Il senso dell'arte No. 88 fig. (as probably from Thebes); Gabolde, M. in BIFAO 94 (1994), 261-75 figs. 1, 2 (as end of Dyn. XVIII); H. W. Müller Archive 5 [I/14; II/736-42]. See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 151 (some text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 649; Pernigotti in Morigi Govi, C. and Vitali, D. Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (1982), 130 [E] (as probably from Thebes).
Amennakht Jmn-ntw Nakht Nt
, Official (j3wtj) of the jmj-prwj, etc. (face lost), and wife Riya Rjjj3
, Songstress of Amun lord of the
Thrones of the Two Lands, black granite, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Bologna, Museo Civico
Archeologico, 1815-16. (Probably from Thebes.)
Curto, L'Egitto antico 70 [14] Tav. 16 (as Middle Kingdom); Pernigotti, Statuaria 43-4 [13] Tav. ix, li, lii (as end of Dyn. XVIII); Petrie Ital. photos. 121-3. See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 152-3 (some text); Ducati, Guida 59 [middle]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 649; Pernigotti in Morigi Govi, C. and Vitali, D. Il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (1982), 136 (as end of Dyn. XVIII).
Mery Mrjj, Standard-bearer, and wife Suiro Sr
, basalt, late Dyn.
XVIII, in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1817.
Curto, L'Egitto antico 73 [26] Tav. 16; Pernigotti, Statuaria 39-40 [9] Tav. vii [2], xliv, xlv (as mid-Dyn. XVIII); Petrie Ital. photos. 126-7. See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 153.
Unnufer Wnn-nfr (left arm lost) and wife (head, right shoulder and arm
lost), with text mentioning Mut in the Thinite nome, 2nd half of Dyn. XVIII, in
Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1818. (Probably from Abydos.)
Pernigotti, Statuaria 41-3 [12] Tav. viii, xlix, l. See *Nizzoli, Catalogo dettagliato [etc.] (1827), 19 [5]; Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 153.
W... W......
, Overseer of peasants of Amun, and a Songstress of Mut
(name lost), with text mentioning Amun, very fragmentary, late Dyn. XVIII,
formerly in H. J. Anderson and New York Historical Society collns., now in Brooklyn
Museum, 37.393E.
Text, James, Corpus i, 118 [268] pl. lxviii. See NYHS Cat. 74; Vandier, Manuel iii, 653.
Upper part of man and hand of wife, with names of Amun-Re and remains of text on back pillar, Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 847.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 120-1 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Upper part of man and left hand of wife on his shoulder, sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 857.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 123; Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Upper part of man (face destroyed) with part of right arm and hand of wife, New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 858.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 124; Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
Man (upper part lost) and woman ...emopetnefer ...m-jpt-nfr (left
arm lost), probably Dyn. XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 863.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 126-7 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 658.
A King's wab-priest and wife, faces destroyed and base with feet lost, with text mentioning Amun-Re and Hathor, sandstone, early Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo Mus. CG 937.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 164-5 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
A Prophet of Amenophis (deified Amenophis I), and woman Mutwebent(?)
, Songstress of Amun, both seated, upper parts and feet of
woman lost, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 975. (Probably from Deir
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 11 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Pahekaemsasen P3-3-m-s3.sn, Overseer of foreign countries, and
wife Duy Dwjj
, both seated, upper parts lost, with text mentioning Amun-Re
and Hathor chieftainess of Thebes, black granite, temp. Amenophis II, in Cairo Mus.
CG 989.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 17 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659.
Penwah P3-n-w3, Scribe of the accounts of grain, and wife Meryt
, both seated, upper parts and base with feet lost, with text mentioning
Mut mistress of Asher and Thoth lord of Mendes(?), sandstone, Dyn. XVIII, in Cairo
Mus. CG 1003 (JE 27955). (Said to come from Saqqâra or Sheikh Abd el-Qurna.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 21-2 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 659. Names and title of Penwa, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 1967.
Upper part of woman, from seated pair-statue, remains of text on back pillar, Dyn. XVIII-XIX, in Cairo Mus. CG 1036.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 34 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Hori rwj, Deputy of the temple of Amun-Re (probably Theb. tb. 28), and
woman, upper parts and base with feet lost, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus.
CG 1127.
See Borchardt, Statuen iv, 70 (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 660.
Khaut 3wt, Baker of Hathor(?), and wife, with children in relief on seat, Dyn.
XIX, in Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer.
Chappaz and Poggia, Collections égyptiennes publiques de Suisse fig. on 37.
Man and [wife Mi... Mj......
, Songstress of the mistress of the Southern
Sycamore], with upper parts, lower legs and base lost, dedicated by son Huy jj
First prophet of ..., represented in relief on side of seat, with text mentioning Ptah,
Sokari of Shetyt and Osiris, greywacke, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg
Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 85.
Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 48-9 [79], 82, 85 pl. 91 (as grey sandstone); Jørgensen, M. Egypt II (1550-1080 B.C.). Catalogue. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 300-1 [125] fig. (as Dyn. XX). Text, Koefoed-Petersen, Rec. inscr. 18 [85]. See Schmidt, Den. Æg. Sam. (1899), 103-4 [A.73]; (1908), 146-7 [E.82] (both as grey sandstone and Dyn. XIX-XXVI).
