Objects of Provenance Not Known: Statues
Jaromir Malek, Diana Magee and Elizabeth Miles
Non-royal statues. 3IP
801-701-520 to 801-719-050 (pages 737-54 of the printed version)
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© Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Dynasties XXI-XXIV
Man and woman
Penwedjet(?) P3-n-wdt{t}(?), Child of the chief of the Ma (headless) and wife
...y ...jj
, Songstress of the wabt of Ptah, dedicated by Esptah Ns-pt
, Child of the chief of the Ma, with text mentioning Ptah-Sokari, black
granite, Dyn. XXII, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 9320.
Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 66 [180] Taf. x [a]. Text, Aeg. Inschr. ii, 229-30. See Ausf. Verz. 232; Yoyotte in Mélanges Maspero i [4], 128 [33].
Tentamenopet T3-nt-jmn-jpt, King's wife (of Sesonchis III), and
Amenemhet Jmn-m-3t
, God's father of Amun-Re, Prophet of the statue(?)
of pharaoh Sheshonk-meriamun (Sesonchis III), base with two feet of probably these
persons, with text mentioning Isis, quartzite, temp. Sesonchis III, in London, Petrie
Museum, 14661.
Stewart, Eg. Stelae iii, 34 [128] pl. 45.
Man and woman, feet and front of base lost, inscribed, including a large cartouche of Osorkon II on front of seat, granite, temp. Osorkon II, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1999.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. June 5, 1999, No. 319 fig. (as Dyn. XVIII).
A King's son, sem-priest, Overseer of the six great houses, etc., torso and right leg (foot lost), with text mentioning Atum, and wife Merytre Mrjjt-r , Songstress of Re, in relief, probably Dyn. XXII, in Brit. Mus. EA 14422.
Man, head and lower legs lost, with text mentioning Osiris of Naref, basalt, Dyn. XXII or later, at Sotheby's in 1989. (Probably from Ihnâsya el-Medîna.)
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1989, No. 40 fig. (as Ankhsemtu n-sm3-t3wj, 'His beloved son', Third prophet, and Harsaphes mentioned in invocation).
Nofru(?) Nfrw(?)(?), wearing shendyt, granite, possibly Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in
private possession in England in 1982. (Allegedly from Sheikh Abd el-Qurna.)
Ankhefenkhons I n.f-n-nsw I, son of Besenmut I Bs-n-mwt
small, with suspension ring, Dyn. XXII-XXVI, in Macclesfield, West Park Museum
and Art Gallery, 1897.77.
David, The Macclesfield Collection [etc.], 59 [H.8] figs. Sketch and text, Edwards MSS. 337.
Standing with figure of deity.
Meh-khons M-nsw, God's father of Khons, with figure of Osiris on
front, and Pesh(en)esi P3-šrj-(n-)3st
, God's father of Atum, in high relief on
both sides, and other deities incised on various parts of statuette, Dyn. XXI-XXII,
formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. and The Hague, Scheurleer Museum, now in
Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 23732.
Von Bissing, De Egyptische oudheden in het Museum Carnegielaan 12, den Haag in Elsevier's Geïllustreerd Maandschrift (Amsterdam), 36, vol. 71 (Jan.-June 1926), pl. xii [lower left] (as New Kingdom); id. in Pantheon ii (1928), 590-4 figs. (as Dyn. XXII); Cohen, D. Egypte en Voor-Azië pl. 13 (as Dyn. XXI); Tentoonstelling ... Amsterdam ... 1931, No. 352 fig. (as Dyn. XXI); Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.] 36-7 [81] Taf. iv [c] (as nsw-m and probably Dyn. XXII); Hamann, Äg. Kunst 276 Abb. 302 (as Dyn. XXI); Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 302-3 [370, a] Abb. 385-6 Taf. 45, 46 [b, f, g]; Wolf, Kunst 612 Abb. 620 (as Dyn. XXII); Kaiser, Äg. Mus. Berlin (1967), 80 [814d] Abb. (as 114d in caption); Altenmüller in Menschenbild No. 27 fig.; Karig in Äg. Mus. (1984), fig. on 72; Ziegler in Tanis. L'or des pharaons fig. on 90 [lower right]; Settgast, Äg. Mus. (1991), 114-15 [59] pl.; Wildung, Egyptian Art in Berlin 42 fig. 33. Upper part, Varga in Bull. Mus. Hongrois 58-9 (1982), 10 fig. 9 (as Dyn. XXII).
