345. A GAME-BOX (EBONY and IVORY) (See Nos. 393 and 593)
(See Nos. 383 and 580) 1
The various parts of this game-box were found scattered about
the chamber; viz: - (345) the game-box just below the left-hand door-jamb of the doorway of the chamber - (see photo
1135); (383) the drawer for the playing-pieces below the game-box (345) - (see photo 1136); (580) the stand for the game-box
towards the west-wall S. end of chamber - (see photos 1149 and
345, the game-box: L. 44.4; W. 14.3; H. 8.1, cents.
383, the drawer: L. 22.2; W. 9.5; H. 4.0, cents. (outside
580, the stool-shaped support: Max. L. (sledge) 55.0; Max. W.
(sledge) 17.5; Max. H. of stool (including sledge) 20.2,
(345) An oblong game-box of ebony and ivory, with game-board
on the top and bottom surfaces and at one end a long drawer
(No. 383) for the various playing-pieces.
The basic-wood of poor quality; the two sides, end and front
framing of the drawer, overlaid with (mitred) ebony dowelled
to the basic-wood.
The top and bottom surfaces (i.e. the game-boards) overlaid
with broad strips