Man (text now illegible, 'Huy, Overseer of the storehouse') and wife, Dyn. XIX, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 935.
Mogensen, Coll. ég. 19 [A 73] pl. xviii (as Dyn. XVIII-XIX); Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 43 [68] pl. 82; Jørgensen, M. Egypt II (1550-1080 B.C.). Catalogue. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 274-5 [112] figs. on 187, 275 (as Dyn. XIX-XX). See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1908), 126-8 [E.65]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 667.
Nebihermeshaef Nb.j-r-m .f and wife Hepy pjj
, with
text mentioning Hathor chieftainess of Thebes, New Kingdom, in Copenhagen,
Thorwaldsen Museum, 352.
Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiéro. 1 Sér. xci-xcii [I]; Madsen in Sphinx xiii (1910), 51 [352]; Gell MSS. i. 3 verso [lower left]. See Müller, L. Thorvaldsens Museum. Tredie afdeling. Oldsager (1847), 32.
Nebseny Nb.snjj and wife(?), much damaged and restored, sandstone, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Cortona, Museo dell'Accademia Etrusca, 74.
Botti, Le Antichità egiziane del Museo dell'Accademia di Cortona ordinate e descritte (1955), 62-3 [74] Tav. v, vi. See id. Le Antichità egiziane raccolte nel Museo dell'Accademia Etrusca di Cortona in Nono Annuario dell'Accademia Etrusca di Cortona N.S. ii (1953), 29; Vandier, Manuel iii, 667.
Man and woman, with [offering-table?] in front of them, remains of text, Dyn. XIX, formerly in Farnham (Dorset), Pitt Rivers Museum, and at Sotheby's in 1979-80 and 1986.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 10, 1979, No. 102 fig.; May 13, 1980, No. 106 fig.; May 19, 1986, No. 148 pl. viii.
Mery Mrjj, Measurer of Amun (head and right arm lost), son of Khaut
, same title, with wife Tuy Twjj
, and text mentioning Amun, the
Ennead at Karnak and altar of Mut, sandstone, 2nd half of Dyn. XVIII, in Florence,
Museo Archeologico, 1803.
Alinari photo. 31117; Petrie Ital. photo. 225. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. No. 781. See Rosellini, Breve notizia degli oggetti ... riportati dalla Spedizione letteraria Toscana (1830), 77-8 [97]; Migliarini, Indication 50; Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 212-15 [1513] (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 668 (as 1513 [1803]).
Man and woman, Dyn. XVIII, in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1804.
H. W. Müller Archive 8 [II/1270]. See Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 217-18 [1516]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 669 (as 1516 [1804]).
A Head of ... and wife, upper part, Dyn. XVIII, in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1805.
See Rosellini, Breve notizia degli oggetti ... riportati dalla Spedizione letteraria Toscana (1830), 37 [37]; Migliarini, Indication 16; Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 218 [1517] (text); Vandier, Manuel iii, 669 (as 1517 [1805]).
Djehutmosi Dwtj-ms, Great one of the council of Thoth lord of Hermopolis
Magna, etc. (head lost) and wife(?) Ia J3
, quartzite, temp. Tuthmosis IV to
Amenophis III, in Hildesheim, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Pelizaeus-Museum
Echnaton, Nofretete, Tutanchamun (Ausstellung Roemer-Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, 15. Juli - 26. Sept. 1976), No. 91 fig.; Schmitz, B. in Altenmüller, H. and Germer, R. (eds.), Miscellanea Aegyptologica Wolfgang Helck [etc.], 166-71 [1] Abb. 1 Taf. viii, ix.
Man and woman, early Dyn. XIX, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AST.4.
Boeser, Beschreibung v, 6 [14] Taf. viii; Raven in OMRO 71 (1991), pl. 1 [2, 2nd from right] on 26. Upper parts, H. W. Müller Archive 12 [89/12, 13] (reversed). See Leemans, Descr. rais. 57 [D. 92]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 69 [93]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 671 [D. 92].
Ahmosi J -ms and wife, probably Dyn. XVIII, formerly in F. W. von
Bissing colln. S.282, now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1938/7.19.
Amenwah Jmn-w3 and woman Beketwerner B3kt-wrnr
much damaged, Dyn. XIX, formerly in Liverpool, Liverpool Museum, M.13904 (lost
in World War II).
See Gatty, C. T. Catalogue of the Mayer Collection i (1879), 52 [305].
Upper parts of man (head lost) and woman, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, in Brit. Mus. EA 126+432.
Woman, EA 432, Long, Eg. Antiq. ii, fig. on 15; Arundale, F. and Bonomi, J. Gallery of Antiquities Selected from the British Museum 113 pl. 48 [175] (as Dyn. XVIII). See Guide (Sculpture), 195 [708] (as Dyn. XIX or XX).
Man and woman, granite, Dyn. XIX, in Brit. Mus. EA 259.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 651.
Man and wife Hemtneter mt-ntr, Songstress of Amun-Re, badly disintegrated,
Dyn. XVIII, in Brit. Mus. EA 783.
Man and woman, early to mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Brit. Mus. EA 2301.
See Guide, 4th to 6th 128 [62].