Man, upper part, with text mentioning Amun-Re-Harakhti-Atum lord of Karnak and Min lord of Ipu, with figures of deities on arms, Dyn. XXII, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln., now in Hanover, Kestner-Museum, 1935.200.115.
Woldering in ZÄS 80 (1955), 72 note 4 Taf. viii [2] (as breccia); Ägyptische Abteilung. Rundplastik des Neuen Reiches und der Dritten Zwischenzeit 10 [21] fig.; H. W. Müller Archive 10 [II/340-1; IV/5].
Ankhefensekhmet n.f-n-smt, Leader of the god's offerings of Ptah south
of his wall, Chief steward, etc., son of Djeptahefankh Dd-pt-jw.f-n
, God's father of Ptah, Chief steward, etc., lower part, with text
mentioning Ptah-tatanen, Hathor, etc., gabbro(?), Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, ÄS 8471.
(Probably from the Memphite area.)
Rogge, Statuen N.R. 173-8 figs.
Seated on the ground.
Djedjehutefankh Dd-dwtj-jw.f-n , Director of the Mansions of
Neith, Scribe of divine writing of the temple of Neith mistress of Sais, son of Pemu
, Director of the Mansions of Neith, Scribe of divine writing of
the temple of Neith mistress of Sais, lower part, probably Dyn. XXII, in Brit. Mus.
EA 37922.
See Guide, 4th to 6th 135 [142].
Pauryanor P3-wrjj-n-rw, Overseer of builders of Upper and
Lower Egypt, etc., son of Penwahamun P3-n-w3-jmn
, lower part, grey
granite, probably Dyn. XXI-XXII, in Louvre, E.26022.
Vandier in La Revue du Louvre xix (1969), 44-5 fig. 5.
Esba(neb)ded Ns-b3-(nb-)dd(t), Prophet of Amun-Re, arms lost, Dyn.
XXI-XXII, in Mariemont, Musée Royal de Mariemont, B.242 (E.52).
Petrie, History iii, 214 fig. 87; van de Walle in Antiquités ... Mariemont 32-3 pl. 9; Evrard-Derriks in Hainaut tourisme 186 (March 1978), 31 fig. 9; Derriks, Choix d'oeuvres. Égypte No. 26 fig.; Thierry, S. in L'Oeil 278 (Sept. 1978), front cover; Ziegler in Tanis. L'or des pharaons fig. on 90 [lower left]; M.-C. B[ruwier] in Van Nijl tot Schelde Cat. 214 fig. See C. E[vrard]-D[erriks] in Artisans de l'Égypte ancienne (Musée Royal de Mariemont, 27 mars - 21 juin 1981), No. 75.
Man, lower arms lost, probably from group which included a deity, Dyn. XXI-XXII, in Louvre, E.25432.
Vandier in La Revue du Louvre xi (1961), 97-8 figs. 1. See Vingt ans 24 [114].
Statuette of Penamun P3-n-jmn, Shield-bearer of the Great House, son of
Khamkhons 3m-nsw
of Sherken, kneeling, lower part, faience,
Dyn. XXII-XXIII, seen in commerce in late 1800s or early 1900s, then in Paris,
Musée Guimet, 2784, now in Louvre, E.22284.
Part of text, Yoyotte, J. in Kêmi xxi (1971), 51 (from von Bissing's copy for the Wörterbuch). Names and titles, Chevereau, P.-M. Prosopographie des cadres militaires égyptiens de la Basse Époque 55 [56].
Kneeling with figure of deity.
Penamun P3-n-jmn, Deputy of the treasury of the Great House, son of Hati 3tj, God's father, holding figure of Osiris(?), probably Dyn. XXI, in Edinburgh, Royal Museum of Scotland, 1953.126.
Man, remains of text, with naos of Osiris on front, basalt, probably Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in Adelaide, Australian Museum, A.40079.
Djadja(?) D3d3(?), Treasurer of the god, with owner offering to Osiris-On[nophris] on front, Dyn. XXI, in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 03.1556.
[Dje]djehut[efankh] [Dd-]dwtj[-jw.f-n], son(?) of Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt
, Prophet of Amun-Re,Royal scribe,General in the whole land, fragment
with eight lines of text, temp. Sesonchis III, in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 11.1534.
Man, granite, Dyn. XXI-XXVI, in Buffalo (NY), Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 71.11.
Nash, S. A. (ed.), Painting and Sculpture from Antiquity to 1942 (Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1979), 72 fig. [left]. See The Art Quarterly xxxv (1972), 186 (as sitting).
