Disturbed by robbers. Standing on floor behind boxes 267 and 269 in N. W. corner of
chamber; the lid was lying on top of box 269. (See photo.)
L. 26.2; W. 22.8; H. (including lid) 22.0, cms.
A rectangular ornamental box of a (?)cedar wood veneered with ivory and ebony, standing
upon four square feet.
Box. Rails and styles veneered with broad and narrow strips of ivory and ebony; the side
panels, formed by the rails & styles, inlaid with ivory and ebony marquetry, in criss-cross
and herring bone pattern. The side panels contain some 6,500 pieces of marquetry, the end
panels about 5,500 pieces: making in all some 24,000 pieces.
The rails and styles are studded with small gold studs.
Upon the front of the box on a small ivory panel is the Horus name, the prenomen and
nomen engraved and filled in with black pigment. On the knobs are the prenomen (lid) &
nomen (front of box) of the King.