Objects of Provenance Not Known: Statues
Jaromir Malek, Diana Magee and Elizabeth Miles
Non-royal statues. Predynastic and ED. OK: Groups and Man
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© Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Woman with child
Woman with child on hip, late Predynastic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 14441.
Capart, Primitive Art in Egypt 168 fig. 131; Erman and Ranke, Aegypten und aegyptisches Leben im Altertum Taf. 12 [1]; Schäfer and Andrae, Kunst (1925), 574 Abb. 171 [5]; (1930), 606-7 Abb. 176 [4]; (1942), 626 Abb. 176 [4]; Scharff, Die Altertümer der Vor- und Frühzeit Ägyptens ii, 50-1 [79] Taf. 16; Ranke, The Art of Ancient Egypt and Breasted, Geschichte Aegyptens (1936), 41-2; Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 1-2 fig. 4 [left]; Wolf, Kunst Abb. 18; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1246; Wiesner, J. Ägyptische Kunst 26 Abb. 1; id. in Äg. Mus. (1991), No. 5 [b] fig. on 1; Vilímková, M. Starovký Egypt fig. 15; Priese, Das Ägyptische Museum. Wegleitung (1989), 11 Abb. 1; Wenig, Die Frau pl. 4; D. W[ildung] in Phillips, T. (ed.), Africa. The Art of a Continent Cat. 1.2 fig.
Mother with child, late Predynastic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 17600.
Schäfer and Andrae, Kunst (1925), 574 Abb. 171 [2, 3]; (1930), 606 Abb. 176 [2, 3]; (1942), 626 Abb. 176 [2, 3]; Scharff, Die Altertümer der Vor- und Frühzeit Ägyptens ii, 50 [78] Taf. 16; Ranke, The Art of Ancient Egypt and Breasted, Geschichte Aegyptens (1936), 45-6; Hamann, Äg. Kunst 76, 78 Abb. 83; Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 1-2 fig. 4 [middle]; Wolf, Kunst 53 Abb. 17; id. Die Kultur Ägyptens 50 Abb. 48; id. Frühe Hochkulturen. Ägypten, Mesopotamien, Ägäis 22 Abb. 18; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1245; Priese, K.-H. in Äg. Mus. (1991), No. 5 [a] fig.
Dynasties I-II
Man wrapped in cloak, legs much damaged and feet lost, wood, probably Dyn. I-II, in Cairo Mus. JE 38423.
Sourouzian in Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991, 142 n. 37 Taf. 54 [b].
Upper part of seated woman wearing elaborate wig, Dyn. I-II, in Cairo Mus. JE 71586.
Smith, Art ... Anc. Eg. (1958), 27 pl. 12; (1981), 47-8 figs. 29, 30; Müller, H. W. in Encyclopedia of World Art iv, 630 pl. 326 [upper right] (as Abydos); H. W. Müller Archive 48 [II/1877-80]. See Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 8 n. 1 (as JE 71568).
Man seated, black granite, probably end of Dyn. II, in Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 1076.
Capart, Recueil ii, pl. li (cast) (as Dyn. III-IV); von Bissing, Denkmäler Taf. 3; Schäfer and Andrae, Kunst (1925), 586 Taf. 216 [left] (as Dyn. III); (1930), 621 Taf. 224 [left] (as Dyn. II or III); (1942), 643 Taf. 225 [left] (as Dyn. II or III) (all from von Bissing); Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 16 pl. 3 [b]; Vandier, Manuel i, 980 fig. 654 (from Smith) (as woman); Wolf, Frühe Hochkulturen. Ägypten, Mesopotamien, Ägäis 27 Abb. 22 (as Dyn. II-III); Barocas in Civiltà dell'Antico Egitto in Campania 18-19 Tav. 1; R. P[irelli] in Cantilena and Rubino, La Collezione egiziana ... Napoli 40-1 [1.1] fig. 2 (as diorite, Dyn. III and Saqqâra); F. D[e] S[alvia] in Il senso dell'arte No. 1 fig. (as Saqqâra); H. W. Müller Archive 18 [I/222-6] (as diorite, Dyn. III and from Saqqâra). See Marucchi in Ruesch, A. (ed.), Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Antichità. Guida (1911), 126 [351]; id. Naples National Museum. Excerpt of the Guide [1925], 61 [252]; Tefnin in Bibliotheca Orientalis l (1993), 627 [1] (as woman); Pirelli, R. in Morigi Govi, C. et al. (eds.), L'Egitto fuori dell'Egitto 347-56 (as diorite, early Dyn. III and probably from Saqqâra).
Dynasties III-VIII
Weniu Wnjw, Inspector of tenants of the Great House, wife Pernikai Pr-n(.j)-k3(.j)
and son Iarti Rt
, heads of men lost, probably Dyn. IV, formerly in
Berlin Museum, 8801.
Text, Aeg. Inschr. i, 71, 267. See Ausf. Verz. 70; Vandier, Manuel iii, 552.
Man seated, left side restored, with wife(?) kneeling and small son, Dyn. V, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 10123.
Aeg. und Vorderasiat. Alterthümer Taf. 7; Ausf. Verz. 68-9 Abb. 11; Neuburger, A. The Technical Arts and Sciences of the Ancients fig. 218; Erman, Die Welt am Nil 82-3 Taf. 17 [left]; id. L'Égypte des Pharaons pl. v [c]; Firchow, Aegyptische Plastik 20-1 Abb. 4 (as early Dyn. VI); Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1415 (as from Saqqâra); Art Treasures. Exhibition ... Tokyo Cat. No. 43 fig. (as from Saqqâra); Priese and Finneiser, K. in Äg. Mus. (1991), No. 21 fig. (as from Saqqâra); Holthoer in Muinainen Egypti - hetki iskuisuudesta (Tampere, Tampere Art Museum, 30.8.1993 - 2.1.1994), Cat. 129 fig. 53 (as from Saqqâra). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 553; Führer (1961) 44.
Kaiemked K3(.j)-m-d(.j), Scribe of the treasury, etc., seated, lost from
waist up, with small son Ptahhotep Pt-tp
, Scribe, and daughter Neferhetpes
, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 68.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 58-9 Bl. 16. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 559.
Man, wife(?) and small son, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 125.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 94-5 Bl. 28; Vandier, Manuel iii, 560 pl. xxvii [1]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1406.
A Prophetess of Hathor in [all her] places, etc. (name lost), seated, upper part, arms, feet and base lost, with a small son and daughter, diorite, Dyn. V-VI, in Cairo Mus. CG 900.
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 144 (text).
Weniu Wnjw, Inspector of tenants of the Great House, and wife Pernikai Pr-n(.j)-k3(.j)
seated, and small son, probably Dyn. IV, in Moscow, State Pushkin
Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 5744.
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 6 [12] pl. ii [2] (as from Maidûm); von Bissing, Äg. Kunstgeschichte Taf. lxiii [388]; Pavlov, Skul'pturni portret 11th pl. at end; id. and Mat'e Pamyatniki pl. 6.
Sabu S3bw and wife Mertiotes Mrt-jt.s seated, and [small son Iseb-nedjes Jsb-nds standing], Dyn. V, in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS 7146.
Schoske, S. (ed.), Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst München (1995), 46 Abb. 46.
Man and wife seated, and small son standing, Dyn. IV, in Louvre, A 44 [N.45].
De Clarac, Musée de sculpture v, pl. 997A [2558G] Texte v, 303; Richer, Le Nu 60 fig. 56; Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 37; Vandier, Eg. Sculpture pl. 34 (as beginning of Dyn. VI); id. Manuel iii, 573 pl. xxviii [3]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1417; Shurinova, R. Iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta pl. 41; Kanawaty in BSFÉ 104 (1985), 38 pl. i [b]; Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 44 figs.; Archives phot. E.533. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 28-9; Boreux, Guide i, 245-6; Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 9; (1973), 14.
Kanufer K3(.j)-nfr, Overseer of craftsmen, Prophet of Ptah, seated, with
wife Tjenteti Tnttj, Royal acquaintance, kneeling by his left leg, and small figure of son
Khuwiptah w-wj-pt, Overseer of craftsmen (damaged) standing next to his right leg,
Dyn. V-VI, formerly in L. André colln. and at Sotheby's in 1989. (Probably from
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 10-11, 1989, No. 129 figs.
Man represented more than once
Itisen Jtj-sn, Inspector of ka-servants, seated, double-statue, late Dyn. V or
early Dyn. VI, in Louvre, A 43 [N.44].
Richer, Le Nu 56 fig. 51; Boreux in Mélanges Maspero i [2], 806 pl. i [1]; Encycl. phot. Louvre pls. 38-9; Vandier, Manuel iii, 572 pl. xxxiii [2]; Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1115; Eaton-Krauss in Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991, 60-1, 64-6, 71-2 [Cat. 20] Taf. 19 (suggests Saqqâra); Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 25 figs. text on 296; Archives phot. E.961 (3 photographs). Upper part of right figure, Boreux, Sculpture pl. xiii. Sketch and text, Wilkinson MSS. xxiv. 10 [middle]. See Champollion, Notice descriptive des monumens égyptiens du Musée Charles X. (1827), 67 [G.67]; de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 28; Boreux, Guide i, 240-1; Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 9; (1973), 14.
Man and son
Man and small son by his right leg, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 24.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 25-6 Bl. 6; Maspero, Égypte 79 fig. 127 (as man and wife); Vandier, Manuel iii, 557 pl. xxv [3]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1225; Griffith Inst. photo. 4271 [left]; H. W. Müller Archive 46 [I/701], 48 [15/22, 24].
Ankh... n... , Overseer of ... , and smaller figure of son Duaptah Dw3-pt
, Scribe, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 150.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 109 Bl. 33; Weigall, Anc. Eg. ... Art, fig. on 53 [lower left]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 561 pl. xliv [4]; Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1091; Petrie Gîza photo. 533.
Seshemu Sšmw, Overseer of the treasury, seated, with small son Yunka Jwn-k3
, Scribe, by his left leg, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 202.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 137 Bl. 42; Vandier, Manuel iii, 562 pl. xxx [5]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1236.
Man and smaller son(?), probably Dyn. V, formerly in H. Hoffmann colln.
Legrain, Collection H. Hoffmann. Cat. des antiquités égyptiennes (1894), No. 37 pl. vi.
...nufer ...nfr ...
seated, and son(?) Mehernufer M-r-nfr
, Prophet of
Buto, late Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI, in Sir William Worsley colln. in the 1950s.
Man and woman
Tjenti Tntj, ka-servant, and woman Iymertef Jj-mrt.f
, Dyn. V, in
Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 12547.
