Objects of Provenance Not Known: Statues
Jaromir Malek, Diana Magee and Elizabeth Miles
Statues of deities. Anthropomorphic. Female
802-055-300 to 802-083-450 (pages 1082-1112 of the printed version)
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© Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Female deities
Head of Anukis mistress of Elephantine, steatite, New Kingdom or Dyn. XXVI, formerly in A. Gallatin colln., now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 66.99.58.
Cooney in JNES xii (1953), 15 [73] pl. lii; Valbelle, Satis et Anoukis 54 [389] pl. vii [upper] (from Cooney).
Hathor or Isis-Hathor.
Isis-Hathor quadrifrons, not inscribed, feet lost, bronze(?), Roman Period, in Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 678.
Capart in Chron. d'Ég. xix (1944), 226 fig. 28.
Hathor mistress of , dedicated by Anpety-emhet(?) nptj-m-3t(?), son of
Kanakhtef(?) K3-nt.f(?)
(?), Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38978.
Daressy, Statues 247 pl. xlix.
Hathor, dedicated by Psametek-emakhet Psmtk-m-3t, son of
Irtamun-nayefneb(?) Jrt-jmn-n3jj.f-nb(?)
, Late Period, in Cairo
Mus. CG 38979.
Daressy, Statues 248 pl. xlix.
Statuette of Hathor (of Koptos), wearing tall headdress with two hawks, dedicated by Paadjed P3-dd, son of Pedehorpare P3-dj-rw-p3-r , bronze, Dyn. XXVI, in private possession in Switzerland in 1998.
M. P[age-]G[asser] in Page-Gasser, M. and Wiese, A. B. Ägypten. Augenblicke der Ewigkeit (1997), 268-9 [180] fig.; Eisenberg, J. M. in Minerva 8 [4] (July-Aug. 1997), 14 fig. 16.
Ipet-hemtes seated, with a New Year wish for Siamun(?) S3-jmn(?), First
prophet of statues of King Weebre (Psammetikhos I or Apries), glazed felspar,
probably late Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38865 (JE 36572).
Daressy, Statues 217 pl. xliv.
Isis or Isis nursing Horus.
See also Isis-Hathor.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pefteu(em)a(ui)neit P3.f-t3w-(m-)(wj)-nt
, Director of the Mansions, etc., Late Period, in Berlin, Ägyptisches
Museum, 11472.
See Ausf. Verz. 307; Leclant and De Meulenaere in Kêmi xiv (1957), 38 n. 5; El-Sayed, Documents relatifs à Saïs et ses divinités 263-4 [52].
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Psametek-(em)auineit Psmtk-(m-)wj-nt
, son of Psam... Psm...
, Late Period, in Bologna, Museo
Civico Archeologico, 258.
Curto in Pelagio Palagi, artista e collezionista (Bologna, Museo Civico, April-June 1976), No. 508 fig.; Petrie Ital. photo. 392. See Kminek-Szedlo, Cat. 27-8 (text); Curto, L'Egitto antico 140 [305].
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, black stone, Late Period, in Budapest, Szépmvészeti Múzeum, 51.1931.
Holthoer in Muinainen Egypti - hetki ikuisuudesta (Tampere, Tampere Art Museum, 30.8.1993 - 2.1.1994), Cat. 51 fig.
Isis seated, with cartouches of Sesonchis I, temp. Sesonchis I, in Cairo Mus. CG 38901 (JE 32209).
See Daressy, Statues 225 (text).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Psametek Psmtk , son of Tjesesipert
(?) (probably mother), Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 39277.
See Daressy, Statues 320 (text).
Isis nursing Horus (not named), lower part, dedicated by Nakhons-red(?) N3(?)-nsw-rd sic, son of Pakerem Pkrm
and Tadeshapertirt(?) T3-dj(t)-š3-prt-jrt(?)
(?), with cartouche of a Psammetikhos, black granite,
Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 39306.
See Daressy, Statues 327 (text).
Lower part of seated Isis, base and feet lost, with cartouche of Kheperkare (Nektanebos I), glazed steatite, temp. Nektanebos I, in Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum, Ae: II, 38.
Von Droste zu Hülshoff and Schlick-Nolte, Aegyptiaca diversa i. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum, Museen der Rhein-Main-Region, Lieferung i, 21-2 figs. See Landesmuseum Darmstadt. Kunst- und historische Sammlungen. Verzeichnis der ägyptischen Sammlung (1925), 9 [38].
Bust of Isis, with cartouche of Amasis, basalt, temp. Amasis, in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 313.
Del Francia, P. R. in Morigi Govi, C. et al. (eds.), L'Egitto fuori dell'Egitto 175-6 fig. 4; Patanè, D. L. in Minerva 8 [3] (May-June 1997), fig. 1 on 13, cf. fig. on 1 [upper middle]; H. W. Müller Archive 8 [I/5-6, 358-9; IV/26 and unnumbered (rubbing)]. See Schiaparelli, Mus. Arch. Firenze 54 [403]; Pellegrini in Bessarione 2nd Ser. v (1903), 203 [3].
Isis (part of left arm and feet lost) nursing [Horus], with cippus of Horus on crocodiles on back of seat and magical text on sides, Ptolemaic, in Göttingen, Sammlung des Archäologischen Instituts der Universität, Inv. 3.
Von Bissing in Egyptian Religion ii (1934), 144-5 figs. on 143; Karig in ZÄS 87 (1962), 54-9 Taf. iv.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Wehebre W3-jb-r , Director of the
Mansions, Servant (m) of Horus great of the crowns, son of Ankh-khons n-nsw
, Director of the Mansions, Servant (m) of Horus great of the crowns, with
King Wehebre (probably Psammetikhos I) offering to Isis in relief on sides of seat,
greywacke, probably temp. Psammetikhos I, in Hildesheim, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Pelizaeus-Museum 1203.
Müller, H. W. in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xiv (1963), 10-11 Abb. 2 (as serpentine); Hornemann, Types v, pl. 1281 (as slate); A. E[ggebrecht] in Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim (1979), fig. on 103 [lower left]; Seipel, Ägypten No. 120 fig. (as schist and Dyn. XXV-XXVI); M. S[eidel] in Eggebrecht, A. (ed.), Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim. Die ägyptische Sammlung (1993), Abb. 79 on 83. See Ippel and Roeder, Denkmäler ... Hildesheim 77-8 (as schist); Kayser, Äg. Altertümer 103 (as schist).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Haaebre-wehebre(?) -jb-r -w3-jb-r (?)
, son of Psametek Psmtk
, and by Paioh P3-j
, son of
Pedeneit P3-dj-nt
, schist, Late Period, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van
Oudheden, Inv. AST.35.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. i, 9 [A.707] pl. ix. See id. Descr. rais. 13 [A.707].
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by a son of Paneferiuiu P3-nfr-jw-jw
and Harseteniotes(?) rw-st-n-jt.s(?)
, schist, probably Late Period, in
Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AST.36.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. i, 9 [A.708] pl. ix. See id. Descr. rais. 13.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Panub P3-nbw, son of Usirinakht Wsjr-nt
, with cartouches of Psammetikhos I, gilded, green stone, temp. Psammetikhos
I, in Brit. Mus. EA 23050.
See Guide, 4th to 6th 219-20 [44].
Isis (lower part only) nursing Horus, dedicated by Kher r, son of Irni Jr-n.j and
Dje-esi Dd-3st, greywacke, Dyn. XXVI, in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer
Kunst, ÄS 1454.
