271, C and D. A MIRROR CASE (see 269, B.)
L. 27, Max. W. 15, cms.
A case for a mirror in the form of the god Heh, holding in his hands the combined symbols;
the serrated reed, the "hfn" tadpole, and the "šnw" cartouche. From the reeds pend the
prenomen and nomen of the king. The case is made of wood covered with thin sheet gold
(much tarnished) the symbols are of bronze with details gilt; the cartouches are of blue
faience with gilt hieroglyphs.
The lid and the box are of the same form, they differ only in the following decoration: the
upper portion of the lid bears in low relief the prenomen of the king with scroll border; the
upper portion of the box (i.e. on the bottom) is the cartouche (prenomen) of the king with
pendant uraei supporting the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt.
NOTE: From the fact that the interior of this case is lined with gold it would appear that
the mirror was of gold also.