Aeg. und Vorderasiat. Alterthümer Taf. 88; Schäfer, Äg. Kunst fig. on 25 [6]; id. and Andrae, Kunst (1930), 624 Abb. 242 [left]; (1942), 647 Abb. 242 [left] (as Dyn. V or VI); Hall, The Ancient History of the Near East pl. ix [3]; Fechheimer, Plastik 47 Taf. 28-9 (as 14108 in 1923 ed.); von Bissing, Denkmäler, Text to Taf. 69 [1st fig.]; Carotti, L'Arte 37 fig. 40; Sculptures et textes fig. on 69; Vandier, Manuel iii, 553 (as 14108) pl. xxv [6] (from Fechheimer); Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Staatliche Museen Berlin. Kurzer Gesamtführer pl. on 34; Staehelin, Untersuchungen zur ägyptischen Tracht im Alten Reich Taf. ii [3]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1169; Wenig, Die Frau 17 pl. 11 (as Gîza); Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 23 [230] Abb.; Michalowski, Art fig. 223 (as Munich); Seidel and Wildung in Vandersleyen, Das Alte Ägypten 227 Abb. 141; Fischer in Rev. d'Ég. 30 (1978), 78-89 pls. 2, 3 (considers not ancient); J. S[ettgast] in Äg. Mus. (1980), No. 9 fig.; id. Äg. Mus. (1984), 12-13 pl.; (1991), 20-1 [11] pl.; Äg. Mus. (1984), fig. on 45; Wildung, Egyptian Art in Berlin fig. on back cover; Guter, J. Das schöne Buch der ägyptischen Weisheit fig. on 59 (reversed). Detail of clasped hands, Manniche, Sexual Life in Ancient Egypt fig. 73 (reversed). Text, Aeg. Inschr. i, 70. Title of Iymertef, see Fischer, Varia 69 n. 1 (considers not ancient). See Ausf. Verz. 70.
Man seated, with woman kneeling by his right leg, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 146.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 107 Bl. 33; Vandier, Manuel iii, 561 pl. xxxii [2]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1182.
A Judge and Boundary official (name lost) and wife, with wide back pillar, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 158.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 114 Bl. 35; von Bissing, Äg. Kunstgeschichte Taf. lv [350]; Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1155. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
Baka B3-k3(.j), King's son (probably of Radjedef ), etc., headless, with small
daughter Mertiotes Mrt-jt.s
, by his right leg, temp. Radjedef or a little later,
in Cairo Mus. CG 176. (Probably from Abû Rawâsh.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 123-4 Bl. 39; Vandier, Manuel iii, 561 pl. xxvi [3].
Harnit rw-nt, King's eldest son of his body (of Radjedef ), etc., and wife
Hetepheres tp-r.s
, both seated, headless, red granite, temp. Radjedef or
a little later, in Cairo Mus. CG 544. (Probably from Abû Rawâsh.)
See Borchardt, Statuen ii, 91 (text) (as Middle Kingdom); Vandier, Manuel iii, 590 (as Middle Kingdom).
Man and woman, upper part of seated statue, Dyn. V, in Kansas City (Mo.), The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 61-8.
The Nelson Gallery and Atkins Museum Bulletin iii [3] (Spring 1961), fig. on 9 [lower]. See ib. iv [2] (Oct. 1962), 18.
Iti Jtj, King's wab-priest, and Nimereret-nebty(?) Nj-mrrt-nbtj(?)
Royal acquaintance, both seated and headless, Old Kingdom, formerly in Liverpool,
Liverpool Museum, M.13870 (lost in World War II).
See Gatty, C. T. Catalogue of the Mayer Collection i (1879), 51 [296].
Nefertjes Nfr-ts(headless) seated, with wife(?) standing, probably Dyn. VI, in
Lund, Kulturhistoriska Museet, 17.313.
Man and woman seated, Dyn. V-VI, in Lyons, Musée des Beaux-Arts, H.1724.
Gabolde, M. in Les Réserves de Pharaon. L'Égypte dans les collections du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (1988), 61 fig. on 60; Galliano, G. Les Antiquités. Guide des collections (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 1997), 40 fig. [left] (as Dyn. IV-V). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 574.
Wedjaher(?) Wd -hr(?), Overseer of the store-room of the sun-temple of
Neferirkare, seated, with remains of small figure of woman by his left leg, Dyn. V, in
Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 5745.
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 10 [16] pl. ii [1] (as daughter); Pavlov and Khodzhash, Egipetskaya plastika 18-19, 24, 103 fig. 22 (as daughter).
Man seated, with woman standing, Dyn. V, in Louvre, A 45 [N.46].
Richer, Le Nu 56 figs. 47-9; Boreux, Guide i, 238 pl. xxxii [right]; Charbonneaux, Les merveilles du Louvre i, pl. on 50 [left]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 573 pl. xxix [1]; Kanawaty in BSFÉ 104 (1985), 39 pl. i [c]; Äg. und moderne Skulptur 24 Abb. 8; Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 43 figs.; Archives phot. E.991; H. W. Müller Archive 20 [308/65, 67-8, 70]. Upper part of woman, Boreux, Sculpture pl. xiv. See Champollion, Notice descriptive des monumens égyptiens du Musée Charles X. (1827), 68 [G.70]; de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 29 (as Dyn. IV or V); Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 9; (1973), 14.
Kanufer K3(.j)-nfr, Overseer of commissions, Director of bowmen, etc.
(probably owner of Gîza tb. G 1203), right arm lost, and woman Iynefert Jj-nfrt
, Prophetess of Hathor in all her beautiful places, etc., probably temp. Khufu,
formerly in Prince Napoleon colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1868, now in
Louvre, A 120 [E.6854].
Richer, Le Nu 59 fig. 55; Ziegler in GM 51 (1981), 141 fig. 6; id. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 28 figs. text on 297-8. Sketch and texts, Gardiner Notebook 67, p. 17 (by Crum). See Fröhner, W. Importante collection d'antiquités ... Hôtel Drouot ... 23-6 Mars 1868 (Napoleon), No. 533; Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 10; id. Manuel iii, 573.
Man and woman (latter headless), inscribed, end of Dyn. V or beginning of Dyn. VI, in Richmond (Va.), Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 61.8.
Ancient Art in the Virginia Museum (1973), 21 [12] fig.
Ankhwedjes n-wd.s, Chief, seated, and wife Iynefert Jj-nfrt
(headless), probably Dyn. VI, formerly in N. P. Likhachev colln., now in St
Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 18107.
Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegipetskaya skul'ptura 36-8 [1] pl. i [1] figs. 10, 11; Fingaret, S. I. Iskusstvo Drevnego Egipta v sobranii Ermitazha (1970), 22 fig. on 23; Landa and Lapis, Eg. Antiq. pl. 14. See Perepelkin, Yu. Ya. Opisanie vstavki "Pismennost' drevnego mira i rannego srednevekov'ya" (1936), 11 [ii].
Man and woman seated, front of base and feet lost, Dyn. V, in Zurich, Museum Rietberg.
Museum Rietberg Zürich (1982), fig. on 29; Chappaz and Poggia, Collections égyptiennes publiques de Suisse fig. on 61.
Man, lower legs lost, with left hand of [wife], probably from a pair statue, Dyn. V-VI, at Christie's (New York) in 1997.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. May 30, 1997, No. 40 fig.; Minerva 8 [3] (May-June 1997), inside front cover.
Man and woman, probably Dyn. V-VI, formerly in Dreyfus colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1986.
Collection Dreyfus. Archéologie. Sculptures, Bronzes et Terres Cuites [etc.] (Hôtel Drouot Sale Cat. March 20-1, 1986), No. 52 fig.
Man and woman, inscribed, probably Dyn. V, in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1978.
The Connoisseur 199 [801] (Nov. 1978), Advertisements, fig. on 69 [bottom left].
Man and woman, front of base and feet lost, Dyn. V, formerly in E. A. Veltman colln., now in Paris, Fondation Custodia, Institut Néerlandais, 6529 (F. Lugt colln.).
Cohen, D. Egypte en Voor-Azië pl. 1; id. in Bull. Antieke Beschaving vi [2] (Dec. 1931), 1-3 [1] fig. 1; Tentoonstelling ... Amsterdam ... 1931 No. 266 fig.; Sutton, D. in Apollo civ (1976), 249 fig. 10; Egypte. Eender en anders Cat. 47 fig.; FERE photo. 8892.
Kneeling woman, probably from pair-statue with seated man, probably Dyn. V, formerly in N.-C. Fabri de Peiresc colln.
Aufrère, La momie et la tempête 182 [3] pl. xiii.
Man and woman seated, Dyn. VI, in New York - Beverly Hills, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1985.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. A Guide for the Collector and Investor iv (1985), No. 401 figs.
Man, lost from knees down, with hands of wife(?) on shoulder and arm, Dyn. V, formerly in Paris, Galerie du Sycomore (dealer), and in private possession in Germany, then in private possession in Switzerland in 1998, on loan to Basel, Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig, in 1998.
Apollo ci [159] (May 1975), Advertisements, fig. on 91; Wildung, Entdeckungen No. 19 fig.; Wiese, A. and Winterhalter, S. Ägyptische Kunst im Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig 16-17 [16] fig.
Kar 3r, Steward, and wife, probably Dyn. V, formerly in Viguier colln.
and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1984.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. March 1-2, 1984, No. 108 figs. (as Dyn. V-VI).
A Royal acquaintance (name lost) and woman Mes-sat Ms-s3t, Royal
acquaintance (head does not belong), dedicated by the eldest son Mehernufer M-r-nfr
, One who is in the js-chamber, Overlord of Nekheb, etc., late Dyn. V or
early Dyn. VI, in Sir William Worsley colln. in the 1950s.
Man and woman, front of base lost, end of Old Kingdom or 1st Int. Period, formerly in private possession in Germany and at Sotheby's in 1993.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 9-10, 1993, No. 298 fig. (as 1st Int. Period or Middle Kingdom).
Man and small figure of woman, Dyn. V, in private possession in 1992.
L. S[childkraut] in Schildkraut, L. and Solia, V. Egypt at the Merrin Gallery (1992), No. 5 figs.
Man and woman, legs much damaged, right arm of woman lost, Dyn. V-VI, in Louvre, N.2293.
Capart, Documents ii, 17-18 pls. 16-18; id. L'Art ég. ii, pl. 258 (as Dyn. IV); id. and Werbrouck, Memphis à l'ombre des pyramides 353, 355 fig. 337; Boreux, Guide ii, 453 pl. lxiii [right] (as Dyn. IV); Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 16 (as Dyn. IV); Hall in Ross, The Art of Egypt pl. on 112; Scharff in JEA 26 (1940), 49 pl. x [1]; Desroches, L'Art égyptien au Musée du Louvre (1941), figs. on 7th p. [lower] (as Dyn. IV); Pijoán, Summa Artis iii (1945), figs. 186-7; Byvanck, De Kunst 139-40 pl. xviii [66]; Aldred, Old Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt 34 pl. 41; Vandier, Eg. Sculpture pl. 9; id. Sculpture ... Louvre 3rd pl. [left]; id. Manuel iii, 573 pl. xvii [1, 3]; Wolf, Kunst 174-5 Abb. 140; Charbonneaux, Les merveilles du Louvre i, pl. on 41; Pirenne, Hist. civ. i, 357 pls. 38-9 between 124-5 (as Dyn. IV); Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 1154 (as Dyn. IV); Vercoutter in Grimal, P. Histoire mondiale de la femme. Préhistoire et antiquité 2nd pl. after 72 [right]; Suzuki, Sculpture pls. 8, 54; Michalowski, Égypte figs. on 42, 109; Romant, B. Life in Egypt in Ancient Times fig. on 7; Curto, L'Antico Egitto (1981), fig. on 489 (as Dyn. V-VI); Maruejol, F. in Guillais, S.-C. (ed.), L'Art du Monde au Musée du Louvre. L'Orient ancien et l'Égypte fig. on 113 (as Dyn. V or VI); Ziegler, Le Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes 22 fig. on 20; id. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 45 figs. pl. on 34; G. A[ndreu] in Andreu, G. et al. L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre 67-8 [20] figs. (as probably Dyn. V and from Saqqâra); Calmettes, M.-A. in Archéologia 341 (Jan. 1998), fig. on 34 (as probably Dyn. V); Archives phot. E.546. Upper part, Boreux, Sculpture pl. iii (as Dyn. IV); Desroches-Noblecourt, Le Style égyptien 68 pl. xii [lower]; Beekman, W. B. Hout in alle tijden i, fig. 7.89 (as Dyn. IV); Westendorf, Das Alte Ägypten fig. on 57; Michalowski, Art fig. 229. See Vandier, Guide (1948), 38; (1952), 39; (1973), 73-4. (Selected references.)
