The Griffith Institute
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
The Howard Carter Archives
Photographs by Harry Burton
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Carter No.: 210

Handlist description: Alabaster (calcite) perfume vase, upon trellis pedestal

Card/Transcription No.: 210-3

210 Continued

REMARKS: The neck of the vase was badly broken and the flanking ornamentation sprained from intumescence of the contents - (?) aromatic gum - resin and fatty matter. The small stopper (<> shape) was bound on to the lip of the vase with linen bandages in the following pattern <>

Cleaned with warm water, ammonia, soap, alcohol, and finished with small quantity of paraffin. The contents dissolved with acetone and warm water applied alternatively. Parts where necessary mended with glue and paraffin wax applied.

Card no. 210-3 relating to Carter no. 210
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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Miles, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson