256, PPP. PECTORAL-gold inlaid 1
PECTORAL: thorax, upper centre.
CLASP: below nape of neck (see group 4 E).
PECTORAL: Max. H. 6.5 cents; Max. W. 11.0 cents.
CLASP: L. 4.0 cents.
Nekhbet-vulture with drooping wings, holding in her talons šn-symbols; head facing to R. (South). Like the Nekhbet-insignia
(256, S) of the diadem (256, O.) this vulture has all the
characteristics of the sociable vulture which today, and
probably in ancient times, has its habitat from the middle and
upper provinces of Egypt southwards, and is practically never
found in Lower Egypt.
The head and neck of gold, minutely and very realistically
modelled, showing the wrinkled occiput, nostrils eyelids and
eyebrows, and ears, and the partial covering of stiff-feathers
on the neck - a distinctive