Hama...y 3m...jj, Head of prospectors(?) of Amun, and wife Wert-nefer(t) Wrt-nfr(t)
, Songstress of Amun, with text mentioning Isis, Hathor,
Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands in Karnak, and Osiris, late Dyn.
XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Brit. Mus. EA 2302. (Said to come from Thebes.)
Guide, 3rd to 4th 99 [208] fig. (as Dyn. XVIII); Guide, 4th to 6th 127 [61] fig. on 126 (as Dyn. XVIII); Ragai, L'Art 159 pl. viii [B]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 651.
Amenempert Jmn-m-prt Minamun Mnw-jmn
and wife, upper
parts restored, dedicated by son Akheperka 3-pr-k3
, with text mentioning
Amun-Re, probably temp. Tuthmosis I, in Brit. Mus. EA 2303.
Drower in The Listener March 7, 1963, fig. on 416. Text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 2 Ser. 80 [C, 2-9, 11, 12]. See Guide, 4th to 6th 126 [60].
Peshedu P3-šd, Bearer of šf
of Amun, son of Nakht Nt
Bearer of šf, and wife Ruiu Rwjw
, Sistrum-player of Mut, with text mentioning
Amun lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, Mut and Sekhmet mistress of Asher,
Dyn. XVIII, in Brit. Mus. EA 2304.
Text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 2 Ser. 80 [B and C, 1, 10]; Hiero. Texts viii, 37-8 pl. xxxii [right]. See Guide, 4th to 6th 126 [59]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 651.
Khaemweset -m-w3st , Overseer of the fields, etc., and wife Nebttaui
, with text mentioning Montu-Re in Hermonthis, Tjenent and Inyt,
probably temp. Amenophis III, in Brit. Mus. EA 51101 (formerly EA 41603).
(Probably from Armant.)
Guide, Eg. Collns. (1909), 115 pl. xiii (as Dyn. XIX); Gosse, A. B. The Civilization of the Ancient Egyptians fig. 147; Budge, The Mummy (1925), pl. ix [2] (as 2301); Strachey, R. in Hammerton, J. A. Universal History of the World i, fig. on 371 [upper left] (as Dyn. XIX); Pijoán, Summa Artis iii (1945), fig. 581 (as in Berlin Museum); Farid, A. in MDAIK 39 (1983), 66-9 Taf. 13, 14 figs. 8-11; Putnam, J. and Davies, W. V. (eds.), Time Machine. Ancient Egypt and Contemporary Art fig. 26 (as Dyn. XIX); Robins, G. Reflections of Women in the New Kingdom: Ancient Egyptian Art from The British Museum (Atlanta, Georgia, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, 4 February - 14 May 1995) (San Antonio, Texas: Van Siclen Books), No. 5 figs. and front cover.
Upper parts of man and woman, probably seated, with text on back, 2nd half of Dyn. XVIII, in London, Petrie Museum, 15513.
Burlington Cat. (1895), 10 [52] pl. xxiii [186]; Page, Sculpture No. 75 figs.
Man and woman (upper part lost), Dyn. XIX, in Manchester, The Manchester Museum, 4594.
David, Cult of the Sun. Myth and Magic in Ancient Egypt pl. 26.
Niay Nj3jj, Scribe of the accounts of gold of the Lord of the Two Lands,
and mother(?) Esi 3st
, with text mentioning the altar of Re, early Dyn. XIX,
formerly in V. Golenishchev colln. 1424, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of
Fine Arts, I.1.a 1962. (Bought in Luxor.)
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 37-40 [49] pl. vii [1] figs. 2, 3; Pavlov, Egipetskaya skul'ptura 51-3 frontispiece (= pl. 31a) (as Dyn. XVIII); id. and Mat'e, Pamyatniki pl. 40 (as Dyn. XVIII); id. and Khodzhash, Egipetskaya plastika 19, 36, 104 figs. 59, 60; Hodjache, Antiquités pl. 31 (caption interchanged with pls. 27-8); Shurinova, Iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta fig. on 22. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 678.
Amenamer Jmn-3-mr, Servant of Amun, and wife Mutakhet Mwt-3t
, with granddaughters in relief on sides of seat, and text mentioning Amun-Re
lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, and Mut, temp. Amenophis III, formerly
in V. Golenishchev colln. 1059, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine
Arts, I.1.a 2101.
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 34-7 [48] pl. vii [2] (as Dyn. XIX); Pavlov, Skul'pturni portret 40-1 and 34th pl. (as Dyn. XIX); id. Egipet. Putevoditel' (1945), frontispiece; id. Egipetskaya skul'ptura 49-51 pls. 30-1; id. and Khodzhash, Egipetskaya plastika 19, 33, 35-6, 104 figs. 56-7; Khodzhash in Byulleten' VOKS No. 8 (103) (Aug. 1956), fig. on 29; id. (= Hodjache), Antiquités pls. 27-8 (caption interchanged with pl. 31); Bogoslovskii in Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1970, No. 1 (111), 67-85 pls.; id. 'Slugi' faraonov, bogov i chastnkh lits fig. 15; Sée, Grandes villes fig. on 203. Upper part, Pavlov and Mat'e, Pamyatniki pl. 41. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 679.