Müller, H. W. in Münchner Jahrb. 3 Ser. xiv (1963), 11, 36 Abb. 3. See Äg. Sammlung (1966), No. 92 [ÄS 1454].
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Ankh-hor n-rw, serpentine, Dyn. XXVI, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 45.2.10.
Clark, C. R. in MMA Bull. N.S. iv (1945-6), 240-2 fig. on 241; Fairservis, The Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile [etc.], fig. on 171.
Isis nursing Horus, with text mentioning Harsiesi rw-s3-3st,
Chamberlain of the divine adoratress, etc., son of Ra-abu R -b(w)
Chamberlain of the divine adoratress and Tadeneshmet T3-dj(t)-nšmt
dedicated by Harsiesi's son Sheshonk Ššn
, Chief steward of the divine
adoratress (Theb. tb. 27), schist with calcite pedestal, temp. Amasis or Apries, in
Louvre, N.466.
Ziegler in Rev. d'Ég. 35 (1984), 203-5 figs. Text, Legrain in ASAE viii (1907), 265 [liv, upper].
Isis nursing Horus, lower part, with text mentioning Esptah Ns-pt ,
probably greywacke, Late Period, in Sheffield, Sheffield City Museum, J307.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pashenneit P3-šrj-n-nt, son of Paadjeb
, steatite, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Stockholm,
Medelhavsmuseet, MM 14956.
Reuterswärd, Studien zur Polychromie der Plastik i. Ägypten 42 Taf. x (as E 4956 and from Abydos); B. G[eorge] in Medelhavsmuseet. En introduktion 74 fig. on 75 [left]; id. Horus - en egyptisk gud fig. on 12 [lower left]. Names, Peterson in Orientalia Suecana xix-xx (1970-1), 19 [xxxi]. See Stockholm. 5000 år No. 184 (as from Saqqâra).
Fragment with text of Isis, probably from statue-base, hard black stone, Late Period, in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1996.
Charles Ede Ltd. Writing and Lettering in Antiquity xvii (Oct. 1996), No. 15 fig.
Isis, dedicated by Mahesaweset M3j-s3-w3st , sem-priest, made of
stone(?), Late Period, formerly in S. Rogers colln. and at Christie's in 1856.
Text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 2 Ser. 49 [middle]. See *Christie Sale Cat. (S. Rogers), April 1856, No. 82.
Isis as mourner kneeling, made for Irtharerau Jrt-rw-r.w, 'greatly praised one', Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic, in Louvre, N.4130.
Desroches Noblecourt, La Crypte de l'Osiris fig. on 4 [right]; Seipel, Ägypten No. 122 fig. (as N.14130).
Isis nursing Horus, with text naming woman Tashe(n)ptah T3-šrjt-n(t)-pt, Late Period, in Amiens, Musée de Picardie, 3057.291.
Perdu and Rickal, La collection égyptienne du Musée de Picardie 124 [213] fig.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pedehap P3-dj-p, Dyn. XXX or
Ptolemaic, formerly in E. Allemant colln., now in Antwerp, Museum Vleeshuis,
79.1.1. (Probably from Abydos.)
Text, E. W[armenbol] in Egypte onomwonden. Egyptische oudheden van het museum Vleeshuis 96 [55]. See Allemant, E. Collection d'antiquités égyptiennes. Description [etc.] (1878), 1 [1] (as Dyn. XXVI); A Catalogue ... Collection of Egyptian Antiquities ... E. Allemant. Foster Sale Cat., London, May 9-10, 1878, No. 63; *Génard, P. Catalogue du Musée d'antiquités d'Anvers (1894), 9 [1]; Oudheidkundige Musea. Vleeshuis, Cat. viii, Egypte 37 [122].
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Djeho Dd-rw, son of Harsemtu rw-sm3-t3wj
and Amenard(ais) Jmn-jr-dj-(s)
, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in
Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 7350.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 255 [310, e] Abb. 313-14 Taf. 36 [f]. See Ausf. Verz. 291.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Hepmen p-mn , son of Pawenhetef
, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum,
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 253 [307, c] Abb. 311 Taf. 35 [a].
Isis with arms raised in adoration, dedicated by Pesh... P3-š..., son of
Pedeneit P3-dj-nt
, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum,
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 231 [284, b] Abb. 282 Taf. 33 [a]. See Ausf. Verz. 292.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pedemeden P3-dj-mdnw, son of
Kerneit(?) Kr-nt(?) (mother), Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches
Museum, 13780.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 255-6 [310, f] Abb. 315 Taf. 36 [i, k]. See Ausf. Verz. 291; Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 21 [205].
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Isi Jsj, son of Pedesekhmet P3-dj-smt
, Late Period, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 13782.
Scharff in Berliner Museen xliv (1923), 5 Abb. 5; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 256 [310, g] Abb. 316 Taf. 36 [l, m]; Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 82 [840] Abb. See Ausf. Verz. 291.
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, Dyn. XXVI or later, formerly in Budapest, Szépmvészeti Múzeum (now lost).
Oroszlán, Z. and Dobrovits, Az Egyiptomi gyüjtemény. Vezetö (1939), 100 [2] pl. 12.
Winged Isis, but with text mentioning only Osiris, dedicated by Iur... Jw-r...,
Servant (m) of Anubis, Servant (m) of Horus, sm3-priest, son of Harwodj rw-wd3
, Servant (m) of Anubis, Servant (m) of Horus, sm3-priest, and
(T)adeshahdedet (T)3-dj(t)-šhddt
, Dyn. XXVI, in Cairo Mus. CG 38896.
See Daressy, Statues 224 (text).
Isis nursing Horus, with scenes of Isis nursing Horus and a king in adoration before
Isis on sides of seat, dedicated by Ahmosi J-ms, son of Penmahesa P3-n-m3-s3
and Tiuu Tjww
, probably New Kingdom, in Cairo Mus.
CG 39322 (JE 29752).
See Daressy, Statues 331 (text).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Tjer-khrod(?) Tr-hrd(?), son of Nekau
, and by Tatet T3-tt
, daughter of Niankh-khrod-nufer(?)
, bronze and faience, Late Period, in Cairo Mus.
CG 39331.
See Daressy, Statues 334 (text).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Paiu P3-jw, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in
Farnham (Dorset), Pitt Rivers Museum, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1996 and in
London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1997.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 17, 1996, No. 9 fig.; Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt xxiv (Sept. 1997), No. 20 fig. (as Amenardais).
Isis nursing [Horus], dedicated by Pedeharsemtu(?) P3-dj-rw-sm3-t3wj(?), Prophet of Thoth, Late Period, in Hanover, Kestner-Museum,
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 254 [309, c] Abb. 312.
Isis nursing Horus, with names of Necho II on throne, temp. Necho II, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AB.2.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. i, 9 [A.675] pl. ix; Artefact 41 pl. 74 [2]; Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 133-4 [136]; Raven in Akkermans, P. et al. Brons uit de Oudheid 23 [4] fig. See Leemans, Descr. rais. 13 [A. 675]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 140 [53].
Isis nursing [Horus], inscribed, Dyn. XXVI, in Lyons, Musée des Beaux-Arts, H.1536.
Galliano, G. Les Antiquités. Guide des collections (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 1997), 33 fig. [right] (as Bik, son of Amenardais).
Isis, inscribed, Dyn. XXVI, in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 5651.
