Volume VII
Nubia, The Deserts, and Outside Egypt.
488 pp; 63 plans, 8 maps; ISBN 0 900416 04 1; 1951, reprinted
1995. £40.00.
The Topographical Bibliography has been called by one
reviewer `an
indispensable instrument for Egyptological research' and this
volume is one of the most
successful in the series. Its value was particularly
appreciated during the UNESCO
Nubian campaigns by expeditions working in the area of the
present Lake Nasser. The
basic divisions of the books are: Nubia (covering both
banks of the Nile from
Aswan to south of Khartum, including the Nubian temples);
Western Desert
(mainly the Oases); Eastern Desert (the area between
the Red Sea and the
Nile Valley, and Sinai); and Outside Egypt (Egyptian
objects found in the rest
of the world).
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