21 Contents (Cont.) 13
(d) Cont. occasions - cp. modern circumcision custom, or boy wearing
girl's clothes to avoid evil eye.
Dimensions can only be worked out approximately.
We know the distance between the pendant strings of the lower band to
have averaged 8mm. There are 137 of these pendants. Therefore the
circumference of the lower part of the garment must have been
1.096m., which would make the width about 50 cm.
Now there are 3054 gold sequins. Three sequins in the pattern require
9 square centimetres. Therefore total area of network = .9162 square
metres. As circumference was 1.096cm., which would make the height
work out at about 80 cm.
Thus size of garment would work out at about 80 x 50, as compared
with 137 x 85 and 138 x 103, the sizes of the two mens' shirts in Box