Pavlov, Egipetskaya skul'ptura 82-3 pl. 52; id. and Khodzhash, Egipetskaya plastika 66-7, 105-6 figs. 103-6.
Isis, dedicated by Keref-ptah Kr.f-pt , son of Harkhebi rw-(m-)3-bjt
, Late Period, in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (Queen's College, 1087).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Harbes rbs, son of Tjonufer T3-nfr
Late Period, in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, Fortnum B.1. (Bought in Rome.)
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 245 [304, a], 248 [305, d] Abb. 308; Moorey, Ancient Egypt (1970), 62-3 pl. 32.
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, Late Period, in Paris, Musée Rodin, 259.
Rodin Collectionneur. Musée Rodin, Paris, 1967-1968 No. 87 pl. 30.
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, Dyn. XXVI, in Philadelphia (Pa.), The University Museum, E 14293.
The Egyptian Mummy. Secrets and Science No. 6 fig.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Kenhor n-rw, son of Pedeneit P3-dj-nt
and Herwadjet Hr-w3dt
, Dyn. XXVI, in Rouen, Musée
départemental des antiquités de la Seine-Maritime, AEg. 34.
Chirol, E. Antiquités égyptiennes et orientales (1967), 29 [57] fig.; Aufrère, S. Collections égyptiennes No. 36 fig. pl. i.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pedehori P3-dj-rwj , Late Period, in
St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 287.
See Golénischeff, Inventaire 34-5 (names).
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, Ptolemaic, in San Jose (Calif.), Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum and Art Gallery, RC 125.
Schwappach, L. in Freeman, J. et al. (eds.), Women of the Nile (San Jose, Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, 1999), 26 fig. on 30 [bottom].
Isis nursing [Horus], inscribed, Late Period, in London, W. & F. C. Bonham & Sons Ltd., in 1995-6.
Bonhams. Fine Antiquities. Sale Cat. Dec. 12, 1995, No. 77 fig.; July 4, 1996, No. 409 fig. (both as mentioning 'Pa-di-ihy' and 'Neferamen').
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, Late Period, formerly in O. Borelli Bey colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1913.
Antiquités Égyptiennes ... Collection Borelli Bey. Vente, Hôtel Drouot, June 11-13, 1913, No. 117 pl. viii.
Statuette of Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pedehorpare P3-dj-rw-p3-r , bronze, Late Period or Ptolemaic, formerly in H. Filser colln., then in private possession in Switzerland in 1998.
M. P[age-]G[asser] in Page-Gasser, M. and Wiese, A. B. Ägypten. Augenblicke der Ewigkeit (1997), 261-2 [174] fig. (father 'Pamen').
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pedeneit P3-dj-nt, son of Tutu Twtw, probably Late Period, formerly in H. H. Gorringe colln. and on loan to Worcester (Mass.), Worcester Art Museum.
Mercer in Anc. Eg. (1916), fig. on 50 [lower, 2nd from right]; Capart in Worcester Art Museum Annual iii (1937-8), 19-20 fig. 1. See Catalogue of Egyptian Antiques [H. H. Gorringe collection], No. 92.
Isis nursing Harpocrates, both standing, inscribed, Late Period, formerly in D. Halpert colln., at Christie's (New York) in 1993 and in New York - Beverly Hills - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1995.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 15, 1993, No. 22 fig.; Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities viii [ii] (Jan. 1995), No. 168 fig.
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, Late Period, formerly in W. R. Hearst colln. and at Sotheby's in 1939, 1979 and 1996.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (Hearst), July 11-12, 1939, No. 114 pl. 7; Dec. 4, 1979, No. 41 pl. ix (as Dyn. XXVI); Dec. 10, 1996, No. 75 fig. (dedicated by 'Basa, son of Wesirirdais and Tadiwekhemen' and Dyn. XXVI).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Amenardais Jmn-jr-dj-s, daughter of
Ptahhotep Pt-tp
and Tadeusiri T3-dj(t)-wsjr
, Late Period or
Ptolemaic, formerly in J. Menascé colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1891.
Text, Legrain in Rec. Trav. xvi (1894), 62 [329]. See Antiquités égyptiennes. Collection ... Menascé. Vente ... Hôtel Drouot, 23-4 fév. 1891, No. 329.
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, Dyn. XXV-XXVI, in Basel, Münzen und Medaillen A. G., in 1972.
Werke ägyptischer Kunst [etc.] (Münzen und Medaillen A. G. Auktion 46, Basel, April 28, 1972), No. 61 figs.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Hor rw, Dyn. XXV-XXVI, in Basel,
Münzen und Medaillen A. G., in 1983.
Werke ägyptischer Kunst [etc.] (Münzen und Medailen A. G. Auktion 63, Basel, June 29, 1983), No. 123 figs.
Isis nursing [Horus], dedicated by Hepiriu p-jr-jw , son of Udjahor Wd3-rw
, with text mentioning Osiris, Late Period, formerly in Tigrane Pasha
and L. Pomerance collns., at Sotheby's (New York) in 1986 and 1988, and at
Sotheby's in 1995. (Said to come from Saqqâra.)
Daninos, Collection d'antiquités égyptiennes de Tigrane Pacha d'Abro (1911), 3-4 [5] pl. v (as ator); Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 24, 1986, No. 42 fig. (as Dyn. XXI-XXVI); June 15, 1988, No. 25 fig. (as Dyn. XXI-XXVI); Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 14, 1995, No. 41 fig. (as c.550-350 BC).
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Pedeneit P3-dj-nt, son of Pedusiri P3-dj-wsjr, Dyn. XXVI, at Sotheby's in 1972.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 10, 1972, No. 16 pl. iii.
Isis nursing Horus, dedicated by Unnufer Wnn-nfr Pedubaste P3-dj-b3stt, son of Harsiesi rw-s3-3st, Dyn. XXVI, at Sotheby's in 1986.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 8-9, 1986, No. 145 fig. and front cover.
Isis nursing Horus, inscribed, Late Period, formerly with N. Tano (dealer in Cairo) and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1993.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 12, 1993, No. 26 fig.
Khreduankh Hrdw-n, mother of Imhotep Jj-m-tp.
Khreduankh seated, dedicated by Harwodj rw-wd3, son of Pedesi P3-dj-3st
, probably Dyn. XXX, in Louvre, E.11556.
Drioton in Studies Presented to F. Ll. Griffith 291-6 pls. 45, 46 [a, b]; Leca, Médecine fig. 19 (as Dyn. XXVI). Upper part, Desroches-Noblecourt, Les religions égyptiennes
in L'Histoire générale des religions fig. on 233 [upper]. See Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 104.
Mut 'who is under her two flagstaffs', mistress of Heliopolis, feet lost, schist, Dyn. XXVI, in Brooklyn Museum, 76.38.
Fazzini in Apollo cxv (1982), 236 figs. 12, 13; id. in KMT 4 [4] (1993), fig. on 83 [upper right]; id. in Capel, A. K. and Markoe, G. E. (eds.), Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven. Women in Ancient Egypt 128-9 [61] figs.; R. S. B[ianchi] in Neferut net Kemit No. 60 fig. See id. in The Art Gallery. The International Magazine of Art and Culture xxii [2] (Dec. 1978 - Jan. 1979), 102-3.
Mut mistress of Asher, seated, dedicated by Huy jj, basalt, probably Dyn. XIX, at Christie's in 1978, then in J.-M. Talleux colln. and in New York - Beverly Hills - London, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1997.
Christie Sale Cat. Nov. 21, 1978, No. 372 pl. 67 (title as 'Guard of the Temple of Ramesses II in the Estate of Amun' and as late Dyn. XXV or early Dyn. XXVI); Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Egyptian & Near Eastern Antiquities ix (Jan. 1997), No. 173 fig. (as temp.Ramesses II).
Base of probably standing Mut mistress of Asher, dedicated by Setyerboni St3-jr(t)-b(jnt) , son of Amenardais Jmn-jr-dj-s
, Greatest of the
door(-keepers), Scribe of divine writing, and Tiamun-pesobek T3-jmn-p3-sbk
Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 2717.
See Ausf. Verz. 293; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 226 [278, d, e] Abb. 270 (text).
Statuette of Mut, dedicated by Hershepset Hr-špst, son of Pedebik P3-dj-bjk and ...nebetwadj ...-nbt-w3d
, bronze, probably Dyn. XXVI-XXX, formerly in Cardinal L. Lambruschini and Baron E. de Meester de Ravestein
collns., now in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.5634.
De Smet, P. in Bull. Mus. Roy. 60 (1989), 93-6 [iii] fig. 3 (as perhaps from Memphis or Heliopolis). See E. de Meester de Ravestein, Musée de Ravestein i, No. 35.
Mut the great, mistress of Asher, dedicated by Pakharkhons P3-r-nsw,
Prophet of Amun at Karnak, Scribe of the temple of Amun, etc., son of Psametek
and Espeter Ns-ptr
, Late Period, in Cairo Mus. CG 38917
bis (JE 36767).
See Daressy, Statues 229 (text).
Mut mistress of Asher nursing child, with cartouches of Osorkon I, dedicated by
Djeubastefankh Dd-b3stt-jw.f-n, King's son of Rameses,
Infantryman, son of Te(nt)ptah T3-(nt-)pt
(mother), temp. Osorkon I,
in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 1008.
Schmidt, Choix (1910), 37 pl. xxi [52]; Mogensen, Coll. ég. 30 [A 131] pl. xxviii (as Osorkon II); Jørgensen in Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 49 (1993), 85-94 figs. 1-5.
Undoubtedly Mut, but with text of Khonspekhrod, dedicated by Paiuenhor
P3-jw-(n-)rw, son of Aper(?) 3pr(?)
, Ptolemaic, in Moscow, State
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 5697.
Pavlov and Khodzhash, Egipetskaya plastika 71-2, 106 figs. 125-8.
Mut mistress of Asher, dedicated by Pedepeneferenirtef P3-dj-p3-nfr-n-jrtj.fj, Dyn. XXV, in the collection of the Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank, on loan to Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst. (Probably from Karnak.)
Staatl. Sammlung (1976), 178 fig. on 177 [left]; Schoske and Wildung, Äg. Kunst München 104, 153 [72] fig.; Schoske, S. Egyptian Art in Munich 52 [46] fig.
Mut, inscribed, Late Period or Ptolemaic, at Christie's (New York) in 1994.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 15, 1994, No. 42 fig. (as dedicated by arme, son of arwodj).
Probably Nebt-hotep, upper part of seated statuette, remains of text on back pillar with cartouches of Psammetikhos I, greywacke, temp. Psammetikhos I, in London, W. & F. C. Bonham & Sons Ltd., in 1996-7.
Bonhams. Fine Antiquities. Sale Cat. July 4, 1996, No. 447 fig.; June 10, 1997, No. 182 fig.
Neith seated, dedicated by Pefteu(em)a(ui)neit P3.f-t3w-(m-)(wj)-nt ,
Prophet of Amun of Diospolis Inferior (Tell el-Balamûn), etc., and his son Pakap
, Director of the Mansions, etc., son of Nanefersekhmet N3-nfr-smt
, temp. Amasis, in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Æ.I.N. 208.
Text, Koefoed-Petersen, Rec. inscr. 24-5 [208]. Titles, De Meulenaere in BIFAO lxii (1964), 153 [5, a] (as bronze). See Schmidt, Den Æg. Sam. (1899), 305-6 [A.279]; (1908), 350 [E.294].
Neith, left forearm modern, dedicated by Hepardais p-jr-dj-s, Late Period
or Ptolemaic, formerly in E. Allemant colln., now in Antwerp, Museum Vleeshuis,
79.1.28. (Probably from Abydos.)
E. W[armenbol] & L. D[elvaux] in Egypte onomwonden. Egyptische oudheden van het museum Vleeshuis 112 [106] fig. and text. See Allemant, E. Collection d'antiquités égyptiennes. Description [etc.] (1878), 9 [43] (as Dyn. XXVI); A Catalogue ... Collection of Egyptian Antiquities ... E. Allemant. Foster Sale Cat., London, May 9-10, 1878, No. 341; *Génard, P. Catalogue du Musée d'antiquités d'Anvers (1894), 13 [28]; Oudheidkundige Musea. Vleeshuis, Cat. viii, Egypte 38-9 [140] (as Dyn. XXVI).
Neith, with dedication mentioning father Amenardais Jmn-jr-dj-s,
Harnakht rw-nt
, and others, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in E. Allemant
colln., now in Antwerp, Museum Vleeshuis, 79.1.119. (Probably from Benha.)
Text, E. W[armenbol] & L. D[elvaux] in Egypte onomwonden. Egyptische oudheden van het museum Vleeshuis 112 [107]. See Allemant, E. Collection d'antiquités égyptiennes. Description [etc.] (1878), 33 [169] (as Dyn. XXI); A Catalogue ... Collection of Egyptian Antiquities ... E. Allemant. Foster Sale Cat., London, May 9-10, 1878, No. 110; *Génard, P. Catalogue du Musée d'antiquités d'Anvers (1894), 25 [119]; Oudheidkundige Musea. Vleeshuis, Cat. viii, Egypte 39 [141].
Neith, dedicated by Pedeneit(?) P3-dj-nt(?), Late Period, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 7708.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 219 [264, b], 220 [264, f] Taf. 31 [d]; Abubakr, Untersuchungen über die ägyptischen Kronen 56 Taf. 14. See Ausf. Verz. 296; Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 21 [208].
Neith, dedicated by Pedeneit P3-dj-nt, son of Pedehor P3-dj-rw
and Atemardais Jtm-jr-dj-s
, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin,
Ägyptisches Museum, 13134.
See Ausf. Verz. 296; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 220 [264, l] Abb. 260 (text).
Neith, dedicated by Harkhebi(?) rw-[m-3-bjt](?)(?), son of Tanebnuter
(mother), Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches
Museum, 13138.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 220-1 [264, m] Abb. 261 Taf. 31 [k].
Neith, dedicated by Harkhebi rw-(m-)3-bjt, son of Iohardais J -jr-dj-s
and Herneit Hr-nt
, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Berlin, Ägyptisches
Museum, 13139.
Roeder, Ägyptische Bronzefiguren 221 [264, n] Abb. 262 Taf. 31 [h]. See Ausf. Verz. 296.
Neith, dedicated by Pedetjes-irnuter(?) P3-dj-ts-jr-ntr(?), son of
Pedehor P3-dj-rw
, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Cairo Mus. CG 38951
(JE 28821 and 29167).
See Daressy, Statues 241 (text).
Neith, inscribed, Late Period, in Cincinnati (Ohio), Cincinnati Art Museum, 1947.57.