Standing or striding.
Man, granite, late Dyn. V, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 24.
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 95 [xi, 2] fig.
Man, lower legs lost, probably Dyn. VI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.78.
Steindorff, Cat. 21 [17] pl. ii.
Man, Dynasty VI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.374.
Steindorff, Cat. 21 [18] pl. ii.
Man, left side of head, right forearm and lower legs lost, diorite, late Dyn. IV or early Dyn. V, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 1122.
Ägyptisches Museum 1823-1973 Abb. 5; Egyiptomi mvészet No. 17 fig. 3; Finneiser, K. in Äg. Mus. (1991), No. 16 fig. (as gneiss and from Memphis); Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 17 fig. (as gneiss and from Memphis); Thiele, C. Skulptur fig. 25 (as gneiss); Wildung, Egyptian Art in Berlin 9 fig. 6 (as gneiss). Upper part, Bothmer in Kêmi xx (1970), 38 n. 6 pl. viii [7]; Priese and Wildung in Museumsjournal 5 [iii] (1991), fig. on 61 [left middle] (as gneiss). See Ausf. Verz. 67; Führer (1961) 47.
Hesy sjj, Overseer of officials (srw), etc., face partly restored, Dyn. V, in
Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 7766.
Text, Aeg. Inschr. i, 69. See Ausf. Verz. 67; Vandier, Manuel iii, 552.
Man, Dyn. VI, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 2/78.
Äg. Mus. (1984), fig. on 99 [left].
Man, part of base with name lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 52.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 46 Bl. 13. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 558.
Man, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 90.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 71-2 Bl. 20. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 559 pl. xliv [1].
Man, feet and left shoulder lost, in two parts, black granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 364.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 192.
Man, legs lost, Old Kingdom, in Cairo Mus. CG 373.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 196.
Man, left foot and front of base lost, Dyn. V-VI, in Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, 1924.116.
Sauerlandt, M. Das Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg 1877-1927. Neuerwerbungen aus den Jahren 1919-1927, 38 Taf. 18 (as Dyn. V); Hoffmann, H. and Hewicker, F. Kunst des Altertums in Hamburg 35 Taf. 1; Hoffmann, H. in Archaeology 15 (1962), fig. on 39 [right] (as Dyn. VI).
Man, Dyn. IV-V, in Istanbul, Arkeoloji Müzesi.
Man, feet and base restored, Dyn. VI, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. S.126, now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1938/7.1.
Man, Dyn. VI, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. S.128, now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1938/7.3.
Von Bissing, Denkmäler, Text to Taf. 97, fig. with n. 9 (as Middle Kingdom); Hornemann, Types i, pl. 133.
Man, Dyn. VI, in Brit. Mus. EA 2314.
Seltman, C. T. The Cambridge Ancient History. Plates i (1927), fig. on 83 [c] (as Dyn. V-VI).
Man, Dyn. VI, in London, Petrie Museum, 16654.
Page, Sculpture No. 15 fig. See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 435.
Statue of man standing, Sepa Sp3, Greatest of the ten of Upper Egypt,
Prophet of Kherty, Herdsman of the White Bull, etc., Dyn. III, formerly in J.-F.
Mimaut colln., now in Louvre, A 36 [N.37]. (Very similar to 801-211-451. See also
801-251-500 for a statue which probably belongs.) (Probably from Saqqâra.)
De Clarac, Musée de sculpture v, pl. 999 [2549 C]; Texte v, 298; Duranty in Gazette des Beaux-Arts 2e Pér. xx (1879) [2], 138 fig. on 139; Perrot and Chipiez, Hist. de l'Art i, 636-8 fig. 427 [left]; Weill, Les Origines de l'Égypte pharaonique, i. La II e et la III e dynasties in Annales du Musée Guimet xxv (1908), 257-9 pl. v [right] fig. on 258 (text); Bénédite in Revue de l'art ancien et moderne xliii (1923), fig. on 278; Richer, Le Nu 56-9 figs. 52 [right], 53 [right], 54; Boreux, Guide i, 228-9 pl. xxx [right]; Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 17-18 pl. 4 [c, right] (as end of Dyn. III or beginning of Dyn. IV); id. Art ... Anc. Eg. (1981), 67-8 fig. 57 [right] (as 2nd half of Dyn. III); Hornemann, Types i, pl. 202; Vandier, Manuel i, 986 fig. 664 [right]; iii, 572 (as end of Dyn. III); Drioton and du Bourguet, Les Pharaons à la conquête de l'art 117-18 pl. 19 [left]; Staehelin, Untersuchungen zur ägyptischen Tracht im Alten Reich Taf. iii [4, upper]; Hall in Apollo lxxxv (1967), 92 fig. 5 [left]; Müller, Äg. Kunst Abb. 19 [right]; Seidel and Wildung in Vandersleyen, Das Alte Ägypten 218-19 Abb. 119 [a]; Suzuki, Sculpture pl. 31; Aldred in Leclant, Le Temps des Pyramides fig. 177; Michalowski, Égypte fig. on 86 [left]; Schüssler, K. Kleine Geschichte der ägyptischen Kunst 101-3 fig. on 102 [left]; Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 98, 101, 129 pl. 154 (as A 37); Ziegler, Le Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes 21 fig. on 24 [middle]; id. in Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991, 167-8 Taf. 63 [a, e]; id. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 39 figs. pl. on 32 [right] text on 305; Pierrat in Louvre. Guide to the Collections (1991), 94 [78] fig. [left]; Malek, J. Egyptian Art (1999), 108 fig. 57; Archives phot. E.71A and on 71; H. W. Müller Archive 20 [308/28, 30]. Incomplete, Junge in Assmann and Burkard (eds.), 5000 Jahre Ägypten. Genese und Permanenz pharaonischer Kunst Abb. 1 [right] on 46 (reversed). Upper part, C. Z[iegler] in Andreu, G. et al. L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre 49-50, 52 [11] fig. Text, Pierret, Rec. inscr. ii, 75 (or A 37) (reversed); Helck, Untersuchungen zur Thinitenzeit 242-4 [11] fig. on 242 (from Weill); Kahl, J. et al. Die Inschriften der 3. Dynastie 124-5 [Ne/?/3] (from Weill). See Dubois, J.-J. Description des antiquités égyptiennes ... Mimaut (1837), No. 332; de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 25-6 (as Dyn. III or beginning of IV); Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 8; (1973), 11. (Selected references.)
Sepa Sp3, Greatest of the ten of Upper Egypt, Prophet of Kherty, Herdsman
of the White Bull, etc., Dyn. III, formerly in J.-F. Mimaut colln., now in Louvre, A
37 [N.38]. (Very similar to 801-211-450. See also 801-251-500 for a statue which
probably belongs.) (Probably from Saqqâra.)
Weill, Les Origines de l'Égypte pharaonique, i. La II e et la III e dynasties in Annales du Musée Guimet xxv (1908), 257-9 pl. v [middle]; Schäfer, Äg. Kunst fig. 8 [left] on 23; von Bissing, Denkmäler Taf. 5 [left] (as probably Gîza); id. Äg. Kunstgeschichte i, 39 Taf. lvi [351]; Richer, Le Nu 56-9 figs. 52 [middle], 53 [middle]; Schäfer and Andrae, Kunst (1925), 587 Abb. 219 [left]; (1930), 622 Abb. 227 [left]; (1942), 643 Abb. 227 [left] (all from von Bissing) (as Saqqâra); Boreux, Guide i, 228-9 pl. xxx [middle]; Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 6 [A]; Ragai, L'Art 65 pl. 7 [19, left]; Desroches, L'Art égyptien au Musée du Louvre (1941), fig. on 6th p. [left]; Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 17-18 pl. 4 [c, middle] (as end of Dyn. III or beginning of Dyn. IV); id. Art ... Anc. Eg. (1958), 38 pl. 23 [right]; (1981), 67-8 fig. 57 [middle] (as 2nd half of Dyn. III); Lundsgaard, E. Ægypten gennem tre Aartusinder 139-40 fig. 17 [left]; Shoukry, Die Privatgrabstatue im Alten Reich in ASAE Suppl. 15 (1951), 58 Abb. 8 [left]; Vandier, Eg. Sculpture pl. 3 [left]; id. Manuel i, 986 fig. 664 [middle]; iii, 572 (as end of Dyn. III); Charbonneaux, Les merveilles du Louvre i, pl. on 44; Woldering, Götter 221 [Kat. 19a] fig. (as from Saqqâra); Hall in Apollo lxxxv (1967), 92 fig. 5 [middle]; Poulsen, Äg. Kunst. A. und M. 20 fig. on 38; Michalowski, Art fig. 202; Desroches Noblecourt, Musée du Louvre. Département des antiquités égyptiennes (1981), 1 fig. [left]; J. L. [de] C[enival] in Naissance de l'écriture No. 27 fig. (as end of Dyn. II or Dyn. III); Archéologia 175 (Feb. 1983), fig. on 80; Junge in Assmann and Burkard (eds.), 5000 Jahre Ägypten. Genese und Permanenz pharaonischer Kunst Abb. 2 [right] on 46 (reversed); Maruejol, F. in Guillais, S.-C. (ed.), L'Art du Monde au Musée du Louvre. L'Orient ancien et l'Égypte fig. on 110 [left]; Ziegler, Le Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes (1990), 21 fig. on 24 [right]; id. in Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991, 167-8 Taf. 63 [b, f]; id. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 40 figs. and 8 fig. 2 text on 305; Archives phot. on 71. Text, Kahl, J. et al. Die Inschriften der 3. Dynastie 124-5 [Ne/?/4] (from Weill); Helck, Untersuchungen zur Thinitenzeit 242-4 [11]. See Dubois, J.-J. Description des antiquités égyptiennes ... Mimaut (1837), No. 331; de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 26; Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 8; (1973), 11. (Selected references.)
Man, end of Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI, in Louvre, A 46 [N.47].
