The Griffith Institute Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation The Howard Carter Archives Photographs by Harry Burton |
Introduction |
Carter No.: 333
Handlist description: Chariot and whip Card/Transcription No.: 333-13 |
With the dismembered parts of two chariots found in this chamber was a whip bearing an inscription: - "The King's son captain of the troops, Thothmes". Who was this Royal prince - who, to have been "Captain of the troops" during the reign of Tut-ankh-Amen, could not have been very young. Was he a son of Thothmes IV, or was he a son of Amenhetep III? That problem has yet to be solved. If he was a son of Thothmes IV, and was living at the time of Tut-ankh-amen's burial, he must have reached at least 60 or more years of age; whereas, if he was a son of Amenhetep III as one would suspect him to have been, he would not have been more than about 35 years of age at the time of Tut-ankh-amen's death. Circumstantial evidence of this kind should have some bearing upon the possibility of that princes parentage - |
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