A son(?) of Amenemonet Jmn-m-jnt, sem-priest in the Ramesseum,
Prophet of Amenophis (deified Amenophis I) of the temenos, etc., head, hands and
feet lost, with man censing and libating to Amun on front, and other deities on feet
and sides, all in relief, green stone, probably Dyn. XXII, in Cairo Mus. CG 884.
Borchardt, Statuen iii, 136-7 Bl. 155 (as Late Period). Text, Daressy in Rec. Trav. xiv (1893), 169 [lix] (as black granite). See Jansen-Winkeln, Ägyptische Biographien der 22. und 23. Dynastie 260-2 [B 9].
Man, with figure of Osiris on front, pink and black granite, Dyn. XXI-XXIV, at Christie's (New York) in 1979, now in Columbia (Mo.), Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1980.380.
Christie (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 5, 1979, No. 276 fig.; Muse 15 (1981), fig. on 11.
Pedehor P3-dj-rw, Beloved of the god, son of Espaneferhor Ns-p3-nfr-rw
, General of the temple of Amun, Scribe of commands of the temple of
Amun, etc., and Buirtehuren B(w)-jrt-rn
, fragment, with cartouche of
Osorkon II and Pedehor P3-dj-rw censing to [Amun-Re] in relief, granite, temp.
Osorkon II, in Edinburgh, Royal Museum of Scotland, 1956.144.
See Murray, M. A. Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the National Museum of Antiquities Edinburgh 24 [416], 53 [416].
Ankhefen... n.f-n..., Great one of the wab-priests of the temple of
Amun in the second phyle, etc., with man before deities incised on front, probably
Dyn. XXII, in Glasgow, Burrell Collection, 13.112.
See The Burrell Collection Exhibition 1949 (Corporation of Glasgow Art Galleries and Museums, McLellan Galleries), 14 [176] (as Dyn. XII).
Head and shoulder with part of right arm, red granite, Dyn. XXII, formerly in Zurich, Galerie Nefer, now in Hildesheim, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Pelizaeus-Museum 5583. (Possibly from Karnak.)
Galerie Nefer. Ancient Art [1 (1983)], fig. on 18th p. [upper]; R. Sch[ulz] in Eggebrecht, A. (ed.), Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim. Die ägyptische Sammlung (1993), Abb. 73 on 77.
Esamun Ns-jmn, Prophet of Montu lord of Thebes, Member of the phyle
of the temple of Re-Harakhti, etc., son of Ankhefenkhons n.f-n-nsw
Eskhons Ns-nsw
, Sistrum-player of Amun-Re and Montu lord of Thebes,
much of head and right hand lost, with figure of Re-Harakhti and, in relief, man
censing to Osiris on front, and scenes before the Theban triad, Abydos fetish and Isis
and Nephthys as human-headed serpents on sides, black granite, Dyn. XXII-XXIV,
in Brit. Mus. EA 1197.
See Guide (Sculpture), 232 [837].
Mersuptah Mr-sw-pt, Overseer of works in Hutkaptah (Memphis), brown
granite, Dyn. XXII, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 25.184.14.
Hor rw, Governor of the Town and Vizier, with baboon on front, much
damaged, granodiorite, probably early Dyn. XXII, formerly in Paris, Musée Guimet,
2869, now in Louvre, E.20368.
Schulz, Entwicklung i, 463 [277]; ii, Taf. 123 [a] (as Dyn. XIX). Names and titles, Weil, Die Veziere des Pharaonenreiches 157 [37, b]. See Vandier, Manuel iii, 676 (as granite and New Kingdom).
Mentuhotep Mntw-tp, Prophet of Amun, His beloved son, Greatest of the
five, son of [Pede]amun-nebnesuttaui [P3-dj-]jmn-nb-nst-t3wj [
, Third
prophet of Amun, etc., and Ankh-keramat n-krmt
, dedicated by son
Djeptahefankh Dd-pt-jw.f- n, son of Tamyt T3-mjt
(mother), daughter
of Tjekerti Tkrt
, Second prophet of Amun, King's son, head lost, with text
mentioning Amun-Re lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands and Montu lord of
Thebes, and figures of Osiris on both sides (one of them Osiris of Naref ), diorite, Dyn.
XXII-XXIII, formerly in J. Burton, J. Lee and Lord Amherst collns. and at Sotheby's
in 1836 and 1921, now in Tübingen, Ägyptologisches Institut der Universität
Tübingen, 1734.