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 49 figs.; Archives phot. E.1216. Detail of kilt, Champollion, J. The World of the Egyptians fig. on 77 [upper]. See Champollion, Notice descriptive des monumens égyptiens du Musée Charles X. (1827), 64 [G.21]; de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 29; Boreux, Guide i, 243; Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 9; (1973), 14; id. Manuel iii, 573; Eaton-Krauss in Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991, 66 n. 61.
Man, Dyn. VI, in Uppsala, Victoriamuseet för Egyptiska Fornsaker, B.206.
Mahler, E. Beöthy Zsolt egyiptologiai gyüjteménye 81 fig. and frontispiece (as Dyn. V).
Man, Dyn. V-VI, formerly in G. Posno colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1883.
Hôtel Drouot Sale Cat. May 22-6, 1883, No. 482 pl. See Antiquités égyptiennes ... Collection de M. Gustave Posno (1874), No. 482.
Man, lower legs lost, unfinished, Dyn. V-VI, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1999.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 5, 1999, No. 25 fig.
Man, left forearm and feet lost, Dyn. V-VI, in Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 3933.
Algemeene Gids (1937), 7 [25] pl. ii (as Dyn. V); Egypte. Eender en anders Cat. 48 fig.; van Haarlem and Scheurleer, Gids (1986), 51-2 fig. 29 (as Dyn. V); Scheurleer, Egypte, geschenk van de Nijl 36 fig. 15 on 35.
Man, Dyn. V, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.30.
Handbook of the Collection (1936), fig. on 12; Steindorff, Cat. 22-3 [28] pl. iv. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 552.
Man, Dyn. VI or a little later, formerly in Berlin Museum, 10661.
See Ausf. Verz. 67-8 (as probably Dyn. VI); Vandier, Manuel iii, 553, 581.
Man, right arm and left leg much damaged, Dyn. VI, formerly in C. W. Huber colln., now in Cairo Mus. CG 126 (JE 5381).
Borchardt, Statuen i, 95-6 Bl. 28. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 560.
Nude boy, feet and base lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 149.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 108-9 Bl. 33. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
Man, arms, feet and base lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 152.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 111 Bl. 34. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
Man, left leg and base lost, probably end of Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 224 (JE 28901). (Bought in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 148-9 Bl. 46 (as Middle Kingdom). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 586 (as Middle Kingdom).
Man, arms, lower left leg, right foot and base lost, Dyn. VI or later, in Cairo Mus. CG 226 (JE 28902). (Acquired in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 149 Bl. 47. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Man, arms, legs and base lost, probably end of Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 232 (JE 28900). (Acquired in Luxor.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 152-3 Bl. 48 (as Middle Kingdom). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 586 (as the beginning of Dyn. XII).
Kakherptah K3(.j)-r-pt, Overseer of metal-workers of the wabt, etc., Dyn.
V, in Cairo Mus. CG 267.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 169-70 Bl. 57; Fechheimer, Plastik (1914), 34 Taf. 41; (1923), 34, 42 Taf. 41 (both from Borchardt). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 563.
Man, legs below kilt lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 370.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 194-5 Bl. 59; Posener, Sauneron and Yoyotte, Dict. civ. fig. on 273. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 563.
Man, originally with a side-lock, Dyn. VI, in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, E.40.1937.
Treasures of the Fitzwilliam Museum (1986), 8-9 [2] fig.; García Castro, J. A. in Revista de arqueología viii [69] (1987), fig. on 51 [right]; Serrano Delgado, J. M. in ib. xiii [139] (1992), fig. on 12.
Man, feet and base lost, Dyn. VI, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 2. (Bought in Cairo.)
Mogensen, Coll. ég. 15 [A 56] pl. xiii (as Dyn. V-VI); Koefoed-Petersen, Cat. des statues 10 [6] pl. 8 (as Æ.I.N. 3). See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 39-40 [A.5]; (1908), 49-50 [E.5] (as Dyn. V); Vandier, Manuel iii, 567 (as Æ.I.N. 1536).
Man, Dyn. VI, in Hildesheim, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Pelizaeus-Museum 1106. (Bought at Gîza.)
Roeder, G. in Alt-Hildesheim 13 (1934), 46 Abb. 4; Martin-Pardey, Plastik des Alten Reiches ii, 1-6 figs.; Schmitz, B. Das Alte Reich 71 [AR 23] fig. (as late Dyn. VI and probably from Saqqâra). See Ippel and Roeder, Denkmäler ... Hildesheim 56; Vandier, Manuel iii, 571; Kayser, Äg. Altertümer 47 (as Dyn. IV).
Man holding long staff (restored?), late Old Kingdom or 1st Int. Period, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. H.124, now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1938/7.5.
Tjeti Ttj, Lector-priest, Overseer of prophets, etc., nude, Dyn. VI, in Brit.
Mus. EA 29594. (Possibly from Akhmîm.)
Hall in Ross, The Art of Egypt pl. on 111 [1]; Kanawati, The Rock Tombs of El-Hawawish vii, 57 pl. 17; id. and Scannell, Sohag in Upper Egypt pl. 7; id. A Mountain Speaks. The First Australian Excavation in Egypt fig. on 23 [left]; Brovarski in Mélanges Gamal Eddin Mokhtar i, 127 pl. vi; Potts, T. Civilization: Ancient Treasures from the British Museum. Australian National Gallery, Canberra, 24 March to 11 June 1990, etc. Cat. No. 21 fig.; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 36 fig. (as Dyn. V); Antike Welt 23 (1992), Abb. 7 on 224; Robins, G. in Minerva 9 [1] (Jan.-Feb. 1998), 33 fig. 4 on 34. See Guide, 4th to 6th, 25 (as Dyn. XXVI).
Man, Dyn. VI, in Brit. Mus. EA 55261.
Hall in Ross, The Art of Egypt pl. on 111 [2]; Hassan, A. Stöcke und Stäbe im Pharaonischen Ägypten bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches 12 Taf. ii [2] (as 5520); Stead, M. Egyptian Life fig. 63 (as 35261).
Man, left arm and feet lost, Dyn. VI, in London, Petrie Museum, 16454.
Page, Sculpture No. 16 fig.
Shepsipumin Špsj-pw-mnw, Lector-priest, Overseer of prophets, etc., Dyn.
VI, in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 4758. (Acquired in Luxor.)
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 12 [19] pl. viii [1] (as probably from Akhmîm).
Man, arms and parts of legs lost, late Dyn. VI, in Norwich, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, UEA 303. (Said to come from Saqqâra.)
Aldred in Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Collection. Exhibition for the Opening of the Centre, April 1978, fig. 420 on p. 235. See Collectie Robert & Lisa Sainsbury (Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller Otterlo, Aug. 6 - Oct. 2, 1966), No. 127.
Man, part of right arm and feet lost, Dyn. VI, in Oslo, Ethnographical Museum, 2255.
Naguib, S.-A. in SAK 9 (1981), 295-7 Taf. x-xii.
Man, remains of text, end of Dyn. V or Dyn. VI, in Louvre, E.6207b [A.F.456].
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 51 figs. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 573.
Man, Dyn. V, in Louvre, E.6207d [A.F.458].
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 53 figs. and 12 fig. 11. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 573.
Man, Dyn. VI, in Louvre, E.10357.
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 55 figs. pls. on 35 and 40 [lower right]. See Boreux, Guide ii, 453 (as 1st Int. Period); Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 35 [2]; (1973), 68; id. Manuel iii, 602 (as Middle Kingdom).
Nude man, head and arms lost, Dyn. V-VI, in Raleigh (NC), North Carolina Museum of Art, 79.6.3.
Gazette des Beaux-Arts xcv (1980), Suppl. March 1980, fig. on 26 [139]; Bowron, E. P. The North Carolina Museum of Art. Introduction to the Collections (1983), pl. on 35; North Carolina Museum of Art. Preview (Summer 1989), 20 fig.
Man, late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI, in St. Louis (Mo.), Art Museum, 1:1986.
The Burlington Magazine cxxx (1988), fig. 84 on 66.
Nude man, Dyn. V-VI, in Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 1583.
Spiegelberg, Ausgewählte Kunst-Denkmäler der aegyptischen Sammlung ... Strassburg 6-7 [10] Taf. v Abb. 4.
Man, right foot lost, siltstone, late Old Kingdom or 1st Int. Period, in Swansea, University of Wales, The Egypt Centre, W.688.
Man, remains of text on base, Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3104.
Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 134 pl. 201 (as Dyn. V-VI). See Orcurti, Cat. ii, 93 [25]; Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 427; Vandier, Manuel iii, 576.
Memi Mmj, nude, right arm lost, Dyn. VI, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Sup.
Farina, Il Regio Museo (1931), fig. on 41 [lower right]; (1938), fig. on 43 [lower right]; Gilbert in Chron. d'Ég. xxix (1954), 202 fig. 19 (Alinari photo.); id. Méditerranée antique [etc.], fig. 84; Roccati, Il Museo Egizio di Torino (1978), fig. 29; Curto, L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), fig. on 65 [left] (as probably Saqqâra); Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 134 pl. 202 (as Dyn. V-VI); Alinari photo. 31425. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 576.
Man, left arm lost, Dyn. VI, in Uppsala, Victoriamuseet för Egyptiska Fornsaker, 177.
See Stockholm. 5000 år No. 40.
Man, nude, base and feet lost, Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in Basel, Münzen und Medaillen A. G., in 1972, then in C. Bernoulli colln.
Werke ägyptischer Kunst [etc.] (Münzen und Medaillen A.G. Auktion 46, Basel, April 28, 1972), No. 26 fig.
Man, left forearm and left foot lost, head and right arm probably modern, Dyn. V-VI, at Christie's in 1996.
Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1996, No. 55 fig.
Man, left arm and right forearm lost, probably Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, at Christie's (New York), in 1980.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. May 20, 1980, No. 182 fig. (as Dyn. XII).
Man, left forearm, lower left leg and feet with base lost, Dyn. VI or XI, at Christie's in 1971 and in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1972.
Christie Sale Cat. (March 23, 1971), No. 169 fig.; Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt (June 1972), No. 53 fig.; Ede, C. Collecting Antiquities fig. 261.
Man, Dyn. VI, in New York, L'Ibis Gallery Ltd., in 1983.
Apollo cxvii [256] (June 1983), Advertisements, fig. on 10; ib. cxviii [258] (Aug. 1983), Advertisements, fig. on 22.
Man, lower right leg and left foot with base lost, probably late Old Kingdom or 1st Int. Period, formerly in Josey colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1995.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 1, 1995, No. 246 fig. (as Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic).
Man, feet lost, Dyn. V-VI, formerly in Mansoor Abd Essayid colln. and at Sotheby's in 1934.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Oct. 22-3, 1934, No. 175 pl. iii.
Man, feet and base lost, Dyn. VI, formerly in J. Menascé colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1891, now also left arm lost, in Louvre, E.10484 [A.F.504].
Antiquités égyptiennes. Collection ... Menascé. Vente ... Hôtel Drouot, 23-4 fév. 1891, No. 239 pl. iv; Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 56 figs. See Vandier, Guide (1948), 40 [1]; (1952), 41 [1]; id. Manuel iii, 605.
Nude man, arms lost, Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in Basel, Münzen und Medaillen A. G., in 1972.
