The fourth box, from west end, of a row of five boxes (Nos. 267-272) placed on the north
of the E. and W. axis of the chamber. The front of the box faced south.
L. 48.7; W. 45.0; H. (including thickness of lid) 42.4; cms.
A rectangular box, made of (?)a coniferous wood, having four short square feet which are
shod with silver cups.
The box is ornamented with rails and styles of ivory, which bear the names and titles of the
King and Queen engraved upon the surface and filled in with black pigment. The rails and
styles are glued to the body of the box.
The two panels, on each of the four sides, framed by the three rails and two styles of ivory,
are ornamented with cnh, w3s, and nb symbols arranged in rows and meaning "all life and
welfare". These symbols are cut out of wood (fret work), are gilt, and are pegged