Levantine Mirage Levantine Mirage
19th-century "studio" photographs of the Levant
Based on the collection in the Archive of the Griffith Institute, Oxford
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Site or category: Moza (Kolonieh) Fiorillo, L., Moza (Kolonieh) (c.1880  [Estimated date.]) (Enlarged image size=60Kb)
Description: The road to Jerusalem in the Moza (Kolonieh) valley, showing two travellers in Western dress, mounted on donkeys, with their Arab guides. In the 19th century travel literature Kolonieh was identified with Emmaus.
Photographer: Fiorillo, L.
Date: c.1880 [Estimated date.]
Signature & caption: L.Fiorillo, Phot.
Route de Jerusalem. Ouady Kolonieh 622
20.0 by 25.0 cms
Photograph: Driver photo. 3
Scan: drive003.jpg
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Levantine Mirage
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web page & Database design: Jonathan Moffett
Catalogue: Lev Kapitaikin
Scanning: Junghwa Choi