Theban tomb tracings
made by Norman and Nina De Garis Davies

Concept and direction: Jaromir Malek
Catalogue: Helen Murray, Elizabeth Fleming and Alison Hobby
Editing: Hana Navrátilová and Jaromir Malek
Scanning: Jenni Navratil, assisted by Hana Navrátilová
Photo-editing: Jenni Navratil
Coordination: Elizabeth Fleming

Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. TT 64, Hekerneheh, Nurse of the King's son Amenophis.
Temp. Tuthmosis IV.

High-resolution large-scale images are available on request, please see conditions and charges

i2.128(1) Thicknesses, [Hekerneheh] adoring and wife.

Davies MSS. 10.22.1
(pencil tracing)
Left thickness, remains of wife and text, PM i2, 128(1).

i2.128(2) Hekerneheh with [young prince] pours ointment on burnt offerings on braziers.

Davies MSS. 10.22.2
(pencil tracing)
Detail, Hekerneheh, PM i2, 128(2).

Davies MSS. 10.22.3
(inked tracing)
Detail, head and text of Hekerneheh, PM i2, 128(2).

Davies MSS. 10.22.4
(inked tracing)
Detail, Hekerneheh pours ointment on burnt offerings on braziers, PM i2, 128(2).

i2.128(3) Two scenes. 1, Father of Hekerneheh(?) with young prince on his knee. 2, Man offers bouquet of Amun to father of Hekerneheh.

Davies MSS. 10.22.5
(inked tracing)
Detail, remains of scene 1, PM i2, 128(3).

Davies MSS. 10.22.6
(pencil tracing)
Detail, remains of text from scene 1, PM i2, 128(3).

Davies MSS. 10.22.7
(pencil tracing)
Detail, man in scene 2, PM i2, 128(3).

Davies MSS. 10.22.8
(inked tracing)
Detail, bouquet of Amun in scene 2, PM i2, 128(3).

i2.128(5) Father offers full-blown papyrus to Tuthmosis IV and ka in kiosk with captives on base.

Davies MSS. 10.22.09
(inked tracing)
Detail, father, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.10
(inked tracing)
Detail, full-blown papyrus and text, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.11
(inked tracing)
Detail, remains of text, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.12
(inked tracing)
Detail, remains of text, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.13
(inked tracing)
Detail, kiosk, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.14
(inked tracing)
Detail, kiosk, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.15
(inked tracing)
Detail, kiosk, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.16
(inked tracing)
Detail, kiosk, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.17
(inked tracing)
Detail, King, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.18
(inked tracing)
Detail, feet of King and captives on base of kiosk, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.19
(inked tracing)
Detail, King, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.20
(inked tracing)
Detail, captives on base of kiosk, PM i2, 128(5).

Davies MSS. 10.22.21
(inked tracing)
Detail, royal ka, PM i2, 128 (5).

i2.128(6) Hekerneheh offers on brazier and offerings with butchers below.

Davies MSS. 10.22.22
(pencil tracing)
Detail of Hekerneheh, PM i2, 128(6).

Davies MSS. 10.22.23
(pencil tracing)
Detail, text, PM i2, 128(6).

Davies MSS. 10.22.24
(pencil tracing)
Detail, butchers, PM i2, 128(6).

Davies MSS. 10.22.25
(pencil tracing)
Detail, butchers, PM i2, 128(6).

i2.128(7) Hekerneheh with princes offers bouquet of Amun to father with young prince on his knee, and captives on prince's footstool.

Davies MSS. 10.22.26
(pencil tracing)
Detail, father, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.27
(pencil tracing)
Detail, captives, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.28
(pencil tracing)
Detail, father with prince, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.29
(pencil tracing)
Detail, father with prince, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.30
(pencil tracing)
Detail, father with prince, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.31
(pencil tracing)
Detail, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.32
(pencil tracing)
Detail, bouquet, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.33
(pencil tracing)
Detail, bouquet, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.34
(pencil and ink tracing)
Detail, Hekerneheh, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.35
(pencil tracing)
Detail, Hekerneheh, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.36
(pencil tracing)
Detail, prince, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.37
(pencil tracing)
Detail, princes, PM i2, 128(7).

Davies MSS. 10.22.38
(pencil and ink tracing)
Detail, prince, PM i2, 128(7).

i2.129(8) Hekerneheh, followed by men with bouquets, fruit and birds, offers bouquet to Tuthmosis IV and ka in kiosk with two Asiatics on side of throne.

Davies MSS. 10.22.39
(inked tracing)
Detail, feet of man from 10.22.40, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.40
(inked tracing)
Detail, man with fruit and birds, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.41
(inked tracing)
Detail, two men, one with bouquets, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.42
(inked tracing)
Detail, man with fruit, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.43
(inked tracing)
Detail, Hekerneheh and man with fruit and birds, PM i2, 130(4).

Davies MSS. 10.22.44
(inked tracing)
Detail, Hekerneheh, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.45
(inked tracing)
Detail, Hekerneheh, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.46
(inked tracing)
Detail, bouquet, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.47
(pencil tracing)
Detail, fans before King, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.48
(pencil tracing)
Detail, King, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.49
(inked tracing)
Detail, throne with Asiatic captives, PM i2, 129(8).

Davies MSS. 10.22.50
(inked tracing)
Detail, royal ka, PM i2, 129(8).

i2.129 Friezes

Davies MSS. 10.22.51
(inked tracing)
Detail of two friezes, PM i2, 129.

(May 17, 2010)
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