Upon each of the four sides of the chest a tutelary goddess
and her genius are depicted accompanied with inscriptions
proper to each and uniform in character. On the W. side
(front) are the speeches spoken by Isis and Imsety; on the S.
side are those of Nephthys and Hepy; on the N. side are those
Neith and Duamutef and the god Geb; and lastly on the E. side
(back) those of (?)Selket and Qebeh-senuef, Atum and Ptah-seker-Osiris (the name of the goddess is not mentioned).
Upon the upper surface of the roof are the speeches of Nut,
Imsety and Hepy, and the imakhy formulae of Geb, a falcon god,
Anubis, Duamutef and Qebeh-senuef.