R. W[ollermann] in Kunst und Altertum. Aus der Sammlungen der Universität (1977), 190 [534] fig. (as black granite and Dyn. XXII); Brunner-Traut and Brunner, Äg. Samml. 39-41 Taf. 113. Text, Sharpe, Eg. Inscr. 1 Sér. 35[A]; Williams rubbings iii. 66. See Sotheby Sale Cat. (Burton), July 25-7, 1836, No. 388 [1st item] (as basalt); [Bonomi], Cat. ... Hartwell House 53-4 [417]; Sotheby Sale Cat. (Amherst), June 13-17, 1921, No. 249 (as Dyn. XXII); Aston and Taylor in Leahy, A. (ed.), Libya and Egypt c1300-750 BC 134-5 [4] (as Dyn. XXIII).
Nemaret Nmrt, King's son of Rameses, Chief of all troops, son of (Sesonchis
I and) a daughter of Patareshunes P3-t3-rš(w)-n.s
, Great chief of foreigners,
etc., with figures of Amun-Re, Ptah-tatanen and Re-Harakhti in relief, basalt, temp.
Osorkon I, in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung,
ÄS 5791. (Probably from Heliopolis.)
Reinisch, Miramar 244-5 [71] Taf. xxxi, xxxii (as sandstone); Dedekind, A. Photographische Reproduktionen der Inschriften der Namarut-Statue [etc.] (1906), passim; Komorzynski in Alte und moderne Kunst vii [54-5] (1962), 6 fig. 8 (as granite); id. Erbe 161-2 Abb. 59 (as granite); Satzinger, Äg. Kunst 51-2 Abb. 23 (as granite); id. Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien (1987), 56 fig. on 57; id. in Haja, M. (ed.), Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna. Guide to the Collections (1989), 37 fig. [left upper]; id. Das Kunsthistorische Museum. Die Ägyptische-Orientalische Sammlung (1994), 84-5 Abb. 57 [a, b]; Myliwiec, Royal Portraiture 114 pl. xvii [a] (as granite); Rogge, Statuen N.R. 150-63 figs.; Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao Kat. 148 fig.; id. Götter, Menschen, Pharaonen Kat. 134 figs. Text, von Bergmann, Hieroglyphische Inschriften [etc.], 4-6 Taf. iii [lower] - iv [upper]; id. in ZÄS xxviii (1890), 36-43 (as granite). Names and titles, Lieblein, Dict. Suppl. No. 2296. See Uebersicht (1895), 35 [xxviii]; (1923), 11 [xxviii] (both as granite); *Dedekind, A. in WZKM 7 (1893), 201-5; id. Ägyptologische Untersuchungen 228-32; Schaetze altaeg. Kunst 53 [133] (as granite); Vienna. 5000 Jahre No. 140 (as granite); Jansen-Winkeln, Ägyptische Biographien der 22. und 23. Dynastie 249-50 [B 3].
Djeptahefankh Dd-pt-jw.f-n, Prophet of Ptah of the arsenal, son of
Userken Wsrkn
and Esiemkhebi 3st-m-3-bjt
, head lost,
black granite, probably Dyn. XXII, formerly in M. Abemayor colln. and in New
York, Sotheby Parke Bernet, in 1976.
Sauneron in BIFAO 77 (1977), 23-7 pls. i-iii; Sotheby Parke Bernet (New York) Sale Cat. Dec. 11, 1976, No. 227 fig. (as Dyn. XXII-XXIII). See Jansen-Winkeln, Ägyptische Biographien der 22. und 23. Dynastie 306-7 [B 29].
Man, inscribed, front of base lost, probably Dyn. XXI, in Auxerre, Hôtel des Ventes, in 1988.
La Gazette de l'Hôtel Drouot 97 [35] (Oct. 7, 1988), fig. on 135 [top, 2nd from left].
Man with baboon on front, grey stone, probably 3rd Int. Period, in A. F. Philips-de-Jongh coln. in 1938.
Hornemann, Types ii, pl. 454; FERE photo. 13567. See Uit de Schatkamers der Oudheid. Jubileumtentoonstelling 1898-1938. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. 3 Sept. - 16 Oct. 1938, 69 [206] (as Dyn. XVIII or XIX).
Man, lower part lost, basalt, probably Dyn. XXI-XXIV, at Sotheby's in 1988.
Sotheby Sale Cat. July 11, 1988, No. 268 fig.
Block-statue of Amenwahsu Jmn-w3-sw, with text which mentions Ptah
south of his wall, Dyn. XXI-XXIV, at Sotheby's in 1913 and in London, Spink & Son
Ltd., in about 1918. (Probably from the Memphite area.)
