317. PLAIN WOODEN BOX. (See 316) (See 320)
N.E. corner of chamber; resting upon No. 316; lid removed and
placed behind No. 315, by intruders.
L. 61; W. 42.5; Max. H. (including lid) 50 cents.
Plain oblong wooden box; interior coated with black resin;
stands upon four rectangular legs; torus and cavetto cornice;
lid of gable shape; ebony knob on top and front of box, to
which was tied cord and sealed; seal and cord broken when lid
removed by the intruders; for seal employed see Nos. 282 and
302. (Some of the string for the sealing was found behind No.
Two miniature coffins: see 317A and B.
The chips that were hacked off the feet of model coffin 317B.
The model coffins were placed head to feet. (See photo).