Djehutemhab Dwtj-m-b, General of His Majesty, etc., and wife Iay
, Songstress of Wepwaut (headless), with text mentioning Amun-Re,
Southern Wepwaut, Mut and Hathor mistress of Medjed, sandstone, temp. Ramesses
III, in New Haven (Conn.), Yale University Art Gallery, YAG 1947.81.
Scott, Anc. Eg. Art No. 73 fig. and col. pl. on 78; A. K. C[apel] in Capel, A. K. and Markoe, G. E. (eds.), Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven. Women in Ancient Egypt 174 [94] fig. (as probably from Asyû).
Man (lost from waist down) and woman(?) (only left shoulder remains), text on back, grey granite, Dyn. XVIII, in New Haven (Conn.), Peabody Museum of Natural History, YPM 6277.
Scott, Anc. Eg. Art No. 121 fig. See id. The Past Rediscovered: Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt. A Checklist of the Exhibition Sept. 29, 1983 - Sept. 30, 1984. Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University No. 103.
Huy jj, General, etc., and wife(?) Nay N3jj
, Songstress of Amun,
upper parts, steatite, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Oxford, Ashmolean
Museum, 1964.296.
Ashmolean Museum. Report of the Visitors 1964, 17 pl. ii [b] (as late Dyn. XVIII); Moorey, P. R. S. Ancient Egypt (1970), pl. 14; (1988), pl. 19; (1992), col. pl. ix (as Dyn. XVIII).
Wensu Wn-sw, Scribe of the Southern City, Scribe of the accounts of
grain of [Amun] (Theb. tb. A. 4), and wife [Amenhotep] [Jmn-tp] [
sandstone, probably temp. Tuthmosis III, in Louvre, A 54. (Probably from
Theb. tb. A. 4.)
*Manniche in Carlsbergfondet, Frederiksborgmuseet, Ny Carlsbergfondet Årsskrift (1985), fig. on 46 [right]; id. Lost Tombs 85 pl. 22 [38] (as A 55); Archives phot. E.55. Some text, Devéria squeezes 6169, i.28 (as stela). Names and titles, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 47; of Wensu, Brugsch, Thes. 1460 [106]. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 31-2; Boreux, Guide i, 55; Vandier, Guide (1948), 22; (1952), 23; (1973), 32; id. Manuel iii, 671.
Djehutnufer Dwtj-nfr Seshu Sšw
, Scribe of the accounts of cattle and
fowl [of Amun] (Theb. tb. A. 6), and wife Benemb Bnmb
, sandstone,
probably temp. Tuthmosis III, formerly in B. Drovetti colln., now in Louvre, A 55
[N.56]. (Probably from Theb. tb. A. 6.)
C. Z[ivie] in Naissance de l'écriture No. 86 fig.; Archives phot. E.85. Text, Gardiner Notebook, 101, p. 6. Names and titles, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 48. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 32; Boreux, Guide i, 51; Vandier, Manuel iii, 671; id. Guide (1973), 34; Kanawaty in Rev. d'Ég. 37 (1986), 168.
Harnakht rw-nt, Steward of Amun, Overseer of the two granaries of the
lords of Thebes, Second prophet of Amun, etc. (probably Theb. tb. 236), and wife Ty
, Chief of the harîm of Amun, front damaged, Dyn. XIX-XX, formerly
in G. Anastasi and L. Fould collns., now in Louvre, A 128 [E.3465].
Vandier, Manuel iii, 672 pl. cxlv [4]; H. W. Müller Archive 21 [82/3-5]. Upper part, L'Égypte des Pharaons (Marcq-en-Baroeul, Oct. 1977 - Jan. 1978), No. 22 fig.; Loyrette, A.-M. in Archéologia 113 (Dec. 1977), fig. on 61 [lower]. Text, Piehl, Inscr. hiéro. 1 Sér. xi-xii [B]; Devéria squeezes 6167, ii. 146-8 and 6169, i. 38. Name and titles, Brugsch, Thes. 1460 [104]. See Lenormant, Cat. ... d'Anastasi No. 3; Catalogue de la précieuse collection d'antiquités de feu M. Louis Fould ... 4 juin 1860 (Paris), No. 5; Boreux, Guide i, 53 (as beginning of Dyn. XX); Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 23 (as beginning of Dyn. XX); La Vie au bord du Nil au temps des Pharaons. Calais, Nov. 1980 - Fév. 1981, No. 80.
Smentaui Smn-t3wj, Chief steward of Onuris, etc., and wife Iuy Jwjj
Songstress of Onuris, grey granite, Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, A 133 [E.10587] (on loan
to Bordeaux, Musée d'Aquitaine, D.85.1.17).
Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 98; Bendow, P. Stormaktstidens Egypt pl. facing 153; Vandier, Manuel iii, 672 pl. clxvi [1]; Égypte et Méditerranée. Objets antiques du musée d'Aquitaine (1992), 29 [69] fig.; Archives phot. E.7-LE-22. See Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 24 (as probably Dyn. XXII).
Reheni Rhnjj, lower part, and wife Henutnefert nwt-nfrt
lower part, New Kingdom, in Louvre, N.843a, b.
See Boreux, Guide ii, 480; Vandier, Manuel iii, 673.
