The Griffith Institute
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
The Howard Carter Archives
Photographs by Harry Burton
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Carter No.: 602d

Handlist description: Two wooden shawabti reises

Card/Transcription No.: 602d

602, D.

2. wooden shawabti-rêises, 26.5 cents. high; painted light red, wearing the h3t head-dress with gilt uraeus; gilt temple-band; gilt bead collarette; holding in the left hand a gilt band of linen <> and in the right a gilt flagellum; and round the wrists gilt bracelets.

The features are delineated in black, the eye-balls painted white. Graven down the front of the figure the following text:


Note The second figure is slightly shorter in dimension.

602, D. and 602, E. form, with slight variations, one group of four.

Card no. 602d relating to Carter no. 602d
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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Miles, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson