Egyptian Mirage
19th-century "studio" photographs of Egypt
Based on the collection in the Archive of the Griffith Institute, Oxford
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Site: People and scenes of daily life Lekegian, G., People and scenes of daily life (c.1890
[Estimated date.]) (Enlarged image size=37Kb)
Description: A coppersmith's shop.
Photographer: Lekegian, G.
Date: c.1890 [Estimated date.]
Signature & Caption: Photogr. Art. G. Lekegian. &. Co. Ciseleurs sur [...] (près Khan [...] No.281.
26.8 by 20.7 cm
Griffith Institute Archive reference: Somers Clarke MSS. 11.217
Scan: cl11-217.jpg
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Egyptian Mirage
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Catalogue: Jaromir Malek and Elizabeth Miles
Scanning & editing: Kent Rawlinson
Web page & Database design: Jonathan Moffett