Man and woman, steatite, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in Louvre, E.3516.
Charbonneaux, Les Merveilles du Louvre i, pl. on 51 [right] (as schist or serpentine); Seipel, Ägypten No. 459 fig. (as serpentine); Maruéjol, F. L'Art égyptien au Louvre fig. on 69 [upper right] (as probably serpentine); De Putter, T. and Karlshausen, C. Les Pierres utilisées dans la sculpture et l'architecture de l'Égypte pharaonique 142 pl. 53. See Boreux, Guide ii, 482 (as serpentine); Vandier, Guide (1948), 54; (1952), 55; (1973), 104 (all as schist); id. Manuel iii, 674 (as schist).
Sen[nufer] Sn[-nfr], wab-priest of Amun in the 1st phyle, Overseer of the
department in the Southern City, and wife, probably seated, upper part, with text
mentioning Amun-Re, Hathor in Thebes, etc., sandstone, temp. Amenophis II, in
Louvre, E.27161.
Desroches Noblecourt in La Revue du Louvre xxix (1979), 280-9 figs. 1-14 and front cover [upper left]; id. La Grande Nubiade fig. on 361 [upper] (reversed); Gazette des Beaux-Arts xciii (1979), Suppl. April 1979, fig. 2 on 2; Maruejol, F. in Guillais, S.-C. (ed.), L'Art du monde au Musée du Louvre. L'Orient ancien et l'Égypte fig. on 139 (reversed); id. L'Art égyptien au Louvre fig. on 87 [upper]; Ziegler, Le Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes (1990), fig. on 59 [upper] (reversed); Narváez Calero, J. and Álvarez-Mon Sánchez, J. in Revista de Arqueología xii [128] (Dec. 1991), fig. on 51 [lower left]; Pierrat in Louvre. Guide to the Collections (1991), 111 [99] fig.; Revista de Arqueología (1994), Indice números 1 al 150, fig. on front cover; Eisenberg, J. M. in Minerva 9 [5] (Sept.-Oct. 1998), 12 fig. 22 cf. fig. on 1 [middle upper].
Esi 3st, Songstress of Amun, seated, from pair-statue with [husband Riy[a]
, Head of the storehouse of Amun (probably Theb. tb. 198)], Dyn.
XIX, in Philadelphia (Pa.), The University Museum, E 466.
Man and woman, diorite, early Dyn. XIX, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3051.
Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 167 pl. 247. See Orcurti, Cat. i, 72 [25] (as granite); Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 417; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681 (as granite).
Panehesi P3-nsjj, Head of the songstresses of the altar of Amun,
Prophet of Amenophis (I) (Theb. tb. 16), son of Nuy Nwjj
, Songstress of
Amun, and wife Ternute T3-rnnw(tt)
, Songstress of Amun at Karnak, with
text mentioning 'Amenophis (I) of p3 wb3' and 'Ahmosi Nefertere J -ms Nfrt-jrjj
of Meniset (mortuary temple of Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere J -ms Nfrt-jrjj)',
sandstone, temp. Ramesses II, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3053.
Curto, L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), fig. on 227 [lower], 229; Petrie Ital. photo. 106; H. W. Müller Archive 28 [I/67-9; II/79-80]. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iii (1882), 110 [iv]; some, Brugsch, Thes. 1431 [33]. Some names and titles, Gazzera, C. Descrizione dei monumenti egizi [etc.] (1824), 22-3 Tav. 4 [2, 3] (repr. in Mem. Accad. Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Morali, xxix (1825)); Lieblein, Dict. No. 607. See Champollion, Lettres à M. le Duc de Blacas d'Aulps [etc.]. Première lettre 17-20; Orcurti, Cat. i, 71-2 [23]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 417-18; Farina, Il Regio Museo (1931), 11 [35] (as temp. Tuthmosis IV); (1938), 11 (as Dyn. XVIII); Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Amenemhab Jmn-m-b, Overseer of cattle of the altar of Amun, and wife
Nedjem(t)mut Ndm(t)-mwt
, Songstress of Amun, with text mentioning
Sobk-Re and Amun-Re in the nt, sandstone, Dyn. XIX, in Turin, Museo Egizio,
Cat. 3054.
Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 166 pl. 246; Roccati in Donadoni Roveri, Religious Beliefs figs. 191-2 (as Cat. 3051). Part of text, Brugsch, Thes. 1074 [upper]. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2207. Name of wife, Hari, Horemheb et la reine Moutnedjemet [etc.], 154 [k] pl. xxvii [d] (as Cat. 3057). See Orcurti, Cat. i, 72 [26]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 418; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
Pefiri P3.f-jrjj, Second prophet of Horus of Apollinopolis Magna, and
wife, both headless, diorite, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3055.
See Orcurti, Cat. i, 72 [24] (as granite); Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 418; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681 (as grey granite).
Amenmosi Jmn-ms and wife Takha(t) T3-(t)
, with text
mentioning altars of Amun-Re and Hathor chieftainess of Thebes, Dyn. XIX, in
Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3059.
Petrie Ital. photo. 108. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 146 [xxi] (as Dyn. XX). See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 61 [304]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 419; Vandier, Manuel iii, 681.
May Mjj and wife Takhy T3-jj
, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Turin,
Museo Egizio, Cat. 3060.