Sotheby Sale Cat. Nov. 24, 1913, No. 102 fig.; Spink & Son, Limited. An Exhibition of Antique Sculpture, Vases, Bronzes, &c., &c. [c.1918], No. 43 fig. (with titles 'Scribe of the offerings of the King', 'Conductor of the festival of Osiris') (as late Dyn. XVIII).
Man, inscribed, hard stone, 3rd Int. Period, in London, Spink & Son Ltd., in 1960s.
Griffith Inst. photo. 3814.
Irtharerau Jrt-rw-r.w, Prophet of Amun, son of Harsiesi rw-s3-3st, with
Sokari-barque and Osiris-emblems, granite, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, in L. von Wedel colln.
in 1965.
Copper or bronze.
Smith, headless, seated on the ground, probably Dyn. XXI-XXIV, formerly in A. F. Pagnon colln. and at Christie's in 1993, now in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, E.2.1993.
Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 8, 1993, No. 219 fig. (as New Kingdom); Fitzwilliam Museum. Annual Report 1993, 13 fig.; Vassilika in JEA 81 (1995), 202 [23] pl. xvi [1].
Upper parts.
Bust, black granite, probably Dyn. XXII, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.148. (Said to come from Luxor.)
Steindorff, Cat. 51 [153] pl. xxvi.
Bust, left hand on chest, red granite, probably Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.217.
Steindorff, Cat. 64 [182] pl. xxviii.
Bust, shoulders lost, hard yellow stone, probably Dyn. XXI-XXIV or later, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.372. (Said to come from Luxor.)
Steindorff, Cat. 64 [187] pl. xxviii.
Upper part, from seated statue, black granite, probably Dyn. XXII, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.412. (Said to come from Luxor.)
Steindorff, Cat. 52 [157] pl. xxiv; Simpson, The Face of Egypt No. 9 fig. (as Dyn. XII).
Bust, with two figures of Osiris incised on chest, grey granite, probably Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.416.
Steindorff, Cat. 63 [181] pl. xxviii.
Upper part of seated statue, ...ubaste ...b3stt, son of Iry Jrjj
with text mentioning Bubastis mistress of Bubastis (Tell Basa), red granite, Dyn. XXI-XXIV, formerly in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 26645, now in London, Petrie
Museum, 14313. (Probably from Tell Basa.)
Capart, Recueil i, pl. xi (as Dyn. V-VI); Fechheimer, Plastik Taf. 42 (from Capart) (as Old Kingdom); Page, Sculpture No. 7 figs. (as Dyn. IV-V). See Bull. Inst. Ég. ii Sér. 6 (1885), p. xiii; Ég. Handbook ... University College (1915), No. 436 [1st item] (as Dyn. IV); Vandier, Manuel iii, 572 [I] (as probably scribe and Old Kingdom); De Meulenaere, H. in Chron. d'Ég. lii (1977), 293 (as early Saite); Aldred in JEA 64 (1978), 175 [middle].
Upper part, from pair-statue, probably late Dyn. XVIII, with cartouche of Sesonchis I on chest, quartzite, temp. Sesonchis I, in Venice, Museo Archeologico del Palazzo Reale di Venezia.
Leospo in Siliotti, Viaggiatori veneti 200 [3] fig. Cartouche, Wiedemann in PSBA viii (1886), 90-1; H. W. Müller Archive 25 [I/472-3; II/968]. See Forlati Tamaro, B. Il Museo Archeologico del Palazzo Reale di Venezia (1953), 37 [I, 1].
Upper part, with cartouches of Osorkon II or III, quartzite, temp. Osorkon II or III, in Paris, Galerie Carrefour, in 1960.
Yoyotte in Kêmi xxi (1971), 49-50 [iii] pl. ix figs. 4, 5.
Bust, face partly recarved, diorite, possibly 3rd Int. Period, at Christie's in 1992.
Christie Sale Cat. Dec. 9, 1992, No. 147 fig. (as Dyn. XVIII).
Upper part, Dyn. XXII, in Brit. Mus. EA 22784 (71459). (Said to have been found near the pyramids at Gîza.)
Taylor, J. et al. in Apollo cxlviii [437] (July 1998), 9-14 figs. 4, 8; Minerva 9 [5] (Sept.-Oct. 1998), fig. on 40 [right]; 9 [6] (Nov.-Dec. 1998), fig. on 55 [left upper]; 10 [1] (Jan.-Feb. 1999), fig. on 71 [upper].