Adams, P. R. Sculpture Collection of the Cincinnati Art Museum 28 fig. on 29 [left] (as Dyn. XXVI); R. A. F[azzini] and G. E. M[arkoe] in Capel, A. K. and Markoe, G. E. (eds.), Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven. Women in Ancient Egypt 132-4 [64b] fig.
Neith, dedicated by Tash(en)esi T3-šrjt-(nt-)3st (woman), Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Dijon, Musée des Beaux-Arts.
Laurent, V. Des pharaons aux premiers chrétiens No. 16 fig. on 10 [left]; id. and Desti, M. Antiquités égyptiennes. Inventaire des collections du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon 45 [34] fig.
Neith, inscribed, Late Period, in Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Skulpturensammlung, Inv. Aeg. 816.
Raumschüssel, M. Ägyptische Altertümer aus der Skulpturensammlung Dresden (1977), 46 [105] Abb. 61; Krauspe in Ägyptische Kunst aus der Skulpturensammlung der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Ausstellungszentrum Kroch-Haus, Universität Leipzig, 19. Juni - 9. September 1989 No. 42 fig.; id. in Elsner, G. Ägyptische Altertümer der Skulpturensammlung (Dresden, Albertinum, 30. Juli 1993 - 24. Juli 1994), fig. on 24 [left].
Probably Neith, dedicated by Arhep... r-p-..., Late Period, in Havana,
Museo Nacional, 53.
Lipiska, Mon. Ég. Cuba 51 fig. See De Meulenaere, H. in Chron. d'Ég. lix (1984), 105 (suggests Arep[mennufer]).
Neith seated, with Psammetikhos II and another figure offering on base, temp. Psammetikhos II, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AB.10.
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. i, 3 [A.53] pl. ii. See id. Descr. rais. 3 [A.53].
Pedestal, probably of statuette of Neith, with cartouches of Psammetikhos II,
dedicated by Hepardais p-jr-dj-s , son of Pakap P3-k3pw
temp. Psammetikhos II, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. L.VI.67
Leemans, Aeg. Mon. ii, 12 [D.121] pl. xxi; van Wijngaarden, Meesterwerken 108-9 pl. 64 [lower]; van der Leeuw, G. De godsdienst van het oude Aegypte pl. 30 [lower]; Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 217-18 [262, b] Abb. 255-7; Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 133 [135] fig. [lower]. See Leemans, Descr. rais. 49 [D.121]; Boeser, Cat. (1907), 139 [27]; Raven in Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia. Atti i, 530.
Neith, dedicated by Ikenwesh Jknwš , son of Piankh-hor P3-n-rw
, early Dyn. XXVI, in Manchester, The Manchester Museum, 11041.
Neith, dedicated by Eswiau Ns-wj3w, son of Psametek-sonb Psmtk-snb, General, probably Dyn. XXVI, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 08.202.9.
A. M. L[ythgoe] in MMA Bull. iii (1908), 223 fig. 2; Dunham in Master Bronzes Selected from Museums and Collections in America (The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, Feb. 1937), No. 52 fig.
Probably Neith, dedicated by Nekau-merneteru Nk3w-mr-ntrw (good
name), Dyn. XXVI, on loan to St. Louis (Mo.), Art Museum, E.6733.2.
Neith, dedicated by Mosi Ms, son of Pefteu(em)het-neit P3.f-t3w-(m-)3t-nt
and Taper(t) T3-pr(t)
, Dyn. XXVI, in St Petersburg, State
Hermitage Museum, 171.
Mat'e, Drevneegipetskie mif 159-60 pl. xi [1]. See Golénischeff, Inventaire 18-19 (names).
Neith, inscribed, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Comtesse M. de Béhague and Marquis de Ganay collns. and at Sotheby's (Monaco) in 1987.
Antiquités et Objets d'Art. Collection de Martine, Comtesse de Béhague [etc.] (Sotheby's Monaco S. A. Sale Cat. Dec. 5, 1987), No. 92 fig.
Neith, inscribed, Late Period, formerly in O. Borelli Bey colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1913.
Antiquités Égyptiennes ... Collection Borelli Bey. Vente, Hôtel Drouot, June 11-13, 1913, No. 120 pl. ix.
Neith, dedicated by Ptahusiri Pt-wsjr, son of Amenir Jmn-jr
, Dyn.
XXVI, at Christie's in 1983.
Christie Sale Cat. July 13, 1983, No. 475 fig.
Neith, inscribed, Late Period or Ptolemaic, at Christie's (New York) in 1998.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 18, 1998, No. 48 fig. (as 'Osiris-wen-nefer, son of Pa-hor-bik').
Neith seated, inscribed, inlaid with gold, Late Period or Ptolemaic, formerly in Cook colln. and in London, Spink & Son Ltd., in 1926.
The Antiquarian Quarterly 6 (June 1926), Supplement 4 [738] fig.
Neith seated, dedicated by Har-wehebre rw-w3-jb-r Pedehor P3-dj-rw, son of Ankh-unnufer n-wnn-nfr, inlaid with gold, Dyn. XXVI-XXVII, formerly in A. Czuczka colln. and in Luzern, Ars Antiqua AG, in 1960.
Anc. Art in Amer. Priv. Collns. 19 [33] pl. x (as Dyn. XXVI-XXX); Antike Kunstwerke. Ars Antiqua AG Luzern Auktion II May 14, 1960, No. 17 Taf. 7.
Neith, inscribed (mother probably Amenardais Jmn-jr-dj-s), Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1966.
Hôtel Drouot Sale Cat. June 28, 1966, No. 40 pl. iii.
Neith, inscribed, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in H. H. Gorringe colln. and on loan to Worcester (Mass.), Worcester Art Museum.
Mercer in Anc. Eg. (1916), fig. on 50 [lower, middle]; Capart in Worcester Art Museum Annual iii (1937-8), 20-1 fig. 2 (as dedicated by 'Ptahirt'). See Catalogue of Egyptian Antiques [H. H. Gorringe collection], No. 90.
Neith seated, inscribed, probably Late Period, formerly in H. H. Gorringe colln. and on loan to Worcester (Mass.), Worcester Art Museum.
Mercer in Anc. Eg. (1916), fig. on 50 [lower, 1st from right]; Capart in Worcester Art Museum Annual iii (1937-8), 21 fig. 3 (as dedicated by 'Peteters(?)').
Neith seated, inscribed, Late Period, formerly in Lord Grenfell colln. and at Sotheby's in 1917.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (Grenfell), Nov. 12-14, 1917, No. 86 pl . ii (as dedicated by 'Heru-ankh').
Neith, inscribed, Late Period or Ptolemaic, formerly in H. Hoffmann colln.
Legrain, Collection H. Hoffmann. Cat. des antiquités égyptiennes (1894), No. 399 pl. xxxi.
Neith, dedicated by Pefteu(em)[aui]neit P3.f-t3w-(m-)[wj]-nt, son of
Harnakht rw-nt
, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in The Kevorkian
Foundation colln. and at Sotheby's in 1970-1.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (Kevorkian), Dec. 8, 1970, No. 16 fig.; July 12, 1971, No. 43 fig.
Neith, dedicated by Pedusiri-ioh P3-dj-wsjr-j, son of Harhotep rw-tpand
Atemardais Jtm-jr-dj-s
, Late Period or Ptolemaic, formerly in J. Menascé
colln. and in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1891.
