Gardiner MSS.

[This list is under construction. Further sections will be added as soon as possible.]


Gardiner MSS. 1
Copies of various inscriptions. Autograph letters from famous Egyptologists. Photographs of Egyptologists.

Gardiner MSS. 2
Wörterbuch Zettel. Bound volumes and unbound sheets.

Gardiner MSS. 3-6
Card indexes of Late Egyptian.
F. Ll. Griffith - Letters and obituary notes/notices.
"Einige Bemerkungen (Literatur) zu Cyperus Papyrus L" by L. Keimer.

Gardiner MSS. 7
Sinai script and Sinai-Egyptian inscriptions. Photographs, drawings, etc.

Gardiner MSS. 8
Coffin Texts. Photostats and photographs.

(Revised April 28, 1998)

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