370 Contents: 2
The contents had evidently been disturbed; probably taken out
to search for valuables. It was found full of clubs, bows,
bundles of arrows, boomerangs, a rush sandal, some pendants
from a necklace, and a stick, that had been thrown into it in
absolute disorder.
For clubs, etc., see 370, A to I. = (9)
For stick, see 370, J. = (1)
For bows, se 370, FF to MM. = (8)
For arrows, see 370, NN to ZZ. (254 in number).
For boomerangs, see 370, I to EE. = (21)
The rush work sandal was not in sufficiently good state for
preservation and was only another example of the numerous
specimens recorded.
The pendants formed part of a collarette. Not yet recognized.
Both sandal and pendants can been seen in photo 1150.
There was no sign of any quiver for the arrows. Nor were the
arrows tied in any way. They were thrown in seven lots into
the box, with the rest of the miscellanea.