E. L[eospo] in Robins, Beyond the Pyramids. Egyptian Regional Art from the Museo Egizio, Turin (Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology, Atlanta, 24 Oct. 1990 - 10 March 1991), Cat. 47 figs. Names, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2170. See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 62 [303]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 420.
Khaemweset -m-w3st and wife Nefertne(t)djet Nfrt-n(t)-dt
with texts mentioning altars of Tuthmosis IV and Mut, and in relief on sides of seat,
son Nekhunufer Nw-nfr
, Servant, and daughter Setemper...
(dedicators of statue), temp. Tuthmosis IV, in Vatican, Museo
Gregoriano Egizio, 22758.
Botti and Romanelli, Le Sculture del Museo Gregoriano Egizio 61-2 [106] Tav. xxxvii [106], xxxviii [106] (as No. 320). See Marucchi, Museo Egizio 179-80 [1]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 682 [320] (as sandstone).
Upper part of man, cartouche of Ay on chest, with hand of probably wife on right shoulder, probably from seated pair-statue, quartzite, temp. Ay, in Venice, Museo Archeologico del Palazzo Reale di Venezia, Inv. 796.
Müller, H. W. in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xviii (1967), 16 Abb. 5, 6. See Forlati Tamarro, B. Il Museo Archeologico del Palazzo Reale di Venezia (1953), 37 [I, 1].
Man and woman, upper part, gneiss, early Dyn. XVIII, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 5812.
Rogge, Statuen N.R. 20-1 figs. (as anorthosite).
Bust of man, with left forearm of probably wife on left shoulder, probably from seated pair-statue, mid-Dyn. XVIII, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 5977.
Rogge, Statuen N.R. 25-7 figs. (as probably temp. Tuthmosis III).
Man (head lost) and woman (upper part of head lost), quartzite, mid-Dyn. XVIII, formerly in M. Abemayor colln. and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1976, 1978 and 1980, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1983 and 1986 and in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1987.
Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc. (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 14, 1978, No. 344 fig.; May 16, 1980, No. 313 fig.; Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 10-11, 1983, No. 36 fig.; May 30, 1986, No. 62 fig.; Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt xiv (Jan. 1987), No. 2 fig. See Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1976, No. 226.
Hepunufer pw-nfr and wife Tentamun T3-nt-jmn
, with son
Amen... Jmn...
in ink on side of wide back pillar, probably 1st half of Dyn.
XIX, formerly in M. Burg colln. and at Sotheby's in 1938.
Text, erný Notebook, 49, p. 79. See Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 20, 1938, No. 108 (as Dyn. XVIII).
Upper part of man, with hand of wife on right shoulder, from probably seated pair statue, black granite, mid-Dyn. XVIII, at Christie's in 1970.
Christie Sale Cat. Feb. 24, 1970, No. 81 pl. xiv.
Setmosi St-ms, First prophet of (a) Sobk, (b) Horus in Shenwet(?),
(c) Onuris, etc., and wife Esinefert 3st-nfrt
, Chief of the harîm of Sobk,
granite, Dyn. XIX, formerly in The Thomas Cook Group Ltd. colln. and at Sotheby's
in 1987.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 13-14, 1987, No. 166 figs. Text, Kitchen, Ram. Inscr. vii, 413-14 [90].
Upper part of woman, with text mentioning Hathor and an Overseer of prophets of all the gods (husband), late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, formerly in A. Eid colln.
Zayed, Egyptian Antiquities 8-9 [4231] figs. 7, 8.
Upper part of woman and hand of husband(?), sandstone, mid-Dyn. XVIII, formerly in P. M. Ekstrom colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1990.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 28, 1990, No. 38 fig.
Man and woman, incomplete lower part, with text mentioning Ptah-Sokari[-Osiris], grey granite, probably Dyn. XVIII, formerly in Gubert colln.
Text, Maspero in Mélanges d'archéologie égyptienne et assyrienne ii (1875), 219-20 [24, 1st text].
Man and woman, upper part, probably seated, early Dyn. XIX, in New York, L'Ibis Gallery Ltd., in 1985.
Apollo cxxii [286] (Dec. 1985), Advertisements, fig. on 79 (as Dyn. XVIII).
Upper part of woman, from pair-statue, late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, formerly in Pitcairn-Cooper colln. and at Christie's (New York) in 1979.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Jan. 25, 1979, No. 202 fig.; Apollo cix [203] (Jan. 1979), Advertisements, fig. on 44.
Man and woman, parts of feet and front of base lost, steatite, late Dyn. XVIII or Dyn. XIX, formerly in R. Talbot and E. and M. Kofler-Truniger collns., at Christie's in 1976 and in London, Robin Symes (dealer), in 1977.
Christie Sale Cat. April 27, 1976, No. 134 pl. 8 (as late Dyn. XVIII); Cooney in Architectural Digest 34 [2] (March 1977), fig. on 138 [left] (as late Dyn. XVIII); Seipel, Bilder für die Ewigkeit No. 87 fig. (as serpentine and Dyn. XIX).
Man and woman, upper part, basalt, mid-Dyn. XVIII, formerly in M. Komor colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1993.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 12, 1993, No. 41 fig. (as probably temp. Tuthmosis III or IV).