Text, Legrain in Rec. Trav. xvi (1894), 62 [315]. See Antiquités égyptiennes. Collection ... Menascé. Vente ... Hôtel Drouot, 23-4 fév. 1891, No. 315.
Neith, inscribed, Dyn. XXVI, in London, Phillips (West Two), in 1991.
Phillips (West Two). Antiquities and Tribal Art. Sale Cat. July 3, 1991, No. 52A fig.
Neith, inscribed, Dyn. XXVI, formerly in E. M. Remarque colln. and in Zurich, Arete, Galerie für antike Kunst, in 1978.
Antike Bronzen (Arete, Galerie für antike Kunst, Zürich, [1978]), No. 3 fig.
Neith, dedicated by Pefteu(em)a(ui)neit P3.f-t3w-(m-) (wj)-nt, son of Pedeneit
P3-dj-nt and Merneitiotes(?) Mr-nt-jt.s(?) , early Dyn. XXVI, in Resandro
colln. in 1992.
Wildung, Entdeckungen No. 117 fig.; Schoske and Wildung, Gott und Götter im Alten Ägypten 149-50 [103] figs. See De Meulenaere in Bibliotheca Orientalis l (1993), 631 [103].
Neith, dedicated by Amenardais Jmn-jr-dj-s (presumably woman), Dyn. XXVI, in New York - Beverly Hills, Royal-Athena Galleries, in 1985.
Eisenberg, J. M. Art of the Ancient World. A Guide for the Collector and Investor iv (1985), No. 437 fig.
Neith seated, dedicated by woman Amenardais Jmn-jr-dj-s, probably Dyn. XXVI, formerly in A. Sambon colln. and in Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, in 1914.
Catalogue des Objets d'Art ... Arthur Sambon (Paris, Galerie Georges Petit, May 25-8, 1914), No. 20 and 2nd pl. after 16.
Base of statuette of Neith, dedicated by Pedekhons(?) P3-dj-nsw(?), son of
Pawenhet(ef) P3-wn-3t(.f ), Late Period, in E. Schmidt colln. in 1932.
Text, Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 217 [262, b] Abb. 254 (as Pedeneit).
Neith, inscribed, Ptolemaic, at Sotheby's in 1981.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 13-14, 1981, No. 142 fig.
Neith seated, headless, with a New Year wish for Nekau Nk3w, King's son
(of Psammetikhos I, future King Necho II), by Pedeharmeden P3-dj-rw-mdnw, temp.
Psammetikhos I, in private possession in Paris in 1983.
Yoyotte in Rev. d'Ég. 34 (1982-3), 142-5 figs.
Nephthys as mourner kneeling, dedicated by Irtharerau Jrt-rw-r.w,
God's father, 'greatly praised one', Dyn. XXX or early Ptolemaic, in Brit. Mus. EA
Arundale, F. and Bonomi, J. Gallery of Antiquities Selected from the British Museum 35 pl. 18 [62]; Clark, R. T. R. Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt pl. 5 facing 129; Seipel, Ägypten No. 123 fig. See Guide, 4th to 6th 199 [154, No. 859].
Nephthys seated, wearning diadem consisting of uraei, with text mentioning woman
Mereskhons Mr.s-nsw, possibly amulet, 3rd Int. or Late Period, formerly in
S. Rulnick colln. and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1977.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. May 21, 1977, No. 338 figs. (as Dyn. XXII-XXVI).
Nubt-hotep seated, dedicated by Harnufer rw-nfr, son of Djeho Dd-rwj
and Mer(t)-ptah Mr(t)-pt
, Late Period, in Leiden,
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Inv. AED.86.
See Boeser, Cat. (1907), 140 [59] (as Nephthys); id. Beschreibung xii, 2 [10] (text).
Satis seated, dedicated by Psametek Psmtk, Late Period, formerly in H.
Salt colln. and at Sotheby's in 1835, now in Brit. Mus. EA 60110. (Said to
come from Thebes.)
Arundale, F. and Bonomi, J. Gallery of Antiquities Selected from the British Museum 11 pl. 5 [12]. See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Salt), June 29 - July 8, 1835, No. 104 (as from Thebes); Guide, 3rd and 4th 146 [56] (as No. 110).
Sekhet ('Field goddess').
Sekhet carrying duck, Dyn. XII, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. H.68, now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1934/12.2.
Van Wijngaarden in Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux No. 8 (1942), 759 pl. xxvii; id. Meesterwerken 100-1 pl. 33; Breasted, Jr. Eg. Servant Statues 67 [5, 1] pl. 61[a]; Hornemann, Types, v, pl. 1355; Guglielmi in Die Welt des Orients vii (1973-4), 212-13 Taf. iv; Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 69-70 [52] fig.; Raven, Wel moge het U bekomen [etc.], 36 [21] fig.; Seipel, Ägypten No. 66 fig. See van Wijngaarden in Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux No. 3 (1935), 148 [top, 2]; Kees, Der Opfertanz des ägyptischen Königs 245-6 [20] (as from Asyû).
Head of goddess wearing horns with scorpion in sun-disc, probably Selkis or Isis-Selkis, with names of Psammetikhos I, basalt, temp. Psammetikhos I, in Rome, Museo Barracco, 265.
Careddu, G. La collezione egizia No. 61 pl. (as not ancient); Sist, L. Museo Barracco. Arte egizia 62-3 fig.
Human-headed goddess, probably Selkis or Isis-Selkis, with scorpion-body, on scorpion-coffin, with text mentioning Ahmosi-ankh(?) J -ms-n(?), Late Period or Ptolemaic, in G. Michaelidis colln. in 1956.
Michaïlides in Bull. Inst. Ég. xxxvii (1954-5), pl. x [B] after 213.
Sothis seated, inscribed, Late Period, in Budapest, Szépmvészeti Múzeum, 51.656.
Varga and Wessetzky, Egyiptomi kiállítás. Vezet (1955), 16 pl. xiv [2]; Varga, Egyiptomi kiállítás. Vezet (1976), 86 fig. 56.
Selected pieces.
Goddess, lower legs lost (now restored), granodiorite, mid-Ptolemaic or Egyptianizing Roman imitation, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1958/4.3.
Van Wijngaarden in Verslagen der Rijksverzamelingen van Geschiedenis en Kunst lxxx (1958), 170 fig.; Stricker in OMRO xli (1960), 18-20 pls. ii, xvii, xviii, xix [1, 3], xxiii [4] (as woman and Ptolemaic); Le Corsu, Isis. Mythe et mystères pl. 13 [a, b] on 100 (as Isis and Roman Period); Schneider and Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid 141 [145] fig. (as Isis and mid-Ptolemaic); Cleopatra's Egypt Cat. 75 fig.; Kleopatra No. 69 fig. (both as goddess and Roman Period).
A goddess, lower legs lost, black granite, probably temp. Amenophis III but with names of Ramesses II, in Marseilles, Musée d'Archéologie, 206. (Possibly from â el-agar.)