Werke ägyptischer Kunst [etc.] (Münzen und Medaillen A. G. Auktion 46, Basel, April 28, 1972), No. 25 fig.
Hes s , Inspector of ... of the Great House, 1st half of Dyn. VI, in Basel,
Münzen und Medaillen A. G., in 1981.
Werke ägyptischer Kunst [etc.] (Münzen und Medaillen A. G. Auktion 59, Basel, June 16, 1981), No. 20 fig.
Man, arms and feet with base lost, probably Dyn. V-VI, at Sotheby's in 1985 and 1988.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 17-18, 1985, No. 187 fig.; July 11, 1988, No. 29 fig.
Man, right hand holding front panel of long kilt, lower legs lost, wood, Dyn. VI, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1995.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 1, 1995, No. 219 fig.
Man, Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, formerly in A. L. Owens and L. Wolfe collns. and in New York, Parke-Bernet, in 1970 and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1984-5.
Parke-Bernet Sale Cat. April 24-5, 1970, No. 19 fig. (as Middle Kingdom); Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. March 1-2, 1984, No. 109 fig.; The Burlington Magazine cxxvi [971] (Feb. 1984), Advertisements, fig. on iv; Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Feb. 8-9, 1985, No. 8 fig.
Man, right leg, lower left leg and base lost, late Dyn. V, in private possession in Switzerland in 1998.
A. W[iese] in Page-Gasser, M. and Wiese, A. B. Ägypten. Augenblicke der Ewigkeit 58-9 [31] fig.; Eisenberg, J. M. in Minerva 8 [4] (July-Aug. 1997), 10 fig. 4.
Man, possibly Dyn. VI, in Brit. Mus. EA 57324.
Hall in University of Liverpool. Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology xvi (1929), 13-14 pl. xxiv [3]; Guide, Eg. Collns. (1930), 147 fig. 77 [middle]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 555.
Nude boy with finger to his mouth, probably Dyn. VI, in Louvre, N.1598 [E.322; A.F.8].
Ziegler, Le Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes (1990), fig. on 25 [upper right]; id. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 46 figs.; id. in Andreu, G. et al. L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre 70-2 [22] figs.; Feucht, Das Kind im Alten Ägypten 474 Abb. 51 (as Dyn. V); H. W. Müller Archive 20 [305/18, 20]. See Vandier, Guide (1948), 46 [middle]; (1952), 47 [middle]; (1973), 75 [bottom]; id. Manuel iii, 573.
Man, feet lost, Dyn. VI, in Louvre, E.14701.
Boreux in Revue de l'Art ancien et moderne lxxi (1937), 211 figs. 1 (as beginning of Middle Kingdom); Charbonneaux, Les merveilles du Louvre i, pl. on 51 [left lower]; Vandier, Manuel iii, 574, 604 pl. lvii [7]; Andreu, Images de la vie quotidienne en Égypte au temps des pharaons fig. on 61 [lower]; Bochi, P. A. in Chron. d'Ég. lxxi (1996), 224 [a] fig. 1; Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 57 figs. See Vandier, Guide (1948), 46; (1952), 47; (1973), 75 (as Dyn. VI or XI).
Imbi Jmbj, Lector-priest, Scribe of a boat's side, etc., black granite,
probably Dyn. VI, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 9.
Tzachou-Alexandri, O. The World of Egypt in the National Archaeological Museum (1995), 95 [xi, 1] fig. Text, Piehl in PSBA x (1887-8), 532 [3] (as basalt), cf. xi (1888-9), 77; Mallet in Rec. Trav. xviii (1896), 8 [918].
Man seated, Dyn. VI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.146.
Steindorff, Cat. 21 [20] pl. ii.
Man seated, Dyn. VI, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.219.
Steindorff, Cat. 21 [21] pl. ii.
Iy... Jj......
, ... [of] the toilet-house, probably Dyn. IV, formerly in Berlin
Museum, 7498.
Text, Aeg. Inschr. i, 69. See Ausf. Verz. 67; Vandier, Manuel iii, 552.
Tjenti Tntj, Royal acquaintance, Dyn. V, formerly in G. Posno colln., now
in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 8430.
Aeg. und Vorderasiat. Alterthümer Taf. 8 [left]; Evers, Staat aus dem Stein i, Abb. 2 (as Dyn. VI); Finneiser, K. in Äg. Mus. (1991), No. 19 fig. (as probably Dyn. VI). Text, Aeg. Inschr. i, 69. See Stern in Zeitschrift für die gebildete Welt 3 (1883), 288; Ausf. Verz. 67; Vandier, Manuel iii, 552; Führer (1961), 48.
Man seated, Dyn. VI, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 1/78.
Altenmüller in Menschenbild No. 4 fig. (as 1st Int. Period); Äg. Mus. (1984), fig. on 99 [right].
Hetepni tp-nj, Royal chamberlain, Overseer (md) of the royal scribes of
the counting of cattle-herdsmen in the two houses, etc., end of Dyn. VI, in Berlin,
Ägyptisches Museum, 1/83.
Settgast in Jahrb. Preußischer Kulturbesitz xx (1983), 163-8 Abb. 59; ib. Sonderband 3 (1986), 23 [4] fig. on 251; Settgast, Äg. Mus. (1991), 24-5 [13] pl.; Meyer, L. in Archéologia 270 (July-Aug. 1991), fig. on 32 [right]; Fischer, H. G. Varia Nova 32-3 [ii] pl. 40 (as 1/85).
Meri Mrj, Royal chamberlain, Judge and Boundary official, Dyn. VI, in
Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.2309.
Tefnin, Statues 22-3 fig.; L. L[imme] in Waelkens, M. (ed.), Pierre éternelle. Du Nil au Rhin. Carrières et préfabrication (1990), Cat. 110 figs. Text, Speleers, Rec. inscr. 7 [44]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 556; Lefebvre, F. and Van Rinsveld, B. L'Égypte. Des Pharaons aux Coptes 36.
Idi Jdj, Hereditary prince, God's father, Beloved of the god, probably end
of Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.4355.
Text, Speleers, Rec. inscr. 32 [98].
Hepinpu p-jnpw , Supervisor of treasurers, etc., lower part, red granite,
Dyn. IV, in Cairo Mus. CG 2.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 2-3 Bl. 1.
Man seated, upper right arm damaged, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 79.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 64 Bl. 18. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 559 pl. xxii [4].
Man seated, headless, right forearm damaged, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 86.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 68-9.
Man seated, right shoulder restored, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 142.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 104-5 Bl. 32. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 560.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 159.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 115 Bl. 35. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
Man seated, lost from waist up, diorite(?), Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 173.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 122.
Man seated, base with feet and body from waist up lost, red granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 177.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 124.
Man seated, hard grey stone, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 180.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 125 Bl. 39; H. W. Müller Archive 48 [15/16] (as AR-Mann2). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 561.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 195.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 133 Bl. 41. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 203.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 137-8 Bl. 42; Maspero, Égypte 79 fig. 128; Griffith Inst. photo. 4271 [right]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 209.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 140-1 Bl. 44. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Ankh-haf n-3.f, Master butcher of the Great House, etc., Dyn. V, in
Cairo Mus. CG 210.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 141 Bl. 44. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Man seated, Dyn. VI, in Cairo Mus. CG 213.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 143.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 215.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 144.
Man seated, Dyn. VI, in Cairo Mus. CG 825 (JE 29543). (From Upper Egypt.)
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 114 Bl. 153 (as Dyn. VI or later). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 563 (as Old Kingdom), 591 (as later than Dyn. VI).
Man seated, sandstone, Dyn. VI, in Cairo Mus. CG 826 (JE 29544). (From Upper Egypt.)
See Borchardt, Statuen iii, 114 (as Dyn. VI or later); Vandier, Manuel iii, 591 (as later than Dyn. VI).
Ankhwedjes n-wd.s, Chief, probably Dyn. VI, in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam
Museum, E.35.1907.
Tjenent Tnnt, Confectioner, red granite, end of Dyn. IV or Dyn. V, in
Chicago (Ill.), Oriental Institute Museum, 14054.
Silverman in JNES 32 (1973), 466-76 figs. 1-4; Swift, G. F. in The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago. Report 1973/74, fig. on 68.
Man seated, late Dyn. V or early Dyn. VI, in Detroit (Mich.), Institute of Arts, 50.74.
Bull. Detroit Inst. xxxi (1951-2), 59 fig. (as from Saqqâra); Peck in The Connoisseur 175 (1970), 269 fig. 1; id. in KMT 2 [3] (1991), 16 fig. on 15 [lower left]; Henshaw, J. P. (ed.), The Detroit Institute of Arts. A Visitor's Guide (1995), fig. on 102 [left]. See Bull. Detroit Inst. xxx (1950-1), 52 (as from Saqqâra).
Iymery Jj-mrjj, ka-servant, Dyn. V-VI, partly restored, in Dresden,
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Skulpturensammlung, Inv. Aeg. 752.
Herrmann, Verzeichnis (1925), 12 [6a] fig. (as Dyn. VI); Raumschüssel, M. Ägyptische Altertümer aus der Skulpturensammlung Dresden (1977), 33 [12] Abb. 17.
Man seated, probably Dyn. VI, in Kraków, Muzeum Archeologiczne, MAK/AS/2430.
liwa in Materialy archeologiczne xvi (1976), 119-20 [2] fig. 2; id. in Recherches archéologiques de 1975, 75 fig. 2.
Ankh n, Count, Keeper of Nekhen, grey granite, probably temp. Neterikhet (Djoser), in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AST.18. (Probably from Beit Khallâf.)
