Volume III part II fascicle 1
215 pp; 18 maps and plans; ISBN 0 900416 13 0; 2nd ed. 1978.
Volume III part II fascicle 2
202 pp; 10 maps and plans; ISBN 0 900416 14 9; 2nd ed. 1979.
Volume III part II fascicle 3
158 pp; 8 maps and plans; ISBN 0 900416 24 6; 2nd ed. 1981.
The second part of this completely revised edition of Volume
III covers the southern
section of the Memphite necropolis and the temple and town
site of Mit Rahina. It takes
full account of excavations and discoveries made during the
fifty years since the
appearance of the edition, and draws on published as well as
important unpublished
sources, such as manuscripts, drawings and photographs.
Page 393.
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