Man and woman, inscribed on back, basalt, Dyn. XIX, formerly in L. Rosenberg colln.
Collection Léonce Rosenberg, Paris. Vente publique l e 13 janvier 1920 à Amsterdam No. 9 fig. (as stela and Dyn. XIV).
Pameniu P3-mnjw and wife(?) Iyn(i)amun Jj-n(.j)-jmn
, with
texts mentioning Amenemopet and Hathor chieftainess of Thebes, mid-Dyn.
XVIII, in D. Sarasin-Dearth colln. in 1972.
Man and woman, upper part, probably seated, with text mentioning Harsaphes(?) and Hathor, Dyn. XIX, formerly in J. Zuckerman colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1986, in London, Seaby Antiquities, in 1994 and in Vienna, Dorotheum, in 1997.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 24, 1986, No. 175 fig.; Seaby Antiquities Catalogue (July 1994), No. 49 figs. (as Theb. tb. 294); Dorotheum, Palais Dorotheum. Ausgrabungen. Auktion am 6. Dezember 1997, No. 187 figs. (as temp. Sethos I or Ramesses II and probably from Thebes).
Nebseny Nb.snjj , Brewer(?) of Amun in enket ankh (mortuary temple
of Tuthmosis III) (headless), and wife Tairet T3-jrjjt
, with text mentioning
ka of Tuthmosis III, temp. Tuthmosis III, at Sotheby's in 1968.
Von Bissing in Archiv für Orientforschung viii (1932-3), 126 [bottom] Abb. 1, 2 (head of Nebseny probably modern). See Sotheby Sale Cat. July 16, 1968, No. 121.
Piay Pjj3jj, sem-priest in the temple [of the King], and wife, base and front
of legs lost, with text mentioning Montu lord of Hermonthis, and Tjenent, steatite,
temp. Ramesses II, at Sotheby's in 1993, then in De Jaager colln. in 1998.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 9-10, 1993, No. 274 figs. (as late Dyn. XVIII); A. W[iese] in Page-Gasser, M. and Wiese, A. B. Ägypten. Augenblicke der Ewigkeit 174 [109] fig. on 175 (as serpentine and late Dyn. XVIII).
Nebseny Nb.snjj, Overseer of the gs-pr of the god's wife, and mother Het
, seated, upper part lost, with dedicator of the statue, her grandson
Khaemweset -m-w3st
, Scribe of the army of the Lord of the Two Lands,
etc., son of Henut nwt
(mother, Nebseny's wife) in relief on front of seat, and
text mentioning Hathor mistress of Diospolis Parva, etc., and deified Sesostris I, mid-Dyn. XVIII, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1993-4.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 14, 1993, No. 163 fig.; Dec. 14, 1994, No. 31 fig. (both as late Dyn. XVIII).
Upper part of man, from probably seated pair-statue, quartzite, temp. Tuthmosis IV to Amenophis III, formerly in C. D. Kelekian and L. Wolfe collns. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1984.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. March 1-2, 1984, No. 148 fig.
Nebanensu Nb-nn-sw Anen nn
and wife Amenemwaskhet
, seated, dedicated by their son Hori rwj
, Scribe of
the accounts of grain, with text mentioning altars of Amun and Mut, probably temp.
Amenophis III, in private possession in France in 1994.
Corteggiani in Berger et al. (eds.), Hommages à Jean Leclant iv, 45-63 figs. 1-6.
Smentaui Smn-t3wj , Servant (sdm) of the Lord of the Two Lands, right
forearm lost, and wife Ruiay Rj3jj
, Songstress of Amun, with text
mentioning Ptah, and with monkey under wife's chair, and daughter on back of seat,
late Dyn. XVIII, in Louvre, N.863. (Probably from the Memphite area.)
Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 81 (wife called Setai); Vandier, Manuel iii, 673 pl. clxvii [5]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1214; Shurinova, Iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta fig. on 23; Kanawaty, M. in Schoske (ed.), Akten des Vierten Internationalen Ägyptologen Kongresses München 1985, i, 60 Taf. 4 [2]; id. in Mémoires d'Égypte. Hommage de l'Europe à Champollion fig. on 150; Berlandini in Rev. d'Ég. 37 (1986), 3-9 pl. 1. Monkey under chair, Vandier d'Abbadie in Rev. d'Ég. 18 (1966), 175 fig. 34. Text, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 78-9. Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2201. See Champollion, Notice descriptive des monumens égyptiens du Musée Charles X. (1827), 64 [G.2]; Boreux, Guide ii, 486 (wife called Setiaï); Vandier, Guide (1948), 43; (1952), 44;
(1973), 84.
Unnufer Wnn-nfr, Baker of cakes, Servant (sdm) of Osiris, and wife
Tawertnefert T3-wrt-nfrt
, Songstress of Isis, and, in relief, sons Harmosi
and Unnufer Wnn-nfr
on man's side of seat, and sons
Bekenwerner B3k-n-wrnr
, Servant (sdm), and Harkhau rw-w
on wife's side, and baboon between two figures of Osiris on front of man,
Dyn. XIX-XX, in Saffron Walden Museum, 1892.50.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 543-4 [336] Abb. 51; ii, Taf. 141 [a-c] (as 18192.50).
