21 Contents (Cont). (4)
4. Contents (cont) evidence of dimensions show that they had been those
of a child. So also the glove and archery gauntlet. The linen rolls
at the bottom may have been of a child, but measurements impossible.
We thus may have the King's complete outfit as a boy. The sandals
were man's size, but probably they had no business in this box
anyway, any more than the head-rest.
On other hand one belt and one sequin garment had cartouches (Re-kheperu-nub)
on them. ? how old was Tutankhamen when he came to the throne.
Treatment of box.. Cleaned with soft brush and benzine: filled up small
cracks and blisters with paraffin-wax dissolved in benzine by means
of a pipette: sprayed with a solution of celluloid in amylacetate and
finally coated box inside and outside with melted paraffin wax.