101. (Cont)
3. Description (cont.)
In addition to the ordinary inscriptions there was a hieratic docket in black paint at knob end of
one of the lid panels (see Note by A. H. Gardiner).
Remains of cord on lid knob, to which seal had been attached. This .2 in diam.
4. Contents
Several robes etc. thrown carelessly into the box, barely covering floor. These were crunched
up anyhow. Mixed in & folded in with them there were a number of fringed shawls folded to
pads, 2 or 3 loin cloths in pads, a roll bandage or two, a wooden headrest, a captive figure
from chariot (?), and on very bottom of box, an elaborate necklace with stone scarab pendant,
and wooden pectoral as makeweight.