193. PAIR OF WOODEN KIOSKS - ON PEDESTAL- covered with black resin or varnish.
North west corner of tomb-chamber, between shrine and wall - (see photo and plan).
Max. H. 36.0; Max. W. 21.5; Max. L. 47.0, centimetres.
H. of kiosks 32.5; w. of do. 17.0., depth of do. 17.0
Pedestal: 47.5 x 21.5 x 3.0 centimetres.
A pair of wooden kiosks upon rectangular pedestal covered with a black varnish.
Between the two kiosks <>-feathers of slate cracked and mended anciently on calcite slab
193a and b
Cups a and b
Rough Pale blue faience
Each kiosk contained two blue faience cups thus: <> the lower ones containing dried
material hereafter described.
in the right hand kiosk (facing door) the two cups were lying on their sides but had originally
been placed thus a b <>, the inverted cup a resting on the lower cup b, the lower cup b
containing the following material which had poured out on the floor of the kiosk:
The material is very light coloured brownish powder slightly cohering into lumps and is a good
quality natron containing a very small proportion of common salt but no sulphate.