Head and part of left shoulder, probably Senenmut Sn-n-mwt (Theb. tbs. 71 and 353), with small head of a princess, probably Neferure Nfrw-r (daughter of Hatshepsut), under chin, from a seated or block-statue, temp. Hatshepsut, formerly in Whatley and H. Goedicke collns. and at Christie's (New York) in 1997, now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1997/7.1.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. May 30, 1997, No. 47 fig.; Meijer, W. A. in Minerva 8 [6] (Nov.-Dec. 1997), 4 fig.; Raven, M. J. in OMRO 78 (1998), 93 [I.a.2] pl. 2 [1].
Upper part, woman's head almost completely lost, probably temp. Amenophis III, in Louvre, N.2310.
Barbotin, C. in Aménophis III (Connaissance des Arts hors série, 1993), fig. 15 on 18. See Boreux, Guide ii, 471; Vandier, Guide (1948), 51; (1952), 52 (as Dyn. XIX-XX).
Ancestral busts.
Man and woman, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.2874. (Acquired in Cairo.)
Capart in Bull. Mus. Roy. 2 Sér. iii (1910), 43 fig. 8 (as Middle Kingdom); Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1221 (as Middle Kingdom). See Keith-Bennett in Bull. Egyptol. Seminar 3 (1981), 62.
Man and woman, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.6807.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1222 (as Middle Kingdom).
Man and woman, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. Temp. No.
Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1220 (as Middle Kingdom); Kaiser in MDAIK 46 (1990), 270 Taf. 62 [1-3]. See Bruyère, Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir el Médineh (1934-1935), iii, 171 n. 3; Keith-Bennett in Bull. Egyptol. Seminar 3 (1981), 61.
Man and woman, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Brit. Mus. EA 49735.
Keith-Bennett in Bull. Egyptol. Seminar 3 (1981), 61 fig. 17.
Man and woman, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Louvre, E.14702.
Kaiser in MDAIK 46 (1990), 273 Taf. 62 [4]. See Keith-Bennet in Bull. Egyptol. Seminar 3 (1981), 62; Vandier, Guide (1948), 52; (1952), 53; (1973), 100; id. Manuel iii, 676.
Two women
Nude woman and girl, with wide back pillar, probably Dyn. XVIII, formerly in J. B. De Lescluze colln., now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. L.VII.12.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. ii, 14 [D.145] pl. xxv (as D.146); Boeser, Beschreibung xii, 9 [48] Taf. ix. See Catalogue d'une collection d'antiquités égyptiennes, dont la vente se fera à Anvers, le 5 juillet 1826 (De Lescluze), 17 [12]; Leemans, Descr. rais. 60 [D.145]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 154 [347].
Two women, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 586.
Jørgensen, M. Egypt II (1550-1080 B.C.). Catalogue. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 276-7 [113] fig. See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 171-2 [A.113]; (1908), 211 [E.125].
Hetep tp and daughter Muttuy Mwttwjj
, front of base lost, 1st half
of Dyn. XVIII, at Christie's in 1972, now in Mariemont, Musée Royal de Mariemont,
Christie Sale Cat. April 11, 1972, No. 179 pl. xxiii; Derriks, Choix d'oeuvres. Égypte No. 8 fig.
Idet Jdt and Ruiu Rwjw
(probably daughter), early or mid-Dyn.
XVIII, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3056.
Vandier, Manuel iii, 681 pl. cxlv [3]; E. L[eospo] in Eggebrecht, Aufstieg No. 224 fig. (as temp. Tuthmosis IV to Amenophis III); id. in Seipel, Ägypten No. 458 fig. (as temp. Tuthmosis IV to Amenophis III); Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art pl. 226 (as early Dyn. XVIII); Wildung, D. in Eaton-Krauss, M. and Graefe, E. (eds.), Studien zur ägyptischen Kunstgeschichte 72-3 Taf. 13 [13, 14]; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 120 fig.; Dewachter, M. and Davoli, P. J.-F. Champollion e il contributo italiano alla riscoperta dell'antico Egitto (Rimini, Museo della Città, 24 agosto - 28 settembre 1991), No. 37 fig.; Petrie, Ital. photo. 402 [left]. Text, Maspero in Rec. Trav. iv (1883), 145 [xix] (as Dyn. XX). See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 59-60 [300]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 418.
Kneeling with naos.
Mahi M3jj, Chief of the harîm of Amun, and daughter Esinefert 3st-nfrt
, Chief of the harîm of Isis, upper parts lost, holding naos with Horus and
Hathor, with text mentioning Isis, sandstone, Dyn. XIX-XX, in Cairo Mus. CG 608.
Borchardt, Statuen ii, 157-8 Bl. 110 (text); Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1224. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 655.
Two women(?) kneeling with naos of Osiris, probably Dyn. XIX-XX, in Linköping, Östergötlands Länsmuseum, 173.
Björkman, Smithska samlingen av Egyptiska fornsaker [etc.], 128 [173] pl. xvi (as Dyn. XIX-XXII); id. A Selection of the Objects in the Smith Collection of Egyptian Antiquities [etc.], 27-8 [173] pl. 3 [4] (as Dyn. XXII); FERE photo. 7379.