
May 15th, 1933


Dear Hume,

With renewed thanks for your kindness in sending to me your note upon Ancient Egyptian Gold - Dec. 1930. It has just struck me that you might be able to help me on the following point.

Kind chemists and metallurgists are working upon the problem - the rose coloured gold characteristic to the Egyptian New Empire Jewellery, particularly those found in the tomb of Tut.ankh Amen.

Special essays prove causative due to the presence of iron in the gold - Do you per chance know of any natural Egyptian gold - i.e. produced from the mines in the Eastern desert or elsewhere, containing both silver and iron? - Say for instance, 2.60 silver, iron 0.81 to 1.55, or any other proportions.

Our problem being whether it is a selected natural gold containing both iron & silver, or a specially made gold alloy.

Yours sincerely,

Howard Carter

If ever you are [in] London do come & see me.

H. C.

(August 30, 2008)

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