Capart, Recueil i, pl. xvii; Worringer, W. Ägyptische Kunst Taf. 26 facing 84 (from Capart); Vandier, Manuel iii, 639 pl. cxxiii [1]; Les Trésors d'art du Musée d'Archéologie de Marseille (1963), pl. 5 (as possibly Mut and mentioning cartouche of Amenophis III); Trésors d'art du Musée Borély (1970), 8th pl. (mentioning cartouche of Amenophis III); Nelson, Cat. No. 2 fig.; B. M. B[ryan] in Kozloff et al. Egypt's Dazzling Sun 145, 184 fig. 19a (as Neith and granodiorite); H. W. Müller Archive 14 [I/251-4] (as Neith). Text, Wilbour MSS. iii. D. 13 [upper] (as from Saqqâra). See Maspero, Cat. 5-6 [6] (as originally Dyn. XII); Le Nil et la société égyptienne No. 220 (as probably Isis).
Goddess, probably Isis, feet lost, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 179.
D. d. E[rrico] in Cantilena and Rubino, La Collezione egiziana ... Napoli 58 [4.6] fig. [middle].
Goddess, probably Isis (or woman?), head and lower legs lost, diorite, Ptolemaic, formerly in H. Hoffmann colln., now in Louvre, E.11197.
Legrain, Collection Hoffmann. Cat. des antiquités égyptiennes (1894), No. 91 pl. xvi (as granite); Sainte Fare Garnot, L'Égypte fig. on 96 [lower] (as woman and sandstone); Malraux, Le Musée imaginaire de la sculpture mondiale (1952), pl. 193 (as Roman Period); Stricker in OMRO xli (1960), 30 [8] pl. xxii [2] (as woman and basalt); Desroches-Noblecourt, L'Art égyptien (1961), fig. 89 (as woman and granite); id. and du Bourguet, L'Art égyptien (1962), pl. xxxix; Pierrat in Louvre. Guide to the Collections (1991), 133 [129] fig. Incomplete, Romant, B. Life in Egypt in Ancient Times fig. on 25 [left]. See Boreux, Guide ii, 469 (as granite); Vandier, Guide (1948), 80; (1952), 82; (1973), 155 (as diorite or basalt).
Goddess (possibly Mut) or queen, lower legs lost, from a group, red granite, probably Dyn. XXV, in Louvre, E.25456.
Vandier in La Revue du Louvre xi (1961), 247-54 figs. 5-7. See id. Guide (1973), 130.
Goddess, probably Isis or Hathor, fragmentary and lower legs lost, black granite, temp. Amenophis III, in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 694. (Acquired in Qif.)
Vandier, Manuel iii, 643 pl. cxxiii [3] (as probably Mut); Witt, R. E. Isis in the Graeco-Roman World pl. 2 (as Ptolemaic); Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino fig. 56; id. in Studi di archeologia dedicati a Pietro Barocelli (Turin, 1980), 15-20 Tav. iii (as Teye in the form of Hathor); id. L'Antico Egitto (1981), fig. on 95 [right] (as Teye and basalt); id. L'antico Egitto nel Museo Egizio di Torino (1984), fig. on 123 (as Teye in the form of Isis and basalt); id. in Siliotti, Viaggiatori veneti 71 [2] fig. (as Teye and basalt); id. in Siliotti (ed.), Padova e l'Egitto 32 [1] fig. (as Teye and basalt); id. in Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1991, No. 1 (196), 227 fig. 5 (as Teye in the form of Hathor and basalt); Roccati, Il Museo Egizio di Torino (1978), fig. 9 on 46; Donadoni, L'Egitto fig. 3 on 133; id. in Donadoni Roveri, Monumental Art 152 pl. 223 (as basalt); E. L[eospo] in Donadoni Roveri, Il Museo Egizio Torino (1987), fig. on 28 [right] (as Teye in the form of Isis and diorite); id. in Donadoni, A. M. et al. Il Museo Egizio di Torino (1988), fig. on 74 [right] (as Teye in the form of Isis-Hathor and basalt); id. in Balzaretti, E. et al. Fumetti d'Egitto [etc.], fig. on 36; Donadoni Roveri, Museo Egizio fig. on 17 [upper left] (as Teye in the form of Isis and basalt); id. in Donadoni, A. M. et al. Egypt from Myth to Egyptology fig. on 231 [right]; id. Passato e futuro del Museo Egizio di Torino 146-7 fig. 1; Bongioanni, A. and Grazzi, R. Torino, l'Egitto e l'Oriente fra Storia e Leggenda fig. on 20 (as Teye in the form of Isis-Hathor); Ellis, W. M. Ptolemy of Egypt pl. 22; Alinari photo. 31412; H. W. Müller Archive 26 [II/66-70; III/33-36a, 84]. Upper part, Scamuzzi, Museo Egizio di Torino Tav. xxxiv; Aldred in Leclant, L'Empire des Conquérants fig. 145 (as probably Mut and from Medînet Habu); Green, L. in Amarna Letters. Essays on Ancient Egypt ca. 1390-1310 B.C. ii (1992), figs. on 29 [upper right], 30 [left]. See Fabretti, etc. R. Mus. di Torino i, 54 (as diorite).
Goddess, head and lower legs lost, no text, black granite, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in G. Acerbi colln. at Castel Goffredo.
Gualtierotti, P. Il Console Giuseppe Acerbi ed il viaggio nell'alto Egitto fig. on 25. See Curto in Atti del convegno di studi su la Lombardia e l'Oriente. Milan, June 11-15, 1962, p. 117 [3].
Goddess, possibly mistress of the sycamore (=Hathor) mentioned on back pillar, lower part, Ptolemaic, in Cardinal Stefano Borgia colln. (Museo Borgiano at Velletri) in 1797.
Zoega, G. De Origine et Usu Obeliscorum (1797), 486-7 n. 53 fig. on 655.
Goddess or woman, head and lower legs lost, no text, calcite, Ptolemaic or Roman Period, in London, Charles Ede Ltd., in 1988.
Charles Ede Ltd. Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt xv (Jan. 1988), No. 27 fig. (as Roman Period).
Goddess or woman, small, feet lost, lapis lazuli, Ptolemaic, formerly in E. M. Nagel colln. and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1979.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 13, 1979, No. 79 fig. and front cover.
Goddess wearing red crown, probably Neith, arms lost, Late Period, formerly in A. Roothbert and The Topstone Fund collns. and in New York, Parke-Bernet, in 1971.
Parke-Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Feb. 25, 1971, No. 106 fig.
Seated on the ground
Goddess, with cow's hooves instead of feet, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Louvre, E.17234.
Vandier in Bull. Mus. France (March 1948), 37-8 fig. 4; C. Z[iegler] in Les Animaux dans l'Égypte ancienne (Muséum de Lyon, 6 novembre 1977 - 31 janvier 1978), No. 15 fig.; Loyrette in Archéologia 114 (Jan. 1978), fig. on 26 [1].
Probably kneeling goddess, left arm lost, probably Late Period, in Chicago (Ill.), Oriental Institute Museum, 1981.2.
Carswell, J. in The Oriental Institute 1981-82 Annual Report 106 fig. on 107.
Upper parts or busts
Bust, wearing vulture headdress, possibly Mut or Hathor, granite, probably temp. Haremhab, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 23725.
Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 52-3 [552] Abb.; Schoske and Wildung, Falsche Pharaonen. Zeitung zur Sonderausstellung. 400 Jahre Fälschungsgeschichte (München, 21. Juli - 31. Oktober 1983), fig. on 2 [right middle] (as not ancient); Krauss in Jahrb. Preußischer Kulturbesitz xxiii (1986), 155-64 Abb. 32 (as not ancient); Müller, M. in Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen N.F. 31 (1989), 7-20 Abb. 1-4; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 81 fig. See Dr. Burg & Co., Berlin. Ausstellung ägyptischer Kunst (1929), 17 [63] (as queen and early Dyn. XIX); Schaetze altaeg. Kunst 52 [131] (as queen); Vandier, Manuel iii, 615.
