21 Contents (cont.) 41
(z) Child's glove of fine linen L hand(?)
Found folded in with other garments near bottom of box.
Thumb tip to base 6.5
tip to first finger joint 4.
1st finger tip to thumb joint 7: tip to 2nd finger 5.
2nd finger " " 1st finger joint 4.8;tip to 3rd finger 5.7
3rd finger " " 2nd finger " 4.5; " " 4th " 4.7
4th finger " " 3rd finger joint 4; " " base 5.
Width of glove apparently 6 all the way down.
Glove sewn up on all edges; apparently shape cut from a double
piece of cloth and edges sewn.
End turned over and hemmed.
Treatment: Sprayed with solution of celluloid in amylacetate.