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. ii, 11 [D.93] pl. xx; Wiedemann in OLZ i (1898), 272-3 with 2nd pl. after 272 (as Ankh-tekh); Capart, Recueil i, pl. iii (as Ankh-tekh); Spiegelberg, Geschichte der ägyptischen Kunst [etc.], 10 Abb. 15; Boeser, Beschreibung i, 10-11 [v] Taf. iv (as Ankh-tekh); Fechheimer, Plastik (1914), 32 Taf. 14, 15; (1923), 31-2 Taf. 14-15 (latter from Boeser); Weigall, Anc. Eg. ... Art fig. on 14 [right] (as end of Dyn. II); Bremmer, Eg. kunst Nos. 1, 2 (as Ankh-tekh); Gids voor de tentoonstelling van Egyptische kunst uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, te houden te Amsterdam, 15 maart - 8 mei 1927, 16 fig. 5 (as Ankh-tekh); Gids (1928), 59-61 fig. on 60; (1937), 78-80 fig. on 79 (as Ankh-tekh); Steindorff, Kunst 316 fig. on 174 (as Ankhaper); Carotti, L'Arte 36 fig. 37; van Wijngaarden, Meesterwerken 94 pls. 4, 5; Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 16-17 pl. 3 [c] (as Nedjemankh); Byvanck, De Kunst 129 pl. xiv [48]; Gids (1953), 3-4 [6] fig. 2 (as Ankh-tekh); Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 748; Wolf, Kunst 131 Abb. 92 (as Ankhaper); id. Die Kultur Ägyptens in Kindermann, H. and Thurnher, E. Handbuch der Kulturgeschichte 54-5 Abb. 59 (as Ankhaper); id. Frühe Hochkulturen. Ägypten, Mesopotamien, Ägäis 27 Abb. 23; Klasens, Egyptische kunst 20 [12] pl.; Staehelin, Untersuchungen zur ägyptischen Tracht im Alten Reich Taf. i [1]; Zandee, De schatten van Egypte fig. 25 (as Nedjemankh); Woldering, Götter Abb. 12, 13 (as Ankh-tekh and Dyn. II-III); Poulsen, Äg. Kunst. A. und M. fig. on 43 (as Ankhaper); Artefact 32 pl. 29; Seidel and Wildung in Vandersleyen, Das Alte Ägypten 218 Abb. 118; Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 46 [22] fig.; Hart, Pharaohs and Pyramids, pl. 34 (as Nedjemankh); Schneider, Beeldhouwkunst in het land van de farao's 16-18 [1] fig. on 17; Eaton-Krauss, M. in OMRO 77 (1997), 7-14 pls. 3, 4, 5 [2], 7 [2-4] (as granodiorite). Upper part, Capart, Les Monuments dits Hycsos 32, 35 fig. 21; H. W. Müller Archive 12 [91/9, 12-15, 17; I/175-6]. Text, Helck, Untersuchungen zur Thinitenzeit 241-2 [10, 3] (as n-jb); Kahl, J. et al. Die Inschriften der 3. Dynastie 122-3 [Ne/?/1] (from Wiedemann and Keimer). Name, Keimer in ASAE xxxi (1931), 176 fig. 24 [a]. See Leemans, Descr. rais. 57-8 [D.93]; Pleyte in Verhandlungen des VII. Internationalen Orientalisten-Congresses ... Wien ... 1886, Ägyptisch-afrikanische Section 52-3 [6]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 24 [2] (as Ankh-tekh); Vandier, Manuel iii, 572 (as D.94), cf. i, fig. 660 (from Smith) (as Nedjemankh). (Selected references.)
Ankh n, One concerned with the affairs of the dining hall(?), red granite, Dyn.
III, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AST.19.
Wiedemann in OLZ i (1898), 270-2 with 1st pl. after 272; Capart, Recueil i, pl. ii; Boeser, Beschreibung i, 10 [iv] Taf. iii; Fechheimer, Kleinplastik 18 Taf. 4, 5; Weigall, Anc. Eg. ... Art fig. on 13 [right] (as Dyn. II); Strömbom, S. Egyptens Konst fig. 39 (as Turin); van Wijngaarden, Meesterwerken 93 pls. 2, 3; Vandier, Manuel i, 983-4 fig. 658 (from Fechheimer); Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 739; Wolf, Kunst 131 Abb. 91-2; Amsterdam, 5000 jaar No. 5 fig. 2; Poulsen, Äg. Kunst. A. und M. figs. on 40, 41; Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 46 [21] fig. (as from Abydos or Saqqâra); Äg. und moderne Skulptur Cat. 68 fig.; Schneider, Beeldhouwkunst in het land van de farao's 18 fig. on 16; Eaton-Krauss, M. in OMRO 77 (1997), 9 pl. 6 [3, 4] (as granodiorite). Name and title, Pleyte in Verhandlungen des VII. Internationalen Orientalisten-Congresses ... Wien ... 1886, Ägyptisch-afrikanische Section 52 [5]; Kahl, J. et al. Die Inschriften der 3. Dynastie 220-1 [D3/?/1] (from Wiedemann). Title, Ogdon, J. I. R. in JSSEA xiv (1984), 23-4. See Leemans, Descr. rais. 57-8 [D.94]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 24 [1].
Man seated, Dyn. VI, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. S.127, now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1938/7.2.
Sebkhotep Sbk-tp, General, 'honoured by Nemty', lower part, with
children, including Nemti-iu Nmtj-jw
, Overseer of the department of tenants
of the Great House, in relief on sides of seat, probably end of Old Kingdom or a little
later, in Liverpool, Liverpool Museum, 67.4.
See Bienkowski, P. and Southworth, E. Egyptian Antiquities in the Liverpool Museum i, 45 (as 1st Int. Period and from Ihnâsya el-Medîna).
Man seated, wearing head-band, black granite or diorite, probably Dyn. VI, in Brit. Mus. EA 26790.
Seltman, C. T. The Cambridge Ancient History. Plates i (1927), fig. on 79 [b] (as Dyn. II-III); Hall in Ross, The Art of Egypt pl. on 100 [1] (as Dyn. II-III). See Guide, 4th to 6th 119 [3] (as Dyn. III or IV); Guide, Eg. Collns. (1930), 288 (as Dyn. III).
Anui nwj, Royal chamberlain of the Great House, etc., Dyn. V, in Brit.
Mus. EA 32184.
See Guide, 4th to 6th 119 [5] (as from Saqqâra).
Tjesen Tsn, Overseer of sculptors, lower part, Dyn. V-VI, in London, Petrie
Museum, 14722.
Page, Sculpture No. 116 fig.
Man seated, upper part, probably Dyn. V, in London, Petrie Museum, 14811.
Page, Sculpture No. 12 fig. See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 435.
Man seated, probably Dyn. VI, in London, Petrie Museum, 16450.
Page, Sculpture No. 13 fig.
Man seated, Dyn. VI, in London, Petrie Museum, 16655.
Page, Sculpture No. 14 figs. See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 432 on p. 32.
Man seated, Dyn. VI, in London, Petrie Museum, 16656.
Page, Sculpture No. 117 fig. See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 432 on p. 32.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Louvain-la-Neuve, Musée de Louvain, Eg. 163.
E. G[ubel] in Van Nijl tot Schelde Cat. 55 fig. (as from Gîza or Saqqâra).
Ankhmare n(.j)-m--r sic, Judge and Scribe, Dyn. V-VI, in Moscow,
State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 5574.
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie 5 [11] pl. iii [4]; Pavlov and Mat'e, Pamyatniki pl. 7.
Weha W , Overseer of the boat, Prophet of Khufu, lower part, red granite, Old Kingdom, formerly in V. Golenishchev colln. 4055, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 5743.
Inekh Jn, Chief, Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period, in New York, Sotheby Parke
Bernet Inc., in 1980, now in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS
Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc. (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1980, No. 244 fig.; Schoske and Wildung, Äg. Kunst München 149 [17] (as 18) fig.; Wildung in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xxxv (1984), 225-6 Abb. 5; Äg. und moderne Skulptur Cat. 22 fig.; Schoske, S. Egyptian Art in Munich 12 [9] fig.
Ankh n, sm3-priest of Horus, etc., granite (sometimes described as diorite), probably temp. Neterikhet (Djoser), in Louvre, A 39 [N.40]. (Possibly from Beit Khallâf.)
Weill, Les Origines de l'Égypte pharaonique, i. La II e et la III e dynasties in Annales du Musée Guimet xxv (1908), 181-4 pl. ii (as granite); Richer, Le Nu 35 fig. 25 (as A 38); Hall in Ross, The Art of Egypt pl. on 100 [2] (as granite); Vandier Manuel i, 985 fig. 661 (from Weill); iii, 572; Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 780; Suzuki, Sculpture fig. on 129 [lower]; Kanawaty in BSFÉ 104 (1985), 38 pl. i [a]; Romant, B. Life in Egypt in Ancient Times fig. on 120; Ziegler, Le Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes (1990), 21 fig. on 23 [upper]; id. in Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991, 169 Taf. 64 [a, b]; id. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 22 figs. pl. on 27 text on 296; id. in Andreu, G. et al. L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre 47-8 [10] fig.; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 10 fig.; Eaton-Krauss, M. in OMRO 77 (1997), 7-14 pls. 1, 2, 5 [1]; Archives phot. E.547; H. W. Müller Archive 20 [81/58, 60, 62, 64; 308/16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26] (as A 59). Upper part, Boreux, Sculpture pl. i. Text, Helck, Untersuchungen zur Thinitenzeit 241-2 [10, 2] (as n-jb); Kahl, J. et al. Die Inschriften der 3. Dynastie 122-3 [Ne/?/2] (as granite) (from Keimer). Name, Keimer in ASAE xxxi (1931), 176 fig. 24 [b]. See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 27; Wiedemann in OLZ 4 (1901), 41-3 (as granite); Boreux, Guide i, 239; Smith, Hist. Eg. Sculp. 16; Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 8; (1973), 9.
Man seated, diorite, Dyn. V, formerly in B. Drovetti colln., now in Louvre, A 40 [N.41].
Richer, Le Nu 54 fig. 45; Vandier, Manuel iii, 572 pl. xli [5]; Äg. und moderne Skulptur Cat. 21 fig.; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 21 fig.; Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 48 figs.; Archives phot. E.532 (2 photographs). See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 27-8; Boreux, Guide i, 239-40 (as Dyn. IV-V); Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 8; (1973), 13 (as Dyn. IV-V); Kanawaty in Rev. d'Ég. 37 (1986), 168.
Keki Kkj, Elder of the house, Dyn. VI, in Louvre, A 41 [N.42].
Encycl. phot. Louvre pl. 11 (as Dyn. IV); Michalowski, Art fig. 200 (as Dyn. IV); Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 30 figs. pl. on 29 text on 299. Upper part, Boreux, Sculpture pl. viii (as Dyn. IV). Legs and title, Richer, Le Nu 56 fig. 50. Name and title, Wilkinson MSS. xxiv. 11 [bottom middle]; Gardiner Notebook, 67, p. 19 [upper] (by Crum). See de Rougé, Notice des monuments (1883), 28; Boreux, Guide i, 244-5 (as Dyn. IV); Vandier, Guide (1948 and 1952), 10; (1973), 15 (as Dyn. IV); id. Manuel iii, 572.
Heni nj, Overseer of linen, Dyn. VI or 1st Int. Period, in Louvre, E.27492.
Ziegler in La Revue du Louvre xliii [1] (Feb. 1995), 76 fig. 1; id. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 24 figs. text on 296.
An Overseer ..., feet and base lost, granite, Dyn. V-VI, in St. Louis (Mo.), Art Museum, 51:56.
Handbook of the Collections (1975), fig. on 17.
Man seated, diorite, Dyn. IV, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Prov. 412. (Possibly from E. Schiaparelli's excavations at Gîza.)
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 576.
Man seated, Dyn. V-VI, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Sup. 1192.
Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 133 pl. 199. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 576 (as Prov. 1192).
Hem-min m-mnw, Overseer of the expedition, Overseer of prospectors,
etc., Dyn. VI, formerly in B. Todros and A. Billen collns. and at Sotheby's in 1984,
then in H. Van Doren Betz colln. in 1985.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 10-11, 1984, No. 180 fig. Text, Fischer in GM 84 (1985), 25-8 fig. 1. See id. in JARCE ii (1963), 18 n. 11; id. in GM 86 (1985), 95.
Man seated, upper part and feet lost, Dyn. V, in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1992.
Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt xix (Feb. 1992), No. 3 fig.
Seat, left leg and left arm of man, Dyn. V, at Sotheby's in 1991.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 8, 1991, No. 164 fig.
Man seated, late Dyn. VI, in private possession in Switzerland in 1998.