Head, black granite, Dyn. XXI-XXIV or later, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.308.
Steindorff, Cat. 65 [192] pl. xxxiv.
Head, black granite, possibly Dyn. XXII, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.371.
Steindorff, Cat. 54-5 [189] pl. xxxiv.
Head, black granite, probably Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.402.
Steindorff, Cat. 64 [188] pl. xxviii.
Head, remains of text on back pillar, black granite, Dyn. XXII, in Brussels, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, E.5015.
De Meulenaere and Limme in Balty, J.-C. et al. The Royal Museums of Art and History Brussels. Antiquity (1988), fig. on 35. Text, Speleers, Rec. inscr. 82 [310] (as end of New Kingdom). See Lefebvre, F. and Van Rinsveld, B. L'Égypte. Des Pharaons aux Coptes 143.
Face, from composite statue, basalt, Dyn. XXI-XXIII, at Sotheby's in 1993.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 9-10, 1993, No. 279 figs.
Head, from block-statue, black granite, 3rd Int. Period or later, at Sotheby's (New York) in 1987.
Sotheby (New York) Sale Cat. Nov. 24-5, 1987, No. 48 fig. (as Dyn. XX-XXII).
Head, probably man, granite, Dyn. XXI-XXIV, in private possession in Germany in 1985.
Wildung, Entdeckungen No. 87 fig.
Other fragments.
801-713-050 (now 802-042-030)
A Regulator of a phyle, Prophet of Khons (name lost), fragment of back pillar and side with incised figure of Nephthys and another goddess, red standstone, 3rd Int. Period or later, in Köln, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.
Doetsch-Amberger, E. in GM 62 (1983), 7 fig. on 8; id. in ib. 64 (1983), fig. on 9; id. Ägyptische Sammlung (1987), No. 209 fig. (as probably Middle Kingdom).
Inscribed fragment, possibly from block-statue, calcite, probably Dyn. XXII, in Padua, Museo Civico, 116.
Dolzani in Bolletino del Museo Civico di Padova lvii [2] (1968), 15-18 [3] figs. 3, 4; id. in Siliotti, Viaggiatori veneti 175 [3] fig.; id. in Siliotti (ed.), Padova e l'Egitto 103 [3] fig.
Woman, with right arm extended at shoulder level, remains of text mentioning Amenophis I on base, 3rd Int. Period or early Dyn. XXVI, in Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 64.2178.
Smith, W. S. in 89th Annual Report 1964, 51 [middle] fig. on 50; Whitehill, W. M. Museum of Fine Arts Boston. A Centennial History i, fig. on 281.
Woman, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, in Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, Inv. 178.
Childe, A. in Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro xviii (1916), 40-53 pl.; Kitchen and Beltrão, Catalogue of the Egyptian Collection in the National Museum, Rio de Janeiro i, 188-91 [77] pls. 182-4. See Childe, A. Guia dos Collecções de Archeologia Clássica (1919), 45 (as Dyn. XXV and probably from Tell Basa).
Woman, probably Dyn. XXII, at Sotheby's in 1981 and 1983-4.
Sotheby Sale Cat. Dec. 14-15, 1981, No. 116 fig.; July 11-12, 1983, No. 163 fig.; Dec. 10-11, 1984, No. 155 fig. (all as Late Period).
Woman, arms lost, with two figures of Osiris, barque of Sokari and fetish of Abydos incised on body, Dyn. XXII-XXIII, formerly in Baron von Minutoli colln., now in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 2309.
Von Minutoli, Reise zum Tempel des Jupiter Ammon in der Libyschen Wüste und nach Ober-Aegypten in den Jahren 1820 und 1821 (1824), 416 [fig. 3], Atlas [etc.], Taf. xxxi [3]; Aeg. und Vorderasiat. Alterthümer Taf. 126 (as Dyn. XXVI); Fechheimer, Kleinplastik 40 Taf. 102-3 (as Dyn. XXV); Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 316 [399, b] Abb. 405-6 Taf. 47 [a-c]; Führer (1961), 77 Abb. 49 (as probably Dyn. XXV); Michalowski, Art fig. 600 (as Dyn. XXV or XXVI); H. K[ischkewitz] in Schmitz, B. Nofret - die Schöne. Die Frau im Alten Ägypten (Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, 15. Juli - 4. November 1985), Cat. 164 figs. (as Dyn. XXV); id. in Äg. Mus. (1991), No. 139 figs.; Müller, W. in Stelzer, G. and U. Bildhandbuch der Kunstsammlungen in der DDR (1990), fig. on 151 [left] (as Dyn. XXVII); Junge, F. in Eaton-Krauss, M. and Graefe, E. (eds.), Studien zur ägyptischen Kunstgeschichte 5-6 Taf. 3 [5] (from Schmitz) (as Dyn. XXV). Incomplete, Kleiner Führer durch die Ausstellung des Ägyptischen Museums [n.d.], 52 Abb. 14; Wenig, Die Frau pl. 93 (as Dyn. XXV); Ziegler in Tanis. L'or des pharaons 91 fig. on 90 [upper middle]; Priese et al. Das Ägyptische Museum. Wegleitung (1989), 52 Abb. 19; Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), 73 fig. 18. See Ausf. Verz. 259-60; Bosse, Die menschliche Figur [etc.], 62 [166] (as probably Dyn. XXV).
