Gardiner MSS. 2

Wörterbuch Zettel. Bound volumes and unbound sheets.

Gardiner MSS. 2.1 (bound volume)
Medînet Habu. Various texts.

Gardiner MSS. 2.1A (bound volume)
Medînet Habu. Various texts. Bilgai stela. TT 110. TT 108 (1 card).
[Spare copies at back of cupboard in small box.]
[See 2.21-3 for second copies.]

Gardiner MSS. 2.2 (bound volume)
Leiden Papyri Nos. 343-347, 350, 352, 358, 360-371.

Gardiner MSS. 2.3 (bound volume)
pMallet. pLouvre 3230, 3169. pBibl. Nat. 196-199, 201, 237. pBologna 1094, 1086. pMayer A. pGurob fragments E, I, G, L, O, T, U, F, M, P, K, Q, N, A, B. pAnastasi VIII. pHarris A. pSalt 825. pGolenischeff (Wenamun I, II & III).

Gardiner MSS. 2.4 (bound volume)
Various objects in the British Museum

Gardiner MSS. 2.5 (bound volume)
pTurin. Mostly Pleyte & Rossi and Leiden I.358 on p. 17. pBologna 1094 on p. 33. pLeiden I.350 on p. 36.

Gardiner MSS. 2.6
Wooden tablet, Dyn. XX-XXII. (Gardiner copies; Gardiner, AEO pl. xxiii.)
London, Petrie Museum, 16448

Gardiner MSS. 2.7
Erman's copies of Onomasticon Golenischeff . (Gardiner, AEO pls. vii-xiii.)
Moscow, State Pushkin Museum

Gardiner MSS. 2.8
pAnastasi VI. (Gardiner copies.)

Gardiner MSS. 2.8A
pSallier IV verso. (Gardiner copies.)

Gardiner MSS. 2.9
Karnak, Temple of Amun, 10th Pylon.
Text of Esiemkhebi. (Gardiner copies; Maspero, Les Momies Royales 704-6.)
ii2.187 (580)

Gardiner MSS. 2.10
Tablet of Eskhons. (Gardiner copies.)
Louvre E.6858 (formerly Rogers colln.)

Gardiner MSS. 2.11
Tablet of Eskhons. (Gardiner copies; Edwards in JEA xli (1955), 96-105 pl. xx.)
Cairo JE 46891

Gardiner MSS. 2.12
Papyrus of Eskhons. (Gardiner copies.)
pCairo 58032

Gardiner MSS. 2.13
Three lines of text headed "2me salle hypostyle. Paroi ouest. Tableau No. 3d II - Rochemonteix II.44".

Gardiner MSS. 2.14
"Queries for Wörterbuch" in Faulkner's hand with annotations by AHG.

Gardiner MSS. 2.15
Answers by Cerný to six queries.

Gardiner MSS. 2.16-20
First specimen proof pages of Wörterbuch (1916) and Belegstellen with comments by Erman dated Berlin, 18 April 1916.

Gardiner MSS. 2.21-3
Second copies of Gardiner's cards for Bilgai stela, TT 110, TT 108. See above 2.1A.

(Revised April 28, 1998)

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