Theban tomb tracings
made by Norman and Nina de Garis Davies

Concept and direction: Jaromir Malek
Catalogue: Helen Murray, Elizabeth Fleming and Alison Hobby
Editing: Hana Navrátilová and Jaromir Malek
Scanning: Jenni Navratil, assisted by Hana Navrátilová
Photo-editing: Jenni Navratil
Coordination: Elizabeth Fleming

Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. TT 69, Menna, Scribe of the fields of the Lord of the Two Lands.
Temp. Amenophis III

High-resolution large-scale images are available on request, please see conditions and charges

i2.134-5(2) Four registers, agriculture, I-II, before Menna seated and offerings, III-IV, with daughters as royal concubines holding sistra before Menna seated. I, Measuring crop, defaulters brought to Menna, and laden boat. II, Officials, waiting chariot, recording, Menna inspecting winnowing, and oxen threshing. III, Menna inspects reaping, carrying corn, with two girls quarelling and boy playing pipe, etc. IV, Men and oxen ploughing, girl removing thorn from girl's foot, pulling flax, etc.

Davies MSS. 10.26.1
(pencil tracing)
Detail, stool of Menna,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.2
(pencil tracing)
Detail, measuring crop in register I, officials, outline of chariot and recording scribes in register II, PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.3
(pencil tracing)
Measuring crop in register I, and recording grain in register II,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.4
(pencil tracing)
Defaulters and laden boat in register I, and winnowing and oxen threshing in register II, PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.5
(pencil tracing)
Boat in register I, and threshing in register II,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.6 [left]
(pencil tracing)
Detail of offerings and scribes in register I,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.6 [right]
(pencil tracing)
Detail, measuring crop in register I,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.7 [left]
(pencil tracing)
Detail, measuring crop in register I,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.7 [right]
(pencil tracing)
Detail, Menna and defaulters in register I,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.8
(pencil tracing)
Detail of laden boat in register I,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.9
(pencil tracing)
Detail of scribes, food and chariot in register I,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.10
(pencil tracing)
Daughters as concubines in registers III-IV,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.11 [left]
(pencil tracing)
Men and oxen ploughing in register IV,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.11 [right]
(pencil tracing)
Detail, ploughing, in register IV,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.12
(pencil tracing)
Ploughing, girls, and flax harvest in register IV,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

Davies MSS. 10.26.13
(pencil tracing)
Detail, flax harvest in register IV,
PM i2, 134-5(2).

i2.137(5) Two scenes. 1, Menna offers on braziers, followed by wife and sons and daughters with bouquets. 2, Man offers bouquet to Menna and wife. Sub-scene, offering bearers, butchers, and three clappers with song.

Davies MSS. 10.26.14
(pencil tracing)
Menna, offerings and braziers in scene 1,
PM i2, 137(5).

Davies MSS. 10.26.15
(pencil tracing)
Lower part of Menna with offering stands 1,
PM i2, 137(5).

Davies MSS. 10.26.16
(pencil tracing)
Detail, Menna and wife in scene 1 [see Davies MSS. 10.35.3 for palette under chair of Menna],
PM i2, 137(5).

i2.137(6) Stela, three registers of double scenes, at sides, two registers.

Davies MSS. 10.26.17
(pencil tracing)
Head of girl at side of stela on lower right [see Davies MSS. 10.35.3 for lower half of girl on left of stela],
PM i2, 137(6).

i2.138(9) Four registers. I-II, Offering bearers, funeral outfit, boats with mourners, 'Nine friends', sarcophagus dragged, etc., to Western goddess. III-IV, Priests, butchers, shrines, canoes, in procession to Anubis.

Davies MSS. 10.26.18
(inked tracing)
Detail, left end of registers I-II,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.19 [A]
(pencil tracing)
Detail of register I,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.19 [b]
(pencil tracing)
Detail of register I,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.20 [left]
(pencil tracing)
Part of register I, procession,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.20 [right]
(pencil tracing)
Part of register I, procession,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.21
(pencil tracing)
Right end of register I,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.22
(pencil tracing)
Detail, left end of register II,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.23 [a]
(pencil tracing)
Detail of boat in register II,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.23 [b]
(pencil tracing)
Detail, centre of register II,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.23 [c, left]
(pencil tracing)
Detail of sarcophagus dragged in register II,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.23 [c, right]
(pencil tracing)
Detail, sarcophagus dragged in register II,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.24
(pencil tracing)
Detail, registers III-IV, boats before Anubis,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.25
(pencil tracing)
Detail, shrines in register IV,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.26 [upper]
(pencil tracing)
Detail, Western goddess before registers III-IV,
PM i2, 138(9).

Davies MSS. 10.26.26 [lower]
(pencil tracing)
Detail, Anubis before registers III-IV,
PM i2, 138(9).

i2.138(11) Three registers. I, Abydos pilgrimage. II and III, Rites before mummy, with two cloaked priests 'sleeping' and 'waking', each before mummy, and bouquets offered to mummy held by priest at left end. Sub-scene, offering bearers.

Davies MSS. 10.26.27
(pencil tracing)
Detail, first boat in register I,
PM i2, 138(11).

Davies MSS. 10.26.28
(pencil tracing)
Detail, second boat in register I,
PM i2, 138(11).

Davies MSS. 10.26.29
(pencil tracing)
Detail, third boat in register I,
PM i2, 138(11).

Davies MSS. 10.26.30
(pencil tracing)
Detail, fourth boat in register I,
PM i2, 138(11).

Davies MSS. 10.26.31
(pencil tracing)
Detail, jars and offerings in register I,
PM i2, 138(11).

Davies MSS. 10.26.32
(pencil tracing)
Rites before mummy, two cloaked priests, 'sleeping' and 'waking', each before mummy, in register III,
PM i2, 138(11).

(January 19, 2012)
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