No. 205. Large Funerary Bouquet.
1. Position. S.W. Corner of Sepulchral Chamber, leaning against the S.wall.
2. Dimensions. Total length 1.67. Breadth at top 0.53. Depth 0.19.
3. Description. Composed of twigs & branches of the Persea (Mimusops Schimperi) & olive
(Olea europea) tied upon a support of stems of the reed (Arundo donax), papyrus, & pieces of
the windribs of leaves of the date palm. The handle of the bouquet is covered with large leaves
of the Mimusops close bound round with strips of leaves of the date-palm. The twigs of the
upper part of the bouquet have been kept in place by transverse pieces of windribs of date palm
4. Remarks. No flowers and only a single immature fruit of Mimusops. The twigs & branches
have not been cut from the trees but torn. Many leaves have been partly eaten by larvae.
Fungoid? Growths of two kinds upon stems & leaves.
Photograph of detail of handle of bouquet.
Boodle: Small part of Mimusops Schimperi,
Hochst: A kind of [...]-tree.
Treatment. Sprayed with solution of celluloid in amyl acetate