Meresamun Mr.s-jmn, Songstress of the interior of the temple of Amun, lower arms and feet lost, Dyn. XXII, in New York, Parke-Bernet, in 1970 and in Munich, H. Herzer & Co., in 1971, now in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 71/71.
*Parke-Bernet Sale Cat. Dec. 18, 1970, No. 26; Sotheby's. Art at Auction 1970-1 fig. on 260 [7]; The Burlington Magazine cxiii [819] (June 1971), Supplement, pls. ii-iv cf. 1st p. after 358; Settgast in Äg. Mus. (1984), fig. on 90; Brunner-Traut et al. Osiris, Kreuz und Halbmond No. 48 figs. (as Dyn. XXV-XXVI); Äg. und moderne Skulptur Cat. 75 fig.; Ziegler in Tanis. L'or des pharaons fig. on 90 [upper left]; Junge, F. in Eaton-Krauss, M. and Graefe, E. (eds.), Studien zur ägyptischen Kunstgeschichte 5 Taf. 2 [3] (as Dyn. XXV); Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), 71-2 fig. 10. Upper part, The Burlington Magazine cxiii [818] (May 1971), Advertisements, pl. on xlix; Neuerwerbungen für die Sammlungen der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin (1976), 4 [10] fig.; J. S[ettgast] in Äg. Mus. (1980), No. 41 fig.; id. Äg. Mus. (1984), 70-1 pl.; (1991), 112-13 [58] pl.; Jahrb. Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Sonderband 3 (1986), 24 [8] fig. on 255; Guter, J. Das schöne Buch der ägyptischen Weisheit fig. on 34. See Berliner Museum N.F. xxi (1971), 97; Brunner and Brunner-Traut in Hommages à François Daumas i, 96-7 [48] (as not earlier than Dyn. XXV).
Woman wearing cloak, right forearm lost, probably 3rd Int. Period, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. B.389 and The Hague, Scheurleer Museum.
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 318 [400, f] Abb. 410.
Woman, left forearm lost, Dyn. XXII, formerly in F. W. von Bissing colln. B.314 and The Hague, Scheurleer Museum, now in Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1938/7.21. (Said to come from Karnak.)
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 317-18 [400, e] Abb. 409; Raven, M. in Limme, L. and Strybol, J. (eds.), Aegyptus Museis Rediviva. Miscellanea in Honorem Hermanni De Meulenaere 129-40 figs. 1-7; id. in Akkermans, P. et al. Brons uit de Oudheid 18-19 [2] fig.; id. in Sesto Congresso Internazionale di Egittologia. Atti i, 531-2 fig. 1; Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), 71 fig. 11.
Woman, Dyn. XXII, in Brit. Mus. EA 43371. (Probably from Karnak.)
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 317 [400, b] Taf. 83 [a]; Taylor, J. et al. in Apollo cxlviii [437] (July 1998), 9-14 figs. 2, 9; Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), fig. 13 on 71; H. W. Müller Archive 17 [II/528]. See Guide, 4th to 6th 25.
Woman, Dyn. XXII, in Brit. Mus. EA 43372. (Probably from Karnak.)
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 317 [400, c] Taf. 83 [b]; Taylor, J. et al. in Apollo cxlviii [437] (July 1998), 9-14 figs. 3, 10; Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), 72 fig. 14; H. W. Müller Archive 17 [II/522-4]. See Guide, 4th to 6th 25.
Woman, Dyn. XXII, in Brit. Mus. EA 43373. (Probably from Karnak.)