A. W[iese] in Page-Gasser, M. and Wiese, A. B. Ägypten. Augenblicke der Ewigkeit 56 [29] fig.; Suter, A. in Basler Zeitung Feb. 9, 1998, fig. [right]; Eisenberg, J. M. in Minerva 8 [4] (July-Aug.1997), fig. 5 on 10.
Hab(t) b(t), Lector-priest, Dyn. VI or a little later, in Cairo Mus. CG 148.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 108 Bl. 33; Vandier, Manuel iii, 561 pl. xxxv [5]; Hornemann, Types iii, pl. 696.
Man seated, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 380.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 199-200 Bl. 59. See Vandier Manuel iii, 563.
Man seated, Dyn. V-VI, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 3617.
See Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegipetskaya skul'ptura 39-40 [3].
Man seated, Old Kingdom, in Turin, Museo Egizio.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 576 (called Prov. 413).
Scribe writing, black granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 80.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 65 Bl. 18; Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 419; Vandier, Manuel iii, 559 pl. xxiii [4].
Fragment, head and right shoulder lost, red granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 179.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 124-5.
Scribe reading, red granite, Dyn. V, formerly possibly in C. W. Huber colln., now in Cairo Mus. CG 189 (JE 5376 or 5739-40). (Possibly from Saqqâra.)
Borchardt, Statuen i, 129 Bl. 40; Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 423. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 562.
Scribe writing, black granite, probably Dyn. IV, in Chicago (Ill.), Oriental Institute Museum, 13648. (Bought at Qurna.)
Engberg, R. M. The Dawn of Civilization fig. on 100 [left] (as Dyn. III); Ranke in ZÄS 75 (1939), 89-92 Taf. ix (as probably Dyn. II); Pijoán, Summa Artis iii (1945), figs. 278-9 (as Middle Kingdom and Munich); Wilson, The Burden of Egypt, fig. 5[c]; Spiegel, Das Werden der altägyptischen Hochkultur Taf. 42 [a] (as Dyn. II-III and in Philadelphia); Wolf, Kunst 133 Abb. 98 (as Dyn. III). See Handbook and Museum Guide (1941), 15 (as about 3000 BC); Riefstahl in AJA 56 (1952), 155 (as not Early Dynastic); von Bissing in ZÄS 79 (1954), 74-5 (as Dyn. III); Vandier, Manuel iii, 567 (some doubt).
Scribe reading, red granite, probably Dyn. V, in Louvre, N.858 [E.927].
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 60 figs.
Scribe reading, red granite, Dyn. VI, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 5953.
Komorzynski, Erbe Abb. 25; Seipel, Götter, Menschen, Pharaonen Kat. 41 fig.; Satzinger, H. Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien (1987), fig. on 31; Jaroš-Deckert, B. and Rogge, E. Statuen des Alten Reiches 11-15 figs. (as Dyn. V-VI and probably from Saqqâra). See Vandier, Manuel iii, 577.
Scribe reading, granite, Dyn. V-VI, formerly in P. Mallon colln.
Migeon, G. Collection Paul Mallon ii, pls. xiii, xiv.
Scribe, Dyn. V-VI, at Sotheby's in 1930.
Sotheby Sale Cat. May 20-1, 1930, No. 283 pl. iii.
Neferirtnes Nfr-jrt.n.s, Judge and Boundary official, etc., upper part and right
forearm lost, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 320.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 185 (text).
Dwarf, feet lost, probably mechanical toy, probably Old Kingdom, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 71.504.
Canby, J. V. in Randall, Jr., R. H. Masterpieces of Ivory from the Walters Art Gallery 42 [16] fig. on 43 and colorplate 9; Dasen, V. Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt and Greece 278 [118] pl. 30 [1].
Upper parts.
Bust, grey granite, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 141.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 104 Bl. 31.
Upper part, probably of scribe-statue, greywacke, Dyn. IV-V, in Edinburgh, Royal Museum of Scotland, 1972.93.
Aldred, Scenes from Ancient Egypt in the Royal Scottish Museum Edinburgh fig. 9.
Bust, probably wearing leopard skin, Dyn. IV-V, in London, Petrie Museum, 16453.
Page, Sculpture No. 10 figs. See Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 434.
Bust of seated man, red granite, Dyn. III, in Louvre, E.25578.
Vandier in La Revue du Louvre xvi (1966), 239-40 figs. 14; Gazette des Beaux-Arts lxix (1967), Suppl. Feb. 1967, 2 [3] fig.; Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 61 figs. See Vingt ans 21 [87]; Vandier, Guide (1973), 70.
Bust of statuette of man, basalt, probably Old Kingdom, at Christie's in 1971, in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1972, and in G. Halpern colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1999.
Christie Sale Cat. (March 23, 1971), No. 160 fig.; Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture
from Ancient Egypt (June 1972), No. 2 fig. (as Middle Kingdom); Ede, C. Collecting Antiquities 86 fig. 228 [b] (as Middle Kingdom); Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec.
10, 1999, No. 422 fig. (as Dyn. XII).
Bust, probably Dyn. V-VI, at Christie's in 1974 and in London, Charles Ede Ltd. in 1975.
Christie Sale Cat. (April 30 - May 1, 1974), No. 352 pl. 23; Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt (Jan. 1975), No. 1 fig.
Upper part, Dyn. V, formerly in J. Müller colln. and at Christie's in 1978.
Christie Sale Cat. June 14, 1978, No. 239 frontispiece; The Connoisseur 198 [796 called 196 in error] (June 1978), Advertisements, fig. on 87 [lower right]; Apollo cvii [196] (June 1978), Advertisements, fig. on 65.
Upper part, Dyn. VI, in New York - Beverly Hills, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1985.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. A Guide for the Collector and Investor iv (1985), No. 400 figs.; Apollo cxxi [279] (May 1985), Advertisements, fig. on 55 [left]; cxxi [280] (June 1985), Advertisements, fig. on 121 [left].
Upper part of seated statue, remains of paint, Dyn. V, at Sotheby's in 1983. (Said to come from Gîza.)
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 11-12, 1983, No. 155 fig.
Upper part, arms lost, Dyn. VI, in Hildesheim, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Pelizaeus-Museum 1244.
Martin-Pardey, Plastik des Alten Reiches ii, 7-10 figs. See Ippel and Roeder, Denkmäler ... Hildesheim 56.
Upper part, right arm lost, Dyn. VI or later, in London, Petrie Museum, 8844.
Page, Sculpture No. 6 fig. (as Old Kingdom).
Bust, much damaged, probably Dyn. VI, formerly in Paris, Musée Guimet, 2670, now in Louvre, E.20169.
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 62 figs.
Upper part, right arm lost, Dyn. V-VI, in Warsaw, Muzeum Narodowe, Inv. 47704.
Michaowski, Sztuka starozytna 153 fig. 111.
Bust, arms lost, Dyn. VI, in private possession in Zurich in 1972.
Antike und Orient 1 (1972). [Katalog der Buchhandlung Libresso Zürich.] Aegyptische Kunstwerke aus Zürcher Privatbesitz No. 3 fig.
Head, Dyn. V, formerly in C. W. Lunsingh Scheurleer colln., now in Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum, 381.
Lunsingh Scheurleer, Catalogus eener verzameling Egyptische, Grieksche, Romeinsche en andere oudheden (1909), 55 [14] pl. ii; Algemeene Gids (1937), 7 [24] pl. i (as Dyn. IV-V); Uit de Schatkamers der Oudheid. Jubileumtentoonstelling 1898-1938. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. 3 Sept. - 16 Oct. 1938, 59 [162] pl. 11 (as Dyn. IV-V); Borghouts in Selected Pieces (1976), pl. 2; Scheurleer, Egypte, geschenk van de Nijl 36 fig. 16 on 37; van Haarlem, Selection i, 1-2 figs.; id. and Scheurleer, Gids (1986), 51 fig. 30; Jurriaans-Helle, G. in Mededelingenblad ... Allard Pierson Museum 56 (1993), 8 fig. 5. See Egypte. Eender en anders Cat. 49.
Head, black granite, Dyn. V, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.58. (From Upper Egypt.)
Steindorff, Cat. 22 [23] pl. iii.
Head, Dyn. V, formerly in W. and T. Bateman and F. G. Hilton Price collns. and at Sotheby's in 1893 and 1911, now in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.62.
Burlington Cat. (1895), 8 [19] pl. xxx [45] (as Dyn. IV); Hilton Price, Cat. i, 375 [3125] fig. (as Dyn. IV or V); Steindorff, Cat. 22 [24] pl. iii; Hill, D. K. in The Bulletin of the Walters Art Gallery 16 [8] (May 1964), fig. on 1st p. See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Bateman), June 14-15, 1893, No. 322 [1st item] (as female head); ib. (Hilton-Price), July 12-21, 1911, No. 78 (as Dyn. IV or V).
Head, nose damaged, late Dyn. V or Dyn. VI, in Bonn, Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität, BoS Inv.-Nr. 713.
Head, Dyn. V, in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 04.1834.
Handbook (1920), fig. on 14.
Head and shoulders, red granite, late Dyn. III or early Dyn. IV, in Brooklyn Museum, 67.5.1.
Art of Ancient Egypt (Emily Lowe Gallery. Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, Feb. 22 - April 6, 1971), No. 2 fig. (as probably Dyn. IV); J. K[arig] in Äg. Kunst ... Brooklyn No. 13 fig. (as probably from Saqqâra); N. C[herpion] in Égypte Éternelle No. 13 fig.; Bianchi, Anc. Eg. Sculpture Cat. 6 pl. (as Dyn. III and probably from Saqqâra); J. F. R[omano] in Neferut net Kemit No. 10 fig.; id. in Fazzini, Anc. Eg. Art No. 8 fig. = Anc. Eg. Art [CD-ROM] (1995), 008 fig.; Eaton-Krauss, M. in OMRO 77 (1997), 10 pl. 7 [1].
Head, Dyn. V, formerly in M. Nahman and E. Erickson collns. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1953, now in Brooklyn Museum, 86.226.1.
R. A. F[azzini] in Ferber, L. S. et al. The Collector's Eye. The Ernest Erickson Collections at The Brooklyn Museum No. 71 fig. See *Paris, Hôtel Drouot. Succession de Mr Maurice Nahman ... 26-7 Février 1953 No. 13.
Head, Dyn. V, in Cairo Mus. CG 289.
Borchardt, Statuen i, 178 Bl. 58.
Head, Dyn. V, in Cambridge (Mass.), Fogg Art Museum, 1920.44.277.
Head, red quartzite, early Dyn. V, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 660. (Acquired in Cairo.)
Schmidt, Choix de monuments égyptiens [etc.] (1906), 66 pl. 211A = Arndt, La Glyptothèque Ny-Carlsberg [etc.] (1912), 66 pl. 211A; id. Levende og Døde, fig. 105; Mogensen, Coll. ég. 14 [A 52] pl. xii (as probably Dyn. IV); Koefoed-Petersen, Ægyptisk Billedhuggerkunst (1938), 5-6 pl. 4; (1951), 6-7 pl. 5; id. Eg. Sculpture 7 pl. 5; id. Cat. des statues 8-9 [3] pl. 5 (as probably from Saqqâra); Poulsen, Äg. Kunst. A. und M. fig. on 67; Franceschi, G. and Johansen, F. Et hundrede fire og tyve fotografier (1969), pl. 10; Jørgensen, M. Egypt I (3000-1550 B. C.). Catalogue. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 10, 56-7 [15] fig. See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 35-6 [A.2] (as Dyn. IV); (1908), 45-6 [E.2] (as Dyn. IV-V).
