330 Shawabti Figures.
Treated paint on face & hands with dilute celluloid solution in amyl acetate (tried 1%
cellulose acetate in acetone also French "Fixative" for baskets, but not so good). Wood
where bare darkened slightly
Ebony head-dress where present washed with water
Gesso-gilt where present cleaned with ammonia & water.
In two cases (330 J & 330 K) where wood not gesso-gilt & where face & hands not painted
cleaned as far as possible with small soft brush, leaving "bloom" on; in one case (330 I)
where figure very dirty & disfigured with fungus this was impossible & the whole was
cleaned by brushing, then cleaned with benzine & finally treated with dilute celluloid
solution in amyl acetate.
Stone figures: - washed with water except where paint.