Roeder, Äg. Bronzefiguren 317 [400, d] Abb. 408; James, Egyptian Sculptures pl. 30 (as Dyn. XXV); id. A Short History of Ancient Egypt fig. on 127; Oddy, A. et al. in Watkins, S. C. and Brown, C. E. (eds.), Conservation of Ancient Egyptian Materials 36 figs. 1, 2; Taylor, J. et al. in Apollo cxlviii [437] (July 1998), 9-14 figs. 1, 7; Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), 72-3 fig. 12; Minerva 9 [5] (Sept.-Oct. 1998), fig. on 40 [left]; H. W. Müller Archive 17 [II/525-7].
Woman, right arm raised (hand lost), probably 3rd Int. Period, in Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, ÄS 1539.
Bosse, Die menschliche Figure [etc.], 62 [166A] Taf. viii [f] (as probably Dyn. XXV); Hornemann, Types iv, pl. 966.
Woman, formerly gilded, left forearm lost, probably Dyn. XXII, in Louvre, N.3390. (Almost certainly from Karnak.)
Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), 67-75 figs. 1, 15, 17. See Boreux, Guide ii, 387 (as queen).
Woman, arms and feet lost, 3rd Int. Period, in Louvre, E.14276.
Boreux in Bull. Mus. France vii (1935), fig. on 83; Vandier d'Abbadie in La Revue du Louvre 20 (1970), 348 [c] fig. 8; Ziegler in Tanis. L'or des pharaons fig. on 90 [right upper]; Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), fig. 9 on 70. See Vandier, Guide (1948), 65 [bottom]; (1952), 67 [upper].
Woman or goddess, head, arms and feet lost, bronze with gold incrustation, probably 3rd Int. Period, formerly in J. Menascé, Comtesse M. de Béhague and Marquis de Ganay collns., in Paris, Hôtel Drouot, in 1891 and 1934, and at Sotheby's (Monaco) in 1987, now in Louvre, E.27430.
*Hôtel Drouot Sale Cat. Nov. 23, 1934, No. 59; Antiquités et Objets d'Art. Collection de Martine, Comtesse de Béhague [etc.] (Sotheby's Monaco S. A. Sale Cat. Dec. 5, 1987), No. 93 fig.; de Cenival in La Revue du Louvre xxxviii [5-6] (1988), p. ii fig.; B. L[etellier] in Des mécènes par milliers. Un siècle de dons par les Amis du Louvre. Musée du Louvre, Paris, 21 avril - 21 juillet 1997, 192 [16] fig. and on 128. See Antiquités égyptiennes. Collection ... Menascé. Vente ... Hôtel Drouot, 23-4 fév. 1891, No. 328; La Revue du Louvre xxxviii (1988), 254.
Woman (possibly a queen), arms lost, 3rd Int. Period, with E. Cabu (dealer in Basel).
H. W. Müller Archive 74 [156/29-31].
Woman, hands and lower legs lost, Dyn. XXII, in Zurich, Galerie Nefer, in 1992.
Galerie Nefer. Ancient Art 10 (1992), fig. 42 (as goddess).
A queen, arms and feet lost, probably Dyn. XXII, in private possession in Switzerland in 1978.
Antike und Orient 1 (1972). [Katalog der Buchhandlung Libresso Zürich.] Aegyptische Kunstwerke aus Zürcher Privatbesitz No. 10 figs.; Schlögl, H. in Geschenk des Nils No. 273 pl. (as probably temp. Takelothis II).
Woman, 3rd Int. Period, in private possession in 1998.
Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), 70, 72 fig. 3.
Head, black granite, probably Dyn. XXII, in Baltimore (Md.), Walters Art Gallery, 22.304.
Steindorff, Cat. 65 [196] pl. xxxii.
A queen, black granite, Dyn. XXI-XXV, formerly in V. Golenishchev colln. 3763, now in Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, I.1.a 5355. (Acquired in Aswân.)
Mal'mberg and Turaev, Opisanie egipetskago sobraniya i. Statui i statuetki Golenischevskago sobraniya 46 [61] pl. x [1]; Pavlov, Egipetskaya skul'ptura 73-4 pl. 45 [b] (as probably Dyn. XXV); id. and Khodzhash, Egipetskaya plastika 18, 47, 105 fig. 89 (as Dyn. XXV).
Head, 3rd Int. Period, in Louvre, unnumbered.
Delange, E., di Mantova, A. and Taylor, J. H. in La Revue du Louvre xlviii [5] (1998), 70 fig. 6.
Sculptor's models.
Head and neck, plaster, probably Dyn. XXII, in Louvre, E.11893.
Desroches-Noblecourt in Arts Asiatiques i (1954), 48 fig. 10; Archives photo. E.966A.