Head, quartzite, Dyn. V-VI, in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 5638.
Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 190 [1497] Tav. i [2].
Head, red granite, late Dyn. IV or Dyn. V, in Kiev, Kievskii gosudarstvenni muzei zapadnogo i vostochnogo iskusstva, SK-45.
Pavlov in Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1952, No. 3 (40), 133-7 figs. 1, 2 [upper]; Khodzhash, S. I. and Etingof, O. E. Drevneegipetskie pamyatniki iz muzeev SSSR. Katalog vstavki (Moscow, 1991), 52 [92] fig. on 7; Berlev, O. and Hodjash, S. Catalogue of the Monuments of Ancient Egypt [etc.], 55 [v. 2] pl. 81, with further bibliography.
Head, probably Dyn. V-VI, in London, Petrie Museum, 16887.
Page, Sculpture No. 9 fig.
Head, black granite, possibly Dyn. V-VI (or a deity, Late Period or Ptolemaic), in Lyons, Musée des Beaux-Arts, H.1713.
Head, Dyn. V, in Montréal, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, 52.B.1.
The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (1960), fig. on 2.
Head, granodiorite, Dyn. IV-V, in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS 6932.
Schoske in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xxxvii (1986), 213-17 Abb. 1, 2; id. Egyptian Art in Munich 6-8 [5] fig. on 7 (as Dyn. IV-VI); id. Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst München (1995), 46 Abb. 45 (as Dyn. IV); Wildung, Die Kunst des alten Ägypten 37 Abb. 15 (as granite).
Head, Dyn. V, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 41.2.11.
Lansing in MMA Bull. xxxvi (1941), 252 fig. on 251; Hayes, Scepter i, 110 fig. 62; Michalowski, Art fig. 217.
Head, Dyn. V, formerly in M. Levy de Benzion colln., now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 47.105.1.
Scott in MMA Bull. N.S. vi [2] (Oct. 1947), 64 fig.; Hayes, Scepter i, 110 fig. 63. See Succession de feu M. Moïse Levy de Benzion. Grande Vente aux enchères publiques (Zamalek, March 20, 1947), No. 239.
Head, probably Dyn. V, in Louvre, E.5413.
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 69 figs.
Head, Dyn. V-VI, in Louvre, E.10759.
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 68 figs. See Boreux, Guide ii, 467; Vandier, Guide (1948), 35 [middle]; (1952), 36 [upper].
Head, probably Dyn. V, in Louvre, E.11577.
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 65 figs.
Fragment of face, probably Dyn. V, in Louvre, A.F.12407.
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 67 figs.
Head, Dyn. V, in Rome, Museo Barracco, 5.
Barracco, G. and Helbig, W. La Collection Barracco (1893), pl. ii, Texte 11-12; Brendel, O. in Die Antike ix (1933), 136 Abb. 3; Careddu, G. La collezione egizia No. 4 pl.; Dewachter, M. and Davoli, P. J.-F. Champollion e il contributo italiano alla riscoperta dell'antico Egitto (Rimini, Museo della Città, 24 agosto - 28 settembre 1991), No. 81 fig.; Sist, L. Museo Barracco. Arte egizia 28-9 figs. (as from the Memphite area). See Cat. (1910), 14 [5]; Pietrangeli, Guida (1949), 37 [5]; (1963), 54 [5].
Head, possibly Dyn. IV-V, in Rouen, Musée départemental des antiquités de la Seine-Maritime, AEg. 29. (Possibly from Gîza.)
Chirol, E. Antiquités égyptiennes et orientales (1967), 24 [26] fig. (as sandstone and Dyn. XVIII); Aufrère, S. Collections égyptiennes No. 32 fig. See Loret in Rec. Trav. ii (1880), 155 [67] (as sandstone and Dyn. XVIII); Le Nil et la société égyptienne No. 165 (as sandstone and Dyn. XVIII).
Head, Dyn. V-VI, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3147.
Curto, L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), col. pl. facing 76; D'Amicone in Donadoni, A. M. et al. Il Museo Egizio di Torino (1988), fig. on 108 [upper]; Donadoni in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 133, 139 pl. 194; Putnam, J. Time Machine. Antico Egitto e Arte Contemporanea fig. 28. See Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 432.
Head, right lappet of wig lost, 1st half of Dyn. V, at Christie's in 1937, now in Louvre, E.27481.
Christie Sale Cat. (March 2, 1937), No. 24 fig.; Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 71 figs.
Head, Dyn. VI, formerly in Schmidt colln., at Christie's in 1998 and in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1999.
Christie Sale Cat. Sept. 23, 1998, No. 75 fig.; Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt xxvi (July 1999), No. 2 fig.
Head, lower right part from nose down lost, Dyn. V-VI, at Christie's (New York) in 1997.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. May 30, 1997, No. 41 fig.
Head, black granite, probably Dyn. V, in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1979.
Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt vii (June 1979), No. 1 fig.
Head, right cheek lost, early Dyn. IV, formerly with C. D. Kelekian (dealer) in New York, then in private possession in New York in 1991 (on loan to Brooklyn Museum, L80.1.13). (Said to come from Gîza.)
Russmann in Kunst des Alten Reiches. Symposium im Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Kairo am 29. und 30. Oktober 1991, 111-18 Taf. 42.
Head, Dyn. V, in Paris, Simone de Monbrison (dealer), in 1971.
Apollo xciii [110] (April 1971), Advertisements, fig. on 107.
Head, chin lost, Dyn. IV-V, formerly in J. Müller colln., at Christie's in 1978, in London, Seaby Antiquities, in 1997 and in New York - Beverly Hills - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1999.
Christie Sale Cat. (J. Müller), June 14, 1978, No. 234 pl. 55; Minerva 8 [5] (Sept.-Oct. 1997), inside front cover; Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian, & Near Eastern Antiquities x (Jan. 1999), No. 178 fig. (as Dyn. V-VI); Apollo cxlix [445] (March 1999), Advertisements, fig. on 56 [lower left]; ib. cxlix [446] (April 1999), Advertisements, fig. on 8 [lower right].
Head, Dyn. V-VI, in New York - Beverly Hills, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1985.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. A Guide for the Collector and Investor iv (1985), No. 402 fig.
Head, red granite, Dyn. V-VI, in Basel, Münzen und Medaillen A. G., in 1972.
Werke ägyptischer Kunst [etc.] (Münzen und Medaillen A. G. Auktion 46, Basel, April 28, 1972), No. 21 fig.
Head, Dyn. IV-V, at Sotheby's in 1982 and 1990 and in M. Rice colln.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 5, 1982, No. 190 fig.; Dec. 13-14, 1990, No. 18 fig.
Head and right shoulder, diorite, probably Dyn. IV-V, at Sotheby's in 1983.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 12-13, 1983, No. 168 fig. (as Dyn. XXVI).
Head, Dyn. V, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1990.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 28, 1990, No. 179 fig. (as Dyn. V-VI).
Head, Dyn. V-VI, in London, Spink & Son Ltd., in 1926.
The Antiquarian Quarterly 5 (March 1926), 149 fig. 77.
Head, Dyn. V, in private possession in Belgium in 1991.
E. G[ubel] in Van Nijl tot Schelde Cat. 56 fig. (as from Gîza or Saqqâra).
Head, basalt, Dyn. IV-V, in private possession in Germany in 1985.
Wildung, Entdeckungen No. 18 fig.
Head, basalt, Dyn. IV, in private possession in Switzerland in 1978. (Said to come from Gîza.)
*Fourth International Exhibition Presented by the Confédération International des Négociants en Oeuvres de l'Art, Amsterdam, 1970, No. 87 pl. 168; Antike und Orient 1 (1972). [Katalog der Buchhandlung Libresso Zürich.] Aegyptische Kunstwerke aus Zürcher Privatbesitz No. 5 figs.; Sguaitamatti in Kunst und Stein 22 [3] (June 1977), 6 Abb. 4; M. M[üller] in Geschenk des Nils No. 110 pl.
Head, Dyn. IV-V, in private possession in 1929.
Dr. Burg & Co., Berlin. Ausstellung ägyptischer Kunst (1929), 19 [67 or 69] Taf. vi.
Head, probably Dyn. VI, in Bordeaux, Musée d'Aquitaine, Inv. 8957.
Orgogozo, Ch. in Archéologia 280 (June 1992), fig. on 12 [left]; Égypte et Méditerranée. Objets antiques du musée d'Aquitaine (1992), 27 [68] fig.
Head, Dyn. V-VI, in Brit. Mus. EA 21814.
Guide, Eg. Collns. (1930), fig. 12 on 28.
Head, Dyn. V-VI (or not ancient?), formerly in George Haviland colln., now in Louvre, E.14249.
Ziegler, Ch. Les Statues égyptiennes de l'Ancien Empire Cat. 66 figs. See Vandier, Guide (1948), 35 [middle]; (1952), 36 [upper].
Head, Dyn. V-VI, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 5368.
Lapis and Mat'e, Drevneegipetskaya skul'ptura 38-9 [2] fig. 12.
Head, lower part of face lost, Dyn. VI, formerly in Sir Hardy Amies colln. and in London, W. & F. C. Bonham & Sons Ltd., in 1995 and Charles Ede Ltd., in 1996.
Bonhams. Fine Antiquities. Sale Cat. July 4, 1995, No. 63 fig. (as Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period); Bonhams. Antiquities. Sale Cat. Oct. 24, 1995, No. 300 fig. (as Dyn. VI to 1st Int. Period); Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt xxiii (July 1996), No. 53 fig.
Head, Dyn. V, in New York, E. H. Merrin Gallery (dealer), in 1980.
Apollo cxii (1980), fig. 6 on 421.
Other fragments.
Shemai Šm3j, Overseer of Upper Egypt, etc., base and feet, basalt, Dyn.
VI, in Brooklyn Museum, 16.580.98.
Text, James, Corpus i, 27 [66] pl. xxv.
Ankhiris n-jr.s, Prophet of Re in the sun-temple of Neferirkare, etc., temp
Neferirkare or later, fragment of base, in Cairo Mus. CG 310.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 183 (text).
Rawer R -wr, Judge and Elder of the hall, base with feet, Dyn. V, in Cairo
Mus. CG 311.
See Borchardt, Statuen i, 184 (text).
Sekhemre Sm-r , Overseer of cattle, etc., base with feet of seated
statue, Dyn. VI, at Sotheby's in 1989.
Sotheby Sale Cat. May 22, 1989, No. 118 [3rd item] fig.
Sekhemre Sm-r , Overseer of cattle, etc., base, Dyn. VI, at Sotheby's
in 1989.
Sotheby Sale Cat. May 22, 1989, No. 118 [4th item] fig.