Page 5 of Notebook E - notes to finds on page 6


    73. Highclere Coll. 1920. [Note to find 73 on page 6.]  
    " " [Note to find 74 on page 6.]  
    76. Cairo Museum. 1916. [Note to find 76 on page 6.]  
    78. Highclere coll. 1920. [Note to find 78 on page 6.]  
    86. <>, in the second line a cartouche is just visible. [Note to find 86 on page 6.]  
    96. <> violet ground light blue legend. Highclere coll. 1920. [Note to find 96 on page 6.]  
9 labels in all. [Note to find 97 on page 6.]
Highclere coll. 1920. [Note to find 99 on page 6.]


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