412 A THREE LEGGED STOOL (wood, painted white) 1
On floor, under a mass of material, just below doorway of
chamber. (See photos 1138 and 1139).
Max. W. 43.0; Min. 29.0; Max. H. 29.0, cents.
A three legged stool of wood painted white
The three curved legs (of feline ? canine form), braced together
by straight and curved stretchers, support a concave seat of
semicircular from.
The seat is of open wood-work which incorporates the following
device in relief: two lions, head to tail, having thin legs bound
together; around which is a border of spiral-pattern; between the
lions the conventional lotus <>. The under surface of the seat of
similar design.
The three legs are carved in feline form, and are braced together
by a straight and two curved stretchers, thus <>
Between the front pair of legs, fixed to the seat and stretcher,
is the traditional ornament "the binding of the Two Kingdoms"
under one monarchy - this