The Griffith Institute
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
The Howard Carter Archives
Photographs by Harry Burton
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Carter No.: 062cc

Handlist description: Box of prepared food

Card/Transcription No.: 062-7

Q - <> - shaped box 37 x 22 max, 14 min x 12 <> written in ink upon box
scapula of an ox

R - Lozenge-shaped box 43 x 33 x 18 femur and patella of an ox

S - <> - shaped box. 38 x 22 max, 14 min x 17 <> written in ink upon box scapula of an ox.

T - <> - shaped box. 47 x 22 x 17 <> tibia of an ox.

U - An oval box 46 x 29 x 19 <> written in ink upon box radius of an ox.

V - Lozenge-shaped box 42 x 32 x 17 <> written in ink upon box humerus of an ox

W - An oval box 40 x 18 x 16 2 pieces of flesh (?) of an ox

X - box shape of a trussed-goose 40 x 27 x 16 a goose and a duck.

Y - An oval box 56 x 37.5 x 29 8 ribs (11th to 18th) of an ox.

Z - An oval box 40 x 18 x 14 shin (great metacarpal and postern) of an ox

AA - <> - shaped box 45 x 32 x 20 <> written in ink upon box Radius of a ox.

BB - An oval-shaped box 56 x 38 x 26 8 ribs (11th to 18th) of an ox

CC - An oval box 40 x 19 x 15 three pieces of flesh

DD - shaped box 44 x 36 x 24 <> written in ink upon box the lumbar vertebrae (6) of an ox.

EE - An oval box 44 x 26 x 19 <> written in ink upon box xiphoid cartilage (sternum) of an ox

Card no. 062-7 relating to Carter no. 062cc
© Copyright Griffith Institute, 2000-2004
None of this material may be reproduced in any form without permission from
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Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Concept & Direction: Jaromir Malek
Web Page & Database Designs: Jonathan Moffett
Scanning & transcript: Sue Hutchison, Elizabeth Miles, Diana Magee, Kent Rawlinson