The Griffith Institute
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
The Howard Carter Archives
Photographs by Harry Burton
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Carter No.: 256,4,a

Handlist description: Thoth amulet

Card/Transcription No.: 256xx4b

Nat. Size
Neck group IV

Right 256

- 4A <> gold casing inlaid with green felspar Dhwti <> L. wire 31 cents (i.e. 62 total)

- ZZZ <> gold red chalcedony <> Mnkbt diam. of gold wire 18 cents (i.e., about 60 cents total length)

- YYY <> gold casing inlaid with lapis lazuli Hr <> total length of wire 62 cents

- XXX <> eyelets at back gold casing inlaid with green felspar Inpw <> length of wire 31 cents (i.e., 62 total length)

- 4B <> gold casing inlaid with green felspar W3d <> length of wire 28 cents (i.e. total length 56 cents) similar details engraved on backs (of gold casings)



Card no. 256xx4b relating to Carter no. 256,4,a
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None of this material may be reproduced in any form without permission from
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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Miles, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson