232 Gilt 'uas' Staff
15.5 6.5 4
1. Position
Between outermost and second shrines: standing on L side of
doorway. The staff was upside down, the head resting on the
ground, the forked end uppermost.
2. Dimensions
Max. L. 158.5
Diam. at head end 1.8: above fork 2: sides of fork 1: head 1.2
swelling in centre to 2.
3. Description
Staff covered with gesso and overlaid with gold. Bottom of fork
made solid in one piece by the gesso. No details of animal head.
At 16 from top a strip of linen .4 wide wound round twice. This
had served as binding for a slop or tassel (?), similar to 219.
Stick much warped.
4. Treatment
Washed, cleaned with ammonia, & waxed.