Upper part of goddess or queen, probably part of group, basalt, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Istanbul, Arkeoloji Müzesi.
Upper part of goddess, basalt, probably late Dyn. XVIII or early Dyn. XIX, in London, Petrie Museum, 16675.
Page, Sculpture No. 86 fig.; Müller, M. in Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen N.F. 31 (1989), 22 [13] Abb. 8, 9.
Bust, possibly king as Termuthis or Hapi, with royal titles on back pillar, quartzite, Dyn. XX, formerly in G. Acerbi colln., now in Mantua, Galleria e Museo di Palazzo Ducale, Inv. 438.
Donatelli, La raccolta egizia di Giuseppe Acerbi No. 8 figs. and on p. 28; H. W. Müller Archive 14 [109/25, 27, 29]. See Curto in Atti del convegno di studi su la Lombardia e l'Oriente. Milan, June 11-15, 1962, pp. 114-15 [5] (as royal).
Bust of a goddess, Ptolemaic, in St Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 4737.
Lapis in Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha xi (1957), 52 fig. on 51 [lower].
Goddess or queen with vulture headdress, upper part, probably from pair-statue, basalt, probably Roman Period, formerly in G. Dattari colln.
Ant. ég. (Lambros and Dattari), No. 298 pl. xxxi (as Isis).
Head of goddess or woman, probably gneiss and Dyn. XXVI, in Aix-en-Provence, Musée Granet, 821-1-159.
Barbotin, Ch. in Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence. Collection égyptienne (1995), 80 [17] fig. See Devéria in Gibert, H. Musée d'Aix i (1882), 21 [35] (repr. in Bibl. Ég. iv, 241 [35]).
Head, probably of Isis or queen, remains of text on back pillar, Ptolemaic, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.417.
Steindorff, Cat. 70 [225] pls. xxxviii, cxviii.
Head surmounted by hawk, steatite, probably early Roman period, in Brooklyn Museum, 53.78.
Cooney in Brooklyn Mus. Bull. xvii [2] (Winter 1956), 4-5 fig. 3 (as late Ptolemaic); Five Years 18 [20] pl. 38 [left and right]; Pomerantseva in Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1971, No. 3 (117), 90 fig. 3; Fazzini, R. A. in KMT 4 [4] (1993), 80 fig. [upper left] (as ator and Ptolemaic).
Right half of head and right shoulder, with wide back pillar, probably temp. Amenemhet III, in Cairo Mus. (Possibly from Abydos.)
Fay, B. in MDAIK 52 (1996), 115, 125 fig. 13 Taf. 25 [d]; Sourouzian, H. in Der Manuelian, P. (ed.), Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson ii, 749 fig. 10.
Head of goddess or queen, green schist, Late Period or Ptolemaic, in Chalon-sur-Saône, Musée Denon, DEG 5.
Harlé, Egyptologie Collection du Musée Denon 11 fig. (as Dyn. XXVI); M. G[abolde] in Les Collections égyptiennes dans les musées de Saône-et-Loire 84 [6] fig.; id. in Archéologia 237 (July-Aug. 1988), 52 fig. [lower]. See Laurent, Des pharaons aux premiers chrétiens No. 40 (as Dyn. XXVI).
Head, probably of Mut, granite, New Kingdom, in Chicago (Ill.), Field Museum of Natural History, A.31725.
See Vandier, Manuel iii, 630.
Head of goddess or queen wearing vulture headdress, green schist, probably Late Period, in Glasgow, Burrell Collection, 13.132.
The Burrell Collection. Early Civilisations (Glasgow Art Gallery. The McLellan Galleries), fig. on 17 [upper] (as Dyn. XVIII); Thomson, J. K. in Marks, R. et al. The Burrell Collection (1983), 33 fig. 8. See The Burrell Collection Exhibition 1949 (Corporation of Glasgow Art Galleries and Museums, McLellan Galleries), 16 [214] (as Dyn. XVIII).
Head, no text but probably Neith, brown schist, Dyn. XXVI, in Hildesheim, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Pelizaeus-Museum 4859.
M. S[eidel] in Eggebrecht, A. (ed.), Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim. Die ägyptische Sammlung (1993), Abb. 76 on 80.
Head of a goddess, possibly Isis, basalt, Ptolemaic, in Louvre, E.25500. (Formerly wrongly attached to E.25499.)
See Vingt ans 21 [83].
Head and parts of shoulders, granodiorite, late Ptolemaic, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 9.
Komorzynski, Altägypten 85-6 Abb. 51; id. Altägyptens hohe Kunst in Österreich in Wort und Bild 44-6 (1952), 115-16, 138 Abb. 20; Essen. 5000 Jahre No. 263 Abb. (as Isis and Roman Period); Satzinger, H. in Jahrb. Wien 87, N.F. li (1991), 26 [125] Abb. 26 (as Isis); Rogge, Statuen 30. Dyn. 124-8 figs. See von Steinbüchel, A. Beschreibung der k. k. Sammlung ägyptischer Alterthümer (1826), 35 [125] (as Isis); von Bergmann, E. Übersicht der aegyptischen Alterthümer [etc.] (1876), 14 [I] (as Isis and basalt); Stockholm. 5000 år No. 240 (as Isis and Roman Period); Vienna. 5000 Jahre No. 218 (as Isis and basalt).
Head surmounted by [scorpion], no text but probably Selkis, grey-green schist, late Dyn. XXVI, formerly in Lord Amherst colln. and at Sotheby's in 1921, then in C. G. Bastis colln. in 1987.
Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 257 pl. viii (as Amenardais); Bothmer, Eg. Sculp. 63-4 [55] pl. 52 [127, 129]; id. in Swan Hall, Antiquities from the Collection of Christos G. Bastis No. 21 figs. (both as probably from Saqqâra); von Bothmer, D. Ancient Art from New York Private Collections (Cat. Exhib. ... Metropolitan Museum of Art, Dec. 17, 1959 - Feb. 28, 1960), 17 [81] pls. 22, 25.
Face, probably of a goddess, granite, possibly New Kingdom or later, in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1996.
Minerva 7 [5] (Sept.-Oct. 1996), fig. on 34 [left] (as man).
Head, probably of a goddess (Isis?), green basalt, probably late Ptolemaic, formerly in J. J. Klejman colln. and in New York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1974.
Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 22, 1974, No. 72 fig.
Head wearing [white crown], schist, Dyn. XXVI, in Zurich, Galerie Nefer and at Sotheby's in 1988.
Galerie Nefer. Ancient Art 6 (1988), fig. 51; Sotheby Sale Cat. July 11, 1988, No. 4 fig. (as Dyn. XXV).
Head, probably of a goddess, late Dyn. XII, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1999.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 5, 1999, No. 316 fig.
Head, probably of a goddess, quartzite, early Dyn. XIX, formerly in the Thétis Foundation colln. and at Sotheby's (New York) in 1998.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 17, 1998, No. 28 fig.
Head, probably of a goddess or woman, top of head and wig lost, granodiorite, Dyn. XIX-XX, in private possession in Basel in 1998.
A. W[iese] in Page-Gasser, M. and Wiese, A. B. Ägypten. Augenblicke der Ewigkeit (1997), 184 [117] fig.