Concept, direction and editing: Jaromir Malek Database: Anneli Chambliss Scanning and picture editing: Jenni Navratil and Andrew Ganley Web design: Stephen Cox Coordination: Elizabeth Fleming
Two men with trumpets
Excavations at Kawa
King led by ibis-headed Thoth
The throne
An inscription of King Taharqa
Stelae of King Taharqa
'I was here'
Taharqa's ram arrives in Oxford
A puzzling find I
A puzzling find II
The latest technology in archaeology
Taharqa and the god Re-Harakhti
The goddess Anukis-Netjy
The goddess Anukis-Ba
Shrine of Taharqa
Taharqa's temple at Kawa
Taharqa and the gods
Removing the Shrine of Taharqa