Levantine Mirage Levantine Mirage
19th-century "studio" photographs of the Levant
Based on the collection in the Archive of the Griffith Institute, Oxford
  Bonfils, F., Baalbek (c.1870 [Estimated date.]) [Enlarged]  
  Back to Detail Page Bonfils, F., Baalbek (c.1870  [Estimated date.])  
  Signature/Caption: Bonfils
440_Temple de Jupiter. Baalbek.
page created: Thu Sep 26 22:41:24 2024 © Copyright Griffith Institute, 2024
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Levantine Mirage
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web page & Database design: Jonathan Moffett
Catalogue: Lev Kapitaikin
Scanning: Junghwa Choi