256, WW. Bracelet - gold.
(See 256, RR.)
Left forearm, next to elbow (group WW, DDD, XX, YY, ZZ, AAA).
Max. diam. 5.5; Min. diam. 4.4 cents (interior measurement).
Max. W. 4.3 (front plaque); Min. W. 2.1 (back loop).
Bracelet of gold and xelectrum, having inlaid in centre piece a
hard pale green stone of (?)quartz nature.
The gold is two colours: bright yellow and a dull yellow.
The front plaque or ornament is hinged on to loop with pin
Front plaque granulated and wire gold-work
Loop of chased gold and xelectrum - device four papyrus flowers
and five papyrus buds, with stems bound in three places. xTwo of
the stalks of the buds of electrum
(For details see photo.)