288, a. Figure of Osiris 1
Max. L. 190; Max. W. 75; Max. thickness 14, cents.
Lying on box with head end towards west; facing NORTH.
An Osiride figure, wrapped in linen.
1. OUTER COVERING: A large sheet of linen folded double & passed underneath, tied in
position by three longitudinal (7 cents. wide) and five transverse (5 cents. wide) bands of
linen: the bands have their edges folded under. Under these bands were two other transverse
linen bindings: one in the centre, the other at the lower shin (see photo).
The bands and bindings were tied underneath figure.
Ankles and feet also bound with linen binding.
2. Below the outer covering, described above, was a series of broad linen bandaging wound
round the feet and legs and criss-cross over the body. Covering the body from waist upwards
were three large pads of folded linen (? sheets).
3. Another series of bandaging similar to the previous: these bandages held in place a dark
brown linen covering, placed underneath and folded over the top. The texture of this linen was
very fine and much decayed.