48 (x) cont.
the correction.
At the level of the bottom of the cloth a band of gold leaf on the leather, 2 wide.
Lower down a second band of gold leaf.
The inner leather case was stuffed absolutely full of reed arrows. Some of these had small flat
metal points about 2 long: others had plain wooden points about 16 long let into the reed: one
had a round bronze point <> 2 long let into the reed. In addition to these there were on one
side of the quiver a number of arrows inside the cloth, but outside the leather. These must have
been pushed in this way for burial purposes. They could not have been used so, as the points
would inevitably have worn through the cloth.
One of these arrows has a blunt stone end, similar to that in 46 (a1).
The arrows had been feathered about 14 